The Apocalypse: Race For The...

By HollyMD

126K 5.7K 489

Book two in The Apocalypse series. The gang heads back to Las Vegas to try to mass produce a cure to save the... More

Going Back To Where It All Began
The Reappearing Act
Hope For A Future
EXcuses, Excuses
The Right Combination
Redefining Roles
The Early Stages
Basement Blues
Life And Death
Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This
Not My Idea of Fun
Any Volunteers
In The Midst Of Chaos Part I
We Find Truth Part II
Cruel And Unusual
New Secrets
Our Past Haunts Us
Truths Revealed
No Time For That
We're Really Gonna Save The World
These Little Moments
Time Stands Still
Our Connection
Test Subject
The Waiting Game
The Beginning of the End

The Calm Before The Storm

5.4K 205 19
By HollyMD

"You're awake." Kyla smiles at me as my eyes flutter open.

"Yeah." I reply groggy. "How long was I asleep?" I ask as I sit up, my head is still hurting a bit.

"You and Tim have both been asleep since yesterday." She answers, nodding over to the table where Tim is. "It's morning now." She smiles and stands up.

"Why are you smiling? And where's Spencer?" I ask. Her smile grows wider as she helps me up from the chair.

"She's knows who Becca is, doesn't she?" Kyla asks, barely able to contain herself.

"Yeah." I nod. "But how do you know that?" I question her with narrowed eyes. And why does she seem so excited about it.

"She's angry with you." Kyla says quickly with a nod.

"How do you know?" I ask.

"She kept coming in and out of here last night, mumbling things. She was waiting for you to wake up, I think. She was pacing the hallway out there, probably trying to figure out the best way to yell at you." Kyla smiles as she finishes.

"Why do you seem so happy about this?" I ask my little sister who shrugs.

"I told you to tell her. But you didn't and now Spencer is gonna curse your ass out." She chuckles and starts walking out of the room. "Should I tell her you're awake?" She turns back to me and asks with a smile.

"You're a jerk, you know that right?" I ask her and she nods.

"That's a yes then?" She asks but doesn't wait for my answer.

"You lied to Spencer?" A weak but deep voice says, startling me. I look over and see Tim is awake and staring at me; waiting for my answer. Great, yet another person to tell me how stupid I am.

"Yeah, kinda." I nod.

"Why would you do that to her? She was trying help her." Tim says. I make my way over to him slowly.

"I don't know." I shrug.

"That's not a very good answer." He says and smiles a bit.

"I didn't want to hurt her feelings." I try.

"And you didn't think finding out days later would do that to her?" He asks, staring straight into my eyes.

"I know, it was stupid. I should have just told her." I shake my head and sit in the chair next to the table he's laying on.

"I've known Spencer long enough to know that she doesn't like to show weakness. She doesn't like for others to know when she's hurting, but I'm sure something like this has gotten to her. She may not say anything, but on the inside she's hurting Ashley. You need to fix this." He tells me sitting up a bit. I could sense his fatherly undertone. He care's for Spencer like she's his own daughter. Much like Carmen and I'm sure Jayden and Jo as well.

"I'm gonna fix this." I nod and tell Tim.

"Good." He smiles slightly as the door opens behind us.

"Good, you're both awake." Carmen says as her and Jo walk into the room.

"How are you feeling honey?" Jo asks as she kisses Tim on the cheek.

"Like a was stabbed in the spleen." Tim says lightly and chuckles. I've always liked that about Tim, nothing ever really gets to him.

"We found this on the third floor when we were killing all the power." Carmen says, pushing in a wheel chair. "It'll help you get around for a couple of days while you gain your strength back." She says as she and Jo help Tim into the chair.

"I can't thank you enough, Ashley." Jo turns to me and says with a smile. "You saved my husband's life, I don't know how we could ever repay you." She grabs my hand and squeezes it.

"How about when we figure out this cure and fix everyone, you run for president Tim, and I'll call us even." I tell him and he chuckles.

"Deal." He smiles and shakes my hand. "I've already had an attempted assassination so I should be okay as President." He adds and everyone laughs.

"Oh hush honey." Jo giggles at her husband.

"Speaking of that, Dr. Johnson wants to have a conversation with you Tim. He feels terrible about what happened." She says and he nods.

"It's alright, he didn't know." Tim says and him, Carmen and I share a look then chuckle. That's all Dr. Johnson kept saying after it happened. It's amazing how lighthearted Tim is being about all this.

"Am I missing something?" Jo asks looking around at us confused.

"It's nothing honey, let's go have that talk with Dr. Johnson shall we?" He looks up at his wife as asks. She nods and starts to wheel him out.

"Wait," I stand slowly, holding my hand out to them. "...did Dr. Johnson go into the lab?" I ask and they give me a confused look.

"I don't think so." Jo shakes her head.

"The girl in there, Rebecca she's-"

"Your ex-girlfriend, we know." Jo interrupts me. I shake my head and chuckle.

"No... I mean yeah, she's that but she's also his granddaughter. He doesn't know that she's um... that she's..." I can't even say it.

"We understand, we'll try to keep him away from the lab." Tim says and Jo nods.

"Okay." I nod and start to walk out with them. "Aiden said there were some things that needed to be discussed among the group, what is it?" I ask Jo and Carmen.

"Oh!" Carmen turns back to me and says, I almost run into her. "Spencer told me to tell you to wait here." Carmen says, he voice suddenly changing to a serious tone.

"Uh oh." I say, nodding and sighing as she walks out, I'm assuming to get Spencer. A few moments later, Spencer walks in. "Hey Spence." I try to sound casual, like I'm not wary of what's about to happen. I don't scare easily, in fact I don't really scare at all. But right now, Spencer has me terrified.

"Are you feeling better?" She asks calmly, in a worried tone as she closes the door behind her.

Okay... so not what I was expecting. "Somewhat." I nod.

"But like, you're not feeling weak or faint or anything like that right?" She asks sweetly.

Aw. I absolutely love this girl.

"No." I smile and shake my head.

"Good." Her voice changes. She moves closer to me with a look of... I can't really explain it actually. But oh my God does she look scary. My smile fades as she reaches me.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She asks, slapping my arm.

"Ow." I say as my hand shoots up to my arm.

"I wasn't gonna say anything but I just can't let this go." She says forcefully, moving closer to me. "You're an idiot, Ashley." She says, her words cutting right through me as she starts pacing the floor. "You have this amazingly awesome girlfriend, and yes, I'm speaking of myself." She turns and looks at me before she starts pacing again. "I'm awesome and you go and keep shit like this from me, and for what? So you won't hurt me? Because you think I wouldn't want you to save her? What the hell Ashley? Who do I look like?" She turns and looks at me.

Am I supposed to answer that?


"It was rhetorical Ashley." She cuts me off, rolling her eyes. "You're an idiot and I'm an even bigger one for not realizing who she was in the first place. You're a perfect shot, you never miss your target, yet you missed her three times. Three freaking times!" She shouts, pacing again. "I can't believe I bought that story of her being a family friend. The look on your face said it all, I was just too stupid or lovestruck to pick up on it. But not anymore." She shakes her head. I'm not sure what that means.


"Let me finish." She cuts me off again, her eyes boring holes in my face. If looks could kill...I've never seen Spencer like this. Is it wrong that I'm turned on right now? "I was stupid and I'm not gonna be stupid anymore. From now on, we're gonna do things my way. As of this moment you are no longer my girlfriend." She says and my eyes go wide.

"Wait what?" I stand and say.

"Sit down." She snaps at me. I comply quickly.

"You don't deserve me if you can so easily lie to me about something this simple. And I can't trust you. And until I can trust you, you can't be my girlfriend." She says and finally stops pacing. She pulls a chair in front of me and sits down. I'm not sure what my face is telling her right now but she doesn't look the least bit concerned about it. "You're gonna have to work to win me back. I love you Ashley, but I refuse to be played again, so if you want me. You're gonna have to show me." She says and stands up.

"Wait!" I say as she turns to walk away. "You can't be serious. I thought you weren't mad?" I ask, she turns back to me.

Her lips curl up into a small smile before she bends down in front of me, her face inches from mine and says, "Then I guess you have some things to learn about me." And then she turns and walks away, my mouth agape as I watch her leave.

"Spencer!" I call after her, but she keeps walking.

Fuck me that was hot.

"Group meeting." She peeks her head back in and says, but walks away before I can answer. But I caught the small smile playing at her lips.

I think I'm gonna like this game.

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