Help Wanted (A FNAF: Security...

By nightmare597

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*SLOW UPDATES UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE* Being a private investigator had its perks. You could choose any cases y... More

Chapter 1 A New Case
Chapter 2 The Bizarre Nightmare
Chapter 3 The Nightshift
Chapter 4 The Mysterious Rabbit and The Stubborn Bear
Chapter 5 Confused Feelings
Chapter 6 Lost and Found
Chapter 7 Reincarnated Friends
Chapter 9 Back to Your Roots
Chapter 10 Startling Discovery
Chapter 11 The Unseen
Chapter 12 Midnight Thoughts

Chapter 8 Worrisome Behavior

363 10 5
By nightmare597

Key: (F/P) = Favorite type of Pet

You wiped your brow, stretching ready to end another long day. A day that involved more parties than you could possible count.

In truth, you wished these last two days had been more productive. Working this job as if it's your sole income verses working your actual job,  but you have to take it as it comes for now.

Things had been relatively quite so far. After all you have yet to see the white rabbit, but it seemed like from the reports she's been here a little longer than you. Every time you think about her your mind drew back to Vanessa. The way she spoke to you yesterday before you left repeated in your mind.

You're so tempted to ask her if she knows anything, but at the same time after yesterday you're afraid to. She seemed to be fighting herself, something within was bothering her. She clearly had a lot going on. You couldn't question her like that. (She's your friend, you don't want to involve her in a case she doesn't need to be involved in.)

Though the oddest thing was that echoing voice in the back of your mind.

"Friend. Look. The eyes." It had whispered urging you to pay close attention to Vanessa's gaze.

That purple in her eyes. Did I really make that up?

You frowned at the thought shutting your locker. You stifled a yawn as you slung your bag over your shoulder. Those eyes, they didn't look like her's but you had to be making it up. Ghosts, possessions, things such as that can't possible exist. You're a private investigator, you're logical not superstitious.

Your feet walked on auto pilot towards the floor, now against the plus carpet of the pizzaplex rather than the hard gloss floor of the employee locker room. The ground rumbled as you stood there, you looked up alarmed.

What's that?

Your mind worried at first until you saw a small crowd beginning to form.

Ah, must be one of the glamrock's.

You hummed waiting off to the side waiting for the handler and their animatronic to pass by. Orange's and blue's caught your eye as the handler appeared through the crowd directing people to step back, as well as informing them that the pizzaplex will be closing soon.

Must be Freddy coming through.

You shook your head a bit at the thought now suppressing a grin. Sure enough the big guy himself escaped the crowd. Smile on his face as he gave soft greetings to customers who tried to approach him.

As Freddy grew closer your eyes met. He smiled widely at you, a small wave towards your direction. You waved back partially watching the way he smiled more and turned away. His ears wiggled at the top of his head as he passed by.

Big ole softy.

You snickered now beginning to walk towards the entrance with the intention to leave.

"(Y/N)." You stopped in your tracks at the escalators. It sounded like someone was whispering your name from just behind you. Your hair stood on end and goosebumps raced down your arm in fear. Your heart seized in your chest like someone was grabbing it.
"Follow me."

You quickly turned around, ready to confront who was speaking to you, only to find no one was there. You clutched the strap of your bag tightly glancing back and forth between the large room just to be sure.

Maybe someone's messing with me.

You frowned. That had to be the logical answer.  But how could they have gotten that close with out you noticing? It didn't matter you can't be bothered by it you just want to go home.

Walking down the stairs you came close to the entrance. Just a little bit further and you'd be free, of this job at least, for the day.

"Oh! (Y/N)!" This voice was familiar. You turned around to see Vanessa waving towards you, a skip in her step as she came closer to you. You raised an eyebrow at her personality change. You've only seen her as the stoic, quite, serious Vanessa. The one approaching you was upbeat and all smiles.

"Hey V." You smiled at her turning fully towards her.
"I guess this is just a nightly ritual now, us talking like this."

You joked lightly. She laughed.

"I guess, I actually wanted to ask a favor!" Vanessa placed her hands on her hips with a hum. Something didn't feel right about her.


There that nagging voice was again urging you to be cautious. You can't argue with it something was off.

"Oh yeah sure, shoot." You shrugged a bit.

"I was wondering if on the days I have therapy you'd cover for me?" Vanessa swayed back and forth on her feet

Was she serious? This felt like a golden opportunity. Another chance to roam around after hours and find more documents. You needed to look into this rabbit, what ever you could find on her. The closer you are to finding her the closer you were to finding your missing person.

What if she is the white rabbit.

You brushed away the thought. You'll think more on it later.

"Yeah sure!" You hummed happily.
"Just as long as I don't work that day so I'm not exhausted during the night."

Vanessa smiled playing with the cuff of her uniform, she almost looked like a nervous kid while listening to you. Then she clapped her hands excited about your answer.

"No problem! Gee (Y/N) you're such a pal!" Vanessa laughed then she leaned forward.
"You're a real life saver. I'll see what I can do about getting you off for day shifts to switch over for me when I need it. Id never make a friend work that much."

The way she said friend chilled you. Like a psychopath taunting their victim. You just smiled nervously. She must be forcing her self to be this happy, but why? Is she okay?

"Vanessa are you feeling okay?" You dropped the smile.
"You know you can tell me anything right?"

Vanessa stared at you for a moment, something was running through her mind but you couldn't quite tell what she was thinking. Her grin came back after it had dropped and she swayed again.

"I'm fine! Thanks for worrying Henry!" She laughed, then gasped covering her mouth though it did nothing to hide her tremendous smile.
"Whoops! I mean (Y/N)! I'm so silly for calling you the wrong name!"

You furrowed your brow, Henry? Where have you heard that name before? It sounded familiar, you've definitely read it somewhere but you couldn't place it. It was a common name to be fair, but somehow this felt different. You had a sinking suspicion that it was more than just a common name.

"Well if you're sure." You glanced behind you towards the doors. People were leaving as the two of you talked, sliding open and close with each sentence said. You needed to remove yourself from the situation something is definitely up.
"I've gotta get going now though. Got a (F/P) to feed. You know how pets can be."

You laughed lightly in hopes of seeming relaxed. Vanessa nodded eagerly.

"I don't wanna keep you longer than I have to!" She waved dramatically. She's behaving like a child now.
"See ya round pal!"

You offered her a small wave, then turned on your heel quickly exiting out towards the parking lot. There's only your car and Vanessa's left in the lot. Were you two talking that long? You guessed a lot of people had passed by that you didn't pay too much attention to.

Stopping at he drivers side of the car you hesitated, gripping the door in one hand. Something is wrong with Vanessa, severely wrong. But you couldn't place your finger on what could possibly be making her act this way. Was it a trauma response? Did she get in trouble for being so stern at work?

The possibilities were endless. You looked up towards the pizzaplex, it's bright neon lights shimmered in the darkness of the night. To most people it was a symbol of happiness. An invitation to spend quality time with friends and family amongst characters new and old.

But what about those missing children. Would they see it as happiness if they were still alive?

You frowned. The cases of those missing children were haunting. The killer was never caught but there was suspicion that William Afton the Co founder of Fazbear Entertainment and owner of Afton Robotics was behind them. But there was never any proof.

In the reports they mentioned witnesses saw a yellow rabbit lingering in the foreground.

You continued to stare up at the pizzaplex.

There's a rabbit lurking around here too. Vanessa has to know something. She has to. This behavior of her's is too weird not to be related to my case.

You sucked in a deep breath. You've got to keep an eye on her. But how? You don't want her to know you're keeping tabs, but you don't suspect her of being that rabbit. There's not enough proof other than the behavior tonight to link the two. (And that there was footage of her speaking to a rabbit she has no memory of.)

You also wanted to make sure she was going to be okay. This white rabbit can't be trusted. Until proven otherwise something is definitely up. There's only one way to be able to keep an eye on her during the night shift.

The glamrocks.

You sighed at the thought. Could you really ask them to though? Monty and Roxy were definitely off the chart to be asked. The two hated Vanessa, it was obvious in the way they spoke about her. What about chica? Well as much as you adore her, she has quite a big heart, she over shared things. There's no way that she could be discreet. That only leaves...


He was the only one left on the list. But Freddy was such a rule follower. Would he really listen to you knowing you snuck in after the mega pizzaplex closed?

"I do not want anything happening to my favorite handler." Freddy's words repeated inside your mind.

If you really were his favorite then he had to make an acceptation for you. You opened the car door, tossing your back inside, shutting it quickly calculating the time in your head.

Nightshift starts at 8, right as we close. Lock down isn't until midnight, leaving 3 hours for anyone inside doing over time to finish what they're doing and get out. It's 8:45 pm right now. If I'm quick I should get out at 9.

You carefully factored in everything. As you thought over it all you mentally noted to avoide the camera's. You don't think you'll get in trouble if caught, but it's better not to be seen. Especially if Vanessa is behaving so strangely.

Finally with a plan in mind, you ran back towards the pizzaplex. Your footsteps were rushed and you forced the front doors to open gently closing them behind you.

You should take the elevator if you don't want to be spotted on Vanessa's rounds. Quickly you walked towards them pressing the button waiting for it. You glanced around being sure you were just out of sight of the cameras for now until entering the small room as the doors dinged signaling it's arrival.

Quickly you slipped inside, choosing the floor that had the gang's rooms on it. Now it was just to wait for the doors to open again. You glanced at your fazwatch noticing the time. The doors dinged again, allowing you to slip out towards the hall. Sticking to the walls you crept, just out of sight of the cameras.

Friend! Stop! Duck behind wall!

The voice, you've decided to listen to lately, urged you to stop your pursuit. Following instructions you clung to a corner wall seeing that a camera had been turned on. A red dot on top of the hardware glimmered in the dimly lit hall. It swirled side to side slowly. You held your breath keeping still in the shadows.

It turned away, then shut off. You moved again passing by Roxy's room, then Chica's. Careful not to be noticed. You could hear monty tossing things around in his room as you cautiously stepped by.


You jolted as something hit the reenforced window. You turned to look at it furrowing your brow. Why was Monty so upset?

Focus, keep moving.

Shaking your head you continued down the path towards Freddy's room. Almost there. Creeping towards the door you straightened up eyeing the cardboard cut out of Freddy now propped up against a wall. Even though you were back here the other night seeing it empty with out anyone waiting to see him felt out of place.

You shook it off moving towards the door to knock, though just as you lifted a hand the door slid open due to the motion sensor. You stared at Freddy, who in turn stared at you from where he stood confusion written on his face. Though it melted away, quickly replaced with enthusiasm.

"Oh! Hello (Y/N)!" Freddy rushed forward, taking long steps towards you.
"It is a surprise to see you after hours! Are you filling in for Officer Vanessa once again?"

Freddy's ears wiggled at the top of his head as he smiled brightly down at you. You felt your heart skip a beat, though why you're not sure. Brushing it aside you glanced behind you anxiously. You didn't want to be caught by Vanessa still.

"Not tonight," you looked back towards him, "can I come in? I'll explain everything in a second."

Freddy nodded and parted from the door for you, peeking behind you as if he half expected to see something. But once he saw nothing was there he looked back towards you. Hand reaching to press a button the door slid back down with a click.

"What is the matter? You are not one to come here after hours like this, much less break any rules. Is everything alright?" Freddy stepped towards you, motioning for you to take a seat on his couch. (The plushes rearranged neatly again, instead of tossed about like they had been when you slept on the cushions.)

You declined sitting, drawing the curtains to ensure no one could see you in here.

"I have a favor to ask of you." You turned around noticing he had gotten closer again. Freddy glanced at you intensely for a moment. There was thought behind his eyes as he thought over your words.

"A favor?" He repeated them stepping closer.
"I am happy to assist you in anyway (Y/N), what seems to be the matter? You must talk to me if I am to help."

"It's about Vanessa." You shifted on your feet. Suddenly feeling self conscious.
"I'm uh- worried about her."

It wasn't a lie. You are worried about her. But it's more than that. If you went into it you'd have to tell Freddy the truth.

"Oh?" Freddy lifted his eyebrow. He cupped his hand around his chin, gently rubbing the side of it with his index finger.
"I do not understand why. Aside from her aggressive behavior, she seems to be in perfect health to me."

You frowned. If he can't notice the change in her something is clearly wrong. But how do you explain it to him with our revealing your motive?

"She was acting weird when I left work today and yesterday. I think somethings wrong, could you please just keep an eye on her for me?" You clasped your hands together. You didn't want to sound desperate, but in this case you had to.
"You're the only one I can trust with this."

Freddy's eyes widened a bit at your behavior. There was a whirling sound coming from him, it almost sounded like temperature rising in a cartoon. His ears wiggled partially at the top of his head and his hands clenched and unclenched are his sides.

"Then I will help you." Freddy nodded. He seemed to shift on his feet. You sighed in relief glancing over your shoulder anxiously.

"Thank you. Thank you so much. If there's anything unusual just let me know okay? I want to make sure she gets help if something is up." You wrung your hands together anxiously. It was real anxiousness, something had your hair on end again.

Freddy seemed to frown at the sight of your nervousness. His eyes flickered between your shifting feet, your hands, and shaky breaths. An idea sparked in his mind, making his eyes widened like something had struck him.

"If you are this worried I want to make you feel better." Freddy smiled reassuringly at you. Oh you guessed you weren't hiding your nerves well huh?

You laughed a little opting to cross your arms instead of fiddling with your hands.

"How are you going to do that big guy?" You teased softly.

"Monty suggested that this would make you very happy. I'm unsure why, but I want to give it a try." Freddy's smile widened, though he seemed nervous.

What did Monty tell him now?

You wanted to roll your eyes at the thought. Those two didn't have the best friendship, Freddy wanted to connect to him but Monty took Freddy's nature to be bossy rather than helpful at times. Leading to arguments, and anger issues. (Though Monty's favorite thing to do was mess with freddy. He knew things that he should of, and Freddy was innocent to them.)

You stared at Freddy cautiously, watching as his hand rose. You half expected the middle finger. But instead he parted his index finger away from his middle one, then lifted them close to his mouth.

What are you doing?

You raised a brow to the thought watching as Freddy stuck his tongue out. Then it clicked. Just as his tongue slipped between his fingers you screeched in shock. Freddy jolted in shock yanking his hand away to hold your shoulders. Your face was red. Your heart raced in your chest.

"What is wrong?!" He gasped confused. He looked disappointed.
"Oh no it did not make you happy. It made you frightened!"

No not frightened embarrassed!

You screamed in your head, after stopping yourself from continuing your loud sounds of shock. You shook your head quickly desperate to convey what you were thinking.

"Freddy you can't do that to people!" You gasped at last, you covered your face in one hand.
"It means something very inappropriate."

"Oh, so Monty wasn't correct was he?" Freddy frowned.

"I mean if you know what you're doing technically no." You muttered under your breath just enough so Freddy didn't hear your thought that came out aloud. You shook your head.
"It's a gesture couples use to mimic what they'll do to their spouse later in a more private setting."

You ran your hand further down your face trying to calm yourself down. You cringed replaying the screech you had let out. You hoped no one heard that.

Freddy's hands tightened slightly against your shoulders and that steam sound echoed in the air again. He looked flustered.

"I am very sorry (Y/N). I did not know it meant something so intimate. I should have known, humans get tired after such endeavors, Monty had mentioned that." Freddy lowered his head disappointed in himself.

You couldn't help but laugh at him patting his arm reassuringly.

"It's okay Freddy, you had good intentions. Just take monty's suggestions with a grain of salt. You know he likes messing with you." You hummed softly. He felt warm. Was he actually heating up with embarrassment?

"I am very sorry again. My only intention was to ease your worries about officer Vanessa." Freddy lifted his head to meet your gaze. He's so close with his hands on your shoulder like this. You held your breath ignoring the weird feeling in your chest again.

"Freddy it's okay." You laughed softly again.
"I'll be okay, I appreciate that though. I just want to make sure that Vanessa will be okay too."

Freddy nodded leaning back to give you some space. He squeezed your shoulder smiling reassuringly.

"I promise you I will ensure that she is okay! Do not worry superstar." Freddy's voice sounded different in the way he said his classic nickname. He called the kids that often, they're his superstars. But adults? Employees? He never called them superstar. Your heart fluttered again in your chest. Pressing your lips together you strained to smile. (What is wrong with you?)

"Thank you Freddy." You sighed.
"This means a lot."

Freddy nodded, then reluctantly let go of your shoulders glancing behind you towards the window. He seemed to be thinking, then looked back towards you.

"I do not want to keep you any longer. If the mega pizzaplex's lockdown initiates with you still inside you will be unable to leave until 6 am." Freddy gently patted the top of your head with a smile.
"I will report to you any findings I have."

You looked up at him, there's something different about him tonight too. You brushed it off, it was a good different, it was going to be okay.

"Thanks Freddy, I owe you one." You stepped closer towards the door gazing at Freddy who quickly shook his head.

"You do not owe me anything." Freddy walked towards the door with you. It slid open causing him to lean down whispering as if sharing a secret with you.
"The only thing I ask is that you take care of yourself superstar."

You shivered. There it was again that strange way he said superstar. You gazed up at him as he loomed over you. Your heart skipped a beat in your chest.

"Yeah, I'll try." You muttered softly unable to let your voice raise any more than that. You shook off the strange emotions having to get a move on now. You said your goodbyes to Freddy and rushed back the way you came reenacting the same precautions you had taken.

Now outside you could breath a sigh of relief. You just had to get to your car now.

"(Y/N)." You hesitated halfway through the parking lot. The wind rustled behind you tossing your hair in the process. Your hair stood on end again, there that voice was whispering in your ear from behind. But it sang your name, tauntingly. As if urging you to turn  around and go back inside.

Quickly once more you turned back towards the pizzaplex  seeing no one behind you. There has to be a logical explanation for the voice. You'd think about it in the car. Where it's safe.

Quickly rushing to slip inside your car you locked the doors and leaned back taking a deep breath. It's fine. The anxiety washed away as you evened your breathing.


Your mind whispered to you as you calmed down. You glanced up towards the neon sign of all the glamrocks, focusing your attention on one in particular.

Why did he get under your skin so much tonight? Why did you feel this way? Maybe it's because there's a lot on your mind right now. Yes that has to be it. After all, there's no other reason you'd be thinking about him like this. Right?

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