By More_Nike_

288K 16.3K 7.3K

With a brutal, faceless killer walking freely on the streets of Freetown, everyone's instinct is to run and h... More

Beautiful enough to die
A friendly warning
It's happened again
Questions and answers
The handsome detective
The unfriendly officer
Two lies in one night
Modus Operandi
Hurtful words
The party trap
Flower shop
River of tears
One down
Prayers and Tears
She could be next
Guilty or not guilty
He killed her
Mob Justice
Everyone's a suspect
Rising Suspicion
The eerie call
Dangerously close to the truth
The long wait
Authors Note
Avril's case.
Authors Note (Avril's case)


6.3K 391 186
By More_Nike_


So once again, this chapter is dedicated to MrsEveDylanObrien for the amazing trailer, she also made my cover! So thank you a trillion times!❤️ you should also check out her stories :) they're wonderful.

" What do you mean who are we, honey?" her mother asked gently trying to move closer to Cassie who kept on pushing herself further up the hospital bed.

"Why am I here?" Cassie asked in a breathy tone, with her eyes wondering around the room and everyone in it. "My head hurts," she squeezed her face and rested her head in her hands, moving about restlessly.

"You're Cassie," Danny said gently "do you remember that?" She nodded her head slightly, in response.

"Cassie I'm your mom?" Mrs. Meyer said in a shaky tone. "You were involved in a car crash a week ago, you fell into a short coma," she explained.

"Do you remember anything at all?" Danny asked.

"I see flashes of events but I can't make out what they are."

As they discussed, Tyler walked in with the doctor trailing closely behind him with a stethoscope around his neck and a clipboard and pen in his hands.

"She doesn't know who we are" Mrs. Meyer said in a panicked tone. 

"I see, could you please step outside while I examine the patient please?" the doctor said and moved to Cassie's side.

"So you mean she doesn't remember anything at all?" Tyler asked

"Only her name and who she is I guess," Danny said sadly.

"I was so relieved when she woke up from the coma, but my heart sank when she asked who I was, the way she looked at me with so much fear and confusion in her eyes" her mum said.

"Well at least she's awake, it doesn't matter if she can't remember anything, with time she'll create new memories"

"That makes no sense Tyler" Danny argued "don't you want her to remember you and all the fun times you two shared together?, her old memories can't just die, the things that happened in the past make us who we are"

"I know but I'm just saying that it's better than not having her wake up at all" he said defensively.

"You do know that Cassie knows who the real killer is right?, and if she never regains her memory then Caleb is a dead man" he said moving closer to Tyler and whispering, he didn't want Cassie's mum hearing that.

Before Tyler could reply the doctor walked out and they both averted their attention to him, her mother noticed the doctor emerge from her room and so she got up and rushed over to were they were.

"How's she" her mum asked as she quickly got up from the chair.

"From what I've seen, she has retrograde amnesia or it could be traumatic amnesia "

"What's retrograde amnesia?" Danny asked.

"Well in retrograde amnesia, the patient is unable to remember events from before their trauma, in Cassidy's case, her accident. They can forget things that happened decades ago or even months ago, it seems she's forgotten almost everything. The good news is that she can retain new memories normally."

"Will she ever gain her memory back?" Tyler asked curiously.

"These things are hard to tell, she could regain her memory but with time, it's a gradual process, I can't tell how quickly she'll be able to remember things from her past" the doctor explained. "But it is more likely to be traumatic amnesia it is caused by a hard blow to the head, especially in cases of accidents they usually go into a state of unconsciousness or a coma"

"How long does this last?" Mrs. Meyer asked.

"It depends on how hard the blow to her head was"

"Why can't she remember me?" Mrs. Meyer questioned.

"She should be able to remember you soon and most of her family and friends" he assured "I'm just not sure how soon she'll remember recent events, her not remembering you is probably a side effect of the coma, give her some time, a few hours or days maybe" he assured.

"But the chances of her remembering everything else aren't that high?" Tyler asked.

"She could remember but it will take some time" he said "but she shouldn't be pressured to remember anything as it could cause her more damage"

"But can't we help her remember, you know, just encourage her a bit" Danny asked.

"You could help her but don't force her, if you notice it's getting to much for her to handle then just stop"

"Alright, thanks doctor" Mrs. Meyer said. "Can we go see her?"

"Of course, but remember not to pressure her"

She nodded and they all walked back into Cassie's room, she lay down on her bed still trying to register everything that had happened to her, she looked everywhere trying to recognize something but nothing came to her. She snapped her head towards the door as soon as she noticed that she wasn't alone in the room anymore.

"You're back" she said softly and her mum nodded "so you're my mum?"

"Yes sweetie" she replied as she took a seat on the empty chair that was placed right beside Cassie's bed.

"And are you my siblings" she asked Danny and Tyler who were still standing by the door.

"I guess you can say that" Danny said "we didn't come to this world through the same parents but we are siblings in a very special way, I'm Danny, one of your closest friends" she smiled and looked over to Tyler.

"And you?, are we also friends"

He hesitated before saying "yes" softly

"You don't look to happy" Cassie noted.

"It's just hard seeing you this way, you used to be my girlfriend and now you look me straight in the eye, the same eyes you used to get lost in, and you have no idea who I am"

"I'm sorry" she said softly, pulling the covers further over her body.

"You have nothing to be sorry about dear" he mum said softly "it's not your fault that you got into an accident, with time you'll remember everything"

She nodded her head before asking "so do I have any siblings?"

The room was silent for a bit and they all exchanged uncomfortable glances at each other which left Cassie confused. They didn't want to worry her with the depressing news that she had a brother who could be a dead man very soon. "yes, his name is Caleb" her mum replied clearing her throat "but he's in the university, he has exams and so he couldn't be here, but he sends all his love" she lied.

"I hope I can meet him soon." She said hopefully

"I hope so too" her mum said distantly which made Cassie confused again but she just shrugged it off rather than asking any more questions.


As usual, everyone was present in the evening, the news that Cassie had awaken brightened everyone's mood and they all left whatever they were doing and rushed down to the hospital, but the news that she had lost her memory hit them like a bomb.

"So you mean she can't remember anything?" Phoebe asked as she took a seat beside Danny in the waiting area.

"She knows who she is, she just doesn't know who anyone else is" Danny said.

"How on earth did that happen?" Phoebe asked In a confused tone "she should at least remember her family"

"The doctor said that she should be able to remember her family soon, it's probably just an immediate effect from the coma" he explained and at that point, Brady walked into the hospital and went over to where they were all seated.

"I can't believe she has amnesia" he said, repeatedly running his hands through his hair frustratedly . "I promised her I'll get her brother out of jail and it's been difficult to catch the killer, she's the only hope we've got now, I've supplicated the mayor for clemency countless times,but he won't move Caleb's execution date we haven't got much time" he said pacing round the small area that they were in.

"Do you think I should tell her parents that she knew the killers identity?" Danny asked.

"Oh my gosh she knew" Phoebe screamed and abruptly got up from her seat, she quickly put her hands over her mouth when she realized how loud she had been. Some people in the waiting area gave her disapproving looks and she just said 'sorry' as she took her seat.

"Yes, she was going to tell me who the killer was but she couldn't because of the accident" he explained.

"Telling her parents will be the right thing to do but I think we should leave them out of this problem, they already have enough in their plate"

"Yeah you're right, but we need to find a way to encourage her to remember, she might gain her memory of who we all are but chances of her remembering anything from that accident are very slim" Danny said.

"Where's Tyler?" Phoebe asked, looking round the clinic for any sign of him.

"He's been acting strange lately" Danny said "he refused to leave Cassie's side"

"Yeah, he's been off for a while now, he's probably just shaken because of Cassie's condition"

"Yeah but he's been acting strange long before her accident"

"How strange?" Brady asked suspiciously.

"I don't know" Phoebe replied, shrugging her shoulders "he just hasn't been his normal fun and sweet annoying self lately"

Brady was about to reply but he was distracted by someone coming towards them, Peter. He got up from his seat and went to meet him. "Why are you here?" He asked confused

"I'm here to see Cassidy, actually I just saw her now"

"Why?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest "Last I checked she wasn't exactly on your list of the people you like, ever since you found out she'd been joining me in the case you've been harsh to her, why come to see her now?"

"I just thought it's the right thing to do seeing as she's, " he said but then he stopped "you know what? Never mind" he said hurriedly.

"Seeing as she's what?" Brady asked.

"She's not well" he said quickly "that's what I meant to say, I have to leave now Bauer I have a case I'm working on" Brady just stood there dazedly looking at him as he walked out of the hospital, he wanted to follow him but then he decided against it.

He turned around and walked back to the waiting area and noticed that Cassie's parents were standing there.

"Good evening Mr. Meyer Mrs. Meyer" he greeted courtly as soon as he was close enough.

"Good evening detective" they greeted back simultaneously .

"Well we'll be leaving now" Mrs. Meyer announced "we're meeting with some lawyers really early tomorrow, Cassie is alone now, Tyler left so you guys can go see her"

They all greeted them goodnight and when they were gone, the rest of them went up to see Cassie. When they opened her door they saw that she was sitting up, she still looked sapless but she was definitely better.

"Hey" she croaked in a feeble voice as soon as she saw them.

"Hey" Phoebe replied softly, giving her the warmest smile ever "I'm Phoebe, your best friend" she said taking a seat beside her in the bed.

"Hi" Cassie greeted shyly, she hated the fact that she couldn't remember any of the people who claimed to know her, those who claimed to be her family, friends, boyfriend, she couldn't remember any of them and these are people that ostensibly, she had been close to. "And who are you?" She asked Brady.

"I'm Brady we work together "he said clearing his throat a bit.

"Oh, where? At a mall?"

"Actually at the station, you were helping me in a few cases"

Her eyes shot up in excitement "really?, I love the idea of being a detective"

"You remember that?" He asked surprised.

"Of course I do" she smiled.

"Well in that case, I have a good feeling that you'll remember everything soon enough" he said smiling.

"Hopefully, I hate not knowing you any of you are" she confessed sadly and scanned her environment again, she knew who she was but she felt like she had been stripped out of her home and brought somewhere else, with strangers as she roamed her eyes through the room her eyes landed on something and then her heart began to beat fast, she became agitated restless, she kept on moving back, begging for the bed to swallow her to safety.

"What's wrong Cassie" Danny asked her worriedly as he ran over to her bed. She couldn't speak, she just rose up her weak shaky hands and pointed forward to the table in front of her. Their eyes travelled to the direction she was pointing at and that's when they saw what made her so nervous. A large bouquet of roses.

"Who brought that in here?" Brady asked angrily " he clicked on her pager quite a few times to alert a doctor or a nurse.

"I have no idea, let me see if there's a card" Phoebe said, as she walked over to the table to get a closer look at the bouquet and indeed there was a note attached to it, she picked up the note "there's a note" she announced holding it up.

"What does it say" Danny asked.

She opened it up and read it "it just says 'I warned you'" she read "from the masked stranger who I'm guessing is the killer"

"What killer?" Cassie asked horrifically but before they could answer a nurse rushed in.

"Sorry I'm a bit late, what's the problem"

"She just started screaming and she got agitated, those flowers over there scared her" Brady said pointing at the bouquet "please get them out"

"Of course" the nurse said, I'm gonna have to sedate her to calm her down, please step outside" she said and they obliged and waited outside her room.

"Do you think she remembered something?" Danny asked.

"Maybe she remembers that the rose is a symbol of death but she doesn't know why, I think her memory is messed up right now" Brady replied.

"But why would the killer send the rose knowing that it would risk her regaining her memory"

"We can never know how that lunatic thinks" Danny spat out "lets just hope that when she wakes up she remembers something.

When night rolled around, the doctor examined Cassie as usual, she was still sleeping and her friends eventually had to leave. He did his usual checkup and then he left. About ten minutes after he left someone walked into her room when the coast was clear, the receptionist. Once again, she was fully dressed in a nurses uniform and so the guard outside had to let her in thinking she was one of Cassie's nurses.

She tiptoed over to Cassie's bed with the same tray in her hands, placed on it were three jars of injection drugs, a glove and three syringes. She carefully placed the tray on Cassie's table and tore out one of the syringes from the pack and covered her hands with the gloves, she was about to insert it into one of the injection drugs to draw out the liquid when the door opened. She immediately froze in her spot and slowly turned around to see that it was the doctor.

"Agatha?" He asked confused "what are you doing here, and why are you dressed like that?" He asked pointing his hands to her outfit.

She took in a large gulp and dropped the syringe that was in her hand "I just came to check on the patient" she said breathing heavily.

"And why do you have a tray of injections over there?" He asked furiously "you're not a trained nurse, you have no right to be in here with injections" he walked to the door and called in Cassie's guard. "Take this woman away" he commanded and the officer obliged. The doctor brought out his phone from his coat pocket and called the cops.

A few minutes later Brady, Peter and another officer arrived the hospital and they were led to the doctors office.

"Good evening officers" the doctor greeted.

"What's the problem" Peter asked.

"An attempt was made on one of my patients life today, Cassidy Meyer to be precise"

"What do you mean?" Brady asked.

"Today I did her final checkup as usual and I left, when I got back to my office I realized that I left my clipboard in her room and so I went to pick it up" he explained "when I got there, I found one of our receptionists dressed as a nurse, she was going to inject Cassidy with these" he said bringing out the injection drugs and placing them on his table.

"I had a terrible feeling about that receptionist" Brady said through gritted teeth.

"What's this?" The other officer asked, picking up one of the jars.

"It's what we call lethal injection" the doctor explained "this" he said, picking up the first jar "is sodium thiopental, this would have rendered Cassidy unconscious within thirty seconds, this "he said picking up the second jar "is pancuronium bromide it would have caused paralysis of her muscles including her diaphragm and the rest of her respiratory muscles. The last one is potassium chloride" he explained "it would have stopped her heart thus causing death by cardiac arrest"

"Oh my goodness" Brady exclaimed.

"Lethal injections as you might know, is a system used to execute prisoners, rather than more ruthless methods like electrocution or hanging or shooting" he explained "they are injected separately into IV's, if I hadn't walked in when I did, Cassidy Meyer would have been long gone by now" he explained.

"Thank goodness you walked in when you did the other officer said.

"Where's the receptionist?" Peter asked.

"I handed her over to the guard that was assigned to the patient" he said

"First thing in the morning we'll take her in for questioning, thanks for calling doctor Brady said. "I'll order the guard not to let anyone in for today, we have to be careful so this doesn't repeat itself"


"Why did you do it" Brady asked angrily.

"Take it easy on her Bauer" Peter said "she doesn't look like she's a killer, she can't be guilty" he said uncomfortably.

"Let me do my job Wood, I'll ask you for the last time, who sent you?"

"I don't know" she cried fearfully

"What do you mean you don't know?" Brady asked furiously "start talking"

"About a month ago I received a call, it was the same day that Cassidy's friend Matt, was brought in" she said "I got an anonymous call and then a picture was sent to me, it was Cassidy's, the person asked me to watch her and her friends and he asked me to inform him of their every move" she said sobbing lightly "at first I disagreed and then he offered me money, five thousand dollars for every tangible information I give him, just like any normal human being in need of money I agreed. He wasn't asking me to do anything serious and so I didn't see anything wrong in it"

"You also didn't see anything wrong in murder?" Brady asked furiously.

"When he asked me to inject her I refused and then he threatened my family, he sent me an email with pictures and details of almost everyone in my family, I was scared she said.

"Why didn't you come to the police"

"I was going to one day when the threats got o much, on my way to the station he called me, somehow he knew I was going there and he told me that if I took a step in the station he would kill my little brother" she said crying even more profusely "I didn't know what the injections were, he told me that they would make her sleep for a while, I didn't think they would kill her"

"You have no idea who this caller was"

"No, he only called himself the masked stranger, nothing more"

"How did he pay you?"

"Whenever I give him information I will find the money neatly placed on my bed"

"And how did you get the injection?"

"The same way I got the money, he had so much access to my house locked or not, I had no choice but to oblige, please understand" she implored.

"Take her away" Brady commanded one of the officers "we're done with her"

"Please please I'm innocent, I beg you don't take me away" she pleaded for dear life.

"Let's go lady" the officer said as he dragged the screaming receptionist out.


It's been almost two weeks since the incident at the hospital, ever since that day security had been tighter, her family and friends stayed longer to support her. Fortunately, She didn't have any more panic attacks. A week after the incident she was discharged from the hospital, she was given a lot of drugs to help her recover quicker, she was also put in a salubrious diet and she was slowly getting stronger.

Luckily, she regained most of her memory as the doctor had predicted she remembered her family members and her friends but she couldn't remember events that occurred between them, which means that luckily she didn't remember that Caleb was in prison, but there was also a disadvantage to it because she also couldn't remember the one information that would get her brother out of jail -the killers true identity. Her parents and friends did their best to stir her away from the news so that she wouldn't stumble on any news about Caleb. They disconnected the TV and the wi-fi so that she wouldn't get any way of seeing the news.

The doorbell rang and she walked over to open it, she was happy to see Danny standing in front of her "Danny!" She exclaimed.

"I'm so glad that you remember me" he said swooping her up in for a hug

"Well I can't completely forget someone like you can i?" She teased.

"Cassie we need to talk" he said seriously, changing the topic.

"What's wrong" she asked worriedly as they both walked over to the couch and sat down.

"Have you noticed that your parents haven't been present lately?" He asked

"Yeah but it's nothing unusual, I remember them being workaholics"

"We've all been hesitant to tell you this because we didn't want to make things worse but I think you should know"

"Know what?" She asked slowly.

"Cass Caleb is in prison" he blurted out.

"What do you mean Caleb is in prison, Caleb is in Freetown university why will he be in prison?" She asked "prison is for criminals"

"I know you don't remember this but for about four months now there have been a series of killings in Freetown, you were working in the case with detective Brady"

"That's the case he said we were working in together?"

"Yes" he replied "Caleb was framed for the murder, he as set up and now the whole of Freetown thinks he's a murderer."

"That's terrible, now it makes sense why my parents wouldn't let me watch the news or get close to any form of technology"

"Yes, and the worst part is that the Mayor of Freetown wants him dead, the whole of Freetown want him dead, to them his death is like a celebration, Christmas maybe"

"No, they can't kill him" she said crying "they can't kill him"

"And that's why I'm telling you this, Cassie you know who the killer is, you are the only person that can save Caleb, you found out the killers identity before your accident and the information died with your memory, Cassie you need to resurrect that memory"

"What if I can't Danny?" She asked crying unto his shoulders "if I can't then I wouldn't be able to live with myself"

"That's why you need to dry hard, dig deep into the grave that is your amnesia Cassie"

"How long do I have"

"Not too long"

"Please be precise" she said wiping her tears with the back of her hands.

"If you can't remember who the killer is then Caleb will be a dead man tomorrow, take this" he said, handing her a small phone.

"What's that for?" She asked as she took the paper from his hands.

"It's my number, I know you don't have a phone anymore, if you remember anything call me with this, my number is the only one on it"

"Thanks" she said softly as she hugged him.

The wind blew heavily that night sending more shivers through Cassie, she was home alone with a female officer that had been assigned to her to protect her. Ever since Danny informed her about Caleb, she had been in grace discomfort, it was 8:00pm and she had been tossing and turning in her bed. She kept on trying her hardest to remember something but forcing the memory only gave her a migraine.

She drifted into a sleep after hours of turning and tumbling in her bed. In her dreams she saw herself running from someone dressed in all black, it was dark and she kept on running and running from that person. She ran past a gas station, a diner and a hotel and then she saw herself coming close to a huge building, she was about to run inside for safety but before she could do so she felt large hands over her nose and then she jolted awake.

Her heart began a raped race in her chest, so many memories came rushing through her mind they were foggy but some memories started coming back to her and then fear washed through her veins. She turned in the lights and searched for the phone Danny gave her, she found it in her bedside table and with her shaky hands, she called him.

"Cassie are you okay?" He asked worriedly from the other end of the line.

She kept on breathing heavily into the phone, her head hurt so bad, she couldn't breathe properly "Danny" she said almost out of breath and then she said in a weak breathless tone "I remember"

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