To Envy the Stars

By lost-in-my-thought

116K 4.9K 1.6K

Take Athena. Strong, confident, nerdy girl. She was rescued on her prom night by the schools bad boy. When I... More

Chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 .
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter... Uh 28 I think. I lost track...
Chapter 29! :)
Writing competition

Chapter 16

3.1K 153 48
By lost-in-my-thought

"Dare!" Ash challenged.

"I dare you to..." I thought for a second. "Lick Lukas' hand." I only chose this dare because it was bad for the both of my friends.

"Okay." Ash shrugged, in a scaryly optimistic voice.

"No! Ew!" Lukas screeched, attempting to pull his hand back.

Ash snatched his hand and swiftly licked his palm.

"Ew!" We all screamed before starting to laugh.

Lukas rapidly wiped his hand on the floor, a look of disbelief and disgust. His expression made me laugh harder.

He then got up and ran towards Ash and me, holding his spit covered had in our faces, making us shriek and back away.

He thrust his hand forward and whipped it on Ash's sleeve.

"Ew!" She said, licking her hand and wiping it on Lukas shirt.

"That's so gross guys. No spit wars." I said, sternly.

Lukas quickly licked his hand and wiped it on my sleeve. "Now we're done."

"I hate you! This is one of my favorite hoodies!"

"Okay, I'm done now." Lukas said, laughed. "Truth or dare?" Lukas asked me.

"Truth." I said. I don't trust these to with dares.

"Awe, please do a dare." He whined.

"No. Truth."

"You do know that, either way, it will has to do with kissing me." He smirked.

"I figured it would." I said. "What's my truth?"

"Would you rather kiss me or Ash." He asked. I got to admit that that was a pretty good question if you wanted someone to get caught in a double edge sword.

One way, they would call me a lesbian; the other, they would say I have a crush on Lukas.

"Uh... I plead the 5th?" I said slowly.

"I don't think so. If you want to see me get dared, you gotta answer the question." Lukas laughed.

"Fine." I huffed. I don't think I want to kiss either of them, but it's just a question. "I'd rather kiss Lukas." I said, speaking low and fast.

"What? I'd like to inform you that I am a very good kisser." Ash defended.

"But she chose me." Lukas bragged.

"It was either you two make fun of me for choosing Ash and I knew you would be a bit** if I choose you. I just figured that it would be more appropriate that all the sh¡* you're talking comes out of your a**hole... Oh wait, that's just your face, my bad." I insulted.

"You're getting better at insults." Ash complemented.

"Thanks. And can you hurry up and truth or dare him already?" I urged.

"Sure." An evil grin rose to her lips.

"Please don't let it have anything to do with me." I pleaded.

"No promises. You said that you would rather kiss him. I'm just giving you what you want." She smiled.

"Oh no." I said, doing a major face palm. "What did I ever do to you?"

"You made me lick him." She said.

"You did that willingly." Lukas and I told her in unison.

"Too bad." She said. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare." He said.

"Play a round of spin the bottle with us." Ash challenged.

"Okay." He accepted, standing up and walking to the kitchen for a bottle.

"I am going to kill you, Ash!" I threatened.

"No, you won't!"

"Yes, I will. And I will get payback for this." I told her.

Lukas came back into the room with a empty, glass Coca Cola bottle.

He sat cris-cross-applesauce on the floor next to Ash and me.

"Okay. I have my hopes on who this is going to land on." Lukas said, setting the bottle between the triangle made by the three of us.

"And I have my hopes of who it won't land on." I retorted.

He placed a hand on the bottle and spun it.

It continued spinning, making a whirling noise in the process.

The bottle slowed, creating suspense.

Slower, slower, stop.

I'm not even going to tell you who it landed on, because that feels like an unnecessary bit of implied clichéness that all of you can infer.

Ugh. I don't like the world.

Whatever world, let's get this over with.

I shuffled over to Lukas.

"Anxious, now, aren't we?" Lukas asked, bouncing his eyebrows.

"Yeah, anxious to get this over with." I said.

"If you insist." He smirked.

He stood up and walked over closer to me. He offered his hand to help me stand up, but I refused, standing up by myself.

He wasted no time grabbing me by my waist and pulling me closer.

I forced a smile before I quickly pecked his lips.

"Done, you can let me go now." I said, wiping my lips off on the back of my hand.

"No, that literally was not a kiss."

"Yeah, it was." I argued, trying to free myself from his grasp.

"No, it wasn't." His grip around my waist tightened, pulling my even closer. I could smell his minty breath against my cheek. "Let me show you how it's done."

He leaned forward and I quickly put my hand up to block his lips from mine. He seemed to ignore it proceeding to make out with my hand.

"That's so gross! Stop licking my hand!" I protested, pinching him with me other hand.

"Ow!" Lukas exclaimed, finally stoping the messy make out session with my palm.

"Just friends. No breaking the agreement or my charges drop." I threatened, wiping my palm in his face to get his slobber off.

He frowned, letting me go and wiping his face with his sleeve.

I backed away from him and sat down next to Ash. She had a gleam of enjoyment in her eyes and a joyful smile on her face...

I hated that.

"What?" I hissed.

"You two are hilarious together. I so enjoy the Akas show." She smiled.

I raised my eyebrows at her and grimaced. "The what?" I demanded.

"Its your guy's ship name." She smiled optimistically.

I clenched my teeth. "That makes no sense. That would never be a ship name that I am involved in."

"Then what's your suggestion?"

"I don't know, but not that." I hissed. "Truth or dare."

"I want to see what dares you have in store for me."

Without thinking, I blurted out, "Kiss James the next time you see him."

"What?!" She practically screamed.

"Ooh. Hit home, didn't we?" Lukas asked.

"Yeah, I think little Ash has a crush." I said.

"I do not! Your brother is like my brother! Plus there's a three year age difference!" She nearly screamed.

"Too bad, I don't feel pity for you. You made me kiss Lukas." I defended.

"That's different. You two have chemistry." She whined.

"No! We don't. Plus you admitted to me that you liked my brother... Last week." I accused.

Her face looked so red, if she told me that she was being strangled, I would believe her. "That wasn't a crush, that was just hormones."

"Sure..." Lukas trailed sarcastically.

"Oh please, you're a walking hormone." Ash said.

"Yep, and I'm proud of it." He smirked.

"You're disgusting." Ash and I said in unison.

He just bounced his eyebrows.

"You still have a dare to do, Ash." I reminded her.

"I'll do it at the end of this round." She said. "Lukas, you can truth or dare her now." She said.

"Truth or dare?" He asked.

"Truth." I said.

"You're so boring." He sighed.

"Well excuse me for not wanting to do a ridiculous dare." I said.

"Wimp." He smirked, playfully. "Would you rather... No! Wait. On a scale from 1-10, how would you rate my kissing skills?"

"How would I know? I have nothing to compare you kisses to. You are the only person I've kissed!"


"7. But that doesn't make me like you. I don't even like kissing in the first place."

"So you enjoyed it?" He asked.

"No and yes." That is as much info as he getting. "Ash, truth or dar him now."

"Okay, truth or dare?"

"That was not a good. answer, Athena." Lukas protested.

"Too bad. Truth or dare?" Ash repeated.

"Dare." He said.

"Make out with Athena."

"Wow, there, Ash. Have mercy?" I begged.

"Fine." She grumbled. "Place your hand on athena's tattoo for at least 30 seconds."

That's not as bad. I thought.

"Fine. I would have preferred the make out, though." Lukas smirked.

He scooted to that he was next to me.

I folded my legs so that is might be easier for him to tech my back.

As soon as he was close enough, he lifted up the end of my shirt uncomfortably high.

"Watch it, no stripsies." I warned.

"I know." He said, slowly moving his hand toward my lower back.

As soon as he fingers touched my tattoo, I gasped and straitened my posture. "You're fingers are super cold." I whispered.

He began to trace the tattoo, but without warning, his fingers slipped down a little farther to the brim of my jeans.

I basically stayed there, wide-eyed and frozen, praying he wouldn't get any creative ideas of moving his fingers any closer to my buttock.

Thank gosh, his fingers traced back up and traced the tattoo again.

I looked at Ash and mouthed, "How much longer?"

She mouthed back, "I forgot to count."

I don't like her right now, in fact, I hate her.

Lukas continued to trace the tattoo. After a few more seconds, I became slightly more comfortable with his fingers so low. I trusted him for the time being.

I mouthed to Ash again. "How much longer?"

"10 seconds." She mouthed back.


"Times up." I whispered.

"I don't really care." He said, tracing the tattoo again.

"Ash is watching, please stop." I said, as nicely as possible.

"Ash. Guess what? Follow me." I instructed. "It's your turn to carry out your dare."

"But-" She started, but was interrupted when me and Lukas grabbed her arms and dragged her toward her door.

"Nooo!" She protested, but we pulled her out the door.

"Everyone else did their's. You are required." I told her.

"Fine." She grumbled.

She followed me and Lukas down the stairs and into the apartment.

"Hey guys, is Ash joining us for dinner? I made chicken. It'll be ready in about 10 minutes." He said.

Ash grew a little red, but walked up to him.

As she was standing next to him, the highly difference of about 6 inches became more noticeable.

"Can I help you, Ashl-"

"Sorry about this." She apologized, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pressing her lips against his. Instead of pulling away, James surprised us all by wrapping his arms around hers and pulling her closer.

She moved her hands around to the back of his neck.

I slowly grabbed Lukas' arm and silently pulled him slowly to my room.

"Oh. My. Gosh. That was so adorable! I am so proud of them!" I whispered-screamed once we got to my room.

"He wasn't placing his hands properly. He should have had his hands near her neck. Only one hand at most one the waist." He frowned.

"Take your own advice." I remarked, recalling him, only a few minutes ago, grabbing me by my waist as I pecked him.

"Sure thing." He said. "I'll start now." He leaned forward.

"You're a d***." I informed him, laying down horizontally on my bed.

"I can live with that." He said, sprawling out on the bed next to me, staring at the ceiling.

I rolled my eyes and stared at my celling as well. I started imagining different shapes made out of the spikes on the celling.

I wonder what Ash and James are doing... Probably talking over the kiss like Lukas and I had done.

I turned over on my side and closed my eyes.

Just a quick nap. A few minutes. I thought, sleepily.

Lukas, at some point, had reached over and started tracing my tattoo again, but I barely noticed.

I struggled to keep my eyelids open, but gave up. I let myself dream for a few minutes.


Sorry, it took so long for the update, but I have a lot going on and it had originally gotten deleted.

Long chapter.

2051 words.

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