Chapter 19

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I aimlessly slapped for my demonic alarm clock.

I finally successfully hit the snooze button.

Why did I want to wake up early?

"Wake up, sleeping beauty! You are coming to breakfast!" James called from the kitchen.

Oh yeah, I thought. That's why...

Last night, after the incident with Lukas, he went to Aiden's house for a sleepover or something so I hadn't talked to him yet.

James and I have to go pick him up at IHOP.

The worst thing was, I only had 2 more days before school starts again and I might have some classes with him.

Also, James was going to leave tomorrow to visit mum and dad one more time before school starts, but I couldn't go because I had to 'watch Lukas.' Yeah, I'm going to voluntarily stare at him all day, monitoring him to make sure he doesn't throw parties or hook up with a girl. Thanks for making me 'watch' him, James. I appreciate it. --I hope you caught all that sarcasm, because there was enough to fill an ocean.--

I stretched and sat up, dragging myself over to my closet.

I changed quickly and went to the kitchen. "We're leaving, grab your phone and meet me down at the car." James said.

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute." I said, sleepily walking back to my room.

I snatched my phone off my bed stand and headed for the door. I came out of the apartment, hoping into the car with James.


I stabbed aimlessly at my pancake.

No one talked. We were all silent. I guess that happens when you find out that someone died.

As soon as we got here, I could see that Aiden was pretty p*ssed off. He had got a call from his mother that his uncle had died today and Aiden was really close to him.

I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to say, so I didn't say anything.

The worst thing about the death is it wasn't just a death... It was a murder. By a nearby gang.

And you know who happened to be in the gang? Aiden's brother.

I bit my lip nervously and wondered when anyone would ever talk.

I raised my glance to Lukas who was done with his meal. I was the only girl at the table which made things more awkward.

I slid my glance to James, who looked emotionless. I then looked to Aiden and I couldn't tell if he wanted to punch something or to cry his eyes out. Either way, I didn't feel comfortable having here. I mean, don't get me wrong, he's nice guy, but in this state, he looked like the smallest thing would make him snap.

"I-I should go. M-my m-mum wanted m-me t-to talk about my uncle's d-death." Aiden stuttered, standing up.

No one said anything for a while, so Aiden started walking away.

He reached the door and walked out. I immediately felt a pang of guilt for not trying to support him.

"I'll be right back. I'm going to try to talk to him." I said, standing up as well.

I heads out of the IHOP in hopes of seeing Aiden. I heard a harsh howl which snapped my attention away from supporting Aiden.

It sounded as if someone was in pain. Pain. I knew what it meant to be in pain and I wanted to keep people from the experience.

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