We choose our demons | a BNHA...

By Pixel102

194 20 2

An updated version of my other fic our demons When you have the ability to see dead people, it would be unner... More

The Day - 2
They're out already!? - 3
S.C.C.R.E 0.7 - 4
Rebirth - 4.5
Maka - 5
New You - 6
First Impressions - 7
New persona - 8
Incorrect quotes (you can skip!)

The Phoenix's flame - 1

83 3 0
By Pixel102


The phoenix symbolizes immortality, resurrection, and life after death. In ancient Greek and Egyptian mythology it is associated with the sun god.
It means to live again. But not anew.


Fire was the last and first thing that has been engraved into my being. I saw pitchforks being waved, aimed at me. People cheering, kids laughing and playing, drinks shared, as if they were celebrating. I was trapped. Stuck in one spot as I saw my inevitable demise creep upon my flesh, burning it. Kids were ushered up and encouraged to dump a powder into the flame turning the bright orange embers to a brilliant purple.

I physically chuckled..

How ironic.

The thing I had loved the most was killing me. The color I had cherished was only an insult to injury. "May this pathetic witch be burning in hell for the crimes she has committed upon our land!" Cheers erupted from the crowd of onlookers. There were cusses and slurs thrown at me. Some were aimed at my race to my "magic".  "Fools!" I had shouted out of turn. "You speak when I allow you to you-" "You're all fools! Don't you understand that this world has brought nothing but suffering!? I was doing ye' a favor! And now you'll all burn with me!"

And as the fire ate at my body, as it was peeling and warping, I had laughed. And laughed. And laughed... until I couldn't make a sound other than groans and gasps. My vocal cords ripped a part.

I lived in a quiet town. But I was nothing but a slave to those men. I got tired of family being taken away. Tired of being whipped for taking a short break in the horrid summer heat. And when I figured out how to turn fire into different colors... well... the men wanted to make a profit of it. I made life more harder. And I grew more tired. Everyone did.

So I gave up.

I killed so.. so many within my time. I was 27 I believe. I got caught. It was inevitable. I saw it coming. Everyone get caught, especially in a small town such as that one.

"Please dear, do not make the same mistakes I had. Nothing good ever comes from it. Trust me. Revenge should never be taken to the extremes of death."

"Okay mama.
I will only help those that need help!"

"That's my ember." My flame. My Phoenix.


The sound of my phone vibrating wakes me up from my very nice, cosy, [warm/cold], slumber as it incessantly vibrates.
It won. Again. It always does.


The music accompanying the sound makes me even more irritated as I sit my phone up in my hand. "Get the fuck up!" It reads. Right before I press the snooze button, another alarm appears reading "it's time to fucking learn dumbass! UP" "if you say so..."
Another alarm pops up saying "lazy ass bitch" I stare at it with disinterest. I close the alarm with an eye roll. I know how to irritate myself, huh? Pushing my own damn buttons.

I stretch and with the satisfaction my back brings when I do so lifts my spirits up by a decimal as I fully get my ass up and into the shower.

"How's it goin' me?" I look to my reflection on the mirror. My hair is (messy from just waking up) (still inside of the cap all... neat...hopefully) and my eyes have bags heavier than my emotions. And trauma. A two in one deal!

I let out a hefty "I wanna go sleep.." and (take off the cap,) step into the shower, which, thankfully, was nice and hot already. With the shower as a small topic, I look back into a conversation I had once with my sister.


"No showers?" She shook her head, jet black hair following along her movements. "It was terrible, darling! Some had to even scoop.. our own waste.. with our bare hands! That happened almost.. a hundred years ago? Please remember that!" I nodded. "Good! Now, I was there because of my religious beliefs. All because one man didn't agree with them! Outrageous." She hugged herself dramatically, she was always a good storyteller. No matter how dark the topic. "We should be accepted for who we are not what we believe in... oh but nobody agrees with that! Sadly.." "I do."

Her eyes brighten up, "oh! You are the sweetest thing! Sweeter than a dozen donuts. You have a special place in my heart, sweets."

"You do too, sis! In my.. my heart!" Her smile on response was soft. The light reflecting of her glass features. "I'm glad someone does. One soul is enough to have word and heart spread to others. Never change, sweetheart." I swear I could hear another small "never" but.. I never asked.


The squeak of the nobs as I turn off the shower snaps me back to the present and grab my towel. "I hate getting wet..." I started to grumble gibberish as I dried off and grabbed my clean uniform. "Why did mum buy so many uniforms? And.. did Nox just make several copies?" I said as I looked into my open wardrobe with six copies of the same middle school uniform. The male version due to... being uncomfortable with the skirts. Why is that always the go to for a female uniform? At least give them shorts.. or longer skirts?

I looked down to see that today was a flat chest day, so no need for a binder. Yay!
To explain, this world has these weird things called "quirks", my family just calls it magic but to each for your own. Quirks are abilities that are mainly physical and passed through DNA which is why quirk marriages were a thing and still technically are. While mine has always been a mystery, it's summed to me have the ability to see the dead and befriend them to use their abilities. Almost like the game PocketMonsters, but with dead people.

A side effect that I despise is that I have the characteristics of what people call a "monster" or "devil". Sharp teeth, small bat wings, and of course, the whites in my eyes being instead the color black. My nails are also unnaturally sharp but to seem more normal I cut them. And to now explain the.. chest thing, I am what was deemed, by my biological mother, a defect. I didn't have the parts necessary to be defined as either male or female and they change on a day-to-day basis.

Entirely unpredictable.

I don't know why that deemed me "unfavorable" to her, but the final nail on the coffin for both my parents was when I developed my quirk. According to my better family, my old ones were devoted Christians. Devoted Christians that committed against one of the Ten Commandments, adultery.

I put a strain on their marriage and on my relationship with them as soon as I was introduced into the world. I never even had a chance. So, my better and more equipped mother took me in and could help me on using my quirk.

"Ma! When's the entrance exam?" I heard a sigh and chuckle from the woman I called for. "Ten months! Don't rush it dear!" Then there was a quiet, "I'm losing my baby..." followed by two giggles. "Oh come on, Mutter! We're all losing 'em!" I heard my sister say as I walked down the staircase. "Yes, and we're all saddened by it... but that's how humans age! We can't stop it." There, sitting at the table eating their respective foods were my big sisters, Nox and Silvia. Both demons yet were physical to the world.

Nox was a bit of a... reckless one. Stitched together and had sewn two other arms to itself and had mismatched button eyes. One was blue and the other a dark green. She was an abomination and didn't mind. Her horns felt and looked like plastic and were in the shape of a rams horns. Hell, her legs had hooves and her tail looked like a rams as well. I like to call her "ram 1500".

Silvia, was beautiful. Her eyes were made of glass and made her shimmer. She always wore black and she had the most soft hair in the history of hair. She abandoned her religion after she died due to past reasons. She also had vitiligo in the sense of glass portions were scattered along her body. She even had a horn at the center of her head which I called a unicorn horn.
I call her "Twilight Sparkle" or "Rarity" because of this.

Then my mother, Amber. She was beautiful in her own right. Unlike my sisters, she was the most mature and the most intelligent. She had burn scars scattered along her body which she proudly showed off. She always says that a scar is like a trophy, it means you survived. On her back was a "tattoo" of her wings that she uses to store them. Too big I suppose. Her hair was always in a ponytail and had stripes of a dark purple. Her eyes were similar to mine but instead of e/c they were a bright gold that shimmers when dark. She was a warm (pun intended) caring mother, and I love her for it.
But that does not stop me from calling her Satan.

"What's for breakfast, ma?" "Your favorite, f/b/f (favorite breakfast food)." I was about to help myself a plate, but was stopped and handed a pre-made one. I bowed as thanks and made my way to the table. "So," started Silvia. "Do you have any-" "if you ask about my love life again I swear to the stars above I will exorcise you." She deflated. "Oh come on, sweets! I just want to know!" "Well," I ate my food. "The answer you're looking for is no. Again." With a pout she ate the rest of her food and went to wash her dish.

I sighed and did the same as I dread the thought of going to school. Stupid Bakugou... bitch should be in a pound. Alas I cannot say that out loud for I would be yelled at by said bitch to no end. "Alright, time for school get ready! And you two," Nox and Silvia flinch, "have a good first day of work." Smiles are traded amongst the house as we all get to our destinations. I go to my waiting place to meet my friend, Izuku. Not to my surprise he's late.

I heard my name being called in the distance. I saw the green curls of my first and best friend
"I'm sorry I'm late again, but you need to hear this! I saw one of the new hero's debut!" I reply in sign language, "oh? Do tell!" My smile let's him know that I'll listen, even if I can't make out what he's saying. He rambles on about "Mt. Lady" and her quirk. His smile and enthusiasm brings me joy and energy as he rambled on his interest. Reminds me of when..


"H.. hi!" A boy with freckles and a plain appearance walks up to me. I wave which seems to bring him a small boost in confidence to talk. "My... my name is.. um.." he looks back to what I could assume is his mother who nods. He breathes, "my name is Midoriya, what's yours?" He asks. I grabbed a stick on the ground and wrote my name. He repeats it as I spelled it out. "That's a nice name.." "I like yours too." He looked at me bashful. "Th...thank you.." he scratched the back of his head. "You understand what I'm saying?" He nods. "My mama taught me!"

I smiled. "Can I meet her?" I tilted my head. With a bright smile he nodded and grabbed my hand. "Mama! Mama! Meet my new friend!!" "Aw. Hello dear."


I laughed quietly. He was and still is a cute little rabbit. "And- oh... I didn't realize we made it already." I chuckled and patted his head. "Yeah... I guess I just lost track in time huh?" "I don't mind. You know that." He smiled, "yeah... I'm .. thankful for that." We sat in our respective seats and waited until the teacher arrived, him talking about his interests more as I listened with my head resting upon my palm. He stopped midway through his sentence when he walked into the class. With a scoff he also took his seat.

I taped on Izuku's desk to get his attention. "You were saying?" I smiled. He whispered the rest of our conversation until the teacher finally fucking arrived. "So," he started. "Is this about the stupid exam-" "I already know what career path you want to go through." "Fucking hell..."

"I already know you want to be hero's!" He spun and threw a bunch of papers everywhere. I fucking hate this. It got loud as everyone cheered and showed off their quirks. Izuku covered my ears as they began to ring. "You okay?" He whispered. I nodded which was a clear lie but oh well. "Yes yes, settle down!" He clapped. "Tch" I started to tune everything out as the bitch started to talk. Pride. It's gonna kill him one day. I'll laugh at him when it comes.

But of course, "yes, Bakugou," it's bitch "you're enrolling into UA, correct?" The bitch chuckled and started to act out on his pride until the words I was hoping wouldn't be said... was said. "Along with Midoriya and Daybreak."



The spiky haired nimrod slammed his hand into Izukus desk and used his quirk, explosion, to make my ears ring. On purpose. I looked around in a panic and saw the ghost of a student looking at him in raged at the fact that he would physically try to hurt someone. He then looked to me. "Help!" The ghost came to me and lended me his hand so I could take his power for a moment. Said power allowed me to fling the bitch to the windows. "The fuck!?" "Thank you." I bowed to the spirit as I went up to my friend. "You freak!"

"Yeah keep shouting obscenities like that'll get to me. I'm immune at this point.. but he isn't."

I helped Izuku back to his desk and glared at the bitch that hurt him. "You-" "now that's enough! But great enthusiasm!" The teacher was shaking and glancing between me and the runt. I could've done more. Should've done more.. not like the man with authority was going to anyway. They never were. They made things worse.


"Did you hear? Midoriya is quirk less!" "What's that?" "He doesn't have a quirk!" "Sucks to be him!" "How use uhm.." "useless?" "Yeah! Useless! He's useless!"

A bunch of kindergarteners. Five-year-olds. They were the same age as him and yet... didn't want to be around him. He started to cry. And another boy smiled. I tapped on the crying boys shoulder, "no cry." I held out a bar of candy. "Have." With a sniffle the boy took it slowly. "Are you sure you-" he sniffed "want to give me this?" He tried to get rid of the crocodile tears but failed. "B...because I'm-" *sniff* "quirk... quirkless..."

I stood there with a smile. "Friend" I pointed to him. He tackled me in a hug as he cried harder.

When I got my quirk... he still stood by me.

"They're parents left them?" "Why?"

One look gave them the answers they sought for.

"Get away!" "Monster!" "No wonder your mommy never wanted you!"

And when I talked... it made it worse...

All I did was sit in a corner and he sat down and pat my head. "You do the same to comfort me. I wanna return the favor."
"Thank you, green"
"Call me Izuku."
"Call me by my name too."

Why should I ever leave him? Everyone left us.. we can't leave each other now..

The bell had rung which signaled the end of school. As everyone filed out the room, Izuku went through his bag to show me the page where Mt. Lady's entry resided. When he was about to turn the pages to show me, a hand took the notebook from his hands. My wings started to flap as I hovered from the ground to nab my friends book.

"Notes to become a hero?" A laugh erupted from the runt. "Kacchan give it back.." I kept trying to grab the book back but got a hand to the face to push me away. I bit said hand which made him slap me to the ground. I saw that I drew some blood. "What the fuck is wrong with you!?"

"I could ask you the same.."

"Won't talk? Fine. What if I.." and with a turn he threw the book out the window. I quickly went after it and flew out the window.

"No no no no!"

I saw it's landing place, inside of the fountain. Just great. Convenient! Why the hell is this even here? "That ain't food.." I said in my native tongue. The fish swam away from where my hand was aimed at. I started to dry the wet pages of Izuku's hard work. I looked up at the window which had a small bit of smoke emitting from it.

"What did he do..."

I heard familiar footsteps and saw warm green eyes a bit defeated. I fluttered my wings to make a sound so that he could notice my presence. "Oh, there you are." I shouldn't have left him. I should've stayed. I walked up to him to give him his now dried book. He had a slight smile, "thanks..." I don't know how to comfort him.. I can't comfort humans.. but maybe..

"You wanna go to cafe?" He looked a bit more happy. "Sure." I patted his head and led him to the front of the school. "I'm going to go for a walk... okay?" "I understand. See you later, Izu!" I smile and waved goodbye and we departed.

The walk home was quiet but it was made up by help the local ghost kids and the animals that have passed find their owners. I was pleasantly walking until I smelled fire and heard a crowed. I looked up and saw thick smoke coming from an alley. The amount of people blocked my view and because I don't like being around people in general I left.

"Nope fuck that too many people and if there's that many people crowded around an alleyway I would have to touch people to satisfy my curiosity and I don't want to deal with human contact today."

I walked through the now empty streets and passed more people that wanted to see the action. What was so interesting about that anyway? That you see a hero? This is Japan for stars sake we're infested with hero's. Then if today couldn't get worse...





I ran to the café me and Izuku love the most as it started to fucking downpour.
"I hate getting wet! I ALREADY HAD A SHOWERRRR"

I found the café called "cakes and critters" and quickly went inside. "Oh! Sweets, I didn't expect you." Silvia was manning the counter. She looked outside. "But, I should've." "Hello Rarity" She laughed. "Sill calling me that eh? Cute!" I puffed out. My cheeks and ordered a regular. I sat down in our usual corner and waited for my friend's arrival. Sunset.

The chiming of bells signals his arrival as he took breathes of air. "Why were you running, sweet tea?" Asked my sister in human tongue. "Miss! I..I didn't know you uhm- worked here!" The light laughter of Silvia echoed through the walls. "I do now, sweet tea. My darling of a sibling has already ordered and is sitting in the corner." "Thanks..!"

I saw him peak around the seat to meet my eyes. "There you are! Are you alright?" "Yes! Besides getting a bit wet..." he laughed. "That's right! Forgot about your hate for rain." Silvia shouted, "runs in the family!" I heard a faint, "if mom was anything to go by."

He sat down. "You know... I just wondered... why don't you speak? I don't mean to be offensive in any way! But-" I laughed. "I can understand but can't speak human tongue." "Oh! Uhm.. are you learning?" I nodded with a smile. We sat in a comfortable silence as he then started to ramble about his personal hero AllMight. I may not see the appeal but it makes him happy and to me.

That's all that matters. I just want him to be happy.


It's been a bit, but hey! I'm back and doing something!

If you want to ask questions about how this may go, I have a Tumblr! Go ask questions on there! I may make a separate book for some of the asks I get. Who knows?

Also, I got burned recently :D. Wear long pants when near motorcycle's, trust me.

Have a nice day/night
Make it chaotic!


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