In Love With A Bad Girl-(JJK)

By Galaxy_Rose9

1K 74 3

jungkook a 19yr old guy goes to college in korea and he was a shy/quite person. one day he met a woman who is... More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16(final)

part 5

56 5 0
By Galaxy_Rose9

Next day jungkook woke up and he saw that Jackson was gone he sigh and went to use the bathroom and as he was about to wear the glasses he saw that it was Abbys glasses.

Jungkook pov: I really should give this back to her.

He wore it and came out of the bathroom and got dress for the day, jungkook got out of the room and then he bumped into a girl he looked up and he saw that it was one of Abby friends he gasp and the girl looked at him.

Jk: i-im sorry I didn't see you.
G: ya you know Choi Abby right?
Jk: um.....yeah.
G: is she your friend or something?
Jk: no. It's just that she helps me.
G: like how she give you her glasses.
Jk: yeah I'll give it back tho.

She sigh and walked away and as jungkook walk she yelled back.

G: im Young sunny. Hopefully you don't hurt Abby or anything.
Jk: r-right!

He yelled back and was confused what she meant by that. He then got to class and give taehyung back his notes that he took from when his glasses broke then Abby walked thru the door and the students looked and was surprised that she wasn't late, jungkook and taehyung widened their eyes as they saw her outfit


She smirked and sat down on a empty spot and just sigh then she looked over at jungkook and he looked away as she did. Abby just looked at her nails and was in class for a whole time, not listening or trying to walk out then the bell ring she got up and walk out of class as taehyung pack all his things he saw that jungkook was still packing his things.

T ; are you really not going to confess to her?
Jk:'s to soon.
T: dude just talk to her like a normal person.
Jk: im trying but everytime I see her or try to talk to her I am red like a cherry.
T: thats what its like to fall in love for the first time.

Jungkook blush taehyung laughed.

T: don't worry the right time will come.

They both left the classroom and then later it was lunch and so Abby came in and jungkook saw he smiled alittle seeing her and then he saw another girl walked up to Abby and slapped her he gasp the students in there saw and widened their eyes, Abby moved her hair and looked at the girl.

G: you bitch! You put raw egg in my pe shoes and red paint all over my pe locker! You asshole!

Abby sigh and scoff at the same time and slapped the girl back she gasp.

A: that wasn't even me, probably someone who hates you did it.

The girl sob and had teary eyes.

A: if it was me I would be carrying all those things but I am not.
G: you always bully all of us!
A: I know that but for their money not for your shits!

Abby push pass her and her friends smirk and Followed the girl cry and then she walked away, Abby just look at jungkook and annoyed him. The girl just turn with madness and he ran up to Abby and pull her by the hair Abby squeal and she turn around and face the girl.

A: don't touch the hair!

Abby pull her hair and they started to fight the students couldn't break them up so jungkook and taehyung ran up to them.

Jk: stop Abby!

Jungkook grab her but the arms and same with taehyung so Abby try to kick her and she was yelling.

A: you creazy fucking bitch! I didn't even do it! Let me go!

She was trying to get off jungkooks grip and then the professor came in the lunch room.

P: the hell is going on here!

Jungkook and taehyung let them go, later they were in the office with abbys aunt and the girls parents.

P: what you both did today was stupid and creazy, are you two insane? This is not high school it's college and you guys are here for a reason for your future.
A: what are you gotta do to them sir?
P: both of you girls are expelled for the next few months.
G: what?!

Her parents were disappointed and anbys aunt was too, Abby scoffed.

A: I didn't even do it! I'm not the bully who did that! Aunt!

She looked at her and she just glared at her, jungkook heard and he was shock and just walked away. They walked out of the office and Abby looked at the girl and walked to the car, her aunt looked at Abby.

Au: I can't believe you just got expelled by your college.
A: I didn't even do it, she pull my hair fist and also I wasn't even her bully! She had her own bully.
Au: well you do bully all the students there.
A: because I hate them and the school.
Au: your mom went to that college.

Abby just growls and looked out the window.

T: so she got expelled?
Jk: yeah.
T: we'll it's a great time to confessed to her.
Jk: its not...I will need to give her back her glasses soon.

He sighed and they went to their rooms and jungkook just can't stop thinking about abby and how she is doing after getting expelled just now. Abby got home and she changed and just stay in her room all day, jungkook was thinking how he will cofess his feelings to Abby he just sigh and went to sleep instead trying to not think to much about it.

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