What If The TMNT Had Sisters?

By SimplyMartyna

34.2K 490 323

This story tells a tale of the turtles, except now they have little sisters cheering them on, however Splinte... More

Rise Of The Turtles 1
Rise Of The Turtles 2
Turtle Temper
New Friend, Old Enemy
I Think His Name is Baxter Stockman
Monkey Brains
Never Say Xever
The Gauntlet
Panic in the Sewers
Mousers Attack!
It Came From the Depths
I, Monster
New Girl In Town
The Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer
Cockroach Terminator
Baxter's Gambit
Enemy of My Enemy
Karai's Vendetta
The Pulverizer Returns!
Operation: Break Out
Showdown 1
Showdown 2
Season 2!
The Mutation Situation
Invasion of the Squirrelanoids
Follow the Leader
Mutagen Man Unleashed
Mikey Gets Shellacne
Target: April O'Neil
Slash and Destroy
The Good, The Bad, and Casey Jones
The Kraang Conspiracy
Fungus Humungous
Metalhead Rewired
Of Rats and Men
The Manhattan Project
Mazes & Mutants
The Lonely Mutation of Baxter Stockman
Pizza Face
The Wrath of Tiger Claw
The Legend of the Kuro Kabuto
Plan 10
Vengeance is Mine
A Chinatown Ghost Story
Into Dimension X!
The Invasion 1
The Invasion 2
Season 3!
Author's note
Within the Woods
A Foot Too Big
Buried Secrets
The Croaking
In Dreams
Race With the Demon!
Eyes Of The Chimera
Vision Quest
Return To New York
Serpent Hunt
The Pig And The Rhino
Battle for New York 1
Casey Jones Vs. The Underworld
The Noxious Avenger
Clash Of The Mutanimals
Meet Mondo Gecko

Battle for New York 2

96 3 5
By SimplyMartyna

"So do we even have a real plan here or are we just winging it for laughs?" Raph asked as the boys were flying towards TCRI with the turtle blimp.
"It's all on the Mighty Mutanimals." Donnie explained. First they break into TCRI, then Doc Rockwell activates the portal."
"And then it's back to Dimension X! Yeah, boy! I get to be smart again." Mikey cheered.
"I get the first part. Makes sense. It's the "save millions of mutated New Yorkers" part I don't get." Raph sighed.
"Well, Donnie's got his super Retro-Mutagen stuff. That'll work. Uh, right, Donnie?" Leo asked.
"Heck yeah! And once we change all the humans back, Rockwell will hone in on us with the Kraang portal and, theoretically, teleport us all back to Earth. Hopefully. Maybe...."
"Yep. We're doomed." Raph made his usual poker face.
"It's an awesome plan, Raph." Mikey smiled. "Dimension X, here we come!"
"They have Mari and Urte...I hope they won't be too much trouble for them."
"I don't think they will. If anything they only help them fight the large amount of Kraang. I just hope the Mutanimals don't screw this up. If they can't get that portal open..." Leo spoke.

The door blasted open and the Mighty Mutanimals stepped inside.
"Aw, Kraang." A droid frowned.
"Mutanimals, ho!" Slash roared. The mutanimals began to fight.
"Crush Kraang!" Leatherhead grabbed the droids.
"Doc, get that portal up pronto!" Slash ordered as Rockwell made his way to the control pannel
"Hacking in now."
"Doc, hurry it up!" Slash said and threw a piece of bread.
"Bread! Give me bread!"
"The portal is up!" Rockwell shouted.

"Yes! They did it!!" Mikey shouted from the top of the blimp.
"Unbelievable." Leo looked at the open portal.
"Hoist the mizzenmast, lads! This pirate ship's about to jack Dimension X!" Raph said.
"Ready your oxygen converters, guys." Donnie put on his.
"Booyakasha!" Mikey shouted as they headed closer to the portal.

"So those Turtle freaks think they're goin' to my home turf? Fuggedaboutit!" Subrime grunted as he watched from the ground before flying up to the portal.

"Okay. Welcome back to Dimension X." Leo said as they were back and the blimp was in all different positions. Quickly Donnie attempted to fix it up.
"Phew. Well, that's 23% better."
"And I got a way of making it a thousand times better. Booyakasha!" He threw a smoke bomb. Leo and Raph began to cough.
"Mikey!" Raph shouted.
"Savage Mikey of Dimension X returns!"
"Again with the costumes!" Raph shouted.
"Let's just go with it." Leo put a hand on Raph's shoulder before clearing his throat. "Great, "Savage Mikey," so, uh, where do you think the Kraang are keeping all those mutated humans?"
"Hold on. I can sense them close by with my organic antenna." Mikey said as he jumped up onto the top of the blip. Making an antenna with his hands and making silly noises. "Wa, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa. Wah, beep, beep." he gasped. "That way!"
"You heard the man, Donnie. Full speed ahead! Hiya!" Raph shouted as they continued making their way through dimension X.

"We gotta keep that portal open for the sake of the city!" Slash shouted as the mutanimals kept fighting.
"It's impossible! They just keep coming! And we're getting low on sourdough!" Pigeon Pete shouted. "Call the girls!"
"I am not risking it. I promised Leonardo I'd return them safe an unharmed." Slash shouted to Pete before the door opened. " Biodroids. Irmabots." The old kraang lady bot ordered.
"We are in a staggeringly phenomenal amount of danger." Rockwell said.
"Destroy the mutants!"
"Mutanimals, don't let 'em near Rockwell!" Slash ordered as they all kept fighting.
"Aah! Help, fellas! " Pigeon Pete shouted as he was held down. Leatherhead and Slash were soon to follow. Rockwell used his psychic powers to lift up the kraang guns and shoot, but soon his helmet was knocked off of him. "My psychic amplifier!" soon he was grabbed and captured along side his friends.

"So where are all the people? Feels like we've been searching forever." Leo asked.
"You got any idea where we're going, Mikey, for real?" Raph raised a brow.
"Of course I do, dude!" Mikey answered before a loud roar came in. It was a Kraathatrogon. Mikey laughed weekly. "But there are always surprises along the way."
"It's a Kraathatrogon! Man the defenses!" Donnie screamed. The balls of trash did nothing to the creature as it cut right through the blip. The boys screamed as they went flying onto a nearby floating island.

"Uh, I think I broke my brain." Mikey held onto his head.
"Ha, what brain? I'm takin' this freaky space worm down myself!" Raph stood up as the thing came flying and knocked him over the edge, Raph screamed, but he somehow ended up landing right on top of Leo. "Whoa!" Donnie ducked the worm, Mikey ran passed him.
"I got this, D! Hoo! Hoo!" Mikey ran off to the crystal trees, grabbing a few of the crystals and a smaller worm that he used as a grappling hook.
"Hiya!" He defeated the worm by throwing the exploding Crystals at the right spot. "FYI, guys, Kraang worms' weak spot are their butt faces. Got that?" Mikey looked at his brothers.
"Guys, look!" Donnie pointed at the nearby islands.
"This just keeps getting worse and worse and worse." Leo groaned.
"Let me guess. The humans that got Kraangatized have been turned into servants and are mining energy crystals for the Kraang." Mikey crossed his arms.
"Mikey, you never cease to amaze me." Leo smiled.
"I'm sweet like that, dude."
"So we figure out a way to turn the humans back ..." Raph started.
"And then the Mutanimals figure out a way to bring us all home." Don turned to him.
"It doesn't seem possible."
"Dude, it's the Mighty Mutanimals, the operative word being "mighty." They got it all under control!" Mikey smiled smugly.

"Rockwell! Ugh! Leatherhead, take down that robot now!" Slash shouted as he was cornered. Leatherhead did his best to try and save Rockwell.
"Let me go, beast!" The alligator growled as he was captured by the kraang. Slash finally freed himself only to find his team mates all caught.
"No. My team."
"Give up, Mutant, or your friends will perish." The robot lady spoke.
"Slash! You can't let them deactivate the portal! The Turtles will be trapped in Dimension X!" Rockwell shouted, but Slash was cornered he head no choice. "My friends." he frowned and dropped his weapons. The lady then closed the portal.

"It looks like the Kraang have human hybrids on those three islands." Leo observed.
"Those islands are huge, man. I mean, how are we gonna turn all those mutants back into people?" Raph groaned.
"You forget, Raph. We just need to find a massive amount of Mutagen and convert it into Retro-Mutagen with this." Donnie said.
"Oh, is that all? A massive amount of Mutagen? Let me just milk a few thousand Kraang worms." Raph groaned.
"I bet that thing has a ton of Mutagen inside of it!" Mikey pointed.
"A technodrome? Mikey." Leo was shocked.
"Don't say it. I know. I'm a genius."
"I was gonna say you're crazy! Steal a technodrome?! "
"And how would we even get there? The blimp's a wreck." Raph shouted.
"Or we could borrow one of those stealth ships parked over there. Just sayin'." Donnie pointed.
"This is so crazy, I'm starting to like this plan." Raph smirked.
"All right, guys. Stay frosty. And keep quiet. And all those other Leo-isms Leo likes to say." Mikey said and jumped to the other island.

" Okay team, when I give the signal-" Mikey interrupted Leo.
"It'll be this Caw caw! Caw caw! And then we sneak inside the ship."
"That sounds like a great idea!" Subprime landed on the island.
"Not this guy again." Donnie sighed.
"That's right, mutant freaks! Kraang Subprime returns!" He transformed from his Irma body into a bigger robot and began to show off his kraang muscles. "You like that, don't ya? Do you like this? Huh! Yeah, you like that. Now come quietly or I vaporize ya."
Mikey threw a few crystals at him. Subprime moved out of the way. "Ha! You missed!" he noticed Mikey's smile. "Huh?" he looked down and noticed Crystal's by his feet. Mikey then screamed in a high-pitched tone as the crystals then exploded sending Subprime flying. He screamed.

"You did it, little brother!" Raph cheered.
"That's cause I'm suh-suh-suh-sweet." Mikey shouted as they made their way to the stealth ship.

"Get this baby moving, D!"
"I'm starting it. I'm starting it!"
"So you really know how to fly this thing?" Raph asked.
"Um, sort of. I kinda did it before. Not exactly." Donnie mumbled.
"Just get this bird in the air already!" Raph said before Donnie smacked them into a wall. "Forward might be nice." Raph grunted.
"Let me handle this, D!: Mikey pushed him aside and began to pilot the stealth ship.

Kraang Subprime groaned in pain before pulling up a small screen. "Kraang Subprime to hive base! Turtles have hijacked a stealth ship!"
"What are the orders that Kraang Subprime wishes to order as an order to-"
"Oy, just shut up already. Do me a favor and unleash the Dracodroid!"

"So what are we gonna do when we reach that technodrome, huh? Anyone thought that far ahead?" Raph asked.
"Um, not really?" Donnie smiled awkwardly.
"Uh, guys. I think we've got bigger, badder problems. Look!" Leo pointed at a robotic dragon flying towards them.
"Mikey?" Raph turned to his baby brother.
"I've never seen that thing before." Mikey said as he began flying them away from the dragon-like robot. "Brace yourselves! Whoa!" They avoided the beast. " Strap your shells on tight, bros. Booyakasha!"
"Left! Go left!" Raph shouted.
"No, go right! Right!" Leo shouted.
"Look out!" Donnie shouted before they all screamed crashing into the technodorme.

"Let us out! I swear, once I break these walls down, I'll..." Slash grunted as he and his team were now trapped.
"It is useless, my friend." Leatherhead put a hand on his shoulder.
"It's my fault we got captured. Maybe Leonardo was right. Maybe I'm not fit to lead this team." Slash frowned.
"I have seen you save humans from the Kraang, rescue your fellow mutants. You are a good soul, Slash." Leatherhead comforted him.
"Thank you, brother. But if we can't save the Turtles, then all of the humans of New York are doomed. We failed."
"I'm I'm losing it, guys. The walls. Too cramped! I have to go to the bathroom!" Pigeon Pete panicked. "Ugh! Calm down, man! I'm trying to focus!" Rockwell slapped him and got back into position with his fingers on his temple. "Om. Om."

They watched Rockwell concentrate. Slowly out of the corner of his eye, Slash noticed Urte and Mari sneak in. He panicked. The girls jumped down and began attacking the kraang.
"Girls!" He banged on the glass.
"Sorry! We can't just sit around!" Urte shouted as she kicked down a kraang droid. "Looks like you needed our help after all." She smirked.
"Girls, I need you to open this cell." Rockwell looked at them intently.
"On it." Urte said before she was grabbed.
"Urte!" They all shouted in unison. Mari ran over and helped her sister out. They were bombarded with Kraang.

The turtles made it through the Kraang and into the technodorome's main control room.
"We made it! Wow, that was easy." Raph smiled once he had the door closed.
"Um, Raph." Mikey spoke. Raph turned around to a bunch of Kraang.
"Aw, Kraang."
"Turtles, attack!" Leo ran to fight.
"Leo, I'm leader in Dimension X! Hoo-ah! Attack!" Mikey shouted while fighting the kraang.
"Then figure out a way to take out all these Kraangdroids!" Leo shouted before Mikey thought for a moment and kicked two kraang out of their little flying pods, before using them to fly around and shoot all the kraang.
"Oh, yeah! Check me out!" Mikey laughed as he cleared the room of Kraang.
"Mikey, that was amazing!" Raph smiled.
"Dimension X plus years of video games equals Mikey awesomeness!"
"Great, just get this thing moving! Donnie, what have we got?" Leo turned to his brother.
"Good news.It looks like we have access to their mutagen supply through this fuel tube. Not only do they use Mutagen to terraform, they use it to power the ship. We've got a massive supply! Like like this much!" Donnie spread his arms to show. They all turned to the computer's beeping noises as Mikey was typing all around the control panel.
"Yes! She's moving! Let's save New York!"

"What's Rockwell doing, Leatherhead?" Slash asked in a worry as the girls were fully packed and couldn't get to them.
"Focusing. Without his psychic amplifier, his power is greatly diminished." Leatherhead explained.
"It's working! It's working! Joy, joy!" Pigeon Pete began to shout as Rockwell lifted a kraang head with his mind and freed himself along with the others
"You did good, Doc!" Slash smiled at his friend.
"Freedom!" Pete yelled as they ran to help the girls.
"We still have to reactivate that portal!" Doc Rockwell rushed towards the control panel.

"We have a visual on the human hybrids, Donatello." Leo turned to his brother. "We need that portal ready to go."
"Give me two seconds. I've got to add the Retro-Mutagen." He said before adding it and causing the ship's alarm to go off.
"Something's wrong. What's going on, Donnie?! Report!" Leo shouted at his brother.
"I told you, the technodrome runs on Mutagen. Aah!" The space ship shook. "The engines just can't take Retro-Mutagen, Captain!"
"Not necessarily." Mikey rushed to the control pannel. "I just need to alter the ship's fuel convertors, tweak the quantum defiblitrons, and voilÃ!"
"Mikey, you're-" Raph was interrupted by Mikey.
"A genius, I know."
"Wasting time! Get this thing moving! We have to save the humans already!" The heard a loud drilling noise as they turned to the door.
"Here's Kraangy!" it was Kraang Subprime.
"Okay, Donnie, we need that portal open! Call up the Mutanimals!" Leo shouted.
"Come in, Doctor Rockwell. Doc? You there? Anybody?!" Donnie panicked as nobody answered his call. "Great. If the Mutanimals can't transport us back, cancel the entire rescue mission." Raph ranted.
"And us going home." Leo frowned.

"Just do it already!" Slash shouted as Pete flew Rockwell to the control panel. Now, if we can transform the portal into a three-dimensional coordinate locked beam..." The old lady was near Rockwell again, but Slash threw his Mace at her and saved Rockwell. Who opened the portal. "Yes! The portal is a go!"
"We did it!" Slash cheered.
"Donatello, we are back online. Thirty seconds until we teleport you home." Rockwell called Donatello.
"Sending coordinates now, adjusting for fifth dimensional space." Donnie answered.
"There they are! The hybrids. Aw, man, look at them! They're forced to work like Kravarian ant-people." Mikey frowned.
"Well, not much longer. You ready with that Retro-Mutagen, Raph?" Leo looked at his brother.
"Locked and loaded!"
"Fire!" Leo and Mikey shouted. They began to demutate the people.
"Sweet skills, Raph." Mikey smiled.
"We're not outta this mess yet." he answered.

"I'm just getting started, Turtles! I'm coming for your sweet shells!" Subprime called out to them.
"Donnie, we need those humans teleported out now!" Leo shouted.
"I'm on it!" Donnie managed to teleport them back. "We did it. We turned a multidimensional transmat device into a mass-displacement teleporter!"
"I have no idea what you just said, but hooray?" Raph raised a brow with a smile on his face.
"That's how we're going home, Raph. Teleportation, y'all." Mikey sang.
"Just like space heroes!" Leo fanboyed.
"No way! Forget it. You're not beaming my particles!" Raph argued.
"Surprise! Forget about me, Turtles?" Subprime was in.
"Okay, let's start beaming particles, Donnie!" Raph shouted. [grunting.]

"Eliminate the ones called the Turtles." The kraang began to marge in.
"You've gotta hold 'em off, Leo! I've gotta pilot this thing!" Mikey shouted to him.
"Hold 'em off? How?!" Leo worried.
"Yeah, that's a real good question, Greenie." Subprime teased. Leo began to fight subprime. Cutting one of the blades in the control room he managed to block the doorway and prevent more kraang from barging in. He was only left with Subprime.

"There's one last island, Raph. Do we have enough Retro-Mutagen?" Mikey asked.
"Down to 10%." Donnie shouted.
"That's it, that's all the humans." Raph said.
"Sending the last set of coordinates ours! Get us outta here, Rockwell!" Donnie shouted at his phone.
"Confirmed." Rockwell answered him.
"Leo!" Raph ran and grabbed Leo from falling down.
"You're finished, Turtle scum." Subprime walked to all of them. "Finished!" But they all disappeared right in front of his eyes. "No! It can't be! No! I was so close this time! So close!" He grumbled before noticing that the technodorme was heading for a nearby island and was going to explode. "Aw, Kraang."

The turtles teleported back to a city full of cheers and applause. The humans were teleported back and the kraang were teleported out.
"We did it. Somehow we did it!" Leo smiled.
"We're the best! Go, Ninja! Go, Ninja, go!" Mikey cheered.

April, Casey, Kurtzman along with Sim and Iveta walked outside to look around. April turned to her side.
"Dad?" It was Kirby. "Dad!" She smiled and ran to hug him. Iveta and Simona smiled at each other and put their arms around one another. Iveta was so relieved and so was Simona. Not only did their brothers and sisters save New York, Iveta's headaches also seemed to have disappeared.

"Finally everything is gonna go back to normal." Donnie smiled. "Well, as normal as this city can get."
"Yeah, but what about the Mighty Mutanimals? And our sisters" Raph asked.
"What about us?" Leatherhead smiled as he and the rest of the mutanimals all climbed up on the rooftop.
"Leatherhead! My big green buddy!" Mikey ran and hugged him.
"We made it, my friend." Leatherhead answered him. Mikey then noticed Mari before grabbing her and spinning her around.
"We did it!"
"You guys were awesome!" She cheered and hugged Mikey. "Ow! I wish I could have seen you guys fight in Dimension X!"
"Looks like our plan worked, Doctor." Donnie walked to Rockwell.
"Yes, and teleporting the Kraang back to Dimension X was a stroke of genius."

Urte ran over and hugged both Raph and Leo.
"You gotta admit, Leo. We couldn't have done this without Slash and his team." Raph smirked at Leo.
"You did great, Slash." Leo turned to him. "I'm sorry I doubted you. Everyone deserves a second chance."
"I just tried to model myself after the best leader I ever knew. You." Slash smiled.
"Aww." Urte looked at Raph.
"Ladies. Turtles. Mutanimals. It's time to celebrate!" Leo shouted before they all shouted "Booyakasha!" in unison.

Somewhere, far away in the darkness, a girl walked to her master and handed her a wine glass. The woman sat in front of a large screen.
"You Highness..."
"That stupid rat and his mantra." The woman clenched her glass. "I can't get through to her mind."
"Your Highness..." Another girl appeared beside her Master. "You know I am not one to judge your absolute brilliance, however, might I suggest you continue to get through to Iveta via the nightmares." A cold glare from her master.
"By trying to get to her right now you are weakening yourself. It is clear that her unconsciousness hasn't gone through to her consciousness yet. Though she is a weak girl, of course, it isn't time to break free. You'll hurt yourself." The girl bowed.
"Hmm..." The woman took a sip of her drink. "Perhaps you speak the truth, Abigail..."
"She does. You are growing weaker and Iveta is not. I suggest we amp up her unconsciousness." a girl stood beside Abigail. The woman rubbed her temple.
"We are not trying to change your mind, your Highness, however-"
"No, the two of you are right. Patience. We shall go about the old way, till she weakens." The master spoke, and the two girls bowed. "You may be dismissed." with those words they turned to exit. "Oh, Sarah..." The girl stopped.
"Yes, your Highness?"
"I want you to find out everything about that...Kraang Subprime..." The woman lifted the glass to her lips. Abigail and Sarah stared at each other, before turning back.
"Yes, your Highness."

And the two of them left, leaving the mystery woman to look at the big screen.


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