Blinded by hate

By _Slut4rafecameron

291K 6.1K 1.2K

"If I asked you to be my wife would you have said yes?" He asks me annoyed. I shake my head. It's the truth... More

A deal i didnt sign up for
Meeting the husband
Family drama
Just married
10 hours on a plane..what could go wrong ?
Moving in
Shopping trip
Revenge sex ?
Lovers spat
Never trust the best friend
This is not like the movies
Master manipulator
This is the end
Ivan has feelings?
Make love
I hate you
Bride and Groom
Isnt wedding sex supposed to be the best?
Is violence a love language ?
A fresh start?
Other family drama
Let her have cake!
Divorce papers...?
Psycho killerοΏΌ
Enemies to lovers, to enemies again?
All those lights.
Furry friends.
Sectet agent
My favourite flowers are tulips
So embarrassingly in love
Make love to me
No room to grovel on.
Happy birthday!
One more time
Till death do we part

Crazy bitch

6.9K 190 20
By _Slut4rafecameron


Unedited I'm lazy <3


I fall back onto the floor and let the pain consume me.

I close my eyes and welcome the darkness.

I can only hope when Ivan finds me he kills everyone here.

I sigh sitting back up.

No I have to do this myself I will not die in here.

I rip off some of Ava's dress and tie it around my leg tightly ignoring the searing hot pain.

I force myself to stand up and drag her to the mattress facing away from the door.

I stumble towards the knife and press myself into the corner of the room and wait.

Wait for my chance to get the actual fuck out of this hell hole.

An hour ? Later I hear footsteps and I spring to life.

The adrenaline dulling the pain briefly.

A man walks in and I ram the knife into the side of his neck before he even has a moment to think.

I make sure the door doesn't swing shut since I will not be waiting again.

I cover his mouth as he falls to his knees and I dig the knife in deeper and he slumps to the floor lifeless.

I reach toward him and find a loaded gun with him and I exhale.

Okay. I can do this.

I take the gun and the knife and slip out quietly.

I walk down the corridor softly and peak before I eventually turn into the place I once had a shower.

Two guards walk toward me and I hide from view.

When they come around I stab one in the throat and the other one turns to face me and I stab him in the chest.

They slump to the floor and I sigh happily.

I continue walking blinking quickly to push the black spots out my vision.

I turn so I keep walking down the white corridor.

I pass a mirror and stop.

My hair is in messy curls, my face has specks of blood, my chest is covered in blood and my thigh is absolutely drenched in it/

I look like a serial killer.

I look terrifying.

I look good.

I continue walking and that's when I'm met with 5 guards at the end of the hallway.

"Oi" one of them yells.

I freeze and pull out my gun and begin firing.

I get 2 down before the others start going back.

I hide behind the wall and keep shooting and moving back.

The bullets keep hitting the wall.

Eventually I step out and take the last one down.

I start running then.

Everyone's gonna have heard that.

I keep running up a flight of stairs and if I see a guard notice me I shoot immediately.

If Ivan was here he'd be impressed.

Or maybe he'd be horrified.

I keep running biting my tongue so I don't scream out from the pain.

Keep going. Keep going.

Fight. Fight. Fight.

Eventually I see the front door.

The only person there is Adam.



"Your out?"

"Yes I am"

"Did Ava let you out?"

"You could say"

"What's Ava done?"

"Ava is dead. Don't pretend to feel bad you barely cared for her" I say calmly.

He swallows nervously.

"I didn't kill all your guards Adam. Just enough to clear out the floor for a minute"

"Elle I've always respected you-" he says.

I give him such a withering look he immediately stops his sentence.

He opens the front door and runs down the steps.


He's so confident in himself he isn't even armed.

The sunshine blinds me for a minute.

I shoot him in the leg causing him to fall down the stairs.

He stops at the bottom gasping as he tried to sit up.

I think he has a head injury.

As well as a bullet in his leg.

It looked like a painful fall. Funny. But painful.

"That was for Ava" I shout.

I shoot him again in the other leg and he screams in agony.

I am slightly concerned on how much I enjoy the sound.

"That was for Ivan"

He's screaming and begging and pleading for mercy.

I can only smile in return.

My sympathy and kindness have all been used up.

"And this is for me"

I shoot him 3 times in the head.

I turn around to see 10 men running through the door.

I immediately fire shooting many down and then I use Adams corpse as a shield.

Bullets pole into him absorbed in his flesh.

I wince.

I keep shooting.

It's only after I run out of bullets do I see one more man there.

The others are all sprawled out.

Some dead.

Some halfway there as they lay gasping on the steps.

All the blood as turned the beautiful white marble into a fountain of red.

"Please...I'm sorry. I have a family...!" He gasps.

He's been shot in the leg.

"So did I" I respond quietly pulling out the knife.

"I just followed orders"

"Well this will teach you not to be a follower" I reply.

I grab my knife and swing it.

Like a dart.

I watch as it flys into his forehead and he drops rolling down the stairs.


I sigh and turn around guessing how I'm going to get back.

I gasp.

Ivan stands there.

With 10 other men.

He's there with a gun in his hand.

But instead he's looking right at me. He steps forward and I don't move.

He keeps walking towards me and I don't move.

When he reaches me.

He takes my face in both his hands dropping his gun.

The men run into the house.

Probably to kill anyone left.

"Where did you learn to fight like that?"

"Father trained me"

"Your covered in blood"

"It's not mine" I say with a dazed smile.

I must look deranged.

He stares at me, my face still in his hands.

I watch mesmerised as I can see him contemplating a decision.

He finally decides,  I suppose, when he kissed me.

Softly. Tender.

I'm not sure what to do.

But his lips are so warm and comforting it's the first sweet thing to happen to me in such a long time.

I let him kiss me harder.

I even kiss him back.

Until he pulls away.

"I had to do that once" he says softly.

I nod and collapse into his arms.

"Baby?" He asks.

"I got stabbed in the leg"

"You did all that with a stab wound?"

"Guess I'm pretty special"

He kisses the top of my head .

It's the last thing I remember before I pass out.

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