Love On The Court

By NeireeWrites

111K 2.8K 834

Toni Topaz, 22, is the best player known in the WNBA. She's a point and shooting guard, with 4 championship g... More



1.6K 37 11
By NeireeWrites

📆: December 6th, 2022
📍: Fashion World Venue, Prospect heights, Brooklyn NY

Cameras flash as the slick black Limousine pulls up to the rolled-out red carpet. Green eyes look out into the crowded entrance causing Cheryl to release a shaky breath. A soft warm hand grabs onto hers and she looks over at the owner.

"I'm right here. You got this." Toni whispers, picking her hand up to kiss it. "And you look so beautiful."

When Cheryl requested to have a dress and power suit made for her and the brunette, she wasn't expecting her fashion crew to go all out. The model is sporting an elegant red fitted dress that shows her back and has a leg slit.

Her girlfriend is wearing the same color, and material, a woman's power suit that hugs her alethic arms just the way, Cheryl loves it, and a matching lace top rests underneath her blazer.

"So do you, TT." the redhead bites her lip softly.

Suddenly her girl's side door is opened and the screams of the excited fans and paparazzi reach their ears clearer. She shares another look with her girlfriend, who squeezes her hand. The driver offers his hand, which the brunette gladly takes before turning to face her.

Cheryl takes her love's warm hand and pushes herself out of her seat, shivering from the cold winter air. The screams get louder and the flashes become more prominent. She waves at all of the happy, smiling, excited faces as her girlfriend and the security guards lead her toward the entrance and away from the cold December air.

"You two look so amazing!"

"So beautiful, Cheryl!

"They're so stunning together."

"Cheryl, look over here please!"

Toni shoots a glare at one of the people who try to grab the model making the suspect back away slightly. Once they are safely inside, Toni holds onto her waist.

"Are you okay?" hazel orbs look her over protectively. "Someone tried to literally grab you."

"I'm okay, my love," Cheryl confirms. "Don't worry." porcelain hands cup her face before kissing her gently.

"Okay..." the basketball star breathes out. "Ready for some press?"

"I'm never ready for press." the model scoffs and leads her girlfriend towards the backdrop with all of the flashing cameras. Celebrities and extended guests pose for pictures, most notorious figures doing mini interviews as well.

Toni holds her girl's waist once they reach the area and instantly, her 'modeling' face is put on. The couple poses for pictures, one of Cheryl kissing her cheek, another with her head on her shoulder.

Their fans are going to go crazy once the photos drop.

They continue down the line as their eyes move from one cameraman to another before they reach the interviewer. The couple smile at the woman in greeting as she gets ready to ask her question.

"Cheryl and Toni! What a lovely duo we have here. Are you excited for tonight?"

"Yes, so excited. I mean, I'm starting my very first clothing line and I'm just over the moon happy." the reporter nods while she listens to the model speak.

"I just want to say that I'm so happy and proud of you for coming this far. I can't imagine how long you've been waiting for this to happen."

"Oh yes, for so long. It's been a dream of mine since forever."

"I'm sure you're very proud of her, Toni."

"Oh, hell yeah. I was there for every up and down and I can say that my girl is no quitter. I'm hella proud to say that as well."

Cheryl smiles at her girlfriend through her blushed cheeks.

"You two are so cute. I can practically feel the love radiating from you guys. It's so strong." the woman smiles.

"Yeah...we love each other very much. She's my favorite person on earth." the ginger beauty rubs her nose against the latter's earning a gentle squeeze of her waist.

After a few more questions, the couple is free to enter the party. The security guard nods at them before letting them through.

They look around in awe of everything. From the flowing lights to the crowded dance floor and tables of food/refreshments. "Wow...Pauline and her crew went all out." the athlete mumbles.

"I know..." the redhead states, bewildered.

"Cheryl! There you are!" Katherine grabs her attention.

Right. Cheryl invited her stepsister. She and Katherine have been working on their bond as of late, not so much with her father though. She still has a lot of forgiving to do. She doesn't entirely forgive Katherine just yet, but she's getting there.

"Katherine, hey. Thank you for coming." she smiles politely.

"Thank you so much for inviting me. Getting to experience this is just a dream come true." the college student says. Her stepsister waves her off gently. "Don't worry about it. I hope you have fun."

Katherine nods with a simple smile before trekking off to the bar for a drink. "And no drinking! Julianne will kill me!"

Her little sister looks back with a shrug making the model huff in annoyance.  "You two seem to be getting along." her girl smirks.

"Yeah. I've been giving it a try. She's not so bad. Pain in the ass, but hey, what are little sisters for?"

Toni chuckles and pulls her closer as they pass the dancing bodies and slightly tipsy peers. "What do you do at these types of things anyway?" she inquires.

"Mingle, get to know some of the people here. Most of them are my company partners. I talk with them, stir up some ideas and potential collaborations."

"'s like I'm seeing your world so much better now." her girlfriend chuckles.

Before Cheryl can answer, an older woman wearing an elegant gown ambles over to them with a call of the redhead's name. Cheryl smiles friendly, waving the woman over.

"Romona! It's so good to see you here."

"Oh, darling, did you actually think I wouldn't attend your very first—of many, may I add, launch party?" her thick Italian accent catches Toni off guard. Then again, the woman does look Italian.

"I should've known you wouldn't. But still, thank you for taking the time." the model repeats humbly.

"It's a pleasure." Romona chuckles then her icy blue eyes land on Toni. "Oh! You must be her girlfriend, Toni! I'm Romona, Cheryl's former modeling agent."

"Nice to meet you." the brunette shakes her soft hand. "I recall Cheryl telling me that you were the best of the best."

The older woman chuckles with a slight shrug. "Oh, Cheryl is a doll, I tell you. She didn't give me no hassle, she is what made me best." the redhead blushes in flattery at the comment. "Anyway, it was so nice to meet you, Toni. I hope you're treating Cheryl the way she deserves."

"No need to worry, Romona. Toni is an angel on earth. Always taking care of me and making sure I'm doing alright. She's my light in any darkness." love filled light brown eyes meet shining green ones as Toni smiles, the hand around the redhead's waist moving down to the small of her back.

"Oh, you two are just so in love." the modeling agent places her hand over her chest in awe. "I love this for you, Cheryl, dear. Happiness looks so amazing on you."

Finally breaking eye contact, the aforementioned redhead grins at the woman. "Thank you, Mona. I hope you enjoy the party."

The couple takes some time to mingle and get some drinks. They greet Elaine and Penelope who are eating some shrimp from the refreshment table.

"Momma, save some for the rest of the guest." Toni quips once they're within earshot. Elaine sends her daughter a glare before greeting Cheryl with a smile. "Oh, Cheryl! I'm so happy for you! Congratulations on your line."

"Thank you, Elaine. Thank you for coming. I hope nothing is too overwhelming."

"Oh, please." the mother scoffs. "I wouldn't miss this. I'm doing alright."

"Okay...but promise me you will take a breather if it becomes too much." the redhead squeezes the older woman's hand. "Your health is more important than anything."

"I know, dear."

The model wraps her arm around her girl's waist as they start a conversation with their mothers. Penelope goes on and on about the winter game they're having to raise money for a charity of their choice.

The team chose to donate to St. Jude's hospital. and if they win, they get to attend the hospital's annual Christmas ball where you can donate as much money as you want.

Toni always enjoys this time of year. Giving back and helping out is always something she preached.

After a while, the couple excused themselves, Cheryl leading her over to a group of people. Toni is introduced to half of Cheryl's former model contestants and some of the redhead's friends from college/high school.

"I never served you to be the athlete type. I mean, I played volleyball all through junior year and you never gained a crush on me."

Toni eyes the redhead's former high school classmate whom she has forgotten the name of. Cheryl chuckles slightly at the woman's words, patting her shoulder. "Well, that's because you just weren't my type, Lena."

Lena raises her eyebrow with a look of scant offense. The rest of the women surrounding them laugh at her sour expression, but Toni doesn't find what she said funny.

"Hey, baby, I'm going to find Brina and the others." she alerts her girl.

The redhead turns around a frowns a bit. "Oh? I thought we were going to dance after this."

"Yes, we will, baby. Just need to talk to Brina about something." she averts her gaze. She can tell her girlfriend knows she trying to get away so the latter sighs. "Okay, my love. I'll come and find you. I'm getting my dance with you."

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it."

They share a quick kiss before the brown skin beauty is off to search for her throng of people. She spots them by the refreshment table with Katherine, who Sabrina is flirting with.

Rolling her eyes, Toni ambles over to the table. "Thank god, you guys are here. Getting to know Cheryl's friends is so hard. "

"Damn, are they that bad?" Stephanie questions, eating a chocolate-covered strawberry, careful not to get any on her green blazer

"One of them joked about Cheryl not seeming like the "athlete" type or whatever that means, as if I wasn't standing right there. I was ten seconds away from decking LeNa."

The team laughs at the brunette's use of the person's name. Sabrina turns away from Katherine to see what all the commotion was about before turning back to the girl.

"So, college? How's that?"

"Depends on the day. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I don't. I'll be graduating soon anyway." the blonde shrugs. The athlete nods but before she can answer, she's being pulled away by her best friend. "Okay, well, it was nice talking to you, Katerine! Good luck on your test!"

"What the hell, Toni?!" she glares at the latter.

"First of all, that's Cheryl's stepsister so off limits. Second of all, she's still in college, fresh. So she's a child. Third of all, keep it in your damn pants."

"Oh. Wow, that's the step-sister? She's much taller than the last time I see her. Damn. Oh well, that's too bad. Wanna get a drink?"

As the party goes on, the time for the launch gets closer and closer. As promised, Cheryl catches up with Toni for dance and the brunette happily accepts. They sway to the soft music along with the people crowding the dance floor.

"I guess you can say that tonight was a success?" Toni whispers as she stares into her girl's eyes. Cheryl bites her lip to contain her big smile while nodding. "I'm so happy with how everything turned out."

"I'm so proud of you, baby. I don't think I can say it enough." ring clad fingers caress the skin of her back. The model looks down with a bit of a blush earning a chuckle from her girlfriend. Toni presses a small kiss to the beauty's forehead before the redhead rests her head on her shoulder.

They continue to sway to the classical music, just taking in their moment together. The song fades away and the only thing the couple can hear is the sound of their thumping hearts. Cheryl pulls the brunette closer as she shuts her eyes with a small smile on her lips.

When she opens them again, she finds her best friend's eyes across the room, and Veronica mouths "just get married already." making her stick out her tongue playfully.

Suddenly the music stops and the front stage lights up. Cheryl lifts her head from her love's shoulder with a raised eyebrow.

"Alright, ladies, gentlemen, and everyone in the back. It's 5 minutes to launch time!" Pauline says into the microphone.

Everyone raises applause making the model's heart swell. "So, I need Cheryl to please come up on the stage. I'm sure she has some words to form from her beautiful mind."

The redhead meets her girl's gaze and the brunette plants a kiss on her glossy lips. "I'll come with you, yeah?" the hold on her waist tightens making her feel secure. With a nod, the couple treks over to the stage where Toni helps her girl up the stairs.

Cheers and applause emit from the throng below and Cheryl smiles wildly as she waves at them with excitement. Pauline hands her the microphone before clapping with the audience.

"First, I just want to thank everyone for coming. I know you'd all rather be somewhere else right now so I humbly appreciate it." at that the crowd calls out words of playful disagreement making the latter laugh. "Okay, but honestly, thank you. I've been working on these pieces since the start of May.  Uhm, me and my team, we wanted something that'll not only keep you warm but make you look good. So, I thought of the wonderful idea and I'm so glad that I did. It took me a lot of restless nights of sketching...of sewing. But, I'm very happy that I didn't give up and I most importantly want to thank my beautiful girlfriend..." the redhead turns to look at the brunette who smiles at her lovingly.

Squeezing her hand, Cheryl turns her attention to the crowd again. "Without her, I'd probably be going insane.  She was there when I almost sliced my finger off with the sewing machine. And the time I accidentally fell asleep mid-sew. She took care of me and encouraged me. So..." she meets her girl's eyes once more. "Thank you so much, my love. I love you beyond the ways that words can explain."

"I love you more, Cher-Cher." the tan beauty doesn't hesitate to reply.

"Awwww!" people in the crowd coo as cameras flash around them. With flushed cheeks, the model continues on with her thank you speech before Toni takes over.

"I just want to say a few words about my baby before launching time." she bites her lip as she swings the redhead's arm while her hand claims her soft ones. "She's the most patient woman I've ever met in my life. Her essence, her...presence, is just...a gift. You mean so much to me, my beautiful girl. And I will never stop telling you that. I hope that from here, there's nothing but success for you because happiness looks so good on you, whether it's me giving it to you or the universe playing in your favor. I just love to see you smile and that's all that matters."

Cheryl instantly wraps her arms around her girlfriend earning cheers from their audience. "I love you, baby," she whispers.

"I love you too."



Beauty specialist and Fashionista, Cheryl Blossom has launched her first piece of her upcoming clothing branch.

𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚕 𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚊𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚑 𝚕𝚊𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚑, 𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟼𝚝𝚑, 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟸

Cheryl has finally done it! She has finally released the winter section of her clothing branch and we can't wait to hear more! A source stated that the upcoming fashion designer has so many more ideas brewing and she can not wait to show the world.

The 2022 winter collection titled: "Winter By Marjorie" features coats, hats, scarves, and even gloves; all of which have a unique feature to them that buyers will fall in love with! It's both comfortable and fashionable so you'll be warm and look like a goddess/god while doing so.

She also has a kid section on her newly based website, but it's only disclosed as coming soon which makes us even more excited! Have you brought anything on the website, or will you?

Check back on our websites for more updates!

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