Eladea: A Hopeless Age

By TimeDoggo

1.4K 115 9.1K

After a short but hard war that only lasted less than a year, Eladea was split into six parts. With tensions... More

Chapter 1: Sage
Chapter 2: Sage
Chapter 3: Sage
Chapter 4: Sage
Chapter 5: Sage
Chapter 6: Sage
Chapter 7: Liam
Chapter 8: Viserion
Chapter 9: Sage
Chapter 10: Liam
Chapter 11: Renate
Chapter 12: Liam
Chapter 13: Sage
Chapter 14: Viserion
Chapter 15: Liam
Chapter 16: Liam
Chapter 17: Liam
Chapter 18: Renate
Chapter 19: Liam
Chapter 20: Liam
Chapter 21: Sage
Chapter 22: Liam
Chapter 23: Liam
Chapter 24: Viserion
Chapter 25: Liam
Chapter 26: Sage
Chapter 27: Ivar
Chapter 28: Liam
Chapter 29: Liam
Chapter 30: Sage
Chapter 32: Liam
Chapter 33: Liam
Chapter 34: Liam
Chapter 35: Liam
Chapter 36: Liam
Chapter 37: Liam
Chapter 38: Amber
Chapter 39: Renate
Chapter 40: Liam
Chapter 41: Terrona and Liam
Chapter 42: Sage

Chapter 31: Liam

43 3 311
By TimeDoggo

Chapter 31: Liam's POV

Heyooooo- anyway um yeah uh this one was kinda difficult and kinda painful to write just because I really didn't want to but it's whatever-

Anyway have fun

》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《

"Do you hear that?" Kate whispers harshly into my ear. I grumble an unintelligible answer as I roll over onto my back. "Get up!" She whispers again, shaking my shoulder. I groan, pulling myself into a sitting position and try to wipe the sleep from my eyes.

"Kate the suns not even up yet…" I complain as she moves on to wake up the sleeping form of Reid, my voice gravelly and low.

"I heard something." She says in a low voice, flicking Amber's ear in frustration when she doesn't react.

"So? Why'd you have to wake us up so early? I'm tired." I yawn, stretching my arms above my head. Reid slowly sits up, and Amber just rolls over onto her other side.

"This is serious!" Kate whispers harshly. "Amber, get up!" She hisses. Kate clambers over to her bedroll and grabs her sword, unsheathing it carefully. It's then I realize that there wasn't just a noise, there's a threat.

I try to wake myself up as I climb to my feet, my limbs stiff and sore. Reid does the same, realizing the situation as well. Kate doesn't draw her sword for just anything. I see Amber raise her head groggily, and let out a long groan before moving to get up.

And then I hear a sharp snapping sound. It comes from the forest not too far away. I whip my head around and slowly back behind Kate, who's wielding her sword defensively, her whole body tense with the anticipation of a fight. Amber draws herself up to her full height and watches the woods with her sharp eyes, her ears twitching at every small sound.

A moment later birds shoot into the air, disrupted by something. Kate shifts her footing, rolling her shoulders. Getting ready to fight, Amber coils back, flexing her claws. I grab Reid, ready to make a bolt towards Amber for a quick escape.

Kate stares forward, her legs wide in an attack stance and her sword gripped in both hands. There's a tense silence for a few, long moments. No one breathes, it's as if the whole island groes still, listening for any small sound. It's almost long enough for me to convince myself it was just a fox or some other small creature. But that was right before a man comes stumbling out of the forest.

He's lucky he stopped walking when he did, or else Kate would have taken his head clean off. Instead, the razor sharp tip of her sword appears a centimeter from his throat a split second after he showed himself. It takes him a few moments to register what happened before his hands go up in an attempt to appear friendly.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Kate demands, her sentence punctuated by a low growl from Amber.

"My name's Lucian. I live on a tiny island near here. I came here to hunt." He raises his head to shrink back from the sword. Kate just stares at him. "May I ask why I'm being threatened?" He asks, his short beard brushing against the shiny metal. The only answer he gets is Amber's growl as she moves slightly more in front of me and Reid.

"I guess not? Well what's your name? You can at least tell me that." Once again he's met by silence. His eyes wander towards us, and they find mine. Something changes in him, though I don't know what. "What about you? What's your na-" he's cut off when Kate jabs her sword closer to him, making him shut up immediately, his ridiculous sunhat falling off his head, revealing his thinning dark hair.

"Do not. Ask them. Questions. You got me? You answer to me, and only me. Okay?" She speaks through clenched teeth and I watch in wonder. I've never seen Kate so threatening. She's really scary. Even so, I figure this has gone on long enough and I step out from behind Amber. She tries to stop me but I weasle my way around her and walk up to Kate.

"Comon, let him go. He said he's just here to hunt." I say, glancing at Lucian.

"Drop all weapons. Now." Kate commands. The older man slowly reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small knife and drops it, followed by a larger knife, then reaches behind him and throws a couple arrows and a bow
onto the sand.

"There. You can pat me down, if you want to. That's all of it." Kate reaches a leg forward and kicks it all backwards, towards Amber and Reid, the various weapons clanging together as they roll away.

"Are you happy now? He's unarmed. Lower your sword." I say to her, "Why are you being like this?"

"If he's a hunter then why did he make a loud noise, one loud enough for me to hear in my sleep, and make birds fly away? Skilled hunters don't do that."

"What if he's not a skilled hunter?" I try to reason with her.

"For the record I'm not-"

"Shut up" He's cut off by Kate snapping at him. 

"Kate!" I try to tell her off.

"What?" She turns to me, confused.

"Why are you being so mean to this nice man?" I say with an exasperated sigh.

"I have a bad feeling." Is all she offers.

"Please lower your weapon." Is all I say in response, looking straight into her eyes. She lets out a defeated sigh after a long moment of staring.
"Fine. But if he kills us all it's your fault." She rolls her eyes and lowers her sword, "accidently" nicking him very slightly in his jugular.

"Thank you, kind sir." Lucian says, rubbing his neck where the sword had been probing him. "From the previous threats against my life I'm guessing I'm not allowed to ask you your name?" He offers me a friendly smile.

"I'm Liam." I answer, holding out my hand. He reaches forward and clasps it, shaking it a few times.

"Pleasure to meet you. I figure that the nice lady with the sword must be Kate?" He lets go of my hand and takes a small step back.

"Yes. The white haired one back there is Reid, who's hiding behind Amber." I turn to look at a wide-eyed Reid peeking around Amber's leg, of which wasn't doing that good of a job of hiding him.

"It's very good to meet you all." A spark ignites in his pale eyes. "And it is a special pleasure to meet the offspring of a heat-wing and a bronzala! It's been a long time since a cross like that showed up in the islands. Usually we don't get many breeds other than heat-wings." He smiles, looking at Amber. She tilts her head at him in confusion.

"What?" She asks, letting her guard down.

"Oh dear! That's a first." He chuckles, most likely at the telepathic conversing. "I'm guessing you don't know of your heritage? It's not uncommon, most crosses like yourself would more than likely have to go into hiding to avoid getting killed back when Tempus ruled." He smiles broadly again. She just stares blankly at him.

"Ever wondered why pure red dragons are so common, yet your extremities turn a bronze color? It is because one of your parents was a bronzala, which are very rare, yet becoming more and more common as the years go by." He clasps his hands behind his back. "If you couldn't tell already, I'm a dragon researcher. I stay on a remote island to hopefully catch glimpses of dragon's I wouldn't otherwise see."

We all stand in shocked silence. I knew there were different types of dragons, I mean the difference between Amber and V is staggering, but I didn't know they had names. And based on what he's suggesting there's more. And they cross breed. I've never been to the archipelago, where dragons have started congregating after Tempus stopped hunting them, so I've never seen any other than V and his family. The thought of others being out there never even crossed my mind.

"How about you come back with me? I can teach you guys some things."

"No! Absolutely not!" Kate's sword comes up again. I look at her, bewildered.

"What is up with you? This kind man is trying to teach us things we have no idea about and you're threatening him!" I turn to Lucian. "I'm so sorry about her."

"No, no, it's perfectly fine." He smiles, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. "So…is that a yes?"

"Yes, we'd love to go with you and learn about dragons." I answer.

"Liam! We have a quest, remember? We can't go around galavanting with random strangers! Think, Liam, for once in your life use your eyes!" Kate exclaims, her eyes wild and panicked, something I've never seen before. It scares me. My smile fades.

"I guess…"

"Now, now! I get it, you kids have somewhere to be. Why don't we cut it short and go back to my camp? That would work, right? Come on, you can spare an old man a few minutes of your time. After all, you have a lot more of them than me!" He laughs heartily. None of us return the gesture.

"I don't know about this…" I hear Reid mutter, still behind Amber's protective wing.

"I'm sure you want to come, right?" He looks straight at Amber, something burning in his eyes. "I know more about your heritage than anyone else. I could tell you things no one else on this planet can tell you. Have you ever wondered who your real parents are? I know. Just come with me, and I can tell you all about it." He spreads his arms wide in invitation.

"Liam…" Kate warns, giving me a hard look. I want to believe him, I really do. After all, isn't it true that most people have our best interest at heart? If I lose sight of that principle then who am I? What do I have left? But at the same time I can't shake this sickly feeling deep in my gut.

"And you!" He turns to me and I'm jarred by the crazed look in his eye. "You want to heal your sister, yes? Well I have the antidote! I do! Just come back with me and I'll give it to you. I promise!" His smile sends chills down my spine and makes my neck hairs stand on their end. My eyes widen and I take a stumbling step back.

"I never told you my sister was poisoned." I hastily retreat, back towards Amber as she lets out another growl. His eyes grow even more insane.

"Oh come on! You're the prince! Everyone knows about Queen Sage."

"And I never told you I'm the prince." I reach Amber and place a hand on her shoulder. "Kate, comon, let's go." I say. She gives him a hard look and turns.

It happens before I even have time to yell a warning. Lucian produces a danger from who knows where, and with lightning fast precision and skill plants it into Kate's shoulder. She gasps, her eyes going wide, and stumbles. A scream tears out of me. Or maybe it was Reid. I'm not sure. I reach her before she hits the ground and I catch her. She looks more confused than scared, as she looks up at me.

Amber lets out a snarl and knocks Lucian back with her tail. The knife flies out of his hand as he hits the sand. I look at him with pure, burning hatred as he gets up to his knees.

"Just one slice!" He says, his voice crazed, his eyes holding an insanity that wasn't there previously. "Just a piece! Do you know how much it would go for? Just a sliver of those scales…" He reaches forward towards Amber.

"Back off!" I snarl, picking up his knife with a shaky hand, the other cradling Kate.

"Please! I would be set for life! Even my grandchildren would be rich if I could just get a tiny bit of that beautiful skin…" before he can say anything more, the hilt of a sword knocks into his head, knocking him out. I look up with surprise at Reid. He huffs a breath, throwing down Kate's sword that she had dropped.

"No one threatens Amber." Is all he says. I nod at him, and silently we help Kate onto Amber's back, and as soon as we can we're in the air.

She goes slow, giving us more stability to try and work on Kate in the air. The stab isn't deep, just a flesh wound, and should heal up sooner or later. With the few first aid supplies we have Reid, who's always had a knack for healing, is able to patch her up. Kate's leaning against Amber's neck, exposing her shoulder for Reid to work.

"How did you know?" I say after many long minutes of silence, looking over Reid to see my hurt friend.

"Know what?" Her voice is tight with pain as Reid tries to stitch the wound, Amber trying desperately to keep us as steady as possible.

"That he wasn't who he said he was. I didn't even feel anything was wrong for a long time. So how did you know?" I keep my mind off of her wound by talking, trying not to look down at my blood soaked pants.

"He reminded me of my dad." It's all she says for a long time. But eventually, she continues. "When I was young he would try to gaslight me and pretend everything was fine. He would lull me into a false sense of security so he could catch me in a vulnerable state. You can always do the most damage when someone lets their guard down." She jumps as Reid pokes a needle back into her skin. He scolds her about it quietly.

"I'm thankful my mom helped me leave when she did. She gave me money and told me to run. If she didn't, I fear what he would have made me into. I'm just sad she couldn't come with me. But she was just so deep into his web, I couldn't do anything to help her. I don't think she would have come, anyway. After all, he was her husband."

"I'm so sorry." I say. "I can't imagine my dad doing that to me." I respond. She scoffs.

"Do you even have a dad?" She means it as a joke, but it brings back bad memories.

"Yes." I look down at my hands, taking a deep breath. No one speaks, letting me decide to continue or not. I need to. I need to talk about it. "I would be lying if I said I don't miss him, even a little bit. But a larger portion of me is relieved to never have to see him again. The part that misses him misses who he was before our mom left. I only have a couple memories of that time, Sage has more, but I think we were happy. But then my mom left, and my dad turned to the bottle to comfort him instead of his own children.

"He became a lazy drunk. Sage became more of a parent to me than he was. The year and a half when she was here, and I was there, was the worst of my life. No one was there to help me. I had to find a living as a 15 year old kid." I let out a dry laugh. "Can you guys imagine that? Me? Working? Anyway, he deserves to be by himself now. I don't feel sorry for him. He's the cause of Sage's scar. Did I ever tell you guys that? When she was barely a teenager he blew up at her and slashed her chin with a knife. I still remember that vividly. That was the scariest he ever got."

"You never told us any of that. We didn't want to pry but…" Reid says in his soft voice.

"I'm so sorry." Kate says.

"You don't need to be sorry. That's all behind me now. I have no regrets, and I don't miss him. So what's there to be sorry for?" I try for a smile, but I know it comes off as more of a grimace. "Plus, why would I need him? I have you guys, and Sage, and V, Myshica and the triplets, and Ren and Elric. I have a new family." They all smile.

"Amen to that!" Amber calls. We all laugh a bit. It grows silent once again.

"I love you guys." I say, the words spilling out of me without me even realizing. It's quiet for a moment and I fear I said the wrong thing before Reid looks over his shoulder with a smile, a slight redness to his cheeks.

"I love you too!" He grins at me, his cheeks growing even redder on his pale skin.

"Love you, dude." Amber tosses a flirty wink my way and we laugh. It grows silent for a few beats more.

"I-I love you." Kate says in a small voice. Then she smiles. "I don't think I've ever told anyone that before."

"Well now you have! And you better do it more often." I look at her sternly and she lets out a laugh.

"There! All done." Reid announces. Kate sits up, slipping her arm back in her shirt. "The wound isn't on your dominant hand, so you should be able to fight some, just don't overdo it. If we can find an actual physician that would be great, but this'll do for now, I think."

"Great job, Reid." I say with a hand to his shoulder. He beams up at me and I smile back.

I sit back and listen as Amber says something vulgar, followed by Reid scolding her, followed by Kate trying to break them up. I let a small smile grace my lips as I briefly close my eyes, sending a quick prayer to the goddesses, thanking them for gifting me these friends. As I open them again I find a tiny tear has escaped my eye. I quickly wipe it and pull my knees up to my chest, holding one of Amber's spikes in my hands, and watching the three in front of me.

Who ever said family is defined by blood?

》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
Word count: 3202

Hahaha I know this sucks, and I know I kind of disappeared but I think it was kinda needed for my mental health. Hopefully you understand 😅

Anyway, what did we think? I honestly didn't put my full heart into this so it's not that good in my opinion. But I'd love to hear yours! Maybe some thoughts on Kate or Liam? Or Amber or Reid?

Uh also I drew a map of Eladea cause I wanted to. (I'm not an expert at drawing maps so don't come at me lmao-)

(and i know the archipelago doesnt look that impressive but thlse are just the big islands, there are many many, tinier islands that arent visible on the map)

Sooo uh….cya next week

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