Chances. » Lirry/Narry

By Sad_Serenade01

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My life crumbled into pieces, every part of me turned into dust. On the edge of the universe holding onto a s... More



125 25 23
By Sad_Serenade01

Harry's POV

The rest of the day was filled with people pointing and laughing at me, the brave ones would come up to me and ask me how I was able to deliver a child without a vagina. Gym had to be the worst, the guys in the locker room pushed me out of the locker room, and told me I had to get changed in the girl's room. I rolled my eyes at them, and skipped the class. I can't imagine what it would be like if I hadn't skipped the class.

I wipe my tears from my eyes as I sit on the curb, waiting for Liam to pick me up.

"Is that the man who had a child? Can we get an autograph from him?" A girl passing behind me teases. I roll my eyes at her as if she could see my reaction.

"I want a picture with him, can we get a picture?" Another girl from behind me asks to the other girl loud enough for me to hear.

"Are you sure that he is even the right one-"

"Yes, that is Harry Styles, I have math with him."

You never talked to me, I don't even know who the hell you are.

"Oh, let's ask him for a picture. Excuse me," A girl with blonde hair asks getting my attention. "Can my friend and I have a picture with you or possibly an autograph?"

"No, I don't even know who you are." I say rudely.

"My friend says she has math with you, you two know each other, right?" The girl with blonde hair says getting her friend's, who was texting, attention.

"I don't know who you are."

"I'm Brianna, you helped me with that one math problem once, remember?" Brianna says.

"No." Is all I say before taking my stuff, getting up from the curve, and walk away towards the busy parking lot.

"Can I get your number!?" The girl and her friend, Brianna, ask following me.

"I like men." I shout at them as I start running.

I hate running when I'm alone in public and everyone is watching me.

I stop running when I realize I found Liam's parked car.

"You getting in or-"

"Yes, quickly please." I pant as I hurriedly enter the car.

"Is someone attacking you or did you just run a couple miles?" Liam asks confused why I am out of breath.

"Liam, please don't worry about it. Just take me home." I continue to gasp for air watching as Liam pulls out.

"How was the rest of your day?" He asks as soon as he gets off of school property.

"Horrible, I don't even want to talk about it." I say as my crying starts back up.

"I heard what happened." He says taking his one hand off the wheel, and places it on my knee.

I look over at him confused, "What did you hear?"

"Some of my co-workers came up to me and showed me a video that was on the news today."

"Liam, please be specific on what you watched." I say starting to worry.

"It was a clip of the news, the lady was talking about a "rumor" that was spread around your school of a man having a child. She was saying how it's crazy what kids these days come up with. The lady was saying that we shouldn't believe this "unnatural" and "disturbing" rumor that our children speak of." Liam says looking over at me for a brief second. "My question is, who slipped up? You or Niall?"

"Liam, Luke is onto me and Niall. Kyle is having him find out information about us as a way of sabotage. The worst part is, Niall fell for it. I'm not sure what I might've said or Niall, but all I know is it is out and I am screwed." I say trying not to cry again.

"Mark told me that you need to be careful-"

"Not only me, you do too, Liam. You are the father of my children, if anyone finds out at all, you could possibly get locked up."

"I know, I don't want to talk about this anymore. How bad was it at school today?" Liam asks worried.

"Every person, even the people I didn't know or the people I didn't think knew me, pointed at me, laughed at me, asked for an autograph, or just mocked me. I couldn't escape it, everywhere I went people were making fun of me." I sob watching the cars drive by ours. I look over at Liam realizing that he pulled the car over, and stopped the car. He gets out of the car, closes the door, and walks over to the door of Daphne's home.

Why does everything go wrong when one thing goes right? Why does everything bad happen to me?

"Thanks Daphne, I can't thank you enough for doing this." Liam says as he opens the door for Mikey.

"You are very welcome, I don't mind one bit. I was watching the news today-"

"You saw it? Yeah, apparently Niall's friend found out Harry had a child somehow, and told everyone." Liam says casually as he carefully sets Dylan in the car with his little carrier.

"You two have to be careful, a secret doesn't stay a secret very long. News travels fast, my boy friend was the one who told me about it." Daphne warns as Liam closes the car door.

I turn around to see my children staring at me with the worst expression written on their faces.

"Mommy, are you a boy wike Dylan?" Mikey asks me suddenly.

"I don't know anymore, Mikayla, I really don't." I turn back around sighing loudly.

"Well, thanks for the warning. We better get going now, bye Daphne." Liam says before getting in the car.

"Goodbye you guys, have a nice evening." She says kindly as Liam fastens his seat belt and drives away.

The rest of the short drive was silent, the only noise that was heard was the sound of Dylan cooing. We arrive at the apartment building, and Liam and I immediately get out of the car and each take one child out of the car and into the large building. I watch as Liam quietly unlocks the door, revealing the same apartment I see everyday. I sigh as I take Dylan from his carrier and into my arms. I carefully sit down on the couch, and hold the child in my arms.

"Why can't I just go back to being Dylan's age? The days when everything was simple, and all I had to do was cry for my parent's attention. I don't even have parents anymore." I sigh taking Dylan's tiny hands around my large thumb. "I miss my sister the most." I say tearing up.

"Harry, please don't think about it. Mikey, do you want your juice or milk?" Liam asks Mikey after trying to calm me down.

"I remember her coming in my room to say goodnight to me, that was the last thing she said to me."

"I want juice!" Mikey squeals.

"The next thing I know, I woke up in the middle of the night in a random man's arms-"

"Mikey, where did you put your cup?"

"I don't know, Daddy." Mikey giggles at her angry father.

"He told me I was okay, and that my family was going to be okay. Help is coming, they'll be okay, I promise." I cringe recalling what Liam told me that night.

"You are going to have to drink out of a big girl cup then, I'm not filling it to the top because I don't want you to spill it all over yourself."

"He lied to me, he broke his promise. They weren't okay, they died Liam, they died." I sob holding Dylan close to me. "I never want to lose you, Dylan. I love you, and I love Mikey. I will risk everything for my babies."

"Harry," Liam says walking towards me. "Please calm down." He takes Dylan from my arms, and carefully sets him in his crib.

"I never thought that the man who saved my life would end up being the father of my two children-"

Liam interrupts me sob story with a big, warm hug. He leans his head and whispers in my ear, "I won't leave you alone, not again. That I can promise you." I cry harder hearing his voice.

"I just wish they were still here. " I somehow manage to say through my sobs.

"I wish they were too. I love you, though. I know it's not good enough, but it is better than your what your best friend is giving you."

I pull Liam in closer, removing all the space that was left between us. "It's more than enough, Liam." I whisper wiping my tears on his shirt.

"I spilled it on the fwoor." Mikey shouts from the kitchen area.

I quietly laugh at the young child as Liam pulls away from our hug. "I have to help her." Liam whispers before pecking my lips with a kiss. Liam walks away as I wipe my eyes with my hands.

"Mikey, how did you manage to spill it all the way on this side of the counter when you are on that side?" Liam asks confused.

"I dunno." She lies and hops down from the chair.

"Lying is a bad thing, Mikayla Payne." Liam scolds from the floor.

"I didn't know, I sawy." She lies again from beside me.

I look over at her and smile, "I love you, Mikey."

"I wuv you too, Mommy." She says and leans on me.

"I wish you loved cleaning up messes." Liam complains.

I laugh at Liam's comment, "I wish you loved cleaning Dylan's diapers."

"I wish you loved bathing Mikey, she never stays still." Liam complains back to me.

"I wish you loved cleaning the toilet after you piss all over it." I tease him and watch as he stands up.

"Daddy ain't got no aim, sorry hun." Liam says in an accent as he sits next to me.

"You could at least clean it up after you make a mess." I lean my head on Liam's shoulder.

"I don't have to unless I'm going to sit back down." Liam says as he turns on the small television.

"You should still clean it up, I usually end up sitting in it when I have to take a shit-" I stop talking as I watch what was shown on the television.

"This is the child the kids all over the web says is the supposed of the male, Harold Styles. There is no evidence proving that this is actually the first recorded case of a male pregnancy, and this could all just be a hoax."

I stare at the television dumbfounded at what I heard and saw. I feel Liam's arm wrap around my waist as I panic.

"There are pictures of this child all over Harold's guardian's Facebook, causing other individuals to believe that the child could just be Mr. Payne's girlfriend. Nothing is confirmed, but the story continues to get more popular by people all over the country."

"I'm going to close the blinds." Liam says nervously. I watch as he gets up and covers the windows. I hear a loud sigh as he sits back down next to me.

We both stare at each other knowing exactly what the other person was thinking.

We are fucking screwed.


"I know, Harry." He nods his head trying to get me not to worry.

"Look, Mommy, you're on the TV!" Mikey squeals happily as I panic in Liam's arms.

"What are we going to do, Liam-"

"I don't know, Harry. Just try to stay calm." Liam reassures me.

"Some are even suggesting that the child would be from Harry's guardian with Harry-"

"OKAY, no more TV for now." Liam shouts nervously before turning the television off.

I close my eyes trying to imagine this was all one messed up dream.

No, Harry. This is real life, this is your fucking life. This isn't some twisted dream, this is reality, and you have to somehow figure out how to survive.

I should've died in that fire.

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