Touch Tank (Joseph Quinn x Re...

By aretzlover

4.9K 85 78

Working with him was fun. Hanging out with him out of acting is more fun. But dating him is an adventure. Fri... More

Touch Tank Chapter 1
Touch Tank Chapter 2
Touch Tank Chapter 3
Touch Tank Chapter 4
Touch Tank Chapter 5
Touch Tank Chapter 6
Touch Tank Chapter 7
Touch Tank Chapter 8
Touch Tank Chapter 9
Touch Tank Chapter 10
Touch Tank Chapter 11
Touch Tank Chapter 12
Im sorry
I'm sorry again

Touch Tank Chapter 13

313 6 12
By aretzlover

Previously in Touch Tank Chp. 12..

' "And now it is my privilege to introduce to you..


Party time !!


After our wedding everyone makes their way into the little party. MY husband and l make it around to everyone who came to our wedding. We then made our way to our stranger things family. Gaten, David, Finn, Millie, Gaten, Maya, Sadie, Caleb, Noah, and Winona give us a big family hug.

"I have been waiting for this to happen for sooo long. Y/N you are a very lucky woman to be married to my side Joe." Gaten says laughing making Joseph and l laugh.

"Me too buddy. me too." I smile and Joseph kisses my head.

"So should we dance?" Joseph looks at me and everyone lets go.

Joseph pulls me by the hand to the dance floor and everyone cheers. The song we listened to a couple weeks ago plays in our ears. It was 'Paper rings'  by Taylor Swift. Everyone comes to join us onto the floor.

The night slowly goes by. The father of the bride dance, the mother of the groom dance, and we added a little bit of the Quinn- Keery family dance. Don't forget the bride and groom dance. We balled our eyes out. I found this wedding beautiful. But now it's time to end it. I'm married to the love of my life. And if l could relive this night again l would. A lot of crying, laughter, OMG ROASTING and it was mostly towards Joseph from Joe which made me die of laughter. But now  lets  get my life started.

Time skip to end of the wedding:

Joseph looks at me and holds my hand as we walk to our car after thanking everyone attending our wedding. When we get to the car, he opens the door for me and I get in. He kisses my lips gently before closing the door. I laugh softly watching him to the drivers side of the couch. 

"Hello my love. We're married now." He holds my hand and starts the car. We start to drive off. He kisses my hand once in a while.

"Hi baby!! We are stuck with each other forever. Now where are we going for our honeymoon?" I look at him and he looks at me back.

"Well. I was thinking we travel to the UK early? I totally didn't get some people to move our stuff already there. We just have to pick up Eddie from the house. And don't worry your parents are staying at your old house now with Joe and Maika." He grins at me waiting for my answer.

"That's amazing baby. You could've just told me." I adjust my romper l wore for the rest of the wedding.

"I didn't want to stress you, my love.I think Eddie is going to be excited to see us. But will be nervous to take a 10 hour and 15 minute flight." He kisses my hand again and we pull up to the house.

We both get out of the car and run into the house. Eddie runs to us and slips a little from all of the excitement.

"Woah woah. Eddie slow down. It's just mommy and daddy." He kisses my face and Joseph grabs the leash to put on the dog. After we get to the car, we put him in and make our way to the airport. We check in and I get another surprise. We are getting flown on a private jet so Eddie doesn't have to go anywhere and stay with us. Also its for privacy.

Time skip to UK:


After our plane lands. A driver comes to us and takes us to our house. Since the last time l was going to ever see my car again because Joe is selling it and l already have a car here at the new place. We make our way to the house.

I look at Y/N once in a while. She is wearing my sweatshirt. She isn't used to it all. After the driver drops us off, l tip him and we get out. Before we get into the house, Y/N lets the dog go to the bathroom and then we go into the house.

When we get into the house, her mouth drops. She looks at me and lets Eddie off the leash. She hugs me and l hug her back.

"You are the best husband ever. I can't wait to raise our kids here with you!!"She kisses my lips slowly and l deepen the kiss.

She wraps her arms around my neck and I tap on her thighs for her to jump up. She jumps up and I walk upstairs with her in my arms still kissing her.

We take each others clothes off and We all know what happens next...

Time skip to a couple days after:


Joseph had to go do some shopping for groceries and l decided to stay home since l haven't feeling well lately. I check my phone to see when l get my period since I haven't gotten it yet. 

"4 days late.." I mumble to myself. I get up to check under the sink. No tampons or pads under there.

"Motherfucker." I yell. I pull out my phone again to see if one of Josephs sisters could bring one over. I text her and she said that she would be over in 5 minutes.

5 minutes later:

I hear the door ring and l run down stairs. I open the door and she hands me a box. 

"The whole box? You didn't have to." You look at the box and then at her.

"Yes the whole box. One for now and more for other times." She winks and smiles.

"Well thank you so much. I'll let you now. Now you should go. Joseph texted me and he said that he would be home soon." You give her a hug and we say our goodbyes.

 Shortly after she leaves l shut the door and run upstairs. When I get back into the bathroom l set the box on the counter and look at it. It takes me a few seconds to think if l should test it or not. Is it covid? I hope not. Lets test both. Grab a covid test and take both.

I wait a couple of minutes with both of the tests. I couldn't flip the covid test over. Just the clear blue. I check on the pregnancy test and it is still blinking but on the last line. 

After the time is up l check the covid test... Negative.

I flip over the pregnancy test and look at it... Positive.

"Holy shit. Holy shit. We haven't even been married for a long time and l'm already pregnant." I cry happy tears and rest both of my hands on my flat stomach. 

I hear the front door open from upstairs and wipe my tears. I throw away the covid test and walk out of the bathroom to put the pregnancy test on Josephs night stand. 

"Sweetheart! Do you mind helping me bring in the groceries?" He yells from downstairs.

"Not at all. I'm coming down now!" I yell back to him and make my way down stairs.

He stops his tracks and kisses my forehead before going back into the garage. I follow him and grab the last 4. I walk to the kitchen, put down the bags and start to put the stuff away.

"Go wash up. I'm just going to put these away and start dinner." He comes over to kiss my lips before going upstairs to our bedroom.

After I put the groceries away, l start dinner. I make somewhat of a breakfast meal with eggs, toast, sausage, and baked beans. The smells kinda throw me off a bit.

I then hear foot steps coming from upstairs. I wonder if he even saw it. He usually screams at this type of shit. I see Joseph from the corner of my eye and l turn around. He was holding the test.

"When did you take this?" He questions.

"Before you got home." I look at his hand and then back at him.

He puts the test on the counter and comes over to hug me. I hug him back.

"I'm going to be a daddy." He cries on my shoulder. l rub his back and nod.

He pulls away from the hug and bends down to my flat stomach. He kisses it and then comes back up. 

"I love you, my love. And l love you too baby Quinn." He kisses my lips and we pull away.

"Let's eat. So we can cuddle on the couch and watch a movie." He nods and we grab our plates. We sit next to each other at the table as Eddie begs for food.

I fork my food around and Joseph looks at me.

"Not hungry my love?" He softly holds my hand and kisses it.

I shake my head 'no'. He nods and cleans up our plates. He puts my left overs in a little tuber ware for later. 

I get up and stand there with my arms crossed.

"I could've done that, Joey.." He shakes his hand and points to the stairs.

"Go upstairs my love and go get changed into something more comfy." I sigh and head upstairs to change into a oversized t-shirt, no bra of course, and white lace underwear. 

I then head back down. Joseph and Eddie are on the couch. I turn off the kitchen lights and sit next to Joseph. He wraps his arm around my shoulder to pull me closer to him. I rest my head on his chest and look at the tv. He rubs the side of my arms  and l close my eyes. I start to dose off shortly after. 


I look over at Y/N and she is asleep on my chest. I take her head off my chest and rest it on the pillow so l could let Eddie out before bed. I get up and let him out. It then starts to rain as him and l get out there. Eddie is the one who is wet and l am dry. He comes back under the covered porch and shakes off before we head back into the house.

After we go into the house. Eddie starts to bark as l walk over to his treat shelf. I tell him to sit and he does. So now he receives the treat.

I hear a noise from the couch and l look over hoping we didn't wake her up.

"Buddy go upstairs and into the room ok?" I whisper to him. 

Wait why am l saying that to a dog? I look at Eddie and he makes his way upstairs. He knows. Holy shit. Good job Y/N.

I walk over to the couch and grab the remote, turning off the tv. I gently pick up Y/N and carefully walk up the stairs with her in bridal style in my arms. 

When l make it to the room, Eddie is in his bed and I gently place Y/N on her side of the bed. I cover her with the blanket and sheets before walking into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

After l get ready for bed, l walk out of the bathroom and lay next to Y/N. I get under the covers and she comes closer to me. I tell google quietly to turn off the bedroom lights. I call Eddie up to lay at the end of the bed. I wrap my arm around Y/Ns waist and her head. I then rub her flat stomach.

"Good night, my love. Sleep well." I kiss her head again.

"And good night baby Quinn." 

Finally chapter 13. I hope I all made you cry last chapter. Hoping that you all will love this one too. It took me a while to do this. My brain is every where. BUT JOEY IS GOING TO BE A FATHER!! I see him to be a great father in the near future. He is so precious and lovely. I love him with all my heart. I love you all too. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Chapter 14 will be starts asap. Byeeee 🥰 

                -Lover <3 (word count: 2010)

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