TBOAH react to TOTCF

By LunaAfton02

59.2K 2.3K 302

The TBOAH characters react to TOTCF. They will react to chapters and wikis. Timeline: After the Terror Plaza... More

1. Wiki - Glenn
2. Ch. 18: Saw a Dragon (1)
3. Wiki - Hong
4. Ch. 19: Saw a Dragon (2)
6. Ch. 20: Saw a Dragon (3)
7. Wiki - Archie
8. Ch. 174: Tricked? (2)

5. Wiki - Raon Miru

7.6K 312 64
By LunaAfton02

After the 20 minutes, the dragons return with an almost dead Venion. The gaurdian heals him, even if she didn't want and declares the end of the break.

"It's time for another wiki, so let's turn the roulette again."

The roulette appears again in the screen, making the little dragon to look confused at it, and it starts to turn until it stops at one name.


"That's our younger brother, right?" Hong asks excitedly, he could finally know who his younger brother is.

'The name seems Korean?' Choi Han, meanwhile, thinks.

The guardian just nods and signals them to look at the screen.


Raon Miru

라온 미르


Little Kid (by Eruhaben)

'So, I know this kid?' Eruhaben thinks quietly and wondering what did he have to do with the younger brother of the two Cat Tribe and the son of a human, probably adopted too.


Lord Sheritt (Mother)

† Unnamed Red Dragon (Brother)

"This Raon Miru is the kid of the last Dragon Lord?!" Eruhaben exclaims shocked and with this shocking the other people in the room.

Meanwhile, the Dragon Half-Blood was feeling guilty about being the reason why he was the reason that the younger dragon's brother was dead and was thinking that the black dragon was probably the one in the wiki, and he felt guilty that it was probably his fault that he had ended tortured.

On (Adoptive older sister)

Hong (Adoptive older brother)

Cale Henituse (Adoptive father)

"Oraeboni it seems that you have a dragon as a son!" Lily exclaims excitedly, making the people in the room to realize that it was true, because if he was the son of the last Dragon Lord it would mean that it was a dragon.

Meanwhile, Cale was thinking what his other him was thinking when adopting not only the two cats but a dragon too.


Cale Henituse

Henituse Family


Eruhaben was still thinking what does he have to do with the little dragon, he had reached to the conclusion that he may be saw potential in the dragon and had decided to teach him.





4 (start)

6 (current)


Stan Territory

Wastern Continent

Some intelligent people were starting to connect the dots and already knew that the black dragon was Raon Miru, but they were thinking why was the dragon with the trash if he had said that he wouldn't tame him.

'Probably the dragon followed because he saved it.' Rosalyn arrived to that conclusion, because unless the Young Master Cale was lying about taming him, it was the only possible outcome.







>1.15 meters

>1.20 meters





"Wait, Raon Miru is the little black dragon?" Violan asks shocked, she thought that the other Cale didn't want to tame the dragon.

"Ha, so he stole it from me to tame him. See, he is a trash." Venion says venomusly.

"I would have to cut you there. You will see why he is with Cale later."

Most were thinking the same as Venion, because why would the dragon be with him if not for that reason.

But the dragons, elves and intelligent people knew that if he had tamed, he would not be calling himself his father and the fact that the guardian seemed angry at Venion when saying that he had tamed it only fueled the conclusion of the dragon willingly following Cale.

"From four-years-old to six-years-old.
He had seen flowers blooming in the spring, snow falling in the winter, the beauty of the summer, and the sweet fragrance of the fall.
He also thought about the people who were with him throughout those seasons.
He could see the people that made those sceneries that could have easily been ignored into beautiful memories."

"Oh, that's cute, he seems to really like the people he is with." Mila says happily, she already knew that the little dragon was safe in that human's hands.

Meanwhile, the little black dragon was hoping to see what his other him has seen and maybe if the human next to him is as good as his other self stay with him.

Raon Miru (라온 미르), Korean for "Joyful Dragon."

"What is Korean?" Rosalyn asks confused.

"Is the language of my native home." Choi Han answers her, but then he turns to the guardian to ask. "Was I the one who named the dragon?"

But, the guardian shock her head, which for Choi Han meant that probably the one who named the dragon was Cale Henituse, and he was confused by it, because how does the trash know Korean.

The little dragon just whispered the name. "Raon Miru."

But, Cale heard him so he asked. "Do you like it?"

The dragon nodded his head shyly.

"It's your name too, you know, you two are the same but also different, but that does not mean that you can't have the same name. You can be a joyful dragon too." Cale says quietly trying to console the kid.

The dragon then decides that it is his name and he will wear it with honor.

"I'm the mighty Raon Miru" He says quietly and Cale, On and Hong, who had heard him, smile a little.

A six-year-old black who followed Cale ever since he was saved by him. As with any other dragon, Raon possesses destructive impulses, however, he is one of the few who seek communication and camaraderie.

"So he really followed Cale willingly." Deruth acknowledges.

"A dragon seeking camaraderie? That's new." Mila says smiling. This little dragon was full of surprises.


He is a cute black, scaled dragon with blue eyes. He is about 1 meter long and 20 centimeters wide. He has plump cheeks and is a little pudgy due to being well-fed and taken care of ever since joining Cale's group.

"You really are cute. You should also eat more as your other self too." Cale whispers to Raon in a quiet voice so as not to be overheard by others.

Unfortunately for him, people with heightened senses heard him and the dragons and elves smiled happily at knowing that the red-head from their world was also worried about the little dragon.

The black little dragon nods and Cale thinks of a steak for it to appear and giving it to Raon. The dragon then starts to eat the steak, happy that someone cares about him, even if it was a human.


When Cale first freed Raon from the cave, he was totally biased and hated humans and didn't trust anyone or anything, often being on guard and avoiding communication or contact, but the more he continued traveling alongside Cale and his group, he soon learnt how to trust and open himself up to other humans and beings.

"Oh, it seem that being with other humans made the other him realize that not all humans are as that person." Mila says threatingly looking at a scared Venion.

Other people began to think what did the dragons do to him for Venion to be that scared, while Cage was happy that Venion was getting what he deserved for crippling his friend, Taylor.

Taylor didn't show it, but he also was happy as Venion deserved whatever he got for torturing a child.

Along the way, Raon shows that he could be immature and cute, but that he is also able to become serious when the time calls for it. He is incredibly protective of his family and feels that Cale is very weak and constantly needs his protection—this made him become something akin to Cale's personal guard.

"I don't think I'm that weak?" Cale afirms a bit questioningly.

"You are very weak human, you aren't even as strong as my finger." Raon replies and Cale pouts at this.

Meanwhile, some nobles were laughing thinking that they were stronger than Cale, while they were probably much more weaker than him.

Raon has been shown to start taking after Cale. He also starts to develop a scammer mindset (or a strategist brain), under the tutelage of Master Cale. Raon gets excited over things such as free stuff, gold coins, food, talk of destruction, destroying things, and wicked smiles.

Seeing this some people, pointedly Mila and Eruhaben, look at Cale with a 'what are you teaching them' face. Cale just shrugs his shoulders, even if this was a little similar to him, he would never teach the children to do the same, probably.

He is unlike any other dragon and is friendly and caring, which is the complete opposite of most dragons who are aloof and arrogant. However, there are times that Raon could be a bit of a tsundere—for example, when it comes to his desires, happiness and pride for his name.

Raon often feels a sense of kinship with those that have gone through similar experiences like his imprisonment—his liking of Mary is a good example. And as a result of the life he lived before, Raon feels hatred towards practices of imprisonment or slavery, but on the other hand, another result of that life made Raon value goodness and teamwork, because it was one of the reasons why he was rescued in the first place.

"That are good values." Mila says smiling sweetly at Raon.

Raon hided shyly behind Cale as he was not used to this kind of affection.

Meanwhile, Mary and Tasha, who had noticed the former's name are confused. Mary wondering if she would be able to walk in the surface and Tasha thinking if her other self had belived in Cale to let him take Mary.


"What does that mean?" Bud asks confused.

"I told you before that sometimes what happened in your world would appear. This is what I meant."

Raon was a nameless black dragon who was kidnapped by the White Star's organization as a mere dragon egg.

"White Star?" The crown prince, Alberu, asks. He didn't think that they would get more information with the called Wikis, but it seems that there were still things that could be important.

"Is the leader of the organisation that attacked the Plaza."

'So this is the bastard that also attacked Harris Village.' Choi Han thinks angrily, while also thinking that he will kill him.

"So he is the one that gave the egg to that bastard?" Eruhaben asks angrily.

"Not exactly, you will later know what happened."

'So, it is really my fault. I'm sorry.' The Dragon Half-Blood thinks sadly. He had wanted to save the dragon from being killed, but in the end he was put thorugh worse things.

The egg was obtained and hatched by Marquis Stan, who then bound the dragon with mana-restricting chains. He was secretly tortured every day by the Marquis' successor, Venion, after his birth. This was all done in the hopes of training the dragon to obey Marquis Stan's orders. Eventually at 4 years of age, the dragon taps into his own life-force to break the mana chains, then escapes and goes berserk, destroying his mountain prison and threatening the innocent village that Choi Han happens to be staying in at the time. Though feeling pity for the crazy dragon, Choi Han ultimately decides to put it out of its misery by killing it.

"I'm sorry again!" Choi Han apologizes at the dragons, while looking at the little one.

Raon doesn't mind, because in a way he was given freedom like that.

Meanwhile, the older dragons know that even if he was not killed by Choi Han, he would have also died as he had exchanged his life for a little of freedom. It was sad and hateful that it had arrived at something like this.


In the current story, Raon was also kidnapped as an egg and tortured by Venion Stan. This time, however, Cale visits the village near the dungeon where he is being held, taking along Choi Han with the express mission of either freeing him or allowing Choi Han to kill him before he can pose a danger.

"I suppose that makes sense." Mila says quietly. If the red-head knew that the dragon would go rampage the only options would be to free him or to kill him depending of the dragon's will. But, as it seems, the red-head prefered to save him before killing him.

Ultimately, Cale decides to free him and sets him loose after giving him a pep talk about being strong and surviving, which causes Raon to take an interest in Cale and follow him. Raon does not actually have a name until much later, when he asks Cale to choose a name for him.

"So, he really was the one to choose the name." Choi Han says quietly. He was really confused as why the other noble bastard had choosen a Korean name. 'If we are really close in that other world, I probably taught him some Korean and he decided to apply it for the name of the dragon.'

"Hyung, are you okay?" Lock asks Choi Han, as he looked a bit out of it.

"Yes, I was just thinking."

"A dragon wanting a human to name him? This is bullshit." Rasheel says and Mila glares at him for cursing in front of the kids.

He has just went through his 1st growth phase, awakening the attribute of "Present": the moment when things can change among many possibilities which allow unlimited growth.

"That is a very powerful attribute little one." Eruhaben looks at Raon.

"Of course, I'm great and mighty after all, Goldie Gramps" Raon answers proudly.

After hearing that nickname, Eruhaben gets shocked, but lets it pass, thinking that this was only a one time thing.

The White Star is trying to kill him to obtain his dragon heart and to prevent the rise of another Dragon Lord (since Raon is the child of the Last Dragon Lord).

"So this WS wants to kill him for a silly reason as that? We will have to protect you." Cale says angrily at the WS.

"But, human you are very weak, I'm the one who should protect you." Raon, then, replies and Cale just sighs at being called weak once again.

Meanwhile, Mila and Eruhaben decided that they would protect the kid for being killed by that man.


·Slices of apple pie

"What is apple pie?" The little dragon asks, so Cale decides to summon three slices of apple pie, one for Raon, one for On and one for Hong.

"This is delicious!" Raon exclaims while trying to get more apple pie.

"I agree with our youngest, nya~" Hong agrees thinking in apple pie to make it appear.

On only nods agreeing with her brothes while calmly eating her slice.

Meanwhile, Eruhaben was happy that the little kid was experiencing some new things, as he should have done long before.

·Cale's communication device

·Freesia's devil like sculptures

"Me?" Fressia states confused, why would the dragon have something of her.

·On, Hong, and his piggy banks

·Silver and gold coins (monetary allowance from Cale)

"Those kids got money allowance?!" A random person exclaims indignated, this person being Bud, he really wanted more money and then the kids just got money from their adoptive father, who just so happens to be someone from one of the most richest housholds in Roan Kingdom.

"It seems that Cale really sees them as his kids, if he gives them money." Violan says quietly while thinking, Cale usually spent his allowance in buying wine, so maybe the other Cale had decided to stop being like the one in their world.

·Seed obtained from Magic Tower which revealed to be mana storage device. It was then moved to Rosalyn's lab.

"So, my other self knows the little dragon and the young master Cale." Rosalyn says quietly, she could maybe learn some magic from the little dragon, even if he was still young he was a dragon.

"Noona also knows him in the other world?" Lock says confused, if his noona and hyung know the young master in the other dimension, then surely his other self will know him too.

·Cale's Top's Whip


Dragons go through three different growth phases to become an adult. The first growth phase does not have any physical changes. Instead, it prepares the foundations for the second and third growth phases. That is why although there would be no physical changes, the amount of mana the Dragon can store and use would grow. After their second growth phase, they would be able to use skills like, 'Breath.'

At this some people who didn't know much about dragons decided to make some mental notes to be prepared if they met one or, for the greedy nobles, if they manage to get one for themselves and tame it.

In a dragon's first growth phase, they are supposed to beat their future self by awakening their attribute (their plate is also formed in this period). Raon's first growth phase happened just before the battle against the Indomitable Alliance in the George of Death.

'One of the battles will be in the George of Death, this might be important information, but who or what are the Indomitable Alliance?' Alberu thinks while taking some notes about this fact.

While in the phase, he could not do anything except listening to others talking while he was tested in his dream. Raon however, as he remembered what Cale said to him before, decided to run away by flying as far as he could to the outer sky from a foe that he couldn't beat. This caused his plate to shatter and allowed him to gain an abstract and very powerful attribute self-described as "The Present", a time-based attribute whose details are yet to be known or used. Eruhaben also notes that "the whole world became his plate" the moment it shattered.

"You really are a strong one, little kid." Eruhaben says impressed, while thinking that he should pass his knowledge to the black dragon.

Meanwhile, Cale was a bit worried about the kid being unable to fight in the middle of a battle.

'What if the person protecting him was attacked and the WS used that moment to kill him?'

Even if he was worrying a lot in the inside, on the outside he was very calm, so nobody knew what he was thinking.


As Raon had gone through his 1st growth phase, thus awakening the attribute of "Present": the moment when things can change among many possibilities which allow unlimited growth. This attribute has the power to combat the existence of 'fate'.



·Proficient mana manipulation

·Mana bombs

·Heightened sensitivity to magic and nature


·Personal storage dimension

·Element manipulation

·Magic item development

·Multiple silver shields

A lot of elves were basically worshipping the dragon by now and some mages too, because of his strong magic. The elves had been easily forgotten, but now it was more difficult to do as if they weren't there.

That was until the guardian decided to put an end to the dragons' misery and tied them to the chairs, making some of them aware that they were bothering their dear dragons.


"What are quotes?" Cale asks confused.

"They are key sentences that the other Raon said."

"Weak human, you cannot die! You are too weak! If you die, I will destroy everything! I will kill everyone, destroy everything, and once everything is gone, including your corpse, I will kill myself as well!"— Raon to Cale

When Cale sees this phrase, he suddenly goes into a coughing fit, while thinking how vicious this kid seemed to be.

Without realizing it, Raon was nodding at what his otherself had said to Cale.

"...Dragons are even cooler. When a dragon becomes a human, I'm sure they are even more handsome and more beautiful. The human form of dragons is probably the best in the world."— Raon to Cale

'I see that.' Was what most of the humans in the room were thinking, while looking at the four dragons in human form.

"I am Raon Miru, the handsome, beautiful, great and mighty existence! Remember that!"— Raon Miru

"Do not worry, human. This mighty dragon will save you no matter what."— Raon to Cale

"However, if this weak human somehow got as strong as my front paw and went off on a journey while saying he was not going to get hurt, yet came back hurt, I would destroy this world!"— Raon talking about Cale to Mary

"The little dragon seems very protective of you, Young Master Cale." Rosalyn says smiling.

Cale just nods, while Tasha and Mary confirm that the other little dragon met the other Mary.

"Human, you have slept for 13 hours! Are you hibernating? You are not a bear! Spring is over, so you can stop sleeping!"— Raon to Cale

"Cale, you should not sleep that much." Deruth says worried.

"That's not me." The red-head answers brushing the worried voice of his father away, as his father was after 10 years starting to worry about him as if he had not negleted him.

"They really are terrible people! Those baddies must be punished! They want to destroy the Elves homes?! I will destroy the world if our house is destroyed!"— Raon Miru

"Did that organization attack our home." Adite asks in fear.

A lot of the elves were angry at the organization and the WS for trying to destroy their homes.

While, Alberu Crossman was writing in a notebook about it, because this attack could also happen in their world.

"To be honest with you, I enjoy breaking things! That is why I am very excited right now! Let's blow it away!"— Raon Miru

"I do not have a low IQ, I just have high sociability. I'm not like you, you socially awkward Golden Dragon who doesn't even know how to shake hands."— Raon Miru, first time meeting Eruhaben

"Goldie, do you not know how to shake hands?" Raon asks curiously.

Eruhaben coughs a bit shocked for the question and the nickname again, but Raon starts to think that what his other self said is true.

"Human, you looked as strong as my front paw right now, but there is no need to be scared or nervous. I will protect you."— Raon to Cale

"Don't you dare cough up blood again! I will destroy all of the rocks in the world if you do! DESTROY THEM ALL!"— Raon to Cale

"Cough blood?!" Cale exclaims shocked.

Others were thinking why the red-head was coughing blood and the Henituse family was worried about the other Cale as it seemed that him coughing blood was an often thing that happened.

"Human, you and the crown prince are smiling the same way! You're even laughing like that again!"— Raon to Cale

"Goldie Gramps! Can't you see our human is shocked? You might kill our weak human if you suddenly appear like that!"— Raon to Eruhaben

"He is! Our human is a very good person! His name is Cale Henituse! His name is just kind of cool!"— Raon to Adite

"Human, is it time to go set things on fire?"— Raon Miru

"Human, why are you frowning so much? You look like a squashed apple pie!"— Raon to Cale

"Of course I will be here! I will not forgive you if you go somewhere without me!"— Raon to Cale

"I, I am curious as well! 30 billion counds?! Human, you are great and migh, no, I am the one who is great and mighty, but you are still amazing!"— Raon Miru to Cale

Bud coughs shocked at the amount of money, while the crown prince of the Roan Kingdom was having a bad feeling.

'Where did my other self get that much money?'

"...Human, why are you suddenly smiling like you are about to scam people? I just need one apple pie!"— Raon Miru to Cale

"Human, why are you buying three of them? Is it for Rosalyn and Mary? Your problem is that you are too nice. Your value of friendship too much too! This is why I have to be by your side in order to supervise you!"— Raon Miru to Cale

Rosalyn and Mary were shocked, especially the latter, but soon smiled feeling grateful that the other young master thought of them and bought them things.

Bud was jelous of them being gifted things from someone as rich as the firstborn of the Hneituse County.

"Human, the wyverns seem to have gone nuts! How cute!"— Raon Miru

"I am a bit great and mighty!"— Raon Miru to Choi Han

"I truly am the great and mighty Raon Miru, and I am six years old! I am great and mighty!"— Raon Miru

"Weak human, life is meant to be hard. I learned that when I was two years old. Of course, there will be more good days than bad days. I learned that when I was four years old. Weak human, let's eat all of the delicious food! That will make us happy!"— Raon to Cale

"I will always be by my human's side when he is sick and weak."— Raon Miru

"Human, are you okay? You can't go crazy just because you are too happy! Didn't you see that lunatic Clopeh? You become weird if you lose your mind!"— Raon to Cale

'Clopeh? Is he talking about the Guardian Knight of the North? But he is pretty sane.' Alberu thinks.

"Human! They are too big to be bait! The Bears are huge!"— Raon Miru

"W, why are you looking at me like that? Gramps, did you finally realize how great and mighty I am?!"— Raon to Eruhaben

"Crown prince, you're smiling like that again! You have a wicked smile on your face! Let's show it to the White Star!"— Raon to Alberu

"Hmm? Human, why are you looking for that Guardian Knight bastard with some loose screws?"— Raon to Cale

"Ohhhhh! Hey crown prince, I knew you were a good crown prince! I like apples! Apple pies are the best!"— Raon to Alberu

"Human... there is no one around you. But I guess I can't come either? Fine, I will not go. But you have to tell me!"— Raon Miru

"That's right. The human will live as a slacker with me. I will be a slacker as well! I will continue and continue to be a slacker next to the human!"— Raon Miru

Seeing as Raon was saying that he would be a slacker with him, Cale smiled happily and started nodding his head, agreeing totally to that dream.

Alberu, who saw Cale agreeing to the dream that the other little dragon said, thought that it was weird for someone that seemed to be fighting in the war to have such a dream, but he didn't think to much of it when he saw Cale's smile again.

"...Human, I will definitely, definitely, live a happy life with you and the rest of our family members! I will destroy anybody, whether it be the gods or the White Star, if they get in our way!"— Raon to Cale

"I am the great and mighty Raon Miru. I will not even leave the gods alone. I will defeat them all."— Raon Miru

"Our human needs to do as he pleases. That is what I want to let happen. You can't go anywhere!"— Raon to Cale

"Once a human, always a human."— Raon to Cale

"The crown prince may be crazy, but at least he knows that you are a good person, human! The crown prince is a good person too! I'm not only saying that just because he gave me a lot of cookies!"— Raon to Cale

"Hmm?" Alberu was confused of why the black dragon said that his other self is crazy.

"Human! That's the type of smile everybody would run away from because they would know you are trying to scam them!"— Raon to Cale

"Human! It's because you don't have any faith in the history scholars that pink Dragon will bring, isn't it? How can you leave the distribution of your biography to a Dragon you just met?! Don't worry, I have recorded almost all of your exploits on my video recording device! Mary, the crazy Clopeh, and I will write your biography for you! Do not worry!"— Raon to Cale

"No!" The sudden shout of Cale, made almost everyone in the room to see him questioningly. "Sorry".

"Mom, they were talking about me, does that mean that we will met them?" The pink dragon, Dodori, asks his mom, the cream dragon, Mila.

"Maybe." She was also thinking why his son would want to write a biography of that human.

"Wow. Human, I haven't seen you smiling like a scammer for a long time. You're acting so elegantly that the crown prince would be shocked enough to give you a cookie!"— Raon to Cale

"I will destroy everything if you touch our human! I will destroy the entire world!"— Raon to Rasheel

"Human, don't worry. I, the great and mighty Raon Miru am good at everything."— Raon Miru

"I will not leave the human's side! I will stick to him like glue!"— Raon Miru

"Good little Mary! The night sky is extremely beautiful! It is black like me but it sparkles! I still can't forget the first time I saw the night sky! The human was with me at that time!"— Raon to Mary

"It seems that almost all of the quotes were to Cale or about Cale." Violan says thoughtfully.

"Our youngest must really like Cale." Hong says proudly to his sister.

While Raon, who had heard what the red cat said, hide himself in Cale's lap, as he was feeling shy about it all.


·Raon would give tear-soaked apple pie slices to Cale whenever Cale overused his powers or got hurt.

"Human, you should not fight you are very weak and you will only get hurt." Raon exclaimed after seeing that phrase, he unknowingly had gotten close to the human, as well as his other self had done.

·Raon—as well and On and Hong—likes to sleep on top of or very close to Cale.

·Raon's favourite food is beef steak.

Before Raon can even say anything, Cale thinks about beef steak and when it appears he gives it to him.

·Raon, On and Hong are usually referred to by Cale as "the children averaging X years old" (X being the current average age of the 3 of them).

·Raon tends to give nicknames to those he cares about. However, despite meeting so many humans after being freed, he would only ever call Cale Henituse, "Human." (Most of the time it's "weak human")

"Why don't you call me Cale?"

"Because you are my human." Raon replies without thinking while eating his beef steak.

Meanwhile, Cale was in shock after hearing him say that.

·Raon enjoys breaking things like destroying the Magic Tower.

"Hahahaha, yes do it." Toonka exclaims laughing, while Harol tries to make him sit still.

·Raon stayed as an egg for a minimum of 9,000 years.

"I had already thought about that possibility, but to being it confirmed is a shook. It's clear why they think that he will possibly be the next Dragon Lord." Eruhaben says, while Mila nods. It was very strange for a dragon to be in an egg for more than 9,000 years, but as depending of the time inside the egg determined how strong the dragon could get, it was very obvious why it was said that the little dragon has potential to become the Dragon Lord.

·Raon instantly knows how to use something that he has learned, and is described as a "genius" both by himself and Eruhaben.

"Look human, I'm a genius and a mighty dragon." Raon brags to Cale, and he only pets the dragon while smiling and nodding at him.

Some people still thought it starnge of the trash to act like that, expecially people from Roan Kingdom, as they were the ones who believed more in the rumors.

Meanwhile, a certain fake blonde crown prince was looking at the eldest son of the Count Henituse as if he was an angel, while also blushing a bit, he composed himself fast as to not be seen by anyone, especially by his aunt Tasha.

His aunt Tasha had already seen him, as she was looking every other time at his nephew for his reactions at young master Cale, and she was already thinking that his nephew had finally forgotten the I-will-not-get-married-and-leave-the-throne-to-my-nephew plan, she was very happy for this, now she only has to make sure that his dense nephew realizes his feelings and to try and get them together.

"Okay, this was all about the wiki. I would leave you a bit of a break, and then we will react to the last part of the saving of the dragon."

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