Blunt Force// WILLIAM AFTON X...

By ic4rus0_

18.9K 401 1.3K

Going down the rabbit whole wasn't the greatest decision of your life but as long as he guaranteed you protec... More

Chapter 1: New home
Chapter 2: Fredbear's diner
Chapter 3: An interview
Chapter 4: Badluck
Chapter 5:Changes
Chapter 6: First kill
Chapter 7: Sharp teeth part 2
Chapter 8: A contract
Chapter 9:Clever girl
Chapter 10: Fragments from the departed
Chapter 11: Slut
Chapter 12: Trouble
Chapter 13:

Chapter 7: Sharp teeth part 1

1.1K 26 103
By ic4rus0_

// Just a moment, dear
I hear someone at the door
And the beating of a heart
That I hid beneath the floor
Oh they've come for me, love //

"So" She stared into your eyes trying to find an answer before you could get a change to offer her one.

"Why did you come home late last night?"

You thought about this question.You thought about a good and believable response but the important part was how would you deliver it.The last night's events still had an impact on you undoubtedly, which you were trying to hide from your dear friend,and you tried your best.The incapability of not telling someone about the commotion that lives between your soul and mind was devastating you, slowly.You did write it in your journal,which was lying under your bed ,with its pages stained by some tears.The small drops of water dried up while you were vomiting your thoughts on the white paper.It did not help.You needed contact with a human.

You stared back at her for a few seconds.

"They animatronics malfunctioned and Henry needed my help.I'm sorry I didn't notify you"It was the truth but just half of it,still enough to push you into a hole of guiltiness.

"I see.I still made the tacos if you want some you can find them in the fridge,couldn't let the meat spoil"You smiled at her answering with a thank you.

She left the kitchen counter heading to her workplace. You were alone again accompanied by your own thoughts and a mug of coffee.You haven't slept, you could barely keep your eyes open and your stomach was crying out loud for some food but you refused to listen to its needs.Suddenly the sound of a notification made your phone buzz and light up.It was a message from Noah.You quickly grabbed the small piece of metal in your hands, carefully but in intense desperation.Unlocking the phone the text was revealed to you.

"I am so sorry Y/N but I had a family emergency and I've left my phone at home.I barely had time for myself.Things are a bit complicated right now but I'll explain it to you when I'll have some time.Can't wait to see you again."

Your eyes watered once again knowing that your friend is safe and nothing bad had happened to him.The thought of you confessing your feelings to him was frightening since the last time you were completely in love was in highschool.Now the notions of tenderness and fondness were strange to you.Your last boyfriend brought you commitment issues,leaving you questioning your affection towards others.After you responded to his message you placed the lunchbox with taco in your backpack and left for work.You hopped everything was okay and if that William kept his promise.You could see that for the man death was nothing unusual,like he is already accustomed with it.The way he was fixing nonchalantly the corpse with his pale eyes made you feel uneasy at the time.

Arriving at the diner ,tensed you up a bit so you decided to keep a low profile.Nobody would ever suspect you because nobody knew about what happened, nonetheless had a clue that some random guy came in last night to steal but got killed instead.Despite this you still wanted to run away and never come back.You could not help but think about what happens if someone finds out.Your innocence is long gone.

"Oh I'm so sorry I-"You apologised for your clumsiness.Today was your first day as a waitress and you already blundered.You weren't good at interacting with people and the mess from your mind really didn't make it any easier.The woman in front of you frowned at you, angry that the food which was supposed to be on her plate was now staining her clothes.You could see her nostrils expanding with every deep inhale.The slender woman stood up and slapped your face,action that made you lose your balance, falling on the floor.From the new angle she seemed more scarier than earlier.Her husband and their child were looking at the scene that the woman was pulling up.

"Useless employee"She spoke in a raised tone getting different looks from the people around.
"I would have you clean my dress with your tongue.Not even your house costs as much as this piece of cloth."You weren't much of a fan for those kind of snobs and before you could open your mouth to defend yourself another raised tone appeared in the room.It was Afton himself.

"What happened here?"He was now sitting besides you,helping you out.You grabbed his hand and stood up next to him,his height making you seem almost invisible.In that moment you felt like a little kid and his mother scolding the bully.

"Excuse me but where can I file a complaint about an unqualified,as it seems,employee?"
The woman stared in your eyes,her desire to kill you for destroying her dress was crystal clear.

"I'm sorry madam but all our employees are pretty much qualified.There is no need for that.And I would suggest you not keeping the luggage scattered around.We don't want anyone tripping over them now, do we?"At the words spoken in a full british accent the woman flustered ,taking back her sit.You weren't sure which one of his features scared her,the tone in which he spoke or his sharp stare.

"Now if you will excuse us;someone else will be responsible of your order.Ofcourse if you still have the desire to lunch here"And with that, William took you away from the crazy woman,saving you again.

"My god, thank you!"You exhaled out of relief leaning on the wall behind you.You were also stained by the soda and the food you just dropped minutes ago.The stickiness from your fingers was caused by all the sugar that cola contained and your dress button up shirt was nowhere near white.William looked down at you engaged by the mess you were in that moment.

"You're welcome darling.Don't botter with people like her,a waste of time"While adjusting his dress shirt's sleeves your eyes fell upon his naked finger where once was a wedding ring.

"You should go change yourself with something clean.And be careful not to trip again."He leaned in,reaching for the same level to whisper something in your ear.When his breath made contact with your neck you quivered.

"Put yourself together or I will"And with that William left you alone with his faint scent of cologne and cigarettes,sign that the man smoked again.Everything he was doing or was saying misleaded you,ploughing you in a thick layer of confusion, nevertheless you were allured by him.You wanted to discover everything about who he is.

After the conversation with Afton you went to ask Evelyn and Alice if they had any clothes you could borrow.Alice gave you a skirt ,which you adjusted for your size ,and Evelyn lended you a dress shirt which was a little too thight for you,accentuating your breasts.You flustered a bit still it was better than walking around dirty for the rest of the day.Once you changed into something clean you went on your shift again.You could still feel from time to time the recalcitrant woman's stare on you but you ignored her.Besides the usual stares from the teenagers laughing or making jokes about your shirt you caught a new person focusing on you.You couldn't tell if William was supervising you or got the same perverted mind as others.He walked around looking at you,like a predator hunting its prey ,not taking his eyes off the helpless creature.After some time he disappeared,leaving his hunt alone.You didn't think much about it,merging again in your work.

It was almost rest time,meaning that you will get to enjoy your lunch alone.You couldn't wait to sink your teeth in the food Amber prepared last night.With your backup resting on the shoulder you walked outside breathing in some fresh air.Outside was breezy and the sun still tried to let his rays escape through the clouds nonetheless it was still a warm summer day.You decided to sketch something while eating since you missed drawing.Past days were a mess and you did not got time for art,so you thought that today might be the day.

As you were standing crossed legged on the wood bench ,grabbing the pencil to streak some lines on the white canvas,the back door opened.You didn't even have to look to know that the person aproaching you is no one else than your boss.You did not look up at him but continued your drawing.On the white paper was standing a sketch of Jason Voorhees,one of you favorite characters from your slasher movies.His mask was full of blood matching the chainsaw that he was handling.As William sat next to you he lit a cigarette bringing it to his lips.Soon you could feel your nostrils filling up with smoke.

"Actually ,Jason is one of my favorites."And with that he caught your atention and your eyes.You quickly turned your head just to make eye contact.

"Did you watch all the movies?"You asked the man given the fact that he was the one who aroused your interest.

"Absolutely.Jason sure is one hell of a killer.What I like about him most is that he always came back.Ofcourse until he died for good."

"Yeah.Friday the 13th is on my top tier series.Sometimes it really brings up some gory scenes."You decided to add more of the color red for your art when William handed you a barn red liner ,as if he had access to your thoughts all this time.

"Tell me more about you.I like to hear you talking."You kept your head in your small sketchbook knowing that his words flustered you enough to make your cheeks turn rose,matching the red pencil that you hold.

"I am not that interesting really.I have nothing to tell you."

"Introverted artist."He took one more drag before putting the cig out on the bench's metal handle.

"I'm sorry I wasn't born extroverted."You spat out those words covered in sarcasm,gesture that Afton obviously didn't like ;but he made sure to mask his annoyance on time.He sat up towering you,grabbing your chin between his fingers.The faint smell of cigarette was printed on his fingertips.

"I like you the way you are; quiet; calm; obedient."His index finger traced small circles on your cheek for each adjective.

"And I trust that your reserved nature will
keep safe our little secret.I would hate to lose such an employee like you."

You parted your lips in a desperate need of air ,as you forgot how to breath, when his thumb caressed your bottom lip.You silently nodded ,your eyes fixing his.You didn't want to stay near him any longer.You wanted him gone.The fear and the anger in your stomach were blending together forming a knot.Reading the uneasiness plastered on your face he left you alone after some split seconds.You were back from were you started, and all those mixed emotions were announcing another sleepless night.

Right after opening the door William stumbled over Henry who was rushing outside.His face displayed a worried expression,his eyes wandering between you and Afton.

"Thanks God,I searched for you two everywhere"Said the bearded man relieved that he finally found his partner and hia employee.You stood up packing your things quickly and hurrying next to them.

"Why were you looking for us?"Said William, stealing the words from your mouth as if he took them firstly when he touched your lips,making them his own.You just squeezed/pursed your lips together in annoyance.

"A kid went missing hours ago but we still cannot find him.We need more people to look after him.His blonde with brown eyes and was wearing a green t-shirt."

"You can count on us Henry"William spoke as he puts his hand over your back.

"Alright.I will go talk with his parents.If shit goes down I will need you.We can't afford another lawsuit."And with that Henry left you alone again with William.

"Another lawsuit?"You questioned the man while entering the building.You suddenly remembered that time when you came here with Amber and eavesdropped on their conversation, mentioning some lawsuits.He opened politely the door for you to enter.You hesitated.

"After you love."He gestured with his hand.

"You didn't answer my question."As you two were walking down the corridor, William never stopped to make eye contact with you as he explained a small history of Freadber's.Once you arrived on the main hall he stopped when he heard some shouts.You immediately recognized the voice that was shouting at Henry.It was that snob lady you had to deal eralier in the day.

"Henry needs my help."As he left, you stared at them for a few seconds then went searching for the missing child.

The bathrooms were empty and the arcade zone too.You headed searching for him at the play ground, thinking that maybe he was hiding at the ball pit.After some minutes almost all the plastic balls were thrown outside and no sign of the kid.The noises around you didn't make the situation any better.Searching for a missing child among other children was difficult.As you were standing up you noticed a sudden movement in the distance next to the slides.You fixed your eyes on the foreign object just to realise that he looks exactly like the blonde browned eye boy.You shouted a "wait" and rushed trying to fit through the tight places from the playground.The kid ran away not looking back.You cursed just for you to hear and hurried after him.The kids zone was huge but there was only one entrance and he couldn't just leave unnoticed.With quick movements you managed to reach him and grab him by his shoudler.

"Little fucker"You gritted your teeth for everything you've been through,hurting your knees and elbows.Your heart was racing like crazy while panting.

"Never again."You scolded him while he was giggling in amusement.

When you got back with him, holding his hand not to run away again ,his mother came in a hurry hugging her kid.The husband and Henry showed up immediately.

"Oh thanks you are safe"Caressing his hair she looked up at you."Thank you so much for finding him."You could still feel her disgust towards you but you chose to nod silently and smile.Henry puts his hand over your shoulder remarking a "well done"which made you happy.

"I apologise for my shouts but I hope you can understand me and how losing a child feels."You weren't sure if the woman was sincere or not but Henry acted amiably too.

Once the family left you two sighted in unison thing that made you laugh.
"Related to her words.How does Charlie feel?"You asked shily.

"She is better now.Nothing too serious.Just a cold"He replied.

"I'm glad!She is so sweet"Henry chuckled and patted your shoulder,excusing himself and leaving you alone with the animatronic's music.You looked once again at them,walking towards near the scene of the band's performance, fascinated by how they operate.William told you before about their mechanism taking some interest from you in return,and being told once again their operation system brought up that fascination.You were caught staring into Bonnie's eyes when suddenly a pair of hands snapped you out of trance.

"If you are gonna do this again I swear I'm gonna ki-"

"Kill me?"He smiled down at your face while you punched him in the chest.

"I'm here because I need you in my office"He continued as you raised your eyebrow.

You were standing onto his desk while he was kneeling in front of you applying some band-aids on your scratched knees.

"So you needed me to give me medical care?"

"Actually"He stood up and continued"I wanted to invite you to dinner"

You blushed at the thought of a date with him.It couldn't be possible.

"At my house.With my kids and wife.....ex-wife.Tonight"He corrected himself emphasizing the word "ex" after seeing you getting flustered.

"Well.I would have had some work but sure."He grabbed your hand placing another band-aid on your elbow.

"You know"He took a small break reaching out for another band-aid so that he could form an X with them."I was fascinated by how fast you could move on that playground.You even catched the brat"You awkwardly giggled.

"If I were to catch him ...poor Henry,he would have recieved another lawsuit."You were confused by his words,the puzzlement on your face was somehow mixing with fear.You leaned grabbing the edges of the desk with both hands.

"What?"The word could barely be heard, uttered through a sharp breath.

'What did he just say?'

A/N:Ok so I continued with this chapter trying to make it a bit longer.Sorry if it's too boring or if the things happen too quickly.

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