Ekkan One-Shot Collection

By sarinaxx34

25.5K 621 124

Bunch of stories of our favourite couple and some side stories of the side characters More

Author's note


1.5K 27 2
By sarinaxx34

When Ekim discussed Aziz's wounds with Hazal, she realised something was off. She supported Kanat and described Aziz as odd, which was also correct. But, honestly, no boy would do such a thing only to get attention. She was well aware of this, especially if you were a wealthy young man with everything. Furthermore, she can clearly tell that Hazal knew something, because when she heard the reason of Kanat's accident, she did not believe him.

Did Aziz's father shield him from Kanat? Could he actually raise his hand at his brother? She recalled that even though he occasionally grasped her firmly, anytime she was hurt, he released her immediately. Who beat Aziz if it wasn't Kanat?

What about his mother? No, she appeared to be too frail to hit their children. She remembered how distraught she was at the hospital. Was it possible that it was the father? Kanat, if she remembered properly, reacted suspiciously when the small boy claimed he would buy a watch for his father on their short trip. He seemed especially anxious.

Ekim dashed out of the kitchen, where she cleaned the dishes, and straight to Hazal. "We have to talk." With solemnity in her voice, she stated. Hazal could tell something was wrong since Ekim had never looked so solemn as she did now.

"What would you want to discuss?"

"Was it the father?" Ekim exhaled. Hazal placed the dishes on the table, perplexed by what her friend had said. "Whose father?"

"Was it Kanat's father?"

Hazal hadn't expected Ekim to acquire it so easy, but Ekim always had an ace in her hand. She was always surprising her. "Your correct, Aziz's wounds were caused by his father."

Ekim swallowed in surprise. What kind of parent would do that to his own children? How could he love watching his son wailing and pleading for mercy? Even her father couldn't do it to her.

"Did he also beat..."

"No, no, he didn't. He used to utilise any mistakes he made to let Aziz feel the consequences and blamed Kanat for it."

In essence, both were mistreated. One was physically abused, while the other was cognitively and emotionally abused.

Why were the rich people so mentally ill? "He fell because of him. His father did everything, right?"

Hazal nodded, afraid to voice the words out loud. She despised Kanat's condition, but she couldn't help him since she was dealing with her own issues. It made her feel awful, so guilty that she would rather forget everything. "I need to go apologise to him."

He was, in fact, defending Aziz the entire time. Ekim tossed the apron onto the chair next to her. "Can you cover for me?" Hazal nodded and watched Ekim leave the cafe with her gaze. "Good luck," she thought.


Ekim was ringing the bell vigorously because she couldn't wait for the door to open. A woman with blond hair, his mother, opened it and gazed puzzledly at her. She had definitely no idea she was going to be there.


"Is Kanat home?" She knew it was impolite not to return her greeting, but her relationship with him was at the stake. Although they were not in a real relationship. They haven't made anything official yet. She always rejected and humiliated him, although he did everything he could to show himself worthy of her. She had opted to listen to Aziz rather than believe Kanat. She listened to her mind rather than her heart.

"He's upstairs." Ekim dashed upstairs to Kanat's room. Her hand grasped the doorknob before opening the door. There he was laying on the bed, his eyes were closed and he listened to his music through his headphones.

She approached him carefully and placed her arm on his shoulder. Kanat opened his eyes and was greeted with the awkward smile on Ekim's face. Kanat, on the other hand, cheerfully sat up and removed his headphones.

"Hi." She smiled at him. "I assumed you didn't want to talk to me any longer." Her face was flushed with shame.

"I apologise for my words." Ekim breathed deeply. "I apologise for making assumptions and offending you by labelling you a nasty person."

Kanat remained silent. He just sat there, waiting for Ekim to speak. "I just kept running away because I didn't want to face my feelings. In my life, I had a negative encounter with love. Because I've only had bad relationships as an example of love, I lost the faith of true love. My parents, Leyla's parents, and even Bekir's parents were all the proof of it. People I love abandon me, and I am terrified of being hurt again." Ekim's eyes began to well up with tears. Kanat gently brushed her tears away.

"This is why you always scurried away anytime we got close." Ekim nodded, embarrassed. Her explanation seemed dumb and juvenile, but the trauma remained throughout her life. It ruined her perception of love.

"Then let's try to be together. I will do anything to prove that love is not a terrible thing. Please give me the opportunity to show I'm a good person."

"And what about Leyla?" Kanat sighed with frustration. What was Ekim's motivation for being so selfless? Why couldn't she be concerned with her own life for once?

"Ekim, who is Leyla? She doesn't mean anything to me since I merely spoke to her to create a good impression on you." Ekim realised he was right. He was right, and after Leyla's betrayal, she finally let go of her obsession. That's why she grabbed his face and kissed him.

"First and all, you are not a horrible person, and secondly, let's try being together." Kanat chuckled and kissed Ekim on the cheek before hugging her. "And I love you too." She murmured lying on his chest


The next day, Kanat parked his car in front of Ekim's house and waited for her to arrive with Hazal. He couldn't possibly forget his closest friend. She was the one one who had been on his side since the beginning, and it was maybe she who persuaded Ekim to give him a chance.

"Hi." She greeted him. She smiled at him. She couldn't decide whether to hug him or simply hop in the car. Kanat made the decision instead of her and embraced her with one arm while kissing her on the cheek.

"Did I miss something?"

The pair turned their heads in the direction of Hazal.

"We're together." Kanat exclaimed eagerly, while Ekim blushed. Hazal, in the meantime, grinned with pride at Ekim for having the guts to confess.

"Congratulations, you two."

Ekim extended her right arm, signalling Hazal to embrace them, which she did. She raced to her friends and hugged them as soon as she received permission.

Ekim was the first to release the embrace and walk to the car. "She was pushed by you, right?"Kanat inquired, wrapping his arm around her neck.

"I just responded to her questions. She made the decisions on her own." Hazal responded as she turned to face Ekim.

"Thank you in any case."

After giving her a head kiss, they both walked over to the car.

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