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Your wife was involved in a car accident. She is currently in the hospital.

Kanat raced along the halls in search of the right room. How could she have been involved in an accident? Ekim drove skillfully; he ensured that when she received her licence, this circumstance would not occur.

"Her physical health is better than we expected, but her brain..."

"What about her brain?"


He opened the door to her room and turned to face his wife, who was wearing a bandage over her head. His heart clenched as though he were squeezing it with his hand. "Ekim, love." He approached her and tried to touch her, but she flinched as if his touch would shock her.

"She has no memory of the previous seven years of her life, implying that she is in her early twenties mentally."

He inhaled deeply. So she did, in fact, suffer from amnesia. She had no memory of the previous several years. She had no memory of her friends, him, or, more significantly, their daughter. "You're my husband." She spoke up. Her voice sounded gruff and exhausted, as if she didn't have the power to fight any longer.

"I am." Although he assumed the doctor had told her about him being her husband, he was unable to accept the amnesia. He realised his wife and the person in front of him were two distinct people. His wife would kiss him and tell him how terrible her day had been and how she preferred to stay at home.

And when he proposed that she can become a housewife so she wouldn't have to work as much, she declined, claiming that she was a modern woman with ambitions. Then she'd laugh it off and tell him all about the actual day she had. She enjoyed pulling pranks on him. His wife was now, however no longer looking at him.

"Be patient and don't put too much pressure on her."

He could see why the doctor had asked him to be patient. In her eyes, he was a stranger.

"You're fine, according to the doctor. Let's head home. " He assisted her in getting up, which was incredibly difficult because she refused to be helped. So basically, she appeared to be angry with him, and he urgently sought to win her forgiveness by giving her his help.

Ekim's eyes widened as they approached their home. She grew up in a humble family, and now she was in a luxurious home, much like she had seen in turkish dramas with her mother. "Nazlı is with my mum." Ekim wrinkled her brows, unsure of what he was saying.

"Our daughter's name is Nazlı." He explained when he noticed his wife's confusion. "How old is she?" She inquired as they approached the door. "She'll be six years old this summer." He replied as he hung her coat.

"So, I'm twenty-seven years old, and you're twenty-eight." Ekim double-checked the calculations. She had her child at the age of twenty-one, because she would be twenty-eight this year.

"When did we get married?" She asked when they walked to the kitchen. "Tea?" She nodded and watched him make her black tea. "We've been married for almost seven years. Before our marriage, we had been together for two months."

Two months? Wasn't it a small amount of time to get to know a man with whom you were going to spend the rest of your life? She couldn't understand herself. Why would she get married to a guy she knew only for two months?

"So we knew each other for two months and got married right away." Kanat hummed instead of replying and handed her the mug with tea.

"And we had no problems with not knowing each other." She questioned him sceptically before taking a taste of her drink. "No, we clicked from the start, even if our family were sceptical at first. We had no issues with our quick choice to marry, and as you can see, we were happy. "

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