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Ekim hated her pregnant life. Not because she was gaining weight or anything like that.

It's because others are more interested in the baby than her. At the beginning you were at the first place, but due to the baby, she dropped to second place.

Everyone would correct her and advise her on what she should and should not do.

Ekim was going insane when people tell her what she should drink or eat.

Because this was her second pregnancy, she was already familiar with the process, but her surrounds seemed to believe they knew better.

Kanat occasionally forgot about her and was more obsessed with their kid than with his wife, which drove Ekim insane. She could see he was excited, but this was too much for her.

She despised it.

Umut was also perplexed as to why his mother had suddenly become so unique. The poor boy couldn't really hug her properly because Kanat was afraid he would hurt the baby. Ekim wanted to hit him for this remark, but she refrained from doing so.

However she officially lost her patience at breakfast. Everything happened on a Sunday morning as the entire family was eating breakfast.

"You should eat more fruits, love." Kanat told her while placing the fruit salad she had prepared earlier on her plate.

"I'm not going to." She made a remark and wanted to return them to the bowl, but Kanat stopped her.

"But that's good for the baby."

Did she look like she cared? She wasn't some goddamn child who didn't want to eat nutritious food. She was simply not in the mood for fruits!

Hormones were the term for this!

"I'm not going to eat it." She warned again that even Umut understood it was best to remain silent.

"But the baby requires vitamins."

Kanat's protest cracked the thin ice they were standing on. All of her perseverance had been shattered, literally. She grabbed the juice and doused her spouse with it.

"You need it. You need vitamins as a basketball player." She said sweetly before leaving the kitchen.

"Ekim!" Kanat shouted so his wife could hear him, but he wasn't successful because she didn't turn around.

"Buddy, take your breakfast and eat it in front of the TV." Kanat told his son, whose eyes lit up at his words.

"Really?" He asked, and instead of answering, Kanat nodded. Umut quickly disappeared with his food into the living room while Kanat took a towel to get himself dry.

He slowly entered the door to his and Ekim's bedroom and spotted his wife pouting while watching a TV show.

"May we speak?" He inquired softly. Ekim decreased the volume.

"Are you certain you want to speak to me, or do you want to speak to our child?" She inquired, her brow furrowed. He was aware that she gave him a warning.

It was her "don't say anything dumb" expression.

"I'd like to speak with the sunshine of my life." He responded, making Ekim blush slightly.

Kanat was proud of himself because he lightened up the mood. Now, It would be easier to talk to her.

"Then spill the tea," she said as she turned off the TV. She wanted to hear what he had to say.

"I know that with this pregnancy you are more on the edge than before, which is understandable." Kanat sat beside her.

Umut's pregnancy was a pretty dangerous one. Ekim was ill all day, couldn't move well because she was in pain, and furthermore the chance of losing Umut was quite high.

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