Snakes | A Viggo Grimborn X O...

By CharleenBenz

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All of us crave something. That's the number one thing Freya learned when she grew up. Most honorable people... More

Unorthodox Introduction
Hidden Alliance
Fuck Feelings
Transparent Infatuation
I'm Sorry
Shitty Past
update (AN)
True Colors Pt. 1
True Colors Pt. 2
Dance (Epilogue)
BOOK 2 (a/n)

For Her

940 17 12
By CharleenBenz

Alright, finally, the chapter you have allllll been waiting for

I hope you guys all enjoy this and this part is important,


anyways enjoy <33

TW: mentions of sexual assualt

3rd Person POV:

Freya paced in her hut, nervous and conflicted, though not over the events that would happen in a few short hours. She was trying to decide whether or not she should tell Astrid of her and Viggo. On one side, she wasn't sure if she could trust Astrid, as they had just started being friends yesterday, but on another hand, if Astrid knew that Viggo was on their side from the start, that could improve her trust in him when he comes back here to the edge if he even wanted to. Not only that but she desperately needed someone to talk to about these abnormal, annoying feelings she's been having with him and she of all people would know. She stopped abruptly in her tracks, deciding that enough was enough and that she would go tell her. She had to, for her sanity's sake.

A worried Venomous warbled and brushed her nose against her hand, wanting to help soothe her. Frey smiled and looked down at her, thinking that if anything went wrong, she would always have her by her side. Taking a deep breath, Freya grabbed his letters from her secret compartment and opened the large door to her hut, mounting Venomous to talk with Astrid.




"Woah," Astrid said, staring at one of the letters Viggo had sent her. flipping through them, each one surprised her equally. They seemed so genuine, so kind hearted. She would almost believe it if it wasn't for his past.

Freya sat in a chair at Astrid's desk, her knee bouncing anxiously. She now knew she could trust Astrid, as she wasn't being angry with her for her connection with Viggo, but she still hadn't told her about the feelings.

"So, should I trust him? I know you would most definitely say no, but he gave me incredibly important inside knowledge of the hunters, and..." Freya trailed off, collecting her thoughts. Astrid looked up from the papers, sorry for her new friend. This was the most vulnerable she had ever seen her and it made Astrid trust her even more. "Venomous trusts him... If she does, then it must be for a reason. She hardly trusts Snotlout and the twins and they are like family!"

Astrid frowned, conflicted herself. she had heard this argument before from Hiccup, and he turned out to be right with Dagur. She assumed it was possible for even the notorious Viggo Grimborn to be capable of change and from what Freya said, he was already on that path.

"Trust isn't something you just throw around, I know you know that. If you trust him, I believe it's for a reason," Astrid said, putting herself in Freya's shoes knowing how little she trusts.

Freya's cheeks began heating up at the thought of her and Viggo's interaction before she had left the island and Astrid immediately noticed it. Then it all clicked for her. This was why she gave him such a shot, she had feelings for him! Now that was something she couldn't be angry with even on her worst days. Astrid pulled up a chair in front of Freya, sitting and putting her hands on her shoulders and snapping her out of her trance.

"Do you have feelings for him?" Astrid asked simply, leaving Freya stunned with how obvious it must have been. Clenching her jaw, she thought about the butterflies, the spark in her chest and the way she couldn't help thinking about him. Now she knew for sure. She had something for him and she didn't understand why.

"I- I think I do, but I don't really understand it," Freya admitted, averting Astrids eyes in shame. She understood what Freya was feeling, and knew that there was no way of stopping these feelings. If she was being honest, she could definitely understand it from an outsiders perspective. They were quite similar, as they put strength of mind above the strength of body, and they were both similar ages.

"Deep down, your gut is telling you what is right. I know how calculated you are, but trust me, follow your gut, and do what you need to do," Astrid said, instilling confidence and guidance in Freya. A small smile made it's way onto Freya's face and she went to hug the Hofferson girl, standing up with her.

"There's just one more thing, if you don't mind, that is. When we go to infiltrate Johann's base can you trail behind to make sure both Hiccup and I don't do anything stupid?" Freya asked during the hug. Astrid laughed and agreed, making Freya exceptionally happy to have her as a friend.


. I really hope Astrid doesn't sound too out of character I'm just trying to give her more char development I hope u don't mind


"Hey, Freya, Stoick sent a Terror Mail for you and Hiccup," Fishlegs said, entering the hut with Hiccup and Astrid behind him. Hiccup took the scroll and laid out a map that came along with the terror mail, and began reading the note. Astrid and Freya exchanged a look, already knowing what the letter would contain. Hiccup snapped them out of their thoughts.

"My dad wants Freya and I to fly to this island and meet him here," Hiccup said, holding the note in one hand and pointing to the island Freya had flown to last night on the map. "He says he found a dragon eye lens on this exact island and wants us to go alone"

Freya had to wiggle Astrid in there and make sure she could trail behind. To do this, she may have to give the idea that it could possibly not be Stoick and just hope he would give in to curiosity.

"Say, it's not much like dad to have us go completely alone. Maybe Astrid should trail behind from a distance just in case and if anything happens, one of us can use a distress signal and she would be there to help," Freya said, perfectly pushing her agenda without seeming obvious to anyone, except Astrid who already knew of the plan. Hiccup thought for a moment, liking the idea.

"Good idea, Astrid you don't mind, right?" Hiccup asked, turning to Astrid in the process. Astrid shared a smile with Freya before turning her full attention to Hiccup.

"Not at all, she raises a good point. I'll be staying on these islands nearby, just in case," Astrid said, pointing out islands on the map to give Hiccup more clarity. The whole time Fishlegs was floored by the kindness being shared between Freya and Astrid. He could have sworn they hated each other. The abnormal situation made him slightly uncomfortable, anticipating a fight to break out between the two any second, but surprising to him, it would never come.

Just then, Snotlout and the twins walked into the hut. Snotlout was incredibly annoyed and was glaring at the twins while they had a pleading look on their face while asking him to witness their record.

"What's going on here? Why wasn't I invited?!" Snotlout said, with an angered tone while trying to ignore the twins.

"Stoick wants Hiccup and Freya to fly alone to this island for a dragon eye lens," Astrid clarified, encouraging Snotlout to look at the map where she pointed.

"Alright, don't get killed. Be back before dinner, I'm not making it tonight," Snotlout said, only interested in making sure they would make dinner later while yawning. Just as he was about to walk out, the twins ran in front of him once again and began pleading more, making him run out with the twins following close behind.




Hiccup and Freya took off, Astrid waiting a couple minutes before doing so herself. The silence took over the two siblings and Hiccup smiled, thinking about the most recent conversation he's had with Astrid.

"I heard you and Astrid are getting along well," Hiccup said, putting a smile on Freya's face.

"Yeah, she's more fun and less stuck up than I initially thought," Freya said, fiddling with the saddle. Hiccup was beyond overjoyed with his sister and future wife finally getting along.

Eventually the island was seen on the horizon, and both dragons dove down for it. Freya knew the island already, having been here last night, but Hiccup was looking around for any traps or hunters. Landing on the cliff side, Freya and Hiccup looked around. Walking into the forest, they spotted a piece of Maces and Talons, the Accomplice.

Freya hid a smile at Viggo's piece going unnoticed by Hiccup as she was behind him. As if on que, Viggo appeared from behind a tree.

"The accomplice, one of the most important pieces in all of Maces and Talons, Allowing a player to use an opponents piece to meet their own ends," Viggo said, making Toothless begin growling and get into battle position. Freya quickly put a hand on top of Venomous'head, signalling for her to begin growling as well to make sure Hiccup doesn't notice.

"You can certainly win without it, but with it, you can obtain total victory," He finished, just before Toothless began preparing a plasma blast aimed at him that Hiccup allowed. Before Freya could protest Hiccup, Viggo sliced a rope next to him that triggered a bola launcher to shoot a bola at Toothless, knocking Hiccup off of him in the process. Venomous jumped over Hiccup, keeping up the act so well.

Freya jumped off of Venomous, sneaking a knowing smile towards Viggo before taking out her sword and getting into her usual battle stance, Hiccup getting up and doing the same.

"Stand down, I don't want to fight," Viggo said, hoping to encourage Hiccup to put down the sword but to no avail.

"Yeah, I figured it was you," Hiccup said,still not putting the sword down. Venomous looked toward Toothless, still in the bola and wanted to help him, but knew that if she did, he would begin blasting at her other friend, so she stayed put.

"I'm impressed, for once you're thinking a few moves ahead. However I can't let you take too much credit, a false terror mail isn't my most clever ruse, but time was of the essence," Viggo said, staying as still and calm as ever. Hiccup, on the other hand, was getting annoyed.

"Viggo, what do you want?" Hiccup asked, wanting to leave as soon as possible. Viggo caught on and began to explain what he had told Freya last night, the shortened more vague version of course.

"It appears Johann and Krogan have decided that I am expendable. I was given false information regarding the location of a Dragon Eye Lens and they attempted to drop a mountain on me," Viggo summarized, conveniently leaving out the fact that a Monsteruous Nightmare saved him, confusing Freya. "Can you imagine it Hiccup? The pain of betrayal?"

"I can!" Hiccup shouted before charging at Viggo with his sword lit. Viggo stood perfectly still, unmoving and before Freya could run up and stop her brother, Viggo quickly blocked the attack with his sword, his lit fire sword. Before either could react Freya's sword sliced down the middle of theirs, breaking up the fight. Placing herself between Hiccup and Viggo, she backed him up away from Viggo.

"If he doesn't want to fight, then he doesn't want to fight. Hear him out first and then you can go all fire crazy on each other, alright?" Freya said, cracking a light joke about the amount of fire swords in this battle. Viggo put away his sword first, making Hiccup look between Viggo and Freya before putting his away too. Freya stepped out of the way, giving Viggo the floor to speak.

Viggo went over to Toothless and undid the bola wrapped around his mouth. He hissed at Viggo and ran for his rider, checking on him. Standing before Hiccup and Freya once again, he laid down his sword in an act of peace.

"Hiccup, I need your help,"




Hiccup held up his guard, sitting in front of Toothless in front of a fire across from Viggo Grimborn. Freya sat near Viggo, but far enough away to not draw unwanted attention from Hiccup. Viggo dropped a fish in the pan, and began holding it over the fire. Freya realized he forgot the salt, and grabbed a near by salt shaker, seasoning the fish while it was still on the pan. He smiled and nodded towards Freya as a thank you for helping make the food bearable. Hiccup noticed and watched the interaction closely, making him slightly worried for Freya. She didn't tell him much about their interractions, only telling him that she helped him get off the island and he helped her escape the hunters, but he still worried about it all being a long game for him where she ends up being used. Viggo interrupted his thoughts.

"I won't spend the rest of my life waiting for Johann or Krogan to kill me. I must strike first," Viggo said, bringing Hiccup's thoughts back on topic. This didn't sit right with Hiccup, not wanting another shellfire incident where Viggo would supposedly help him defeat Viggo's own allies.

"Hey, tell you what; I'll defeat Johann, and you can watch from your cell on Outcast Island, does that sound good?" Hiccup said, reminding Viggo that he very much would like to be putting him in Outcast prison right this moment. The sarcasm brought a laugh out of Viggo, that brought a smile to Freya's face, which she had to quickly hide from the both of them for very different reasons.

"Oh, Hiccup. You have many admirable qualities, but ruthlessness is not one of them. You're too good, too pure, too innocent, which will get you or someone you love killed," Viggo said, looking at Freya as an example for the last part. Hiccup glanced towards Freya and the ground, wondering if he maybe was right. He was her brother and no matter their ages he wanted to protect her no matter what. "Without that ruthlessness, you will fail against Johann."

Viggo offered the fish to Freya, and then Hiccup, both declining for different reasons; Freya because she had lost her appetite in the anxiety, and Hiccup because he simply didn't trust him. Then he threw the fish to Toothless, specifically leaving out Venomous for his plan, which made her huff in the background. (A/N funny dragon < 3) He sniffed the fish cautiously before eating it happily, Hiccup watching him worriedly.

"The truth is, I can't exact my revenge without you, or your Night Furies, and once Krogan and Johann are defeated, I will dissapear, you have my word," Viggo finished, leaving an angry Hiccup and a petrified Freya. While Hiccup was angry at his promises and pushing of him to help get his revenge, Freya didn't want Viggo to go, she instead wanted him to come back to the edge and stay with them atleast until they defeated Johann. He was the closest she had ever gotten to a person on Berk, besides Hiccup of course, and she didn't want to loose that to some miniscual war that would be over in less than a year. Of course, though, she couldn't be selfish. Who was to say he even wanted to stay on the edge, maybe he wanted to rebuild his tribe or live a more free life.

"And what good is your word, Viggo? After everything you've done, after all of the dragons and people you've hurt, you expect me to believe you? I will never help you," Hiccup said, finalizing his argument and looking back at Toothless, having a bad feeling about the fish he had just eaten. Viggo and Freya exchanged worried glances, knowing that they had to make him agree somehow. Luckily for them, though, Viggo had a plan.

"Even if it means acquiring Johanns Dragon Eye and all his lenses?" Viggo asked, in one more act of desperation. Hiccup held his stance, though, and narrowed his eyes at Viggo.

"I don't trust you," Hiccup said, leading Viggo to his last plan.

"Hmm, thats a shame. Hiccup, do you know what red oleander is?" Viggo said, putting into action his last plan. Freya gazed into the fire in thought. She used to study herbs and plants, and she knew all of the oleanders that negatively affected Dragons, and Red Oleander was not one of them. In fact, they had no effect.

"Of course," Hiccup said, bored and ready to finish the conversation and drag him to Outcast Island. Viggo laughed again, setting down his fish that he was eating.

"Well, you dont, actually. If you did, you would know that if the flower is ingested by a dragon, it will cause a slow agonizing death. Dragons wont go near it because of its pungent odor, but if it is disguised by another strong smell, something like, say.. fish?" Viggo said, connecting the dots in Hiccup's and Freya's brain. Thats why he brought up a flower with no effect on Dragons. To make Hiccup merely think that his dragon was poisoned so he would end up helping him meet his own ends. He lept up from his spot, unsheathing his sword and pointing it at Viggo's neck.

"You give me the antidote!" Hiccup shouted, the heat of his fire sword burning close to Viggo's neck. Viggo quickly put his hands up, in a sign of surrender.

"I don't have it. Only Johann does," Hiccup growled angrily, ready to kill Viggo for "poisoning" his dragon. "Help me, and I will get you the antidote, Otherwise in three days' time, your dragon will die," Hiccup was angry, but that didn't stop the worried look coming to Hiccup's face as he ran up to Toothless. The male Night Fury gave a reassuring warble as Hiccup swallowed his wants to leave this island.

"Whats the plan," Hiccup said, giving in.




Flying North, Viggo flew on Freya and Venomous' back while Hiccup stared him down, daring him to try anything on her. On her side facing Hiccup, he kept his hand on the saddle, but where he couldn't see or make a fuss about, he left his hand on her waist, making Freya feel less tense in this stressful situation. Hiccup took his attention off Viggo to check on his dragon.

"You okay bud?" Hiccup asked his best friend worriedly, earning a happy warble in response. Viggo noticed this and wanted to make sure Hiccup still had the idea that his dragon was poisoned.

"The symptoms won't come on for another day or so. By the time we've concluded our business, your dragon will have the antidote," Viggo said, getting an aggrivated look from Hiccup in response. "Oh, don't be like that Hiccup! What did I tell you about ruthlessness?"

"You poisoned my Dragon, Viggo! What did you expect? You think we're gonna be best friends?" Hiccup said, very annoyed to be forced into this suicide mission.

"Toothless will be fine, you have my word!" Viggo said, making Hiccup go quiet. Then, the group spotted an island with a high mountain top, storm clouds surrounding it. Freya recognized the strangely directed clouds and lightning and already knew his plan, remembering of their ability to neutralize a Singe Tail's blast.

"Ah, I see," Freya said, pulling up on the handles and guiding Venomous upwards, Hiccup and Toothless following close behind. They landed on the mountian top, snow blizzards engulfing their visions. Viggo dismounted Venomous, doing the same slow slip off her waist as he did when they first met. Freya bit her tounge, thankful for the harsh wind as an excuse for the discoloration in her cheeks.

"Viggo, What are we doing here?" Hiccup asked, disturbed and uncomfortable in the harsh blizzard without a clue as to why he was there. Putting a hand above her eyes to shield snow, she watched Viggo pull out a large metal dagger.

"In ancient times, the Singetail was one of the most feared dragons. However there was one dragon whos powerful blasts could neutralize the Singetail's fire," Viggo explained, rasing his dagger to the sky. Immediately, a loud crack of electricity sounded through the air as a bolt of lightning latched onto the metal dagger.

"Meet our accomplice, The Singetail's only predator..." Viggo introduced, as a massive and equally familiar Skrill emerged from the snow blizzard. Hiccups eyes bugged out of his head while Freya had a simple triumphant smile, knowing she was right. "...The Skrill!"

"Are you insane?!" Hiccup yelled, fear devouring him as one of the strongest, most feared dragons in the archipelago flew in front of him. "Do you have any idea how territorial the Skrill is?"

"We don't have much time, get-" Viggo was cut off by Hiccup's angry ranting.

"If you think that I'm going to help you capture and torture this dragon for your revenge, you've got another thing coming!" Hiccup yelled, causing Viggo to turn his attention off of The Skrill and onto Hiccup.

"Guys! Pay attention!" Freya shouted as electricity danced across the dragons body, preparing a blast. Viggo snapped his attention back towards the Skrill before it sent a blast towards Hiccup and Toothless, causing him to jump and prepare a Plasma Blast aimed at the Skrill.

"Don't aggrivate it," Viggo said, running in front of Toothless to stop the shot. Before Hiccup could protest, the Skrill sent a shot of lightning right past Hiccup's head, making him and Toothless swerve out of the way.

Right before they could take cover, the Skrill intelligently aimed for the tail, setting it aflame and taking down Toothless not so gracefully. Hiccup flew off Toothless, Freya and Venomous jumping over him to block any shots sent his way. Toothless prepared to fire at the Skrill once more before Viggo ran in front of him again, making sure to not let them ruin his plan.

"Berserkers used metal daggers to lure Skrills into traps,"Holding out his dagger, Viggo caught the Skrill's attention once again. Fixating on the cold, dark metal, the Skrills anger dissapaited, and he landed before Viggo, nearing the metal dagger in fascination. "The dragon is drawn to this due to its electrical properties,"

"Thats right, We are not enemies," Viggo calmed the dragon, putting down the dagger and putting his palm against the dragons cool snout. The action brought immense joy to Freya, seeing him befriend a Dragon. "There's no way I would torture this dragon,"

"Woah, I never thought I'd hear you say that," Hiccup said, slowly standing up from his crouched position under Venomous. Freya (on Venomous) walked next Viggo, admiring the rare dragon up close.

"I knew you would come around," Freya said quietly, smiling at the former hunter. Her happiness put that same annoyingly addictive warmth into his chest as she scratched the Skrill under its chin lightly. Their eyes connected as they matched each other's smiles.

(A/N poor third wheel hiccup lol)

As Hiccup watched his older sister and his enemy gaze at each other, he knew that it was more than just fulfilling debts or friendship. He saw that look in Astrid any time they were close, and he knew that he couldn't try and separate them. As much as it worried Hiccup to let his sister be close with the same man that captured him time and time again, he knew he couldn't stop her even if he wanted to. If there was a chance Viggo had changed, he had to give it a shot.

For Freya..




After fixing a new tailfin onto Toothless and taking off with the Skrill trialing behind, the group had finally reached the setting of this battle. With no need to scout out the area with Viggo's inside knowledge, Freya flew Venomous over the highest watch tower in the middle of the island, allowing Viggo to drop his dagger for the Skrill to fire at, setting the entire tower aflame. Hunters and Fliers grouped up to take down the powerfull beast, but while they had strength in numbers, the task was not an easy one.

With the Skrill distracting everyone that resided on the island, Viggo, Freya and Hiccup were able land at the caves entrance, where the Dragon Eye lenses would be held. As the small group rushed into the cave, Johann impatiently ran into the forest with a crossbow, ready to take down the electrical dragon. With little time to spare, Viggo had to break down the plan to Freya while sitting behind her on Venomous. He whispered the plan into her ear, his gruff voice making Freya grip the saddle to steady herself. Of course, Viggo noticed her small reaction and let a smug smile show.

Stopping in front of a stone wall that allowed cover from the hunters that had finally spotted them, Viggo jumped off Venomous, Hiccup doing the same with Toothless. Before letting her off to hide, Viggo took her hand, squeezing it lightly while sharing a nod with Freya. Niether of them wanted to loose each other, and as long as everything went according to plan, they wouldn't. Letting go, Viggo walked up next to Hiccup, who was watching the hunters from behind the wall.

"Okay, so here's the plan-" Hiccup started, before being cut off by Viggo, seeing as the hunters spotted them. Looking next to him to make sure Freya was hidden, he decided now was the moment. In this moment, Freya was cocooned by Venomous in the shadows, unnoticable to the hunters.

"I want to thank you, Hiccup, for getting me this far," Viggo said, punching Hiccup in the stomach and turnign him around, holding him hostage with a dagger to the throat. Toothless began to growl, getting back into a defensive stance as Hiccup held out his hands to stop him. "One move and your Master dies,"

"Grimborn. I thought you were dead," Krogan said, sending an all too familiar chill down Freya's spine. Anger rose up in her chest as she recalled all of the stories that the young women told her of their experiences with Krogan, about how they all were taken advantage of. Those stories and experiences being told and repeated throughout the archipelago and outside of it is what started her war against Krogan. While she greatly disliked what he did to dragons all over, the horrific things he's done to his victims are what drove her to taking him down.

Freya realized that the hunters and Hiccup and Toothless were gone already, and it was safe to leave. Before hiding, Viggo had given Freya a skeleton key for all cages on the premisis. The same key that would unlock Hiccup and Toothless' cage.

Opening her wings, Venomous let Freya out of the cocoon, allowing her to step out and observe her surroundings. All of the hunters had left the area, most likely to deal with the Skrill. Freya and Venomous sprinted down the cave halls quietly, dodging the eyes of the scarce hunters that wandered them until they found a dim room that held Hiccup and Toothless in a large Dragon Proof cage.

Hiccups head shot up seeing her enter the room, relief filling him as he saw that she was safe and here to save him. He stood up abruptly, Toothless becoming alert as Freya quickly approached the cage.

"Thank Thor you're okay. I'm not sure how you're going to open the ca-" Hiccup was cut off by Freya pulling out the key and quickly unlocking it, stunning him with confusion. "Ho- how did you get that?"

"Viggo gave it to me before giving you up," Freya explained quickly, running to the cave room's enterance. Hiccup was entirely confused, thinking that Viggo had just sacraficed him to regain his status in the Dragon Hunters. "What, you didn't think he would actually sacrafice you for the hunters he now hates, did you?"

"Well, yes that is exactly what I thought happened," Hiccup said, pleasently surprised that he was wrong. The siblings ran out of the room with their dragons, now searching for the room that contained the lenses. Not too far away was a large room with a small chest on top of a pillar. Deciding that this most likely was the room, they both cautiously stepped inside, searching for any traps that could be set off.

Finding none, Hiccup approached the small chest, slowly opening it while expecting some sort of trap to be set off. Instead, he was met with an empty, quiet chest. Anger bubbled up inside him as he assumed he was right after all, and that Viggo tipped Johann and Krogan off to secure the lenses somewhere else. Before he could tell Freya, the same large Skrill and Viggo Grimborn walked into the small room that he expected them to be in, being met with an extremely worried Freya, and an extremely angry Hiccup.

"You double crossing- The antidote! Viggo, where is the antidote!" Hiccup yelled angrily, seeing as Viggo's crazy plan didn't work, and that his dragon was still poisoned. To his surprise, he began laughing at Hiccup's unnecessary anger.

"There isn't one! You really dont know your Oleanders, do you Hiccup? Red Oleander is harmless to dragons! I would never harm such a magnificent creature," Viggo said, his laughter exposing arrows that were lodged in between his shoulderblades. Freya gasped and ran for him, helping him stand worriedly as she checked the wounds. They were not fatal, luckily, but he wouldn't last long with them. "When Johann and Krogan left me for dead, A Monsterous Nightmare saved me. I spent my whole life hunting dragons, killing them, and I've come to respect them as equals. You taught me that Hiccup,"

"Viggo, you are critically injured, you need medical attention now!" Freya said, insisting that he leaves with them now. Viggo turned to her, locking eyes in the close proximity. Just then, a wave of survival instinct washed through him. He had to survive.

For her...

"We can all make it out if we stay as a group. The Skrill can cover our flank while following us out of the cave. Once we get out, we can use a distress call to bring in Astrid, who will help us get through the hunters and Fliers," Freya said, breaking down the plan and earning a curt nod from Hiccup. Hiccup mounted Toothless while Freya jumped on Venomous, Viggo carefully mounting behind her. Taking off with great speed, the sounds of lightning and Hunters screaming were prevelant. Viggo wrapped his arms tightly around Freya, resting his chin on her shoulder as he focused on his breathing. The only thing he thought of that drove him through each breath was surviving for Freya. Each time his eyes began to flutter shut, he remembered to stay strong for Freya.

Moonlight was finally seen as the riders reached the end of the cave, where a single net was set as a trap that captured the Skrill with Venomous and Toothless narrowly dodging it. Just then, Freya spotted him.

Krogan locked eyes with her, eyes widening as he recognized the familiar face. That the female Night Fury wasn't just any female Night Fury... That she was, instead, Venomous and riding her was Freya and Viggo. Hatred filled him and he shouted angrily at his Fliers to focus on the girl and her Night Fury, causing all attention to shift off of Hiccup, Toothless and the Skrill.

Freya muttered curses under her breath as Toothless shot his distress signal, calling for Astrid and Stormfly. Viggo clutched onto Freya harder as she began doing quick turns and reaching higher altitudes to avoid that 'stupid maniac' and his Fliers.

With Astrid and Stormfly now present, a Spine Shot aimed at the net holding the Skrill opened a large hole, allowing for the large beast to escape. With everyone ready to take off and Freya high in the air, far enough away from the Singetails reach, the group met in the sky, quickly flying towards the edge. Astrid looked over at Freya and Viggo, seeing Viggo clutching onto her like a life support. She would have smiled smuggly if it wasn't for the situation. They now had a life to save. The life of a future Dragon Rider.

As they were now safe from the hunters, now several miles away from them, Viggo allowed himself to give into the temptations of the arrow wounds, eyes fluttering shut and passing out on Freya's shoulder.


omg i act hate the fight scene but also not

i tried making itl ike rushed and stuff but it might not be great

i also didn't feel like freya and viggo would haveee to fight all of the hunters, what with toothless, astrid and the skrill to help escape safely so i hope its not like too bad. anwyas..

i hope you all enjoyed i am so so tired anbd i want toi see northern lights

anyhwasys goodnigthtt i love touuuu new fic tom <3333


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I am Y/n Grimborn the daughter of Viggo Grimborn. I was raised in the Dragon hunting business with my father and uncle Ryker. I still had a love for...