Better as Bones

By dudeijustwannasleep

136 1 3

Borne with their new ability, Star Bastet Mesbah must come to terms with their mistake: the murder of the Que... More

lifeblood - I
murderer - II
guts in my body - III
its not okay - IV
like this - V
doesn't exist - VI
dusty sapphire - VII
Idyll - VIII
care - IX
purple light - X
charred flesh - XI
doe - XII
last time - XIII
just die - XIV
weight of sins - XV
moon - XVI
worst living creatures - XVII
kind - XVIII
waves - XIX
bud and bloom - XX
mother - XXI
it's gross - XXII
a god - XXIII
a place to sleep - XXIV
even - XXV
comfort - XXVI
night air - XXVII
supposed to be feeling - XXVIII
ceiling of stone - XXIX
golden hinges - XXX
ribcage - XXXI
pelt - XXXII
sick - XXXIII
swarmed - XXXIV
blue - XXXVI
undergrowth - XXXVII
cruel - XXXVIII
ports - XXXIX
mouse - XL
burn into my flesh - XLI
poppies and lavender - XLII
authors note

Ender City - XXXV

1 0 0
By dudeijustwannasleep


Avery leads me to the throne room, the very one we snuck through when her, I and Quarry we're breaking in to get Avery help. I guess it makes sense now, how she knew the palace and knew that anyone inside could help her.

The tall ceilings and deep red floor now match the rest of the palace in my mind. Beside the crimson throne (the navy one nowhere to be found) stands Milo and Cassius. I can feel my breath catch as I see Milo. His face turns relieved as his eyes meet mine.

Avery stands in front of the throne, her heels pressed firm against the base. She turns towards us.

"Cassius agreed to take over my duties until we return," Avery announces. Cassius dips his head slightly. Milo turns to Cassius, his eyes wide.

'You know how to rule?' He asks, doubt washed over his face. Cassius flicks his tail. He rises to his paws, taking a stand next to Avery.

"I know some," Cassius says. Milo and I exchange a look. Cassius rolls his eyes. "It's true! Besides, I have someone I need to look for. And I believe the only way I can find xer is with help..."

Avery grabs at her dress, pulling at the skirt. She takes a step to the side, her hands fiddling with her crown.

"Cassius, you are in charge of Maylea for at least a day or two. I do not know how much help ruling will be because we do not have an army, but do as you will...I guess." Avery glances to the side, her crown slipping on her brow. I bite my lips to keep from grinning. I kick my ankle silently as Milo helps Avery with her crown. Avery thanks him quietly. "Please do not start a war while I am gone."

"I promise," Cassius laughs, smiling up at Avery fondly. Avery purses her lips together, nodding curtly. She turns then.

"I have to go before we leave," She tells Milo and I. She hesitates before looking back up. "We'll leave tomorrow and enter Kyson in the evening."

Avery whisks out of the room, the two guards at the entrance trailing her silently. I turn towards Cassius. He looks back up at me, emerald eyes like crystal balls.

"I will be fine, Bastet," He tells me, sitting down. "I helped Lady Sorrel found the Meadow. I can do this. Avery had already explained to me what I must do to keep her duties upheld." I swallow.

"She's a good Queen already..." I murmur. Milo rests his heavy hand on my shoulder. I look up at him and blink. I sniff back tears. I can't be proud of Avery. I killed her mother. She hates me.

"Very," Cassius says. "She will change Maylea for the better."

'What about you?' Milo asks, his eyes on Cassius. 'Who are you looking for?' We both watch Cassius as his eyes turn down.

"Ah...let's just say I made a mistake in my past. I left someone who I shouldn't have left, all alone with no one else. I don't know what became of xer but xey are not in Maylea or Brina." Cassius blinks. His eyes are watery.

"Is it who we told you would be here?" I ask, my eyes feeling heavy in my head. Cassius looks up. He wraps his tail around his front paws, whiskers pulled down. "We told you the Gold-Eyes would be here." Milo turns to Cassius swiftly, his eyes wide.

'Is it All?' Milo asks quickly, his body leaning towards Cassius. Cassius's chest rises as he searches us.

"Yes," He says, ears back. "Yes. I am searching for All." Milo grips my shoulder tighter. Our eyes meet with silent wonder.

"But...nobody knows where All is," I say, my eyes still glued on Milo. He stares back at me, his mouth opening slightly. Excitement is rushing through his veins now.

"Very much so, as I have stated," Cassius deadpans, flicking his tail. I turn back towards him, chuckling a little, my face heating up. "Lady Sorrel saw xer before xey disappeared. All told Lady Sorrel about a danger from the 'End'. That it would make two become one and erase all that opposed. Lady Sorrel couldn't figure it out. And by the time it sank in All was gone. I don't know why you are going to Kyson but I have my suspicions. It's about time I mend the past and accept how I've hurt xer. And you all going to Kyson had me thinking...a danger from the 'End'...perhaps All meant 'End' not only as a finalization..."

'But as a name.' Milo leans closer. Every red-thread vein ever present in the milky cream of his sclera. I look between Cassius and Milo, each of our gazes meeting in turn.

"Ender City..." My hands grip my jacket. Ender City could make two become one? Two what? What danger? What's going to happen? Is everyone going to be okay? Wait no, erase all that oppose...are we going to die? Am I going to die? Is this about Quarry? Is Quarry going to die? Is Quarry dead now?

Milo grips my shoulders. He shakes my head to him. He nods, taking a deep breath. I copy him.

'We're all okay,'' he mouths. I nod, squeezing my eyes shut.

"I will find All," Cassius announces. "You just worry about the mission ahead for now." 

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