Andy the Multiversal Crusader

Від neetnooter

135 8 4

This is a rewrite of my best work. I am doing what I can to make it as good as possible. There will be a more... Більше

Prologue: the Makings of a Crusader
Andy visits another universe and breaks an old dudes window.
Meeting some new friends
Mini Quest and Meeting an old Friend.
Training arc
Prison Arc
Let's revisit the past, shall we?
You Thought the Other Power ups Were Bullshit?
Re-Arming Andy
Crossover Episode

Bar Fight!

12 1 0
Від neetnooter

It had been three weeks since Andy left Ozpin's office. He really hadn't accomplished much. After unlocking his aura he pretty much just did basic workout exercises and constantly had the news playing. He had gotten a run down apartment to stay in for the time being. Beacon would've been more advantageous but Andy didn't like Ozpin.

Andy stopped his training and walked into the bathroom. For the hundredth time he looked in the mirror, amazed at his appearance. He had sharp blue eyes and mid length brown hair. He was around 6'4" which was slightly taller than he had been. Overall he looked almost identical to his previous life, though his eyes were a lighter blue, almost silver. Even his scars from his past persisted, his hands, and face had small scars all about them, mostly from his training in his past life.

Though there was one scar he knew little about... Andy lifted his shirt and inspected his chest, where a scar lay right over his heart. It was horizontal, and led through his left rib, like someone had stabbed him and sliced out through his side. He tried to remember the night when he had died and what led to it... he had been a pilot, one of the best. His ships command had rebelled and the government had bombed the entire crew indiscriminately, Andy had barely escaped with his life. Barely a year later and Andy had spearheaded his own rebellion, they had almost succeeded. Then, as they moved on the capital a single man tore through their camp and... a blur. All he knew was that man had killed him and left him the scar he now bore on his chest.

Otherwise, Andy had no real ties to his old life. His parents were both dead, he wasn't in a relationship, and he had been out of touch with his friends since joining the military. Everyone he cared about was either dead or he didn't know what happened to them.

Andy sighed and took a shower, got some clean clothes on and went for a walk. He decided to check out Juniors club, partially because he hoped to get a chance to meet Yang and maybe befriend her. Otherwise, he had simply found the establishment enjoyable, Junior kept his club clean and always had good drinks and music. Andy of course wore his mistcloak. He discovered shortly after arriving that preservation, one of the gods in mistborn, had left him a present. His mistcloak now emitted a small amount of the mist, strengthening his allomancy.

Andy sat down at the bar and the bartender, Jerry, came walking over. "Ah, Andy, how's it going man? Haven't seen you all week! So what do you wanna try? I'm thinking maybe something with strawberries..." Andy stopped paying attention, he never much liked alcohol but Jerry insisted on trying. By the time he stopped spacing out Jerry had given him a drink and wandered off to get another customer. Andy's attention was immediately drawn by some commotion to his left, specifically that of a blond girl getting into a fight with Junior.

"Haven't seen her," Junior said, and if memory serves, he actually hadn't. Andy took a sip of his drink, and for once he found himself liking it. He would have to ask Jerry what it was later, but for now he had a- Junior went flying by. Damn, Andy had wanted to stop the fight, but eh, may as well enjoy the show. Andy took sips from his drink and watched Yang destroy everyone in the club. He actually really enjoyed it but was getting kinda bored, so when everyone lay defeated on the ground Andy put his hood up and pushed off the barstool with allomancy, launching himself towards Yang, sword drawn. She stepped out of the way and Andy landed with a bit of a slide right next to her.

Yang immediately attacked, Andy was using all his concentration to dodge her attacks, which left him open to a leg sweep. Thankfully pretty much everything in the club was metal so he just pushed off the ground and was upright once more. Eventually Andy started to attack, Yang dodged a few attacks before blocking. Andy's obsidian sword shattered against the yellow steel of Yang's gauntlet.

With that, Andy switched to hand to hand, something his years in the military had actually trained him for. He went blow for blow, every block, every hit made him feel more alive. He hadn't had this much fun since he was a kid! Yang activated her semblance, with anyone else this would present a major issue, Andy just activated pewter.

When Yang punched Andy and he blocked it, barely moving an inch, Yang was startled, she had never met an opponent who could match her strength. So she pushed her semblance harder, drawing more power. Andy flared pewter, barely keeping up.

Harder, faster, more power, more speed... more, more, MORE! Andy pushed his body in this fight, Yang was truly strong and capable as a fighter. He could feel it, she was more skilled than him, he barely kept up with her strength, but Andy thought he could outlast her, he could feel her getting weaker, every punch hit a little less hard. He could win this!

He could do this, he could prove himself! He... ran out of pewter. Andy went flying with the next hit, unable to block or dodge, he went flying out of the nearest window and found himself hanging upside down from a telephone pole.

Andy sighed, checking his surroundings. The street was empty save for one girl in a red hood who hadn't seen him. Andy dropped down, thankfully feet first, into the pavement. He hoped that Ruby, ok, probably Ruby, who else wore a red hood in this damn universe? Andy walked past her and back into the club. She looked like she wanted to say something but was too shy, oh well.

Andy walked right by Yang, who actually did call out to him. "So, what do you think you're doing?" She asked. Andy sighed "I still need to finish my drink," and with that he walked back up to the bar and sat down, sipping his mystery drink while everyone who fought slowly got up and most of them either made their way to the bar or bathroom. Junior sat down next to Andy and ordered some straight brandy. He got it and downed it in one.

"So you're the guy Jerry won't shut up about?" Junior finally asked. Andy sighed, "does he really talk about me that much?" He asked. Junior shrugged, "not really, he doesn't talk much but when he does it's usually about trying to figure out a drink you'll like. Looks like he finally succeeded?"

Andy looked at his mostly empty drink, then shrugged. "Yeah this one is pretty good, you know what it's called?" Junior looked at the drink and let out a wry laugh, "that's a strawberry sunrise. Exactly what Miss Anger issues was ordering." Andy smiled and took another sip, it really was a good drink.

Junior sat in silence, giving out orders whenever someone came to him, eventually it all emptied out and he just sat down, exhausted. "So, you're pretty good at fighting." Junior finally said. Andy just scoffed, "nah, I have some training from the military but I'm nothing special," junior laughed, though he genuinely seemed to find it funny. "Hell, we could use a guy like you, how would you feel about joining up with my guys?" Andy shook his head "I'll help you out when I'm here but I'm not working for you, sound good?"

Junior nodded and dropped the subject. Andy finished up his drink, dropped a small wad of cash on the bar and went home, he needed some sleep after that. Of course his walk was interrupted by a giant explosion at the docks. "Oh right, that happens... God damn it I can't not help." With that he downed another vial of pewter and all the other metals he needed and took off. 

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