Mickey/Ian One-Shots

By Writing166

56.7K 577 62

Just one shots of Mickey and Ian on shameless More

Mandys Bestfriend
He Escaped?
Fucking Perv
Im Not Going Anywhere
The Bar
Geriatric Viagroid
You Knew?
Fuck I missed you
One Hug
"I said thanks asshole"
Im here
Fuck I missed you P2
Im here P2
What a way to meet P1
What a way to meet P2
Switching Rooms
"I want the gun back Mickey"
Never in a Million Years

Damn right Milkovich

1.4K 24 0
By Writing166

Words: 1966

Rundown: the deleted scene I think season 10 after Mickeys jumps out of the bus and Ian is cleaning it for him leads to more


"I can't believe you jumped out of a fucking bus"

"Shut up not my fault the fuckhead was following me-ow!"

"Are you always this much of a wuss when someone cleaned your shit"

"Well Mandy used to and she was much better than you"

Ian rubbed it in harder just to piss him off, rolling his eyes when he moved back and slapped his hand away

"Fucking asshole I'm doing it myself now"

He grabbed the little tissue with some strong alcohol on it and went to the mirror with Ian leaning next to him

Ian laughed through his breath and Mickey gave him his usual side glare that didn't scare Ian nearly as much as it used to when they were teens

"The fuck you looking at huh?"

"You idiot your not doing it right I was the EMT remember?"

"I swear if u do that shit again I'll shove this thing down your throat"

Ian rolled his eyes and snatched the thing from him and pushed him back to sit on the toilet and Ian started wiping it again

He went closer to Mickey to take a closer look and Mickey pulled him in a bit so he fell and ended up on Mickeys lap facing him looking straight into his eyes


"First time I've heard you complain about being on top of me"

"True- one more thing"

Ian grabbed a Band-Aid off the sink and unwrapped it

"Fuck no"

"It's just a Band-Aid Mick otherwise that's shits gonna get infected"

"Im not wearing that pansy ass Band-Aid on my head it'll be fine on it's own none of the other ones got infected"

"Sheer luck I guess, your wearing it"


Mickey gently pushed Ian up and bolted to their room closing the door behind him

"Your wearing it even if I have to make you!"

"Fuck no!"

Mickey called from behind the door

"Mickey your being a child open the damn door!"

"Put the Band-Aid down first!"

"Jesus fine!"

Ian walked in the bathroom and pretended to put it down while sticking it to the back on his shirt so he could grab it after

"There it's down now open the damn door"


Ian burst in and tacked him to the door and Mickey wrestled him a bit

"Fucker! No!"

Ian ended up pinning him down like how Mickey had when they first got together

"Gotcha! There not that hard was it"

Ian said as he stuck the Band-Aid over Mickey scrape on his head

Mickey moved his arm quickly trying to get it off when Ian took both his wrists in one and held them above his head

"You know in other circumstances this would be a major turn on but now you're just being a dick"

Ian laughed hard and turned around pulling handcuffs out of their draw and crawled back off Mickey a bit and sitting him up he pulled his hand behind his back and put on the cuffs



Mickey sat there with the handcuffs on focusing on the wall while Ian went on his phone ignoring him

"Hey I'm getting pizza what one you guys want- why is Mickey handcuffed? Fuck I should've knocked bye!"

Lip said walking in

"No it's fine Mickey just hates bandaids"

"Got it asshole"

Mickey said chucking the handcuffs at him and ripping off the Band-Aid he despised

"What the fuck Mickey!"

"I'll just get the usual"

Lip said walking straight out and downstairs to the kitchen

"You never got out of them before!"

"Maybe I just never wanted to? Ever thought about that genius"

"Keep it on!"

"No fuck you and your fucking Band-Aid I'm not keeping shit on"

"What is it with fucking bandaids it's not gonna kill you Mick"

"I don't need it!"

"Can you just wear it for me?"

"Fuck off with that bullshit I don't care"

"If that gets infected it's your own fault"

"It won't! It never has before how many times I gotta tell you"

"With all the times you had a injury not one time it had gotten infected? Not once?"

"Don't think so?"

"What does that mean"

"Well isn't infected when it like makes the whole skin around it black or some shit"


"Oh yeah then what is it cause that's what dad told me?"

"Cause your fathers one to trust"

Ian scoffed

"It's when it gets all purple and shit and you can get really sick from it"

"Bullshit that's what happens with them doesn't mean it's infected"

"Do I need to remind you I was an EMT again?"

"Whatever it's not that bad when it gets infected I'd rather that then wear a fucking pathetic ass Band-Aid"

"Jesus is that what your father used to say or something cause nobody cares if you wear a Band-Aid?"

"I'm not wearing it Ian"

"Fucks sake what's it gonna take for you to wear it?"

"Fuck off"

"I'm serious what do I have to do to get you to wear it huh?"

"I don't know I'm not wearing it seems like a pretty solid answer"

"Sex? Liquor? A date? All?"

"Fine all"

"And you'll wear the Band-Aid"

Mickey rolled his eyes and nodded


Ian crawled up to him and kissed him smiling sticking the Band-Aid on his head at the same time

Mickeys hand went up to take it off but stopped himself the deal seemed worth it

"Get dressed"

" I am dressed asshole"

Ian rolled his eyes again and looked around on the floor for a minute before chucking a shirt and pants at Mickey

"Wear this"

"Bit bossy are we"

"Just do it"

They got dressed and Ian brought Mickey to sizzlers which was surprisingly still there even though Fiona had left it

"What do you wanna have?"

Mickey asked looking at Ian while he took his eyes off the menu after figuring out what he was having

"I think I'm gonna have a steak you?"

"Same medium?"


Mickey looked over at the waitress who was at the counter looking at them both and came straight over as soon as Mickey looked his way

"Hey guys what can I get you today?"

She said looking at Mickey

"Uh two steaks one medium one rare and two beers thanks"

Mickey said reading off the menu

"Right away sir"

"Nice service I guess"

"What? yeah"

Mickey looked to see Ian still staring at the waitress who was just serving them

"You know her or somethin'?"

"No it's just"


"She won't stop staring at you look"

Mickey turned in her direction to see her staring at him then quickly looking away


"I don't know maybe probably just tired you know when u just end up staring off at the wall and stuff or it's this annoying ass Band-Aid"

"I don't know she seemed overly friendly too"

"You and your jealously Gallagher I think your overthinking it"

"Doubt it"

Mickey rolled his eyes

"Your two beers! Your meals should be out soon"

The lady said with a bright smile on her face still looking at Mickey then walking away


"I don't see it"

"Come on Mickey your not that blind she's totally hitting on you even I can see that"

"Jesus christ she wasn't I'm sure she's just in a good mood or something"

Mickey took a drink out of his beer and Ian's eyes lit up

"Fucking hell Mickey look on the bottom of your bottle"

Mickey looked under it and saw a wet paper on the bottom with a number on it saying 'call me'


"I knew it! How can she not tell we're gay?"

"Because I know her"

Mickey said quietly


"I know her"


"When I was a teenager and still pretending I was straight we hooked up a bit"

"Seriously Mick"

"Mhm it's not a big deal it's not like we've fucked in years I don't even know how she remembers me"

"Well as much as I don't blame her I still want her to know your taken"

The conversation was interrupted by the waitress coming with their food

"Your food guys enjoy!"

They sat in slight silence while Ian still glared slightly at the waitress

"Can you stop staring at her your probably freaking her out"

Ian rolled his eyes and went back to eating

"Fuck this is good shit"

"I know right it's always had great food here"

"I've never been here before now but we're definitely coming again"

"Maybe when she's not"

"Can you drop it it's not a big deal"

"Yes it is how would you like it if we went to place where Caleb or someone worked?"

"That's different"


"Because you fucked them because you wanted to I fucked her because I wanted to get my dad to stop plotting my death because he was suspicious I was gay!"

Mickey whisper yelled

"Yeah alright sorry it's still awkward though"

They finished up their food and split the bill

Just as Ian and Mickey got up Mickey grabbed his shirt and pulled him in kissing him hard and passionately

After that they both turned and saw the look of surprise on the waitresses face which then turned to embarrassment and she ran out the back

They both laughed a tiny bit and left

Walking out the door and up the street a bit Ian pushed Mickey against the wall and kissed him again for a few seconds

"That was the hottest thing you've ever done as well as getting out of those handcuffs may I add"

"I saw the look on your face hard not to get you right then and there"

Mickey looked up at Ian with his blue eyes with a smirk on his face he knew he was driving Ian wild


Mickey and Ian both turned around to see Caleb of all people standing there looking at them

"Caleb seriously?"

"Is this the fuckhead you were telling me about?"

Ian took a step to the side to let Caleb see Mickey

"What did you say to me"

"Oh sorry that's not really polite of me right? My names Mickey"

Mickey walked up to Caleb

"Mickey who? The name sounds familiar"

Mickey extended his hand out to shake Caleb's and as soon as he lifted his hand to shake his back


And Mickey punched him straight in the throat and watched him go straight down

Everyone knew who the milkoviches  were especially Caleb Ian had opened up to him a bit about what they were like not saying mickeys name but still Caleb knew they weren't to be fucked with

Ian came up to him and pulled on his arm

"Let's go come on"

Mickey tried to go back and give him more than a slight suffocation but Ian wouldn't let him he wasn't about to let his love go back to prison

"That fucker deserves it but your not going back to prison plus I want to finish what we started"

They started walking back to the Gallagher house when Mickey put his hand down slightly next to Ian's

Their knuckles brushed together and Mickey grabbed his hand holding it

Ian turned his head and looked at him before Ian pulled them into a small alleyway and pushed his hand still attached to Mickeys against the wall and kissed him on the neck leaving a hickey

Mickey flipped them around now pinning Ian's hand against the wall and kissing him in the same spot leaving a hickey too

"Now we're even Gallagher"

"Damn right Milkovich"

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