my Missing Piece

By it_is_always_sparkle

51.2K 1.1K 410

I'd say it's your typical 'adopted by'... Story. With a twist. A book where the actors and avengers Co-exist... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 12 Car Discussion
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 40

1K 23 27
By it_is_always_sparkle

Amelia pov continued.

We were currently walking around in the shops looking for some cute for Roni. This was quite tricky because I don't exactly know what she has or what she fully likes. What if she was trying something new today. While I was searching lizzie trailed behind me asking questions....

"how do you know they your friends? Is her name really Roni or is it short for Veronica? Do you like this Peter guy? Should I be worried?"

I gave her a look that said.
'can you please stop. '

"okay fine. I'm just happy that my baby has friends."

"I've always had friends what do you mean? "

"Lia honey I know you well enough to know when you putting up an act. " she walked towards me and kissed me on my forehead. Before quickly hurrying over to a rack.

And turning towards me with a beautiful dust pink coat. It was Hella expensive so I turned it down but lizzie got it anyways. I got her some jewelry that I believed complimented her skin tone and goes well with her silver arrow necklace.

After what felt like forever of shopping we headed home to bake. Well more lizzie than me. I got starwars themed printed iceing circle stuffs that you put ontop of the icing apparently. Super cool stuff. I made 5. Enough for the group. While Liz done that I sat at the dining table and finished up homework thankfully I didnt have math because roni helped me with that so I just had some Spanish stuff to do. Lizzie naturally kept me company and assisted me with Spanish. Was she terrible at it. Yes, yes she was. Was she trying her best to help her kid?Also yes. Once we finished up everything and showered and got ready for bed. We cuddled up and started talking abit more.

"Lia I'm glad you made a friend or shall I say friends" I smiled at the thought of having friends..
"yea, I am too"
After a moment of comfortable silence I spoke up.
"hey Liz.. " she hummed in response she was clearly barely awake
"you're an amazing mom and I love and appreciate you. " she didn't respond she just pulled me closer towards her and played with my hair until I fell asleep.

(time skip to next day at school. )

I arrived early to school with my gift. And not long after roni and Peter walked in together. Roni was super excited well more excited than Peter as if it was her birthday. Wait what if I got the dates wrong. Crap.

When she spotted me, she fast walked towards me and then hugged me.

"GoodMorning, my dearest friend Amelia " she said very energetically. I swear to God I keep attracting these people. First Crystal and then harper and now her??

"good morning. What's with the energy? "

"well. This morning I found out what Peter is getting for his birthday and boy it's amazing. He really wants to know because he hates surprises, but I won't tell him. C'mon MJ and Ned are waiting for us in the art room. " I grabbed my present and hurried alongside her.

There was a table set with presents and MJ was sitting by the piano. Roni pulled out her phone and everyone started singing happy birthday for Peter, well not really roni. That's weird.

Once we were done singing Peter started opening presents... And boy was I glad I got him something. I put the present on the table where everyone was standing and headed towards roni who was at least 10 feet away rewatching the video she just took.
I whispered because I didn't want to put her on the spot.

"hey roni, why weren't you singing?"

"well. Firstly I can't sing. Secondly I didn't need my terrible voice to be heard on camera. Thirdly if I sang everyone elses voice wouldn't be heard. "

I nodded. That was a reasonable answer. I guess.

MJ got Peter 2 books by his favorite author and both of them were signed. Ned got him a science kit and he states that Peter knows what it's for with a wink. I obviously got him all the starwars themed stuff. I thought it was cringe. He opened it and smiled.

"I know, it's bad. But it's the only thing I know you like" I laughed. He nodded and continued to scratch in the bag. Where he spotted the Lego set.

"OMG NED! WE GOT IT. OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH THIS IS AMAZING. WE'VE BEEN LOOKING ALL OVER FOR THIS. IT'S A MIRACLE! " so he was clearly over joyed, he even spun me around in the air to thank me.

It was Ronis turn and Peter looked at her almost as if he was hoping she'd tell him the secret.

"don't look at me like that, I made you breakfast this morning. Be thankful" he playfully pushed her as we all laughed at how dramatic she fell back.

"im kidding. here you go. I hope you like it" roni handed Peter a small box. A watch box? Probably.

Peter got emotional. Oh my God what is happening right now??

"is- is this... " he was lost for words he just looked at her. He was holding an antique watch. Looks super expensive. Must have cost a fortune.

"uncle Ben's watch? Yes it is. "

"H-how? Everyone said that it's impossible to fix that it's parts weren't being made anymore. How'd you fix it? "

"well a trip to Budapest had to be made but it all worked out" she smiled at him, but not a normal smile. You know those smiles where you can see all the love coming from the person. Yea, one of those.
"I don't know what to say.. T-thank.... Thank you. You're the best" he hugged her for quite some time. He even shed a few tears. Uncle Ben was probably someone really important to him.

After a few moments of talking and once everything calmed down I asked..

"hey guys mind if we take a group picture to show my mom I have actual friends. "

And for what felt like the first time ever Ned said a full sentence.

"sure as long as it's on Ronis phone. The quality makes me look super cute. " we all giggled at his statement but ended up taking atleast 15 decent pictures. I gave roni my number and she added me in the group. And sent them all in there.

I ended up taking another picture with just Peter and I and him wearing the hoodie and the Lego set in his hands. I sent it to my mom naturally.

Lia to Liz.
Hey mom.
Peter loved the gift.
Check it out
(1 image attached.)

Liz to lia.
Hey sweetheart I'm glad he loved it.
Enjoy you day❤️ I'll see you at 3.

I closed my phone and headed to my first class.
And after what felt like forever it was lunch, we all regrouped in music room making it our spot. I brought the cupcakes.

And again Ned spoke. He really got comfortable with me around.

"These are so cool. Can I place an order for my birthday? " he asked and I nodded. He proceeded to take a bite out of it.

"okay guys. THIS is amazing. Your mom really made these" again I nodded.

"wow your mom is awesome. Is that were you get it from? "

"okay Ned, that's enough questions for today. Here's the real question.. MS LINNS after school? "

Everyone agreed and was waiting for me for an answer.

"what's Ms LINNS? " I asked genuinely confused.

"it's a little Italian diner we love to go to. "

"let me check with my mom real quick. "

I was scared. Not to go out with friends more of what lizzie was going to say. She never let's me go out without her. So 8 gotta phrase this correctly.

Lia to Liz.
Hey momma (no, to obvious )
Hey momm|
Hey mom|
Hey mo|
Hey Liz.|
Peter and the rest were wondering if I could join them for lunch after school to celebrate his birthday. So I was wondering if I could go.


I promise to send you my location and to be safe. Pllleaase lizzie!

Liz to Lia.
Sure hun.
Enjoy I'll pick you up when you guys are done❤️

I put my phone away and told them the good news.
After school we headed to the place and when we got there I realized that this is the place we bought the pizza with Chris and also that time we were here with lizzie and the other time with Sam. You know the one with the great service that I have 6 stars to?

They headed straight to the back booth. Wait a damn minute. Weren't they the same group I saw that day. OMG I met my friends before and didn't even realize. That's so crazy. I can officially take them out of the famous category and out them in the friend category.

The lady walked up to us and greeted everybody by name and then looked at me.

"And who is this gorgeous young lady"

"I'm Amelia "

"what a beautiful name my child. I've seen you around here before but it's very nice to finally meet you" she smiled then then turned serious. Well not very serious but playful serious.

" and Roni. MiMi is looking for you. She said you were in here last week and you didn't say hi"

"I'm sorry. I was in a hurry. That's why I ordered before hand. You know this" roni tried explaining herself

"im not the one you must say sorry to. Off you go. "

Roni got up and took my hand.

"c'mon there's people you gotta meet. "

"sure. But first explain why an old lady wants to kick your ass. "

"well we here so often that we became family only because well im best friends with their kid Jenny. Hey MiMi " we were in a little living room. It felt extremely homey and comfortable.

"Ronia-Mariee it's nice to see you again" ronia? Okay so her Full name is not roni nor Veronica. She has a very beautiful name tho why hide it?
"and I see you brought a friend, what's your name dear"
"Amelia "

"your full name dear"

"Amelia Grace O-"

"you have a very beautiful name dear. The person that named you chose wisely "

After another five minutes of MiMi getting to know me and me getting to know her Ms linn called us to let us know that our food was out front so we headed back to the group to enjoy lunch.

Once we were done lizzie came to fetch me. I was the last to leave. I didn't exactly mind. Peter and roni had a party they were currently late for and Ned and MJ were walking home so they wanted to get there before dark. Ms linn kept an eye on me until my mom came she even welcomed me to her family and said I'm welcome to visit whenever. That was honestly very sweet of her.

(another time skip to Thursday. Ronis birthday but last period aka physical training.)

We were all currently stretching in the gym. Well most. The cool girls were on the benches and the other 2 girls whose names I suddenly forgot where stretching. They weren't exactly popular but they weren't not popular. They spoke to Peter and the rest alot but also hung out with Chloe and her gang alot. They were all currently playing a game called **your biggest flex**
Chloe dad apparently owns a massive company. Can't be that massive if I haven't heard of it before. Also not exactly vice presidents kid but not far off either. Dokota owns her own horse ranch. Her parents got it for like what in the world. One of the girls whose name I believe is Liz. Weird I know. She spoke about how her dad worked with the 'alien stuff ' when they first invaded with loki. Gotta admit that's super cool. They had a small conversation about the avengers and how cool they are.

"what about you guys? "

"well, uhm-"

"yea right, like you have anything cool to flex about" Chloe had to open her mouth.

"well, Uhm. Chloe matter of fact I do. My biggest flex is that I met the avengers cast. And actually went on holiday with them once." i could see the disbelief on Chloés face so I pulled out my phone and showed her a video of all of us in sokovia.

(videos plays. )

Hey guys I'm here with Chris evans and we going to go make everyone's life miserable!

The clip continued on to show the rest of the cast and how we did in fact mess with them.

"wow that's super cool. What about you roni. Any big flex? " Liz asked and honestly I was curious.

"not as cool as all of you guys but Tony stark saved my life and flew me to safety. So literally touched one of his suits. " that was cool. I could hear the ooh and ahhs and wows. Ronia didn't care much about it, she continued stretching and well, Chloe and her gang continued to talk about how the avengers are basic and stupid. What caught me by surprise is when ronia started paying attention. Well they were talking about Natasha Romanoff so it makes sense. I started listening to what was so interesting to roni.

"Natasha Romanoff is literally a wannabe. She has no powers like the rest. Even hulk contributes. What was she trying to prove? That a lady can do a man's job. Hooray. We already know that. Get a normal job like the rest of the people that has combat skills. I bet she slept with all of the too. Like how could she no-"


"AND ONE MORE WORD FROM YOU ABOUT NATASHA. I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL BRING OUT THE NATASHA IN ME AND KICK YOUR ASS. " ronia stormed off after her massive out burst. Remember when I said she's not a super fan and only speaks fondly about her.. I might be wrong about that. I followed her to the girls bathroom where she put her hair up for the first time ever and washed her face.

I'm genuinely confused to what got her so mad. Chloe have said worst things to her, about her. I've seen her defend me and alot of other people but not like this. This was a new level of anger.

"hey, you okay? What was that? "

"im okay thank you. Nothing it's fine. I just got upset."

"hey it's your birthday you can't afford to be upset don't let what they said get to you. You know it's not true. Well at least I think so based on your speech. If I may. Why'd you get so upset? "

Well what she said next I sure as hell wasn't expecting.

"my biggest flex is not being saved by iron man. Even tho I was". Wait what could possibly be better than that. She got to touch his suit!!

"my biggest flex is that I'm adopted by Natasha Romanoff and I have several uncles that came along with the deal. And then there's my dad. Dr Banner. I haven't seen him since well ultron. " I just embraced her. Like I totally get it now. She was protecting her mom


"well. It's only fair that you know that I'm adopted by lizzie olsen and it came with an aunt that's more like a second mother more than anything and an uncle whose a literal child."
She smiled.

We headed out because the bell rang and she untied her hair again. Don't get me wrong she has gorgeous butt length hair, if not longer because her hair is always curled. But she just comes from running laps why would she do that to herself.
We also made a pack that said what was said in the bathroom stays in the bathroom. I went home feeling super cool because my best friend was the daughter of Natasha Romanoff!

(last time skip I promise. Friday morning. )

I was on my way to school with Liz as per normal. Yesterday roni and the gang asked if I couldn't join them for a festival amusement park thingon Saturday late afternoon until lord knows what ungodly hour and lizzie hasn't given me an answer. She's been thinking about it since yesterday afternoon.

"sooooo. May I go to to the amusement park with roni please ? " i really wanted to go. Not many people know but some of the avengers would be on patrol as security to make sure everything runs smoothly. And roni refuses to admit that Tony stark actually had the amusement park set up for her and Peter's combined birthday party. Apparently they do that yearly. They've known each other since they were six so that's super cool.

"you may go, ONLY if you bring roni by the house later. "

"moooommm" I whined.

"Whaaat. I would like to know who you spend most of your time with and what type of influence she'll be on you tomorrow. "

I just shook my head and got out of the car. My mission was to find roni. Well it wasn't difficult she's the only girl with dark red hair in our school. I found her at her locker Peter gave her a smoothie cup? I assume.

"GoodMorning besties" I said referring to both Peter and roni.

"GoodMorning. Just the person I want to see. Please make sure she finishes that. She's been skipping breakfast " Peter said but took off in a hurry before I could reply.

Okay then.
"heyy dearest friend. You want some? " I shook my head no because I knew she had to finish it and because I just finished my bagel.

"so listen I know this is sort notice but I was wondering if you could come by my house later. My mom refuses to let me come tomorrow unless she meets you"

"okay. You're lucky that my mom cleared my Friday she has some things she needs to take care of. I'll do it, but you must know that I'm not sure how it's going to go " I was confused but she didn't really leave it open for discussion as she walked off to chemistry..

Lizzie pov.
As much as I forced Lia to bring Veronica around today, I was honestly shit scared. What if she doesn't like me because she heard and saw things on the internet. Orr she just hates me in general. What if I mess up so bad that she wouldn't want to be kiss friend anymore.

Okaaayyy lizzie breath. That's a blue jacket. A brown pants. Green grass. Yellow letterbox. I started to stop spiraling. When I received a text from Lia saying that roni will be coming later to change my mind, I decided to take the day off and clean and bake and get a few things to make her feel abit welcome in my house.

After what felt like forever they finally entered the door.
I grabbed the tray with the refreshments and headed their way.

"OH MY GOD." its like I spotted a ghost. I dropped the tray and the glass went crashing.

It can't be.
________________________________________________ word count 3315


Hey sparklers!
I just wanted to thank you for joining me on this journey! It was fun.

Book 2 is currently in the works, follow me if you don't want to miss that. I think I've mentioned before that there's a AmeliaLeah tag. So if you want to find this book again you can search that, I might add it to my next book too!

The link to book 2>>

Until I see you guys again. Please make sure to take care of yourselves. Drink water, eat something. Rest. Sleep. Whatever you need.

I love and appreciate you guys❤️

And for the very last time.

Sparkle out!

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