my Missing Piece

By it_is_always_sparkle

49.2K 1.1K 410

I'd say it's your typical 'adopted by'... Story. With a twist. A book where the actors and avengers Co-exist... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 12 Car Discussion
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40

Chapter 39

528 18 13
By it_is_always_sparkle

Amelia pov.

I've been going to school for at least 3 months and it truly sucks. I didnt muchly make friends, well at one point there was Katie. But she moved to California so, that's a shame. Keen talks to me before and sometimes after if we headed to set. During the day his usual with his friends which is cool. Understandable.

It's currently Tuesday morning and I'm running on 3 hours of sleep if not less... Why?


And you probably wondering. Why spend so much time on math? Well it's my first test that actually reflects on my grade and that would be the very first grade lizzie sees so I don't want to do bad like before. I'm trying to make her proud. She's been trying real hard to be an awesome mother and she achieved before she even started but her going the extra mile makes me feel like I should be doing the same. We talk about everything... Just not that I get bullied and that I have no friends but everything else.

The world soon figured out I was Leah and kinda knows the truth. So that's fun. Nobody at my school questioned it yet and I like it that way, I don't need people liking me because I'm Elizabeth olsens daughter.

Anyways I grabbed my things together and headed to the kitchen.

"GoodMorning sweetheart, here is your breakfast. Your lunch is over there on the counter and your coffee should be here in any minute "  she said while mentally ticking off all the things she needs to do. We enjoy our organized mornings. Lizzie is overly punctual on work days and I love it.
I thanked her for everything before digging into breakfast.
Usually I don't eat a heavy breakfast but today I was stress eating. Like Mr Osborne had to give us a math test in our first Class! At least it's not a Monday I guess. My coffee arrived and Liz and I headed out. She drops me off usually, occasionally we have Scarlett do it and the rare occasion. By rare I mean it only happened once because mom overslept and Scarlett was on a plane back from somewhere... She made Chris drive me. It was the best to be honest. I miss the guy.

I headed to homeroom and Ms Hansen was already standing there talking to a new student. She looking extremely popular even if she just got here. Her confidence was blooming. Also she's a red head. SUPER Cool. I couldn't see her face yet but her outfit screamed I'm a prep/jock. You know like I'll be the head cheerleader in 2 days. She wore a pastel pink jersey and pastel pink and white checkered skirt. You know those sporty tennis player looking ones. She had knee high stockings. It gave cottage girl vibez and my favorite would have to be her her extremely white converse.

"okay class. This is our new student roni, be kind and welcoming"

I kid you not when she turned its like I saw a ghost.
If Natasha Romanoff and Scarlett had a baby it would be her. She was drop dead gorgeous. Her piercing forest green eyes were so welcoming yet screamed I'd kill you if you wronged me. I love it. The bell rang and that meant and I was about to face my worst nightmare. This 'roni' girl seemed loss so I went up to her.

"hey! You lost? " I asked trying to be polite
She nodded and gave me a soft smile. I was currently questioning my sexuality.

She handed me her class schedule and we had all our classes together which was super cool.

"Uhm. Math, c'mon I'll show you. We actually have the same classes so you could just follow me if you want. "
Again she nodded. Not one for much words? How could someone be this confident and have zero words. Odd.

We headed to math class and I settled down I was sure she'd join the popular kids in the back where she belonged. She seemed kinda empty up there so she'll definitely fit in with Chloe and the rest. To my surprise she didn't. She down right next to me.

Is this a joke. Were they playing a prank on me. I wasn't about to let my guard down.
I had a math test to focus on. Shoot.

"hey uhm. I'm not sure if this a joke or not but I just think it's fair to let you know that we have a math test right now, but you can tell Mr Osborne that you're new and weren't award." she nodded at me yet again.

She didn't tell Mr Osborne that she's new and took the test. Maybe she was shy.
During the test I'd look over to her and she just continue writing. She didn't even touch her calculator. In sure she was writing her own nonsense and didn't care about grades. Maybe art is her strong point. She handed her test in early and continued with the work assigned to us. As we had to periods of math. One assigned to the test and the other to work. Once the bell rang we handed in our papers and all continued on with our work while Mr Osborne marked. I hated that about him. He marks while you sitting in his class. it makes me nervous.

When I looked back at Roni. She was reading a book. An Afrikaans one? What? Is this an actual joke. Did they do research about me?

"you know Afrikaans? " I asked

Again she nodded

Before we left Mr Osborne gave our results back I got a C+. Not to bad knowing that I completely suck at math. Roni didn't get her results back. Did she do that bad? 👀
The bell rang and Mr Osborne dismissed everyone except roni. I offered to stay behind so that she'll know where her next class would be. Naturally he made me wait outside but I was eavesdropping.

"I watched you throughout this test Ms Roman" okay that's creepy.

"you didn't even use a calculator. You got 100% how? Where'd you go to school previously? "

"I was homeschooled" holy... Her voice was raspy and to die for.
I heard footsteps coming my way so I stepped back abit.

She walked out.
"we got English now, before our first break. I got a few questions. Roni Roman. "

She looked at me weirdly. Oh. Shoot. Right. Nobody told me her surname and now I should like a creep.

"do you really know Afrikaans or are you trying to fool me with Chloe? "

"ek verstaan en praat Afrikaans Baie goed.(i understand and speak Afrikaans very well(good) )"

Wow. Okay so she does know Afrikaans, but her pronunciation had abit of a Dutch tone to it.

"do you know dutch? " she nodded. Okay back to no words. I should stop asking yes or no questions maybe.

"what other languages do you know? " I was curious.

"Russian, French. Chinese. Japanese. Korean. Morse code.Xhosa, Latin, Arabic, the other one that also looks like Arabic. I get confused between the two honestly. What about you? " okay so now we talking proper sentences. Well done Lia.

"well, not much. Just English and Afrikaans and well Spanish soon I guess. Another question why do you know so many African languages? "

"that's cool. Now we can talk to each other in Afrikaans and everybody would question what we saying. Also I just love languages"

We were in English and our English teacher wasn't there so we had an substitute. Well barely she couldn't be less interested in what we were doing. She simply told us we can do whatever we just had to keep it down.

"back to our conversation because that didn't really answer my question."

Roni pulled out her Afrikaans book at she looks like she barely started and I naturally pulled out my song book.

"okay. So at a young age I was taught knowing languages is pretty awesome. So when I was 7 I was fluent in Dutch and well my teacher told me that it would be easy to learn Afrikaans and well that's exactly why I did. Xhosa is something I learnt because I got friends in wakanda. "

" Wakanda as in the farms and very rural living people wakanda? " again she nodded.

" ma'am you on the wrong side of Africa." she laughed.

"what are you working on. She gestured to song book "

I showed her if I could fly.

"why not name it for your eyes only? Also whomst the live interest? "

She made a fair point. Why didn't I name it that. Probably because I was busy with Silvia the day I wrote this.

"it's not a love interest it's actually for my mom... " I didn't want to say the next bit because I didn't know how she'd react or whether she was playing a joke or not but something about her was welcoming so I said it.

"... Well legal guardian. I'm adopted. "
She gave me a warm smiled

"So am I. "
We spent first break in the music room together. We didn't talk much. I didn't 100% trust her you know she's cool and all but what if it's just the cool girls messing with me again.
They once told me the first Ed teacher was looking for me in the gym and then they locked me in. It was currently lunch..

"Would you like to join me and my friends?" roni asked. Wait friends?? 👀 She was with me all day. I decided to go just to see if she was messing with me.
Surprisingly we walked past Chloe and he friends and obviously they had to comment.

"OMG roni come sit with us and leave that ugly rag doll."  roni stopped. Great. This is where they all laugh at me and I make I fool out of myself I was ready to turn to leave...

"ugly like your face or your soul. I can't really decide. Either way. I will not be sitting with you, my friend and I will be leaving now thanks" she took my hand and we walked off to a table of 8th graders.

"hey guys. This is my friend Amelia. Amelia this is my friends. MJ Ned and well usually Peter?? Where is he? " I waved and took a seat alongside roni.

"Peter said his on a 'super important mission '" MJ the girl spoke. Sarcastically. And very monotoned. I've seen her around to be honest she's seemed cool from a far.

"im back. And to welcome you to the schoo-" he looked at me. And waves awkwardly

"hey 7th grader that hangs out in the music room"
Wait he knows me. I was about to answer but he beat me to it.

"don't ask! I usually walk past there so I know. Your song is pretty cool by the way. Also back to the made point. Welcome to mid Town high school of science roni" he handed her a blueberry muffin and she thanked him. He speaks quite fast. I question whether he has ADHD but that's questionable. Also, he heard my song.

Everything went quiet. Roni was enjoying her lunch, as was I. MJ was reading a book with a fake cover on so I'm not exactly sure what the actual book is but I'm curious. Ned and Peter were talking about star wars and every now and then everyone would chim in and give there opinions. It was great. The best day of school I've had so far. I was voned out for a moment but one part of the conversation caught my attention.

"Peter I swear to God. If you don't stop I'm bringing balloons for your birthday tomorrow"

Roni and Peter were fighting, he kept throwing the root things of the grapes at her. Also his birthday was tomorrow. I gotta get a gift or something. Wait what if that's weird he only met me today. Would they think I have a crush on him?? I stopped spiraling when Peter replied with

"I'll order a dance mom to dance at yours! "

"well, that's Thursday. Good luck finding one at such a short notice." great. So it was Peter's birthday Wednesday and hers Thursday. All I know is she really likes black widow. Not a crazy fan but speaks highly of her. Maybe I can get Scarlett to sign a poster for her or something???

I'll figure it out eventually. after school I got keen at the gate as his dad was going to pick us up and take us to set. I wasn't really into the conversation as I usually was I needed help. I could call roni but that would be weird so I decided I'll call my last hope. Jade and Crystal. I woke to them last 2 weeks ago catching up and obviously they know everything.

As soon as I got to set I headed straight for lizzies trailer. Keen was prepared to tell everyone that I wasn't feeling well.

I didn't really have much time as they were 6 hours ahead so it was currently 9:17 pm where they are.

I called...
And luckily they answered.

J:= jade
C:= Crystal
A:= Amelia

J: heyyy. What's up? What are you doing up? Isn't is like 3 in the morning...

(3 in the morning is she crazy. Wait.. )

A: we are 6 hours behind in your time not 6 hours ahead. It's currently 3 in the afternoon.

C: okay but think about it. In the next 3 hours we would've already experienced Wednesday while you stuck in Tuesday.

We all laughed at Crystals statement as usual she always has something weird to say. But that wasn't the point I don't exactly have alot of time to get things together.

A: so guys I made a few friends, I first met..

I continued to tell them about who I met and about my day and my struggle of the present things.

J: well. He likes star wars why don't you get him stuff like that. Like he said wanted to add to his Lego collection. Do that. Or merch. Or starwars themed cupcakes or something.

We spoke abit more before I hung up. I decided to make him a chocolate cupcake. Because they mentioned that he likes it. Obviously it was going to be starwars themed. And there's a black starwars jacket I saw somewhere in the mall when I went shopping 3 weeks ago so that would work and I was ready to hunt down a starwars themed Lego set. And for roni well I was thinking jewelry. I noticed how she wears a huge amount of bracelets and stuff. We possibly the same size maybe she's a bit skinnier. So I might just get her some cool clothing.

"OMG Lia. Are you okay? Do you feel warm? Cold? Sore throat? Headache? Cramps? What's wrong sweetheart. Talk to me! " lizzie burst into the room and spoke in one breathe.

"I'd talk if you gave me a chance you know I'm-"

"oh. Grab your things I got the rest of the day off, we can go home. "

"I can't go home " she was confused by this statement.

"why sweetheart? "

"Because I got shopping to do! "

_________________________________________________ word count 2565

Hey sparklers!

So heres the double post. Maybe triple if I finish it in time. There's only one more Chapter left after this!

I'm excited

Also. We have friends. Roni is super nice. Right? Also see what I did there with Peter Ned and MJ.
While I'm here.

Peter and roni
Or Peter and MJ.
Really gotta know. So put it in the comments! Please. It's important.

Take care of yourselves!
Sparkle out!

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