family // bnha

By elisimone_

591K 20.6K 9.3K

bnha x big sister!oc class 1a needs more adult support, let's be honest... AU where eli midoriya, pro-hero, a... More

an exciting (for me) update


3.7K 159 65
By elisimone_

warning(?): very long chapter

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"NERD GET DOWN FROM THERE!" Katsuki screamed while letting off an explosion at a nearby rock monster.

Katsuki couldn't believe that his sister would do this to them. Usually, she would give them even the slightest heads up about what to come and they'd covertly send it to the rest of the class group chat once they could.

Though this was different, Eli hadn't said a thing. She wished them all a good time, gave them hugs and kisses, and then left with Touya, Keigo, and Kota. And now he and the rest of his class were fighting for their lives after being dropped off a cliff by their teacher and Kota's aunt.


'She's got to be doing something important,' Katsuki thought.

"SHIT!" Izuku yelled, Denki laughing wildly from his placement behind him.

Izuku shrugged a bit, before deciding to just jump towards a nearby tree, only to be caught in an array of scarves. The boy sighed and dangled helplessly as Denki took out the dirt beast with his electricity.

"Thanks, Toshi," Izuku said sighing.

Hitoshi came down from a tree like Spider-man (they'd had a spiderman binge a couple of days ago --> his favorite was Miles) and gave a Cheshire-like smile at his younger brother. Himiko could be seen dangling with him, one of his arms securely around her as she smiled wildly at the chaos surrounding them.

Since Himiko wasn't technically a part of their class and wasn't interested in anything hero-like except first aid and well... them, each brother had decided they'd take turns getting her across. Of course, they knew that she could take care of herself just fine, but if she didn't have to, why should they make her?

Plus it was good rescue practice for when they got their license.

When the ground gave away, Himi had been glued to Shoto at the time, so she ended up falling with them. Luckily, no one was hurt from the fall or even had the chance to because Shoto had acted quickly and a burst of ice had shot from his hand, allowing him and the rest of his class to slide down like it was a slide.

"We've got to go, there are more coming!" they heard Tenya yell, running over with Ochaco on his back.

Ochaco gasped when she saw Himiko and wasted no time jumping from Tenya's back. Tenya gasped and turned to quickly catch her, thinking she'd fallen but Ochaco was already pumping her feet towards Himiko.

She touched her side as she jumped with all her might. Himiko smiled and spread her arms in excitement at her very best 'friend'.

"Ocha!" she yelled in excitement, taking her extended hand without hesitation.

Hitoshi rolled his eyes and decided to tell Eli about his little observation later before he unhooked his arm from the girl allowing Ochaco to catch her. 

'Guess I was wrong about her liking Izuku...' Hitoshi thought. 

"You've got so strong Ocha!" Himiko cheered as she wrapped her arms around the girl's neck.

Ochaco cheesed as she nodded, proud of all her weight gain. She was even pretty sure that by next summer she'd be on par with Kastuki, muscle wise especially if she stuck to the workout routine Eli had drawn up for her. And plus, if Ochaco was going to intern with Miruko next year after the Sports Festival as she planned, she had to work hard!

Eli would even recommend her given that she had personal connections with the Bunny Hero.

And that was that. Himiko held on to Ochaco's shoulder for the rest of the time while she pulled her along. Still, the plan remained as Izuku, Shoto, and Katsuki trailed them from below and Hitoshi swung from the trees above.

The rest of the class was close by, and once they realized what they were doing, they joined, circling the set of siblings + Ochaco.

Sato and Ojiro, with the help of Izuku, took out the dirt monsters that came to them head-on, and thanks to Jirou and Mezo, they were able to detect and prepare for the monsters before they got too close to them.

Knives whizzed past, engraining themselves into the dirt before them, distracting the large monster. Momo ran towards it quickly, creating a staff with her Quirk as she did. She'd recently added actual weapons to her hero costume after some meetings with Eli regarding any changes she wanted, but she didn't have her hero costume so she'd have to do the exact thing she and Eli attempted to avoid.

But luckily, she'd actually learned to use the staff properly. She wasn't too good at throwing knives yet, which she planned to rectify during training camp, but she was good at using regular knives due to her amazing hand-eye coordination (she, Jirou, Hitoshi, and Denki play videogames at the arcade every other Sunday).

Hanta swung from above alongside Hitoshi, grinning wildly as he breezed past him, shooting one of his arms out to wrap the monster up in his tape.

"Dark Shadow!" Fumikage said fiercely and on his command, Dark Shadow appeared with a vicious roar.

Dark Shadow hit the monster away, slamming it to the ground. The monster went limp before its body began to fall apart, the remains sinking back into the dirt it had come from.

"Come on! I think the camp is this way!" Kirishima said, waving them over from the fallen beast.

It wasn't long before they made it past the tree line and there the camp stood.

Shouta stood before them beside the group of Wild, Wild Pussycats with a timer in his hands. The man smirked, just lightly, and nodded to himself.

"Hm, you guys did better than I thought."

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"Bell would smack the shit out of you if she saw this," Katsuki glowered as he held up a string of green onions that had been poorly shopped.

Shoto gave something close to a pout, which made Katsuki huff and roll his eyes as he tossed the green onion back on the chopping board.

He placed the knife on the cutting board and gestured towards it.

"I ain't leaving 'til you do this right IcyHot," Katsuki glared.

"Pfft," Hitoshi laughed from his station.

Tenya and Izuku were near him. Tenya's face bloomed red as he tried not to laugh at Katsuki's special set of older brother skills while Izuku wholeheartedly laughed at Katsuki. Which was probably the worst thing to do, but whatever.

"And what are you laughing at nerd, you can barely cook without making a mess of yourself?!" Katsuki called him out.

Izuku's gasp sent both Hitoshi and Tenya doubling over in laughter.

"Alright, alright settle down! Just make your food and eat like the good kids Eli BELIEVES you are," Shouta said with a shake of his head, already missing his husband.

Hitoshi snapped into shape, not wanting to draw any unnecessary attention to himself from his mentor. That man damn near killed him during their internships and that was honestly the moment Hitoshi realize how nice his sister actually was. Sure during sparring, she kicked his ass a couple of times, but Aizawa-sensei really put him on his ass.


"Hitoshi!" Shouta called making Hitoshi jump.

The purple-haired boy could be seen sneaking away, only to be stopped by the voice of his teacher. 

"Why aren't you helping them?" Shouta questioned, making the boy freeze. 

Katsuki and Izuku laughed loudly at the question. It was a well-known fact in their household that Hitoshi couldn't cook for shit. Eli liked to consider herself very patient, but the amount of time Hitoshi had burned literal rice made her just assign him dishes duty. 

Plus she was sure that whatever lovely individual he ended up with would hopefully know how to cook themselves, but if not... take out it is. 

"Want me to tell him about the time you microwaved noodles with no w-" Katsuki began with a snarky look on his face, only for Hitoshi to throw the nearest thing at him.

Which happened to be a red bell pepper. 

Katsuki's first instinct was to throw something back, but one glare from Aizawa made him freeze. He had no doubts that this man might actually smack the shit out of him if he tried anything like that. 

Eli would at least let him throw it back...

"Get back to it," Shouta told them. 

And that's what they did. The Midoriya's left the cooking to Katsuki, Izuku, and Himiko due to her impeccable knife skills. Hitoshi collected the dishes and other things they used to put away so he could clean them, and Shoto kept the fireplaces alive whenever anybody needed them. 

Tenya, Kiri, Denki, Momo, Ojiro, Aoyama, and Fumi were a part of the group of people who also didn't know how to cook, so they followed Toshi's lead and cleaned up after those who could. 

Ochaco, Mina, Sato, Toru, Jirou, Mezo, Tsu, Hanta, and Koda were among those who could cook so they handled a majority of things, and eventually, the entire class was working together to create a gigantic meal for their 3rd night of being here. 

Class 1B was talking shit across the yard, and by Class 1B that meant Monoma. 

But despite the difficult training, all the arguing, and unwanted cooking, Class 1A was proud. They were doing exactly what they promised Eli to do, and that was to progress. 

Let's hope they were ready to really put their skills to the test. 

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After another day of training, both classes were assigned a partner from the opposite class, to do a test of courage. Neither group of students knew exactly what the test would be and as much as Himiko wanted to join them in their test, she had studying to do. 

So, with a heavy heart, she pulled out the notes and flashcards she'd created during her time with Recovery Girl and got to studying. Plus, if she wanted to make it into General Studies then she had to study hard. Not to mention, now that she'd gotten her footing at UA, she no longer had any issues with attending school. 

At first, it was scary, but Ocha always made it better. And, if her brothers could be there she had no problem attending. 

So, Himiko wandered to a secluded portion of the facility, huddling up in her room with a small lamp shining as she read through the material. There was a small window at the top of the room she was in that she glanced at, but paid no mind to. Twenty to thirty minutes later Himiko took another peak out the window, and her eyebrow raised at the eery orange glow that emit from the window. 

Standing up, she walked over to the window, dragging a chair near the wall so that she could see what was going on. Peaking out the window, Himiko's entire face dropped as she saw the large flames encasing the once beautiful forest. 

She gasped loudly, moving so fast that she almost fell face-first out of the chair. She didn't even think to grab anything as she hightailed it out of the room. She was seconds away from the door when a hand grabbed her, and looking to her right, she saw a disheveled, but relieved Aizawa. 

"Zawa-sensei, there's a fire-" Himiko said in a worried tone, only for Aizawa to pull her back, a little too hard, away from the facility doors.  

"Himiko, look at me!" Aizawa hissed a little too harshly, but the stakes were too high for him to be thinking of anything like that.

"The League is here, and they are after you and your brothers, okay? You have to stay here and hide, whatever they want with you guys can't be good," he told her.

He didn't know if Eli's siblings were aware that she was being targeted, but right now he didn't want to say anything that caused any more panic than there was. 

He knew exactly why the League was here, as Shino had revealed such after reading the mind of the villain, a familiar villain who'd thought of Kinetic his whole way here. Mandalay put out a broadcast, saying that whose mind she read was after Kinetic and that they were under the assumption that she was here. 

But if Shouta was right, and that villain was who he thought he was... this would be worse than he'd thought.  

Himiko looked at him with wide yellow eyes, her mouth just slightly parted as she stared with nothing other than shock. She and Shouta had a nice relationship, he'd even got her, her own sleeping bag once Eli took her in, AND the matching pantsuit sleeping bag. He'd been nothing but nice to her, for fucks sake he was her sister's best friend!

Every bit of common sense Himiko had told her to listen to him, but then... 

her brothers came to mind. 

She could never forgive herself if she stayed in hiding when she knew she could fight. 

A soft look appeared on her as she stared at the man that was becoming something of an Uncle to her and in the next second, she'd ripped herself away from the man. A knife was sheathed from her thigh in the next second. 

"I'm sorry Zawa," she said as earnestly as she could. 

She brandished the knife threateningly at the man and she could see the hurt in his eyes as she did so. 

Maybe it was stupid, maybe this was possibly the dumbest thing she could do, but she had to do something. Taking advantage of his second of hesitance, Himiko made a break for the door, which was only a step away, slashing her knife at Aizawa's incoming scarves. 

She burst through the door, not even taking the time to react to the heat on her skin from the fire that was quickly ripping through the forest and making its way to the facility.

Aizawa made a break behind her, only to see an incoming figure coming at her at lightning speed. Making a quick decision, he turned on his feet and went for the man coming her way. Throwing his scarves out, he was met with a burst of red and orange flames that came at him so fast he had no other choice but to stop in his tracks and stare at the man before him with a mean glare. 

A dusty man appeared through the trees and Aizawa recognized him almost instantly. 

Hisashi smirked widely, and Shouta's eye twitched at that. 

He'd known what the man looked like ever since Eli told him about her stepfather. He looked him up and a laundry list of crimes had shown up, all crimes except domestic and physical abuse. He'd paid for everything EXCEPT what he'd done to Eli and her mother.

Shouta almost laughed at the opportunity presented to him. 

'He really is here,' the scarved man thought. 

He narrowed his eyes, and in the next second Hisashi had released a line of powerful flames at him, but with a strain of his eyes, the fire dissipated, leaving nothing but a sorry puff of smoke echoing from the man's mouth. 

This time, it was Shouta's turn to smirk. 

His scarves shot out and he wasted no time in wrapping the man up in his scarves and slamming him into a nearby true. Hisashi's useless attempt to escape his hold actually made the once sleepy man laugh this time. With a yank, Hisashi flew towards him and Shouta jumped in the air, his knee connecting with the man's face. 

A satisfying crack echoed through Shouta's ears, but he didn't let up. He slammed the man onto the floor face first, almost reveling in his screams and squirms of pain. He did it again, and again, and again...

Shouta stiffened as he felt the man go still and with hesitant fingers, he checked the man's pulse. Believe me, if Shouta could kill him, he would, but depending on how all this shit went down, they needed an informant. Moving his index and middle finger downwards, he felt the light pulse against his fingers. 

"It's your lucky day," Shouta muttered. 

He tied the man up well and tied a zip tie on his wrists. Eyeing the man hardly, Shouta thought briefly about his next course of action before he sent a hope out to the Gods and sent one more brutal kick to the man's chin.

'Just for good measure,' Shouta thought. 

Then he was on the move again. 

He had to find those kids because whatever the League had in store for them... 

it made Shouta shiver at the thought of it. 




Izuku and Katsuki hadn't a clue what happened, all they knew is that the man before them killed Kota's parents, and that was enough for them to work with. They'd gotten split up from their partners during the test of courage, only to greet each other in the face of mortal danger when a man who looked like he snorts protein powder appeared. 

"Izu, you got a plan yet...?" Katsuki asked, staring wearily at the man before them. 

Katsuki would go down fighting before he let anything happen to his little brother no matter how much stronger than him Izuku was on his way to becoming, but that didn't change the fact that even between the both of them, Kat didn't like their odds. 

Sure, the Water-hose due weren't the strongest heroes out there, but he still killed them and that told Katsuki all he needed to know in regards to them. 

"I'm working on it!" Izuku screamed as he dodged a large boulder that was hurdling toward them. 

Katsuki grunted under the weight from the pressure in his arm, exploding the rock, making it fly back toward Muscular and lodge little bits of itself in his arms and neck. 

"Ow! That hurt you, little brats!" he screamed at them. 

The next thing either Midoriya knew he was charging at them, and Izuku had little time to think before he pushed Katsuki away and prayed to whoever was willing to listen that he wouldn't break his arms doing this. 

Izuku had made significant steps at controlling his Quirk and was now able to use up to 35% of One for All without breaking anything, the only thing was that the power was so immense that it stopped all his movements, basically gluing him to the spot he was in now. 

Katsuki gasped as he watched his younger brother block the man's charge and his eyes widened as he saw how Izuku's feet planted into the ground below. 

"Dammit Izuku!" he muttered in frustration before he scrambled to get up. 

As Izuku held the man, Katsuki lit him up with explosions, and only the most powerful ones he could create at the moment. The attacks did some damage, but not nearly enough to defeat the man, and sooner or later Izuku was flying towards him, having finally been pushed back from the charge. 

Katsuki grunted as he caught his brother stumbling back from the force. 

"Shit," Izuku groaned. 

Had this not been the worst time, Katsuki probably would have backhanded him, because that was a dumb plan. 

"...His muscle fibers, we have to destroy them," Izuku spoke through his pain. 

Katsuki's eyes widened at his brother, and he shook his head before helping him out. 

"That was still stupid," Katsuki said through a small smirk, only for Izuku to weakly mirror it before they both took a fighting stance. 

"Oh? It's been a while since I've been able to go all out, maybe you two will do," Muscular remarked, making Katsuki sneer as his arms pulsed. 

Izuku's eye twitched toward a figure behind Muscular, and his eyes almost widened at the yellow cat-like eyes that glowed in the dark of the night. He made sure not to hold the small stare, training his eyes on Muscular, allowing Himiko to get closer and closer to them. 

If they could exhaust his muscles enough, then theoretically Himiko could be able to tear through the muscles. And... depending on what kind of knife Himiko had this time, they could be deep enough to finish him off. 

Katsuki and Izuku made eye contact before nodding in unspoken understanding. Katsuki went high while Izu went low. The man was rocketed by explosions on either side of his head, disorienting him, and Izuku powered his Quirk up to 30% and was off to tear at the muscles on the back of his legs. 

While they took care of them, they made a note to push him back further to where Himiko was. Katsuki saw the glint of a long knife that he saw close by the cat-like eyes he saw peaking through the burning trees. 

"Ha?! You little brats really think this will be enough?" Muscular chided. 

Izuku grits his teeth at the remark and made sure to keep his eye on Himiko as she moved as slowly as she could. With the grace of a leopard, she was in a tall branch, directly above Muscular, and below, Izuku focused his Quirk into his arm, saying a quiet apology to All Might and his sister, knowing he was about to do exactly what they told him not to. 

Himiko, who stood on a branch not far away at all, glanced down at her knife, hoping it would be long enough to work with. She could tell not only was his skin tough but it was thick as well, so she worried it wouldn't be enough. 

None of that mattered as Himiko jumped without giving herself another second to doubt herself. Her knife plunged into the neck of the man making him scream out in pain. Katsuki saw Izuku on the ground, saw the familiar glow of his Quirk and the crazed look in his eye. 

"LADY MOVE!" he shouted and in no time he let off an explosion, rocketing right towards her. 

He grabbed her by her torso, and let off another explosion before Muscular could realize what was happening, letting off another at the man's face, making the two of them skid back against the dirt on the ground. 

Izuku surged all 30% into his legs and shot towards the man from below. 

'DELAWARE SMASH 1,000,000%!' Izuku screamed in his mind. 

He grits his teeth to keep from screaming as his arm came into contact with Muscular's lower jaw. He could feel his skin splintering and his bone cracking under the weight of his own Quirk, but he couldn't let up. 

He forced all of his momenta upward, and the villain flew at least 30ft in the air before falling back to the ground, falling into the ablaze forest. The three of them could hear the thump from the man's body and they all paused as the realization set in.


"You guys are alright!" Himiko was the first to break the small silence. 

"Well, kinda," Katsuki huffed as Himiko hugged him tightly, his eyes trained on Izuku's purple, mangled arm. Himiko followed his eyes and got up quickly. 

"Izu!" Himiko said, and in a second she was near him. She gasped as she saw his arm, and wasted no time in ripping her skirt and sleeve of her shirt to begin wrapping it. 

"Go get something we can use as a splint," Himiko urged Katsuki, who listened and went to find some nearby stick that they could use. 

Izuku, still not fully recognizing how hurt he was, smiled at Himiko. 

'Nee-chan has had a huge impact on her,' he thought idly. 

"Izu? Hey? Look, this isn't the time for you to be spacing out! Focus on not passing out okay?" Himiko snapped her fingers in his face. 

Katsuki came with a couple of sturdy sticks that would have to do for now, until they got proper medical attention. 

"We have to call Nee-chan," Himiko told them both, and for the first time, they saw her be drop-dead serious. 

She was right though. Eli could be here in little-to-no time at all, and all this could be solved. 

"We can't do that," they heard a voice say, and from the woods, they saw Hitoshi who looked like he'd just run 10 miles to get here. 

"Toshi? Are you alright?" Himiko asked. 

One of her hands stopped working to touch Hitoshi's forehead, a gesture that made his eyes widen. All he could do was shake his head and pull away, as he squat down to their level to begin his explanation. 

"Do you remember the fight Eli had on I-Island?" Hitoshi asked slowly, panting through his words. 

The minute the attack started he'd disappeared, hiding in the trees. His mission was to find his siblings first, but when he heard the broadcast Mandalay had put out, it was as if he'd been hit with lightning, the realization slapping him straight in the face. 

"Of course eyebags, we were there!" Katsuki hissed, annoyed at all this. 

"That thing that Nee-chan held up when she got there? Did she tell any of you what it was?" Hitoshi asked, causing a hush to come over them. 

Come to think of it, after I-Island, Eli hadn't said a thing about it. 

"It was a Quirk-cancellation collar. I heard them when they were talking on the plane. Nee-chan was the only person they put it on..." Hitoshi told them. 

Katsuki's eyes widened in realization. He'd thought it was weird that she hadn't come with them to the training camp, but it wasn't anything he could really question. 

"That's why they are after us," Himiko muttered, her eyes widened as she stared up at her brothers worriedly. Shouta had told her that they were after her and her brothers, but she didn't know why. 

They, the League, knew who they were to her. They were the ones who had that collar sent to I-Island to be put on Eli. That's why Eli stayed behind, she thought she was the one being targeted...

"We're the bait..." Katsuki said aloud, his hand coming up to rub his face in frustration. 

"...We can't call her," Hitoshi repeated.

Himiko's breathing stilled as a thought came to mind. She paused her wrapping and looked up at her brothers with worried eyes. 

"Has anyone seen Sho?"




Shoto grunted as he used his ice to cool the flames of the forest. Tokoyami was beside him, and Ochaco and Denki were near him, defending against the man who had been attempting to stop him from doing so. 

"SHOTO WATCH OUT!" yelled out Ochaco, tackling him to the floor as the teeth of the man shot towards him. 

Ochaco grunted as sticks and rocks pocked at her skin. Tokoyami had been apprehensive to use Dark Shadow, but he figured the fire that still raged around the forest could possibly be enough to calm him down if need be. 

"Kaminari-kun..." Tokoyami called out, making the boy turn his way, the boy's body alive with electricity, thus fending off the teeth coming his way. 

"Uhm, a little busy here," Denki said through his tired pants. 

Denki's Quirk, along with just being plain dangerous, also allowed him to move a bit quicker than he would normally, so he was able to dodge the teeth as they came his way. During training at Eli-sensei's home, it happened after he sneezed while he was running a race against Hitoshi. 

One minute he was directly behind the boy, trying his best to beat him, then his nose grew itchy, next thing he knew he was behind the finish line, and Hitoshi's jaw was literally on the ground. 

"Tell Shoto-kun that if Dark Shadow gets out of control, to do whatever he needs to stop him," Tokoyami said, feeling the familiar itch of his Quirk crawling up his neck as he readied himself to call forth Dark Shadow. 

Denki stood confused, only to realize seconds later, leaving him no chance to talk him out of it. 

"DARK SHADOW!" Tokoyami called, and with a roar, Dark Shadow emerged.

And boy was he a force to reckon with. 

Shoto and Ochaco gasped, never having seen Dark Shadow look so big, so terrifying. They'd only seen the little shadow when they were under the control of Tokoyami, but as he emerged, they heard the screams escape from their friend from the pressure of such a powerful Quirk consuming him. 

Dark Shadow attacked without mercy at the first thing it saw, and that happened to be the toothy villain before him. With a fierce swap, under the weight of Dark Shadows power, the teeth that once stabbed deeply into the ground and threatened to slash any of them to bits were shattered. 

The villain, Moonfish screamed in pain, only for more teeth to emerge, but it was fruitless. Dark Shadow wasted no time in attacking again, and again until shattered teeth were sprinkled on the grass below them like sharp snow. The man hit the grass with a loud thud, and foam coated his mouth from the amount of saliva and air exiting his mouth and lungs at an alarming rate. 

But now they had a new problem. 

And that was Dark Shadow at full power. 

"KIDS?!" they heard a voice ring out recognizing it as their teacher. 

Aizawa came flying through the trees, and with one look at Tokoyami, Dark Shadow dissipated and Tokoyami fell to his knees on the ground, exhausted. 

Scarves wrapped around his middle as he slumped to the ground, catching him before he could hit the ground too hard. Once Shouta had planted his feet on the ground, he hiked Tokoyami up and held him, making sure that he didn't take too much damage. 

He didn't, the boy had just overused his Quirk. Dark Shadow was constantly pulling energy away from Tokoyami and as time went by, the boy grew used to such, and got more sleep, along with eating more in order to keep up with his Quirk's demands. So, whenever the shadow monster went on a rampage in its natural habitat (darkness), Tokoyami would knock out from exhaustion. 

It was just too much. 

Shouta huffed a sigh of relief and gazed over at the unconscious hero that his student had taken care of. The side of his lip twitched upward in pride, but such feelings would have to wait as Shoto rushed over, a look of relief covering his features. 

"Aizawa-sensei," he said through his pants, tired from using his Quirks for so long. 

"Have you seen them, any of them?" Shoto asked, Ochaco standing nearby him as she wore a similar look of worry.

But Shoto... the boy looked so disheveled. It unnerved Shouta, as he'd only seen certain sides of the otherwise reserved boy, but here he was panicking, looking to Shouta for any kind of comfort as to where his siblings were. 

"Shoto, listen to me," Shouta started, raising Tokoyami legs just a bit and removing anything tight on his body to avoid him passing out again when the boy came too. 

"You and your siblings are in danger. You have to hide," he told him, looking at Ochaco who had loose tears on her cheeks. 

"W-what about Himi? And the others, what about them?" she interrupted, her hands anxiously clamping together. 

A simple look told Shoto all he needed to know. Horror coated his features and as he saw his teacher's eyes flash red in an attempt to stop him, a huge ice barrier had already cut them off from their teacher. 

'I'm sorry Aizawa-sensei,' Shoto thought. 

The boy took off. He could hear the screams from his teacher, yelling at him to stop, but he could care less. He refused to lose the family his sister had created, the very thought of them being hurt made something lodge in his throat. 

"SHOTO WAIT!" Ochaco yelled, running after him, having been separated as well. 

This feeling, this fear, was something that Eli may have unintentionally taught them. As many times as they'd seen her panicked over their wellbeing, watching as she disregarded all safety to ensure their own safety. 

And because of this, they were only putting themselves in more danger. 

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Izumi watched the chaos from above with a frightening smirk on her face. Her husband stood behind her, making heart eyes at his wife, whose eyes glowed a sickly green. 

With a wave of her hand, the green mist circled her fingers before she sent out her soldiers to do a little recon. The lower-class villains that Shigaraki had handed over to were nothing but a diversion, brought along to round everyone but their targets up, to keep them distracted as they pursued their goal. 

She knew they weren't dumb enough to not figure out their plan, but they surrounded the Wild, Wild, Pussycats, and the rest of the classes. The fire barricaded them, along with dozens of little villains to keep them busy. This gave them more than enough time to get what they came for. 

Muscular, Moonfish, and Hisashi were the only real threats honestly, and their job was to find their actual targets. 

If their daughter had trained them well, they should've been able to handle them with ease, and upon such completion, this would tell them all they needed to know. 

"Honey," Izumi called, Jaden perking up almost immediately at the angelic sound of his wife's voice. 

His hand reached back to grasp ahold of the handle of the whip attached to his back. His eyes burned red, a red flare that his daughter shared. He waited for her command as he always did, but his fingers itched to move, so much so that his knees crouched as he prepared to launch off of the high vantage point. 

Izumi smirked at her husband's enthusiasm as she felt the mist of her power fly through the trees. The fire had started dying down, so Izumi assumed Hisashi had been stopped. 

'Perfect,' she thought. 

She had no want to keep the man around after all this was over and she'd got what she wanted. 

What is it that she wanted?

In Izumi's mind, there were two kinds of people, and that was those at the top and those at the bottom. She knew what it was like to be at the bottom, to be spit on, hated, treated like a curse... 

But with her lovely creation, she could rise to the top.

No, she would rise to the top.  

Even higher than All For One. 

She wasn't dumb. She'd known that for all these years that she was being used, that she and her husband were nothing but a convenient match-up to end up with Eli as the prize. But All For One had beaten every. single. holder of One for All, and when he finally got that power back into his hands, she knew who he'd pursue next. 

And that was them. 

But with Eli's power, he'd be utterly unstoppable. 

Izumi refused to continue to live as his underling when that happened. She needed a way to protect herself, and if that meant killing a couple of kids? 

So be it. 

Her eyes shined green as she felt her power touch the familiar energy. 

What many didn't know was that kinetic energy left a trace, and Eli left her stink all around her self-proclaimed children. All Izumi had to do was find the children with the densest energy signature. 

It didn't take long.  

"Go round 'em up honey," Izumi spoke. 

A gust of wind made her hair fly all around her, making her scowl as she positioned her hair back to cover the scar on her face. 

She smirked as she heard her husband bound through the forest, following the trails that she'd laid out for him. 

She shifted her hip to the side as she folded her arms with a smirk on her face. 

"This shouldn't take long,"




"SHOTO!" Ochaco screamed. Her chest heaved as she tried to keep up with his fast pace. 

Her lungs felt like they were on the verge of collapse, but still, she chased after him. She was worried, how could she not be? And, she couldn't let him run off by himself, especially if the villains were after him and his siblings. 

Shoto used his Quirk to stabilize his heart and lungs, keeping calm as he sprinted through the woods. As he ran, he heard something, a sound of pain made him pause. His chest rose up and down rapidly as he turned around frantically, searching for the sound. 

He paid no mind to Ochaco who called out for him, instead bursting into yet another sprint once he heard another groan of pain. 

Spiky blonde hair peaked through the trees as he ran. A small smile came to his face as his pace increased, seeing fluffy lavender hair come into his line of site. 

Bursting through the tree line, he panted as he stood still in front of the others, who looked at him with wide eyes. 

"Sho?" Hitoshi said, taking a step forward. 

Hitoshi couldn't stop the breath of relief that came over him. He breathed a small chuckle as he took a step forward and wrapped his arms around the boy. After their realization, they worried that Shoto had been taken. 

"Thank god you're alright," Hitoshi muttered. 

Shoto smiled a little into the hug, feeling a hand on his head. He opened his eye to see Katsuki standing behind Hitoshi, ruffling his red and white hair with a rare smile on his face. 

Himiko helped Izuku up and over to them. Despite the pain, he felt in his arm, he took his other arm and wrapped it around Shoto. 

"You're alright!" Himiko and Izuku chimed, beaming at his safety. 

And suddenly everything was okay. 

Until it wasn't. 

"Well isn't this just precious," they heard a deep voice. 

Gasps rang out as the 5 of them turned around abruptly turned around to see a tall man before them. He had dark skin, long kinky hair that chaotically framed his face, and a pair of ruby red eyes that were frighteningly familiar. 

He was huge, covered in muscle and they could see the peaking of a handle on his back. He was covered in scars almost as much as he was in muscle, but he had a smile on his face. Not a cruel smile, or a demeaning one, a warm, almost happy smile. 

One that was also scarily familiar. 

"You guys are the Midoriya's right?" he asked as he smiled brightly at them. 

Himiko instinctively put her arm out, barely covering them with her small stature. Though she was the oldest among them, and she was pretty sure now was the time to act like it. 

"Yeah? And what's it to you?" Katsuki rasped out, wearing an ugly sneer on his face. 

Explosions crackled in his palm, and he felt his body heat up, sweat pooling at his hands and feet. 

"Huh? Now is that any way to talk to your-," the man paused, clearly thinking. 

He scratched his head as he stared at them rather confused. 

"Hm, would that make me your grandpa or your stepdad?" he thought out loud. 

Hitoshi's eyes bugged out of his skull as he took in the man's appearance once more, and his reaction made Izuku falter as he stayed at the man before him. 

"No..." Izuku muttered. 

He was supposed to be dead? Right? And if he was alive, then that meant-

"Honey? I'd appreciate it if you didn't play around like this," a woman spoke, descending from the sky encased in green mist, familiar green mist. 

Izuku and Hitoshi stumbled this time, their eyes widened as memories invaded their mind. She looked like...

"Mom?" Izuku asked quietly.

Shoto's eyes widened as he stared at them and flashes of the hospital plagued his mind. He couldn't help but recall all the times he'd seen his sister walk throughout the house, no longer ashamed of her scars. They no longer bothered him, the sight of them that was, but knowing where'd they come from...

Izumi laughed as he released her Quirk, her feet hitting the ground in an angelic fashion. 

"Ha? Do I look as weak as that disgrace you once called a mother?" Izumi asked, cocking her head to the side. 

Izuku and Katsuk's eyes blazed with rage. She had a knack for pissing people off with her words alone. 

"I see you took care of the little fish. How'd you feel giving your old man a test run?" Jaden asked, his smile dying down to a devilish smirk. 

Hitoshi opened his mouth to say something, only to find that he couldn't move his lips. 

"Ah, ah, you think we don't know about that Quirk of yours? It's quite impressive if I do say so myself. Sensei would love to have it," Izumi muttered the last part, unintentionally scowling at the mention of the man. 

The man who basically owned them. 

Muffles fought through Hitoshi's mouth as the boy began to panic. 

Katsuki gasped, and his once subtle explosions now circled the palm of his hand like deadly little fireflies. His anger flared as he saw the woman laugh at him, almost mockingly. 

"Oh? You might want to be careful there, "firecracker"," the woman mocked. 

Katsuki's eyes widened at the name. Only Eli called him that, so how did she...

"Honey?" Izumi called. 

Jaden buzzed with excitement and before any of them could react, he was in front of them, planning to land a devastating blow at the person in front, who happened to be Himiko. 

"HIMI!" Izuku yelled, and with a crackle of painful lightning, he pushed her away, but that didn't stop the force of the punch from blowing them back several feet. 

Himiko let out a painful scream as her back hit a tree, before she fell upon unsteady feet, her ankles buckling. She groaned in pain as her ankle throbbed and her head spun. But still, she took the least of the impact. 

Woozy, she looked around to see her siblings scattered across the field as Jaden stood in a small crater with a disappointed look on his face. They were done for, none of them moving an inch making nothing but horror coat Himi's features.

"Aw, I was hoping you guys would be more fun," he borderline pouted. 

Izumi's eyes widened as she turned around only to come face to face with a foot coming right her way. She bobbed her head to the side to dodge it, throwing up her hand to catch the unlucky individual who dared to attack her, only to find that she couldn't use her Quirk. 

She almost rolled her eyes at the realization, but quickly rolled out of the way with a huff. 

Shouta Aizawa stood tall, with a deadly look on his face, a glare so fierce that it surprised Izumi. 

"Oh, Erasurehead: The Erasure Hero. I must say you're much scarier in person," Izumi said as she stared the man down. 

Shouta's hair floated dangerously around him, his goggles firmly on his face as his contacts recorded the otherwise unbelievable site. He spared a glance at the students, just to make sure they were alright, only to be met with a fist coming directly at him. 

He dodged it, his eyes now trained on the man, watching as Jaden's smile faded as quickly as it came. Izumi observed, almost amused as her husband ruthlessly attacked Shouta, and couldn't help but be impressed as Shouta used his scarved to maneuver away from him. 

Shouta's jumped high in the air, his scarves coming down to wrap around the man's neck tightly as possible as he kept his eyes trained on the man, not wanting to lose focus. Jumping down, he grunted as he slammed the man into the ground, creating a crater almost as big as the one Jaden had created. 

"Alright enough of this," Izumi said, now bored. 

With a raise of her hand, green mist circled his body, and the woman smirked at the familiar feeling of her Quirk, even if it had only been gone for a second. She balled her hand into a fist and covered his eyes, the density of the mist shifting to do so before she lifted her hand and threw the man far beyond the tree line. 

If the man lived or died wasn't her concern. 

"Now, let's get a move on," Izumi muttered, pressing a button to signal Kurogiri for a portal. 

"But honey, I wanted to-" Jaden began to argue only for a frightening glare to shut him up. She tsked at his childish behavior as a portal opened behind them. 

Jaden wordlessly obeyed as he began to pick up the bodies of the passed-out children.  

Ochaco's hand was glued to her mouth, and tears clouded her vision as she sat, hidden behind a tree.

'Aizawa-sensei...' she thought. 

She'd seen the way the woman had mercilessly tossed the man aside, a man that had a power unlike any other. It was too easy, much too easy, and that scared her deeply. 

She tried to urge her body to move, to do something, but her mind was against it. She'd be killed if they saw her, she knew that, and the only reason the Midoriya siblings weren't was because they needed them. 

'No...' she thought. 

She had to do something. 

Peaking out from behind the tree, she saw the woman watching her husband pick up Katsuki, then Shoto...

She heard a groan to her left, looking to see Himiko who laid unmoving from the impact on the tree. 

Himiko's eyes blinked slowly as she watched the man pick up her brother's passed-out forms one by one. Tears sank into the ground below, her body trying to move, only to find that she couldn't. She could barely breathe, much less move. 

And that fact made her tears swell even more. 

Ochaco moved as slowly as possible, not taking her eyes off the two of them that didn't notice as she snuck her hand over Himiko's mouth to prevent her from making any type of noise. 

She lifted Himiko up as slowly as she could, trying with all her might to not make a sound, and as soon as she saw the large man pick up Izuku, she made a break for it. Tears flowed from her eyes as she mourned the loss of her friends, her mind shouting at her to go back and try to get all of them. 

But she couldn't, and as much as she wanted to be a hero, the reality was that the two before her were leagues ahead of her when it came to both power and experience. 

She couldn't fight them if she tried. 

All she could do was run, run as fast, and as far away as possible as Himiko sat in her arms going in and out of consciousness. 

Hearing footsteps, Jaden frowned as he turned and saw the last one gone. Wordlessly, he dropped the bodies in his arms, them landing with a painful thud before he reached towards his back to unsheath his whip. 

But he was stopped by the back of his wife's hand hitting his chest. 

"Don't... we have enough," she said. 

Without so much as another word, she turned her back and entered the portal. Jaden stared at the tree the girl had hit for a good while before he bade her command and picked up the boys once more. 

But, before he could enter the portal, he heard footsteps nearing them yet again. Shouta appeared, blood seeping down his forehead. His breath was shaky and his scarves were dirty as he felt his energy dwindling. 

Shouta had flown through the trees at such an alarming rate that he just barely grab hold of a tree to keep himself from being possibly paralyzed. The limp in his leg was enough to confirm that, along with the fact that his shoulder had popped out of place from the force he'd created when he stopped himself. 

"No, NO!" Shouta yelled, running/limping towards the portal, his Quirk uselessly trying to turn any and everything off. 

The last thing he saw was the man throw on a smirk. In his arms were the four boys, stacked on top of each other like legos. 

It was no use and with an agitating smile, the man stepped through the portal and disappeared. 

How long Shouta stood there, staring with wide eyes, he didn't know. 

The guilt came immediately after, and that was enough for the usually level-headed man to fall to his knees in defeat, staring at the spot that they were in. 

A tear fell down his cheek and bile crawled up his throat as his whole body convulsed. 

He'd failed. 

·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙ ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙

8160 words 

hey gang !!

sorry for the wait, but here we are!


idrk what to say, im writing this off 2 hours of sleep, a cup of coffee, and a boiled egg while listening to the hamilton musical soundtrack...

anyway, thank you all for so many lovely votes and comments, i want you guys to know i see almost all of them and yall are too mf funny lmao

i love you guys okay!

and don't be like me and take care of yourselves pls :)

here's some pictures in exchange for the heartache 🏃🏾

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