Against Reason

By ashtraykale

135K 3.7K 310

Daphne Collins, a 21-year-old aspiring artist who is attempting to make her way in the world of the bustling... More

Playlist & Aesthetics
Chapter One - A Window of Possibility
Chapter Two - Pasta Nights
Chapter Three - Parks & Pangs
Chapter Four - Bad Dreams
Chapter Five - Under the Weather
Chapter Six - Puppy Love
Chapter Eight - Family Film Nights
Chapter Nine - Reminiscence
Chapter Ten - Opportunities
Chapter Eleven - Out of Comfort
Chapter Twelve - First Days Suck
Chapter Thirteen - High Impacts
Chapter Fourteen - Past Pains
Chapter Fifteen - Afterlife
Chapter Sixteen - Little Ballerina
Chapter Seventeen - Late Night Talking
Chapter Eighteen - Ground Coffee Beans
Chapter Nineteen - Glitch in the Plumbing
Chapter Twenty - Arts 'n' Crafts
Chapter Twenty One - Heartache Calls
Chapter Twenty Two - Night Walks in New York
Chapter Twenty Three - Fervent Touches
Chapter Twenty Four - Torment
Chapter Twenty Five - I Can't See You, So You Can't See Me
Chapter Twenty Six - Intercourse
Chapter Twenty Seven - Discourteous
Chapter Twenty Eight - Do We Still Have Apples?
Chapter Twenty Nine - My Tears Ricochet
Chapter Thirty - Oh, How You Love Me So
Chapter Thirty One - Hospital Scares
Chapter Thirty Two - Knight in Shining Armour
Chapter Thirty Three - Nervous Salads
Chapter Thirty Four - Soul Sisters
Chapter Thirty Five - War of Words
Chapter Thirty Six - Dire Straits
Chapter Thirty Seven - Regret
Chapter Thirty Eight - Bun In The Oven
Chapter Thirty Nine - Endeavour for Forgiveness
Chapter Forty - Tis' the Damn Season
Chapter Forty One - What's a Capricorn?
Chapter Forty Two - A Little Snippet of Love
Chapter Forty Three - Shopping for Two
Chapter Forty Four - When Two Became Three
Chapter Forty Five - In a Decade or So...
Epilogue - Two Promises, One Soul
Bonus Chapter - With All My Heart
Bonus Chapter - Home Run
Bonus Chapter - Our Last Slice of Pie

Chapter Seven - Birthday Chaos

3.1K 97 10
By ashtraykale

Chapter Song - Kung Fu Fighting by Carl Douglas

"Sh," Hallie shushes us as Danny, Hallie and I all tip toe sneakily into Bridie's room. 

Walking in, I notice the blankets are completely off her body and she's sprawled out like a starfish on her bed. I stifle a laugh at her demeanour, trying not to wake her before we get the chance to surprise her.

Today is Bridie's fourth birthday and we have a big day planned, that firstly is starting with surprise presents and breakfast in bed. 

"3, 2, 1," Danny whispers.

"SURPRISE!" We all shout and Bridie shoots up from her bed, scared half out of her mind. 

Probably a little mean to scare her awake on her birthday like this, but it was Hallie's idea and I couldn't say no to her puppy dog eyes. 

"Ah!" she screams in pure joy, jumping up and down on her bed. Hallie joins her and gives her a big hug while screaming happy birthday over and over. 

Danny and I join the two once they sit down. Danny swarms her with hugs and kisses as she giggles and I do the same, whispering happy birthday in her ear. 

"Okay, what first? Presents or breakfast?" I ask her.

Knowing Bridie it'll definitely be-

"PRESENTS!" she screams. Yep, just what I thought it would be. 

I laugh. "Okay, presents first," I say and she squirms in her seat. "Card first though," I tell her, giving her the large envelope with the card Hallie made for her yesterday. 

She rips open the envelope and gasps when she sees the glitter sticker filled card. She reads through the sentences Hallie wrote for her, with a little help from Danny and gives us all a big smooch on the cheeks afterwards.

"Now, presents," I smile and she wiggles in her position, trying hard to conceal her excitement. Which thankfully she'll be able to get out this afternoon at her birthday party. 

Which yes, I did plan, with Danny's help of course and honestly, I think Bridie and Hallie may freak out. 

"Oh my god!" she squeals as she rips open her first present, which is a children's art kit, set with two canvases, paint brushes and some paint. 

Bridie has been begging to paint with me and as she's not old enough to use the proper stuff, I got her, her own. Also nice to be able to buy a good present for someone with the nice pay check I get weekly. 

"Thank-you, Lolli!" She says, catapulting onto and giving me a big hug. 

I kiss her head. "You're very welcome, babe," I smile, and she goes back and opens the rest of her presents. 

After opening the rest of Bridie's presents, we give her a homemade breakfast in bed which she scoffed down - with the added help from Hallie. 

But now the real challenge and work begins, decorating and preparing everything before her party at 3pm. Thankfully Danny hired some people to help out and plan, which made my stress levels deplete from one thousand.

Bridie went through so many different ideas on what theme she wanted, but settled on my first idea. Tinker-Bell and friends, she's obsessed with all of them, so of course a Tinker-bell themed birthday party was perfectly suited. 

Even if she disregarded my idea at first. Kids are strange. 

"Head still Bridie," I laugh shaking my head, she's so excited she hasn't been able to stay still while I do her hair. 

Placing a few more bobby pins into her hair to hold the bun and neatening the fly aways and bumps with a little bit of gel, I tell her to go put her costume on.

"Your turn, sweetie," I turn to Hallie and she smiles brightly. Hallie chose to go as Rosetta - my personal favourite Tinker bell fairy - and Bridie is of course Tinker Bell. 

Beginning Hallie's hair, she blabs on about how excited she is and most of all for the cake. Hallie loves anything sweet, like most children, but she has an utter obsession with cake. And she doesn't even have to have a piece of cake to be happy, she loves staring at them or anything to do with them. 

Leading to one of her favourite things to do which is stare through the window of a nearby cake store. She's so obsessed with looking at the different size and decorated cakes. 

"And you're all done missy, ready to go pick up Bridie's cake?" I ask her she jumps with a squeal.

I guess thats a solid yes. 

"Hey, Danny," I call out to Danny as he stands out the front yard with a few strangers, setting up stuff. He turns around and smiles once he sees me, sending a flow of butterflies around my stomach. 

He jogs up to me. "Yeah?" he says gazing down at me, absorbing my simple children's birthday party outfit, consisting of a pair of short denim overalls and a simple olive green tank top underneath. 

I feel nervous under his strong gaze as he doesn't even hide that he's checking me out. "Uh," I cough and he snaps out of whatever daze he was in. "Hallie and I are going to go pick up the cake," I say.

"Okay," he smiles and as he goes to say something else one of the workers calls him over and he gives me a quick smile. 

"O-kay, that...was something," I mutter to myself.

"What was something?" A small voice sends my soul into orbit. 

I turn around to see Hallie, looking up at me with her big curious eyes. "Uh, nothing. Just thinking," I say and she shrugs, moving on. "Lets go," I usher and she skips to the garage door.

After buckling Hallie into her carseat, we're off and driving down the street to 'Top Tier' the nearby and very expensive cake store. 

I almost melted when I saw the price of the cake Danny ordered for Bridie, but he wasn't even phased $1200 bill. Yes. $1200 for a cake. Rich people are weird. 

Arriving at the store, Hallie sprints to the window and smushes her face against the glass, her eyes gleaming at the different cakes displayed out the front. 

I shake my head and pull her astounded self inside, the bell dinging as we enter. "Morning, how can I help you?" An old woman greets us with a kind smile. 

"We're here for cake!" Hallie shouts and the old woman laughs.

"Well, i'd sure think so," she answers and Hallie giggles.

I smile down at Hallie. "We're here to pick up a cake, under the name Dan Thompson," I say and she nods, heading through an entrance behind the counter - I assume the back of the store. 

"Tinker Bell themed?" She checks and I nod. Thats the one. "Here you go," she passes the large white box over and Hallie looks at it like its gold. "Enjoy and have a good day," The old woman smiles, waving at Hallie as we exit the cake store. 

Okay, cake checked and off the list, now to finish setting up. Hopefully most of its done by now.


Giggles, laughs and random screams surround the combined open outdoor indoor living space of the Thompson home. Kids run around the yard as some play on the large inflatable bounce house, some are on the in ground trampoline and others play with the different yard games set up. 

"How you doing?" A deep voice creeps up behind me, spiking the hairs on my skin. 

I turn to Danny, a drink of punch in his hand and his body dressed in a pair of rough denim jeans and skin tight black t-shirt, clinging to his toned solid body. 

"Better now that the stress of planning is over," I smile.

He nods. "Agreed," he says.

A loud cackle resounds from the inflatable princess castle bounce house and Danny and I both turn to the person only that laugh can belong to.


"She's having the time of her life," I laugh.

"Doesn't help she's had at least a whole packet of M&M's," he jokes.

I look over at him and he stares at both of his daughters who jump on the bounce house, large smiles engulfing their entire face and Danny looks at them with so much love in his eyes. 

I'm almost jealous. 

Not of the fact Danny loves his daughters, or that a minuscule part of me wants him to look at me like that. No, thats not it. 

It's the fact my dad, my birth father, well I hardly knew him. I mean I kind of did and he was okay, but nowhere near the type of father David or Danny are.

Especially since mine left when I was seven years old and never contacted my brother or I after he upped and left us and our mother. 

"Danny!" A loud feminine shouts over the chatting of party goers. 

I turn to the voice to see a older woman and man walking towards Danny with bright faces and open arms. "Ah, mum, dad," Danny greets walking into the woman's arms. 

Mum? Dad? Parents.

Aha, what? Nope, this is awkward. Well, I mean not for them, but for me who has a semi crush thats intensely growing on their much older son. 

It's a little awkward.

"Oh, and you must be the infamous Daphne," The brown haired woman smiles, engulfing me in a big hug that I instantly melt into. She knows me?

"Yep, thats me," I smile, trying to act casual. 

"Oh, Danny has talked so much about you," she gushes waving her hand and I glance over at Danny who is blushing? Is he blushing? I mean it's slight, but the red hue of his cheeks is there. 

"Oh, wow," I say and Danny rolls his eyes at his mum. 

"I'm Marianne, this is my husband Phil," she says and I greet Phil, shaking his firm hand. 

"Nice to meet you," I smile.

"Now, where are my grand-babys," Marianne says, searching the crowd of kids before she points and drags her husband down the deck steps and over to the snack table. 

"God, that was humiliating," Danny groans, when his parents scurry off to Hallie and Bridie.

I laugh lighty. "It was a little surprising to find out they knew who I was already," I smile mockingly.

He tilts his head. "I couldn't not talk about you," he says, looking at me with a slight mischief in his eye.

My breath hitches and I gaze forward, hiding my blush, starring at Hallie and Bridie giggling and showing their grandparents around. Geez, this is so inappropriate. Not only am I so much younger than him, but I'm the nanny. 

Though the thing is, neither bother me. It's just the logical part of my brain telling me right or wrong out of the invisible rule book. 

But my body sets aflame every-time he walks into the room, my body wanting his touch. His warm calloused hands to glide along my body in a slow tantalising way-

Jesus Daphne. You're at a kids birthday party, get your mind out of the gutter. 

"Dan!" A random woman and man walk up to Danny and I, the woman instantly engulfing Danny into a hug.

"Melania," He says, almost in an uncomfortable way.

"Dan, how have you been?" The man asks Danny, and I stand between the three awkwardly. Who are these people?

"Oh," The woman glances over to me. "Who are you?" she asks, her eyes drifting over me. Is she judging me? Yikes.

"Daphne," I smile politely, holding out my hand for her to shake. 

She smiles tightly and takes my handshake. "Melania," she introduces tightly.

"Clint," the man says blandly. 

Danny moves in closer to me, his shoulder brushing against mine and I lounge in the comfort of his warm body and his wistful scent. 

"These were some of Jenny's friends, Daph'," He explains, and I nod my head in realisation.

"Yes, our son Axel is somewhere here," she chuckles, waving her bony diamond decorated hand. 

I chuckle awkwardly, not knowing what to say. I have nothing in common with these people and frankly with the way she's acting, I'm not sure I want to. 

"So, are you two," Clint glances between Danny and I. "Together," the word drips from his mouth like venom from a snakes tooth. 

"No!" I smile and I feel Danny tense beside me. "I'm just the nanny," I say, and both Clint and her breathe a sigh of relief. 

"Phew, was a little worried for a second," she pats her husbands shoulder. What? Worried? 

"What do you mean by worried, Melania?" Danny asks coolly, but a lace of anger touches at each tip of his words. 

Her face falls. "You know what I mean," she laughs awkwardly.

"I don't," he says flatly.

"Well people like her, you know," she whispers the last part, but I hear it anyways. Thats was probably the whole point, but Jesus.

What a fucking bitch. 

"Are you implying something? Because if you're implying what I think you are, I suggest you leave, now," Danny says, stepping towards her and his height towers over her small stature. 

Her eyebrows furrow outwards as panic swims through her eyes. "Oh, Danny, you must be joking," she says worriedly.

"I'm not, now leave," he warns, and both Clint and Melania scurry off and grab their son, and I see them leave through the side gate. Gosh, how was Jennifer friends with them? 

"God, I'm sorry about them," He apologises, shaking his head. "I only invited them because Hallie's friends with their son, but i'm sure she won't miss him," He says.

"It's fine Danny," I smile sadly.

"No, it's not. They were out of line and fucking assholes," he mutters that last part, so children around don't hear.

I nod. "Thank you for stepping in," I thank him with a small smile. "Sadly not the first time thats happened though," I mutter to myself. 

"What?" His gaze snaps to mine. 

"Oh, nothing," I wave him off, his furrowed and curious eyes stare back at me though, not taking my answer. 

"I- just people are judgemental is all, not the first time i've dealt with judgement," I lie, kind of. Not really, I mean plenty of people have judged me for my economic status. Which is fucking stupid, but it's not a perfect world.

I guess me dressing in overalls and a tank top isn't proper enough for them, but whatever they can choke on their pearls. Totally joking. A little. 

"Sorry," is all he says and I shrug, waving him off. "So," He switches, his voice lighter. "Were you like Bridie at your birthday parties?" He asks.

"When I was her age I didn't have birthday parties, but when I was 15 I invited like my whole class from school for a full on party. My parents weren't to happy about that," I smile at the hectic memory.

It was basically like an M version of Project X in my house, and of course my brother fled the scene of the crime as my parents arrived back from - what was suppose to be a week long trip to Niagara Falls - and found their house full of teenagers. 

"Geez, troublemaker huh?" He taunts.

"Only a little, my brothers a lot worse than me," I smile.

He chuckles. "I wouldn't have taken you for a troublesome teenager," he mocks.

"Well, you don't know everything about me," I shrug taking a sip of my fruit punch.

"No, I don't," He says, and I turn to meet his strong eye contact, a new emotion in his eye. It's almost disappointment or longing? Longing to know more about me?

I bump his shoulder. "Don't worry, you'll learn more about me," I smile encouragingly.

"I sure hope so," he says and I almost choke on my own saliva, but he plays it off taking a sip of his drink and starring at the girls who are now playing a game of kiss chasey.

Wait- kiss chasey? Oh no-

"Are they...?" Danny places his cup down on the table as he notices the game playing out in front of him. 

I stumble over my words, trying to hide my laughter as his over-protective dad mode kicks in. "No," I shake my head, hiding my laughter. "Its just- oh gosh," I begin to explain, but just as I do a boy kisses Hallie on the lips.

I feel Dannys body fume with anger at the innocent boy who pecked Hallie on the lips, this is so hilarious. "Oh Danny-" I try to grab his arm as he stalks over to the little boy, who stands with some other kids at the food table.

"Hey!" He raises his voice and the kid instantly spins around. Oh shit. "Did you just kiss my daughter?" Danny taunts and he towers over the 6 year old in intimidation. 

Is he actually trying to intimidate this kid? He's already has 35 years and a chunk of height on this kid. Oh my god. This is so dramatic. 

"Danny," I latch onto his bicep and I ignore the way it tenses at my touch and the way the hard muscles feels under my hand. Not the time Daphne.

"He kissed Hallie," he grits out and the kid glances at me with wide fearful eyes, pleading silently for help. 

"Yes, and? She's perfectly fine, its quite normal," I smile, hiding the bubble of laughter trying to escape my mouth, but I fail and a laugh falls out. His gaze snaps from the boy to me, his brows furrowed and confused as to why I'm not as angry as him.

"Are you laughing?" He says, and I shake my head while laughing at his annoyed state.

"No, well, you're being a little dramatic," I whisper and nod my head at the little blonde haired boy to run away, which he does and is gone in a flash. 

"I'm not being dramatic," he grits out.

"You are," I smile and pull him back over to the deck, where some of the other parents sit around, staring with curiosity and amusement. 

"Hallie is perfectly fine, you're the only one in this situation who is bothered by the fact that Hallie had her first kiss," I smile, sitting him down and patting his broad back. 

Ignore the feeling Daphne, just pretend he isn't tensing at your touch. 

"Whatever," he grumbles and takes the cup of punch from my hand. I roll my eyes and take a seat next to a random woman who's sitting at the outdoor dining table. 

"You're such a cute couple," she says once I sit down, and my eyes widen.

"Oh no, Danny and I aren't together," I wave my hand.

"You sure?" she says, then leans in. "Even my husband doesn't look at me the way he looks at you," She says and my throat runs dry. 

How does he look at me?

"I'm Mila, by the way," she introduces and I smile, shaking her hand.

"Are you a parent?" I ask and she nods pointing over to one of the girls playing in the sand pit.

"What about you?" she asks.

"Oh, i'm just Hallie and Bridie's nanny," I answer her and she nods her head quizzically. 

"Hm, seems more than that," she mutters but I pretend I don't hear her. More than what? 

"Daphy!" Bridie runs up to me and I pick her up, placing her on my lap.

I smile down at her, as she reaches over the table for a cracker. "Having fun?" I ask her.

"Yes!" she yells.

"Do you know what time it is?" I ask, whispering in her ear as she cuddles into me. She leans up and shakes her head 'no'.

"Its cake time," I whisper shout, and her eyes widen as she spins around just as Danny comes out with a cake full of lit candles. 

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you," everyone begins singing as Danny walks around and places the cake in front of an excited Bridie.

"Happy birthday dear Bridie, happy birthday to you," everyone continues and she giggles, wiggling on my lap in excitement. 

"Hip hip!" Someone shouts. "Hooray!" everyone joins. "Hip hip! Hooray!" and Bridie blows out her candles, cheers and laughs resounding around. 

"Okay, time to cut the cake," I say, holding the big knife in my hand and she wraps her smaller one around my hand.

"Remember, if you touch the bottom you have to kiss the person closest to you," I say and she purposely cuts to the bottom of the cake. Spinning around, she plants a big kiss on my cheek and I laugh, smiling brightly at her adorable action.

After the party finishes, Danny and I get started on cleaning, the girls planted in the living room playing with the bunch of presents Bridie received from friends and family today. 

"Its like a hurricane out here," I mutter.

"I know, it's crazy," Danny sighs, tying up another garbage bag full of rubbish. 

After finishing cleaning up one part of the yard, we move to the final segment of the yard. Thankfully, because I seriously can't wait to get the girls to bed and then collapse and fall into a deep sleep. 

"Thanks for helping," Danny says and I shake my head, does he not realise this what he's paying me for? Well ,not cleaning up yard after kids birthdays, but it's part of my job. 

"Danny, you need to stop thanking me, this is my job," I say, picking up am empty can of Pepsi. Geez, whoever's kid had that I feel sorry for them, I bet they're jumping off the walls right now. 

He sighs. "I know, you keep telling me, but-" he pauses, his brows furrowed as he thinks about his answer. "Never-mind," he mumbles. 

"What?" I questions. What does he want to say? 

He gazes up at me, something unidentified in his eye, but it sends flutters down my spine and around my stomach. "I just- I don't know," he chuckles.

I smile softly. "Tell me when you know," I say, and he nods. 

"I will," 

After a few hours of cleaning the yard and getting the girls ready for bed, I'm finally snuggled up in the warmth of my bed covers. One thing remains in my mind, what did Danny want to say?


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