White Room Burned Down [Reboo...

By MimikyuZ

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An Alternate Reality where the White Room is burned down making Ayanokounji Kiyotaka roam the world 1 year ea... More

Before you read
Chapter 1: New World
Chapter 2: Truck-kun
Chapter 3: Their meeting in the Hospital
Chapter 4: Life at the Hospital
Shizue Karuizawa's Monologue
Chapter 6 - The Karuizawas
Chapter 7 - Confrontation
Mishima SS - Less Frequently
Chapter 8 - Homecoming
Under Construction

Chapter 5 - Monster on a Wheelchair

1K 39 7
By MimikyuZ

Kiyotaka's POV

I putted down the newspaper that I was reading

The context of the article is very interesting


Today is my 7th stay inside the hospital

When I woke up today I found myself able to move my upper body with ease, I still can moves my legs though

A random thought comes up into my mind

I remember promising Kei something yesterday...

If I remembered it correctly I told Kei yesterday to bring some learning material so I can tutor her from her lessons at school

I would be lying if I say I am not looking forward to tutoring her

I mean she's is my first genuine friend, right?

I never actually experience what it feels like to have a genuine friend, back at the White Room my "friends" just hang out with me to have a privilege to have some free time from their training once we're out from that place they just ignore me and do whatever they like to do at our mansion.

I mean there is my butler Matsuo, but I considered him like a family even though we only interacted sometimes because he always help me at the mansion and he's nice towards me. He is one of the people who has no ulterior motives from their kindness just a pure kindhearted person.

Maybe by spending some time with Kei I can finally feel what it's like to have a genuine friend

I heard someone knocked the door

*Knock* *Knock*

The door opened revealing Dr. Omar from the other side

"Good morning Kiyotaka." Dr. Omar greeted me

I greeted him back, "Good morning to you as well Dr. Omar."

He asked me, "So how's your day been?"

"The usual." I replied in a deadpan tone

Nothing really new has happened it's just like yesterday where I wake up feeling bored and a few minutes someone arrived bringing me breakfast to eat but unlike Kevin the nurse that bought me breakfast today didn't interact much with me making the atmosphere awkward.

"Anyway how's your body been recently?" He asked

I responded, "It's good, it seems I can move my body with ease now."

I then gestured my left arm by waving it towards Dr. Omar

"Although both my legs still won't move an inch when I tried moving it." I added

"I'm surprised that your body quickly recovered from your injury. We've been examining your body left arm for the past few days and it's recovering pretty quickly." He told me

He continued, "Most people who'd get ran over by a moving vehicle would recover at least a month before they can start moving their body again but your case is very different."

"I must be lucky then." I told Dr. Omar

"Precisely." He replied

(AN: I don't know anything about hospital stuff)

We talked for a while he was checking up my body, staff members then arrived bringing a wheel chair.

I was then assisted by them on sitting top the wheelchair


Using the wheelchair the hospital provided I exited my room and explore around the hospital

Outside my room or in the hallway I can see staff members, visitors, and other patients walking along the hallway

Although I can freely moved around I was monitored by the staff so they can quickly help me if an accident happens

Though it's highly unlikely for me to accidentally harm myself

I remember Dr. Omar saying something about an Aquarium at the first floor, there is also a Garden in here which I would really like to visit.

I moved my wheelchair towards where the elevator was and waited for it to open

15 seconds later the elevator door opened and I entered inside it, I just noticed this my room was at the 5th floor

I arrived at the first floor and immediately moved towards the aquarium

Looking at the aquarium I can identify it's length, width and height which is 48" x 18" x 21" which can be filled with 75 gallon of water.

The water inside the aquarium is freshwater due to the fish living on it are freshwater fishes, which are an Angelfish, a Goldfish, a Discus, and a Bala Shark.

The fishes inside the aquarium reminds me of myself when I was in the White Room, trap inside one place stripped away from their freedom and forced to live inside this confined place for the rest of their lives. That's what the White Room Students are experiencing their everyday life inside the White Room although I was given some free time unlike the other White Room students because I am the son of the Founder of that place.

I probably should stop thinking about the past, it won't be good for my mental health, but how should I? I have been in the White Room for my entire life now until 1 week ago...


I averted my gaze against the Aquarium and looked at the hallway towards the garden in the hospital

I then drove my wheelchair towards the garden

The garden was huge and have many diversities of plants and flowers in it

Moving around the garden looking at flowers and bushes I saw some other insect flourishing in the garden although they aren't insects that could harm your garden or in other word pests.

One insect caught my interest and it's a Dragonfly, flying around the garden.

This morning before I got placed in a wheelchair I read an Article from the newspaper the nurse gave me this morning about dragonflies.

It said that 'The Dragonfly normally lives most of it's life as a nymph or immature. It flies only for a fraction of it's life. By living in the moment you are aware of who you are, where you are, what you are doing, what you want, what you don't, and to make informed choices on a moment-to-moment basis,' I found that article very interesting...

It also said that 'The Dragonfly has been a symbol of happiness, new beginnings and change for many centuries. The Dragonfly means hope, change, and love,' while thinking about his I have been given a new beginning and a chance to change and feel happiness and love...

But do I really deserve it?

I have been a very horrible human being for my whole life now, is such person really deserve to be happy? To be loved? To change?

I've been given a new beginning where I have my freedom but at what cost?

Thinking about it makes me want to kill myself

I shook my head to stop thinking about it

That was in the past and this is the present, it already happened and there is nothing I can do about it...

I drove my wheelchair back at the hallway, judging on the sun's position I can assume that it's now lunch

Upon arriving the main lobby at the hospital I saw the dark haired girl who entered my room yesterday and made an awkward scene

This is the 4th time I saw her, the first one was when I bumped into her, the second one was when Dr. Omar and Camella-san left the room when I finished having a mental breakdown, the third one was yesterday when she accidentally entered my room making a very awkward scene.

I might saw her time to time now since she's visiting her grandmother in this hospital, maybe every lunch or afternoon since she can only visit at those specific time because she has to attend school, because from what I can remember yesterday she was wearing the same school uniform as Kei so they might have a similar schedule.

Well... I might as well talk her since I don't want to make another awkward situation with her, a stranger. Who knows maybe she could become my new friend.

I drove my wheelchair to her direction but before I could call her she noticed me.

"Uhm........ I-it's you, I... um... I am very sorry from what I did yesterday!" She apologized while stuttering

"It's okay." I replied

I continued, "If it's okay with you may I ask for your name? Since we'll be seeing each other time to time it might create some awkward situation without knowing you."

"Oh, uh... My n-name?" She asked bashfully

To which I quickly respond, "Yes."

She then told me her name, "Um.. My name is Akari Hasekura...."

It seems she's not very good at socializing

Like I am any different

I greeted her, "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Hasekura."

"U-um It's n-nice to meet you to.........................................................." She greeted back unfortunately she didn't know my name making another awkward situation

"I am sorry, my name is Kiyotaka." I told her

"I-it's okay, n-nice to meet you to Kiyotaka-kun." She greeted me

"So you're here to visit your grandmother?" I asked her for conformation because maybe I may have misunderstood what she said yesterday

"W-wait?! How did you know?!" She asked

So I was right on the money

"Uh, I heard you say something about you visiting your grandmother and bringing her some flowers." I replied her honestly since there is no reason for me to lie


Since she would be going to her grandmother's room maybe we could go together and talk to each other

"If it's okay can I accompany you towards the room of your grandmother since our room are right next to each other?" I asked her

"Eh?! U-um S-sure....." She replied

I drove my wheelchair towards the elevator but before I can do that Hasekura insisted that she'll push me so I won't have overwork myself.

"Wait aren't you tired moving around with the wheelchair all by yourself?" Hasekura asked

"No, I was asked if I am need in assistant before I exited my room but I insisted." I replied to her question

"H-here let me help you with it." She said

"No it's okay." I replied

"Uhm, no I insist." She insisted

"Okay.." I told her

There was no pointing rejecting her offer because it's probably gonna be awkward walking along side with a person on a wheelchair moving by itself.

She drove me to a hallway where the elevator is and waited for the elevator door to open. We then entered the elevator and press the button to the 5th floor where my and her grandmother room is.

"So, how many days have your grandmother have stayed here?" I asked breaking the awkward atmosphere inside the elevator

"She has been admitted here 1 month ago because of a heart disease." She replied in a depress tone

"Oh... It must be a serious problem... I am sorry for reminding you about memories you don't want to remember..." I apologized sincerely

"Um.. I-it's okay, you didn't know about it..." she replied

She then asked me changing the subject, "Anyway... How about you?" 

"What about me?" I replied

The elevator door had arrived at 5th floor so the door opened and we exited the elevator

"You know what I mean?! What happened to you? The last time I remember  you were fine." She told me with a hint of frustration

"I got hit and got ran over by a truck." I replied to her nonchalantly

Which made her dumbfounded, "Wai- What?"

I repeated what I said, "I got hit and got ran over by a truck."

"I know what you meant! But how can you say it like it never happened???."  She asked

I responded to her nonchalantly, "What do you mean it never happened? It did happened, I am here riding on a wheelchair."

"No, I mean... People can get traumatize to that and could sometime not talk about the incident but you just said it like it's nothing. How can you just say it like it was nothing?" She told me

"I don't know." I shrugged her question off

She didn't respond to my reply

To be honest I was thankful it was getting irritating questioning me about my past

We finally arrived to my room

"Anyway I guess this is where we part ways now, it was nice talking with you Hasekura." I told her

"Um. I-it's nice chatting wit you too Kiyotaka-kun." She replied

I gestured my hand waving goodbye to her and she replied back by waving back towards me

I opened the door of my room and entered inside it.


Kei's POV

Masanori-sensie just dismissed our class

I happily packed my stuff bringing some books with me

Because yesterday Kiyotaka told me bring some learning materials so he can tutor me since I am having trouble studying my lessons

After Masanori-sensie left our classroom I soon then follow him to avoid any trouble

I successfully left the school without getting myself into trouble

I am very excited for us to study together but at the same time I felt guilty since he was still in bad shape and I would just burden him

But he told me to trust him

So I'll trust him

I walked towards the hospital


I arrived at the hospital, and went towards the elevator and press the button to the 5th floor, I exited the elevator and went to Kiyotaka's room and knocked on his door

*Knock* *Knock*

I then opened the door after knocking it and saw him looking at the window sitting on a wheelchair

I smiled and called him, "Kiyotaka!"

He rotated his wheelchair facing me and he greeted, "Kei you have arrived, good afternoon to you."

I happily greeted him back, "Good afternoon to you too!"

"So how was your day?" I asked him

He replied, "Because of the wheelchair the hospital provided I was able to explore around the hospital, anyway it was pretty interesting."

I placed my bag on the chair and sat on one

Kiyotaka then asked, "So? Did you bring what I told you to bring?"

"The learning materials? Yes I brought it." I replied to his question as I took out the books out my bag

"So shall we start?" He said as he drove his wheelchair towards me

"Eh? Right now??? I just got here!" I protested

"I was just joking rest for a while then we'll start." He told me

"How was your day?" He asked

I replied with a cheery tone, "It was good!"

Today no one bothered me, not John and his crew nor Mishima and her gang so it was a pretty peaceful day which rarely happens 

We then talked for a while

Kiyotaka looked at he time on the clock and said, "We should start with your tutor now."

I simply nodded and respond, "Sure!"

"So? What subject you are having trouble on learning?" He asked

I put my finger in chin while thinking and said, " I am having trouble with Math and History."

"Oh! I am also have hard time understanding Science." I added

Kiyotaka nodded and said, "Okay, I'll make a short test based on your recent lessons on these subjects so I can understand which part you are having trouble on learning."

"Okay." I nodded and agreed to him

He then barrowed my pin and asked for some few paper to which I handed him the materials

Few minutes later he finished making the test to which I was surprise when he gave me the test papers

"Wait wait wait, How did you manage to write 15 question on each subjects with only 10 taking minutes?" I asked him

He wrote everything perfectly, his writing isn't even bad, and the questions are very detailed.

Kiyotaka responded, "It's because I already learned some of these from my previous year since my school teaches us in advance."

"Oh okay, wait, do you still have to attend school?" I asked with a worried tone

Because of me he couldn't attend his school and it might affect his grades

As if he know about my worries he reassured me, "Don't worry about it, our school got shut down 5 months ago before I can graduate."

Wait so he didn't finished his middle school?

I asked him, "So you didn't finished your school?"

He simply nodded his head and said, "Yes."

"Anyway you should start answering the questions I made so we can start." He added

I took my pen and started to answer the test he made

After I finished answering it I gave it to him and he analyzed my answers

When he finished looking at my answers he then said, "Anyway here is your scores."

He handed me my test papers and I then looked at my scores

Math: 5/15

History: 8/15

Science: 9/15

(AN: Btw all the scores except math are random)

"I now know which part of your lessons you are having trouble on these subjects so let's start studying now." He told me

"Okay." I agreed

He then took one of the books that I brought over, "Since you're mostly having trouble on Math why don't we start with it?"


"Wow! I can somewhat understand some of it now!" I told him

Kiyotaka then responded, "It'll get easy when you understand the basic formula."

"It's easy for you to say you're so smart! I didn't even know your this smart." I told him to which he replied, "Well... Like I said before I already know this lessons from the past, also you are overestimating me I am just above average nothing special about that."

He continued, "Anyway we'll continue your study tomorrow because it's getting late now"

"Sure." I agreed and continued, "By the way my mom will be visiting you this Sunday."

"I'll be looking forward to it." He replied

I grinned and said, "You better be! She's been looking forward on meeting you!"

Kiyotaka's POV

Kei packed her stuff and prepared to leave the room

"Anyway I'll see you tomorrow." She said while opening the door

"I'll see you tomorrow Kei." I replied, she smiled and wave goodbye to me and closed the door

Today was a very interesting day

End of Chapter 5

Sorry for not posting like for 3 weeks? Idk I was having a Writer's Block. I usually wrote my fanfictions at our family computer since I found it hard to write on my phone cuz I get bored pretty easy and I can't always use our computer most of the time I get to used it my brain doesn't function so that also explain why I couldn't upload on a faster pace.

Feel free to point out any mistakes I made so I can improve my writing in the next chapter

Anyway this is it for this chapter I really appreciate it if you comment and vote for this chapter since it motivates me to write more

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