The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x...

De Mystic_Nightmare075

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"Y/n, I will always be here for you." "Promise?" "I promise." ~*𓃦*~ Going to Hogwarts was something Y/n B... Mai multe

Authors Note :D
1 - The Beginning
2 - Friends
3 - Birthday
4 - Christmas
5 - Going Home
6 - Escape to James'
7 - Return to Hogwarts
8 - Finding Out
9 - Bright Red
10 - Sleep is for the Dead
11 - Summer
12 - Try-outs and Plans
13 - Time with Remus
14 - A Shitty Christmas
15 - Emotions Are Dumb and Confusing
16 - Hogsmeade Date
17 - Summer at James'
18 - Nail Polish
19 - Mistletoe Kiss
20 - Homework, Sneaking and Illness
21 - A Date
22 - Picking Up The Pieces
23 - A Really Shit Summer
24 - The Shit Summer Gets a Bit Better
25 - Confessions and Kisses
26 - A Date and Christmas
27 - Telling Them
28 - The Full Moon
29 - The Year Ends
30 - Forced
31 - Summer With Remus
32 - I Hate This Planet
33 - Winter Dance
35 - Rumours
36 - Normal?
37 - A Pleasant Summer
38 - Lily's Confession
39 - Love Is In the Air
40 - The Best Christmas
41 - Who's the Cuter Couple?
42 - Cuddles
43 - End of Year Party
44 - Finale

34 - Hurt

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De Mystic_Nightmare075

The Christmas holidays end and we're soon back to school. The events of the party were all anyone could talk about for a while, but everyone seemed to brush it off like it's nothing way too quickly.


"Right, I've got to go." Remus says and stands up.

"We'll be there in about ten minutes." Peter says and Remus sighs.

"Stay safe." He mutters and kisses me on the top of my head.

"Hey, where's my kiss?" James jokes. Remus just glares at him for a second before walking away.

He exits the room and I frown watching him go. I hate the full moon.

After waiting around about few minutes we all sneak out, with the help of James' invisibility cloak, and head down to the Whomping Willow.

We all transform into our animagus forms and Peter presses the branch which stops the tree and we enter the tunnel.

We walk the distance and hear Remus' pained screams and groans as he transforms. It still breaks my heart hearing him like this, no matter how many times we accompany him it never gets easier.

We continue along the dreary tunnel and eventually arrive at the shack.

Remus has already fully transformed by the time we get there.
I slowly and calmly walk towards him but I stop when I hear footsteps in the hallway outside this room. Human footsteps.

James leaves the room to go investigate.

The werewolf must sense that there are humans nearby and tries to exit the door that James went through. I stop him, ignore the anxious feeling that forms in my stomach as he snarls at me.

"Let me through Potter." I hear Severus yell.

Oh for fuck sake.

"Severus, it isn't safe." James says calmly.

"What could you be hiding behind that door that is so dangerous." Severus says.

"You don't understand, you cant go back there."

I try to ignore the conversation and focus on keeping the werewolf contained in this room, which is a difficult task even with Sirius' help.

The werewolf snaps at me, trying to get me to back away from the door, but I don't move. The wolf barks at me angrily but I still don't budge.
That's when I feel a sharp pain in my leg. The werewolf had scratched my leg and in the split-second that I lost focus, he dashes through the door but I hear him stop once he gets to the tunnel. Sirius looks at me in concern (or as much concern that can be shown on the face of a dog) but I just ignore him.

I get back up on my feet (or paws, I guess) and limp over. Thankfully there was no one else in the tunnel and the wolf seemed to be sniffing the air, trying to catch the scent of any humans.

The wolf seems to give up its hunt and turns around to face me. Once it catches sight of my leg I swear I see remorse in the creatures eyes. He heads back into the room and I limp after him. This has already been a long night and it's nowhere near being over.

James doesn't come back into the room and I can't see Peter either, so I assume he followed after James.

It's difficult to keep the werewolf inside, especially now when he's restless and frustrated and I'm injured.

Eventually, he falls asleep and I lay down in relief. My leg really hurts, it's nice to take pressure off it. I don't fall asleep though. I don't think I can.

I stand up quickly when the door of the shack opens, but it's only James and Peter in their animagus forms, so I lay back down.

James looks over at me in concern but I just shake my head, trying to get him to not worry about me.

The next morning Remus looks like hell. He's unconscious and barely breathing, which terrifies me. I heal him as much as I can before we take him to the hospital wing.

"How the hell did Snivellus even find out?" James mutters as we're walking. Sirius's face pales, fear and realisation in his eyes.

"What the fuck did you do?" I question.

"I didn't mean to do anything," He says quickly. "But since Peter wasn't feeling great yesterday I decided to research the Whomping Willow to find out ways for us to stop the branches just in case he was feeling too sick to come with us. Snape was in the library and he saw what book I was reading. He started asking questions so I told him to piss off but you know how nosey he's been lately."

I groan in frustration.

"I swear I'm going to commit murder today," I mumble.


I look at Remus with a frown. We've been in the hospital wing for a few hours already and he still hasn't woken up. Sirius and Peter left not long ago to get food for us all but James decided to stay because apparently I look like I'm about to start crying and so James is being a stupid annoying idiot that cares about me and wants to be here to 'comfort me' or whatever.

"Y/n, you really should get your leg checked." James says gently.

"No, you should get your leg checked," I retort.

"My legs are fine."

"Not if I break them."


"I'm fine James." I mutter.

We've decided not to tell Remus what happened last night, it's probably better if we don't. Well actually I decided this and told the boys that if they say anything I'll stab them.

I watch Remus as he peacefully rests, observing every breath he takes. Eventually his eyes flutter open. He sits up slightly and instantly places his hand on his forehead and groans in pain.

"Headache?" I guess and hand him a glass of water.

"Thanks," He mutters and then drinks from the glass. "What happened last night, it seemed worse than usual."

James looks over at me and I shake my head slightly.

"Nothing happened," I lie and Remus looks at me sceptically.

"Are you sure?" He asks. I hate lying to him, even if its for his own good. He can always see right through my lies. "It felt worse. I just have that weird gut feeling that something happened."

I look over at James who just gives me a 'don't bring me into your lies' kind of look. I sigh.

"Fine. Do you really want to know what happened?" I ask and he nods. I take a deep breath and explain to him what happened, leaving out the part where he attacked me because I know he'd feel really guilty about it and I also don't want him worrying about me.

"So, Severus knows?" Remus mutters and I nod my head. Sadness fills Remus' eyes. "What're we gonna do? If he tells people, then I'm going to have to leave the school."

"We'll figure something out." I say softly, taking his hand in mine. "You won't have to leave, I promise."

"Y/n, I think you left out one important thing that happened last night." James says motioning to my leg. I shake my head. "If you don't tell him I will, he deserves to know everything that happened."

Remus looks confusedly between the two of us.

"James, please don't." I say quietly.

"What happened?" Remus asks. "What did I do?"

Once James realises that I am not going to speak he tells Remus.

"You attacked Y/n, she was trying to stop you from going through the door and possibly killing me, Peter and Severus. It was only her leg, she claims to be fine."

Well, I guess I've got to stab him now.

Remus looks at me with guilt in his eyes.

"Remus, it wasn't your fault," I say quickly. "I don't blame you at all. James, you are dead to me."

Remus pulls me in for a tight hug and I instantly hug him back.

"I'm so sorry." He mutters into my ear.

"It wasn't your fault." I repeat and I hear James stand up.

"Hey, y'know, Sirius and Peter are really taking a while to get breakfast, I should go check on them, see what's going on." He exits the hospital wing.

Remus still holds me in his arms. I was slightly uncomfortable because I was leaning over him as we hugged, and he must sense my discomfort because he releases me. I sit back down.

"You wont be like me will you?" Remus asks and I shake my head.

"No, it was a scratch, not a bite, so I'll be fine."

"Good," Remus mutters. "I would never want to be the reason you would have to go through what I have."

We sit in silence for a while before Remus sighs.

"I promised myself I'd never hurt you," He mumbles. "We cant-"

"Please don't finish that sentence." I whisper.

"We cant be together anymore." He says quietly. Tears form in my eyes.

"All because of one stupid accident?"

"I hurt you," He exclaims. "You shouldn't be with someone who hurt you."

"But I want to be with you." I whisper as I try my best to stop crying.

Neither of us say anything more so I get up and walk out of the room, which is made difficult by the pain in my leg.

I get out of the hospital wing and can hardly manage standing anymore. I tiredly slide down the wall, sitting on the floor and finally letting all my tears out.

Some time passes but I don't move. I just sit here trying to stop crying.

"Y/n, what happened?" I hear James ask softly as he crouches down beside me.

"I thought you were getting breakfast." I mumble, ignoring the question.

"I thought it was obvious that I was just lying to escape an uncomfortable situation that I caused," He says. What an ass. "What happened with you?"

"Doesn't matter." I mumble.


"He broke up with me, okay!" I exclaim.

"I'm sorry," He says softly. "I could go in there and talk to him about it, maybe-"

"Don't bother," I say. "He made the decision to end things, I'm not going to bother trying to change his mind."


"James, it doesn't matter."

"Fine, if you say so," He mumbles. "Is there anything you need me to do?"

"Can you help me get to the common room?"

"Or maybe you could just go back into the bloody hospital wing and get your leg healed."

"I'm not going back in there," I mumble frustratedly. "I don't want to see him right now."

James sighs. "Fine."

He carefully helps me stand, frowning as I wince in pain.

"Could I just carry you?" He asks. I'm too exhausted to care, so I nod. He gently lifts me up, his quidditch training seemingly coming in handy.

I tiredly rest my head on his chest and somehow fall asleep.

When I wake up I'm in my own bed, I see James sitting on the floor.

I'd hoped that I'd wake up and this would all be some terrible nightmare, but the pain in my leg proves otherwise.

I sigh, trying my best not to cry again.

"Morning." James says softly.

I just groan in response, burying my face in my pillow.

James moves onto my bed, laying down beside me.

"You okay?" He asks.

"My life is falling apart and my leg hurts," I mumble into the pillow. "What do you think?"

"Well, I went to Pomfrey while you were asleep, I got some stuff that should help heal your leg."

"Thank you." I say softly.

James comes and sits on my bed. I tiredly sit up.

I take the stuff James got and begin healing my leg myself, which turns out to be more difficult than I though so James silently takes over.

"What the hell happened to you?" I hear Lily ask. I look over at the door to the dorm as Marlene, Lily and Alice walk in.

"I fell," I lie.

"Onto a sword?" Marlene asks sarcastically.

"I'm very clumsy," I mumble.

The girls don't question me anymore, which I'm thankful for.

Once James is done, my leg doesn't hurt too badly anymore. I lie down and just try to relax for a moment. James lies down beside me.

"Have you slept at all?" I ask him.

He shakes his head. "I'm a bit too worried about you to sleep."

"Well, I assure you, I'm fine."

"I doubt that," He says. "Never, in all the time I have known you, have you been fine."

"Wow, how rude."

~*Remus' POV*~

I lay awake in the hospital wing. I wish I could fall asleep, I'm exhausted, but the heartbreak in Y/n's eyes is haunting me and keeping me awake.

I wish I didn't have to do it, but I hurt her. I promised myself I'd never hurt her. She deserves so much better than me.

I sigh as I wipe away the tears from my eyes.

Merlin, I'm a fucking idiot.

I frown as Sirius walks into the room.

"What do you want?" I grumble.

"I just wanted to apologise," He says. "I- it was my fault that Snape found out. I am going to try and make sure he doesn't tell anyone, I swear. And I promise I didn't mean to."

I stay silent, not knowing how to respond.

Sirius sighs. "I really am sorry. I also brought you breakfast, just, y'know, if you wanna eat."

He places the food down on the bedside table and then leaves, seemingly understanding that I don't want to see him or anyone else right now.

I close my eyes, just trying to fall asleep.

~*Y/n's POV*~

I lay in bed staring at the ceiling. James left a while ago, I told him I want some time alone.

I don't have any motivation to move, there's no point.

I close my eyes when I hear the door open.

"Y/n, I brought you some food," I hear Lily say. "James told me what happened between you and Remus. Are you alright?"

"I'm not hungry." I mumble.

"Well James told me to make sure you eat something," She says, sitting down beside me. "He told me to use force if needed."

"Do that and I'll kill you." I sit up, frowning as she hands me a plate of food.

"Fair," She nods. "Are you okay though? I cant imagine this is easy for you to deal with."

"I'm fine." I answer blankly, poking at the food on the place. Dammit, I hate James, he knows me too well, this is one of my favourite meals.

"What even happened?" She asks. "Just yesterday everything seemed perfectly fine."

"I don't want to talk about it." I say quietly.

"Right, yeah, totally, I get that," She says quickly. "I shouldn't've asked, I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

"Well, if things are awkward between you guys, you're free to start hanging out with us instead." Lily offers.

"That sounds great, thank you." I respond.

"You don't need to thank me, I'm your friend," She smiles. "Besides, I do actually enjoy hanging out with you."

"Nah, seems fake, I'm an annoying little shit."

She laughs lightly. "I'm not disagreeing with that."


"You said it first!" She exclaims. I smile slightly.

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