The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x...

By Mystic_Nightmare075

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"Y/n, I will always be here for you." "Promise?" "I promise." ~*๐“ƒฆ*~ Going to Hogwarts was something Y/n B... More

Authors Note :D
1 - The Beginning
2 - Friends
3 - Birthday
4 - Christmas
5 - Going Home
6 - Escape to James'
7 - Return to Hogwarts
8 - Finding Out
9 - Bright Red
10 - Sleep is for the Dead
11 - Summer
12 - Try-outs and Plans
13 - Time with Remus
14 - A Shitty Christmas
15 - Emotions Are Dumb and Confusing
16 - Hogsmeade Date
17 - Summer at James'
18 - Nail Polish
19 - Mistletoe Kiss
20 - Homework, Sneaking and Illness
21 - A Date
22 - Picking Up The Pieces
23 - A Really Shit Summer
25 - Confessions and Kisses
26 - A Date and Christmas
27 - Telling Them
28 - The Full Moon
29 - The Year Ends
30 - Forced
31 - Summer With Remus
32 - I Hate This Planet
33 - Winter Dance
34 - Hurt
35 - Rumours
36 - Normal?
37 - A Pleasant Summer
38 - Lily's Confession
39 - Love Is In the Air
40 - The Best Christmas
41 - Who's the Cuter Couple?
42 - Cuddles
43 - End of Year Party
44 - Finale

24 - The Shit Summer Gets a Bit Better

2.1K 80 106
By Mystic_Nightmare075

My body shakes as Sirius and I hide under James' invisibility cloak, James and Mrs Potter standing in front of us. Mrs Potter knocks on the door of Twelve Grimmauld Place. I feel as though I cant breathe when the door swings open, mum standing on the other side. She scowls upon seeing who is at her door.

"What do you want?" She asks.

"Y/n and Sirius' belonging," Mrs Potter answers calmly. "They said they left some things here that they feel is important to them."

"Well, where are they?"


"You cannot take my children. You have no right to be hiding them from me."

The way she says 'my children' makes me tense up, sending shivers down my spine. Sirius must notice this as he places his hand on my shoulder, bringing me some comfort.

"They are no longer your children," Mrs Potter says and I can tell that she is beginning to get angry. "A good mother would never hurt her kids. When they arrived at my house Y/n was bleeding out and Sirius was covered in bruises. If you think I am ever letting you anywhere near them ever again, you are very much so mistaken."

This is kinda a lie considering we are technically standing only a few feet away from her, but mum doesn't know that.

"I am not letting a blood traitor into my home." Mum says.

"Just let James go in and get their stuff, he wont be long."

"No, I-"

"If you just let him in now, you will never have to see any of us again," Mrs Potter says. "If not, I will not stop coming here until we get Sirius and Y/n's things."

"Fine." Mum says frustratedly.

With a slight nudge from Mrs Potter, James walks into the house, Sirius and I sneakily following after him.

"Which room is it?" James whispers, knowing we're right behind him.

"Up the stairs, second to the left." Sirius whispers back.

We enter the room and Sirius throws the invisibility cloak onto his bed.

James and Sirius talk as they grab all his belongings, but I remain silent.

It's weird being back here. It's scary being back here.

What if mum comes in and catches us? I cant deal with any more pain.

"Y/n?" James voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I turn to face the boys, who are both looking at me in concern.


"Are you okay?" Sirius asks. I nod.

I realise that most of my stuff is already packed - a majority of it stayed in my school trunk, all I really had to pack was some clothes, a couple books, some parchment and quills, stuff like that.

"I'll be back in a minute." I say, grabbing the cloak and throwing it over me before walking out the room.

I go knock lightly on Regulus' door. He answers and is clearly confused when he doesn't see anyone.

"It's me," I whisper and he is shocked. "Let me in."

He steps aside and I enter the room, taking off the cloak as he closes the door.

"Fucking hell," He mumbles, pulling me in for a hug. "I was so worried about you. I thought that- that, well-"

"Doesn't matter," I say, knowing what he was trying to say. "I'm fine, I promise. Besides, I'm immortal, nothing can kill me. I just came to make sure you're okay."

"I'm fine," He says, releasing me from the hug. "How are you and Sirius?"

"We're okay," I answer. "Definitely doing much better now that we aren't stuck in this hellhole. And on that subject, I am once again offering for you to come with us."

"Y/n, you know I cant."

"But you can. Please."

He doesn't say anything.

"Fine." I say quietly.

"So, what're you doing back here?" He asks, changing the subject.

"Just getting some things," I shrug. "But mum doesn't know we're here."

"Please tell me you didn't climb in through a window."

"We didn't. Mum thinks it's just James here getting our stuff, but we snuck in behind him using the invisibility cloak. But we don't have much time, so I probably should be heading back."

I hug him again.

"I'll miss you," I say quietly. "Stay safe, and-"

"If she hurts me, let you know and you'll come kick her ass. I know," He says jokingly and I chuckle. "I'll miss you too. Tell Sirius I say hi."

"Okay," I release him from the hug. "I'll see you later."

I put the cloak back on and sneak back through to mine and Sirius' room.

"Good, you're back," Sirius says as I take off the cloak. "Are you almost done?"

I go look through my trunk, checking to see if everything is there. Suddenly, I remember something important to me that I definitely cant forget.

I go reach under my bed, pulling out a small box.

"What's that?" James asks.

"Letters," I answer, placing the box in my trunk. "From you, Remus and Peter."

"You kept them all?"

"Well, they were one of the only things keeping me sane in here."

"Ha, yeah sure, 'sane', that's a word to describe you." Sirius jokes and I glare at him.

"I hate you." I mumble, closing my trunk, sure I've got everything now.

Suddenly the door opens and I fear the worst, but it's just Mrs Potter.

"Are you ready yet? She's getting impatient."

Sirius and I both nod before once again hiding under the invisibility cloak.

Mrs Potter uses magic to float our trunks down the stairs.

I see mum glaring at Mrs Potter as we leave and it once again makes me feel tense. But soon, we are out the house and getting into the Potters' car.

I sit in the front beside Mrs Potter, James and Sirius in the back, jokingly bickering over some random nonsense. I gaze out the window as the car begins moving.

I zone out, getting lost in thought, and before I know it we're back at the Potters' house.

I take my trunk up to my room and decide to just spend time alone for a while.

As I'm reading, I hear a knock on the door. I look up as James walks in.

"Hey, dinner is almost ready," He says and I nod, sliding a bookmark between the pages of the book and putting it down on the bedside table. James comes and sits down beside me on the bed.
"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I answer.

"You sure? Because usually when you hide from the world it's because you're upset."

"Maybe I'm just fed up with you annoying me all the time." I joke.

"Of course," He smiles. "But if you were upset I was going to give you some good news to cheer you up, but since you're not upset, I guess I wont tell you."

"James." I groan.

"Nope, you claim you aren't upset, therefore you don't need cheering up."

"Fine, I'll admit it, I'm miserable as fuck. Will you tell me now?"

He chuckles. "Fine. Remus is gonna come over in a few days. He's been worried about you, but the full moon is tonight so he feels he should stay home until afterwards."

"You told him what happened?"

"Well, just the gist of it," He shrugs. "Should I not have?"

"I didn't want to tell him," I say and James looks apologetic. "I knew that the full moon was coming up and I didn't want him stressing himself out worrying about me."

"Fuck, that makes sense, sorry."

"It's fine."

We head down for dinner and afterwards I go out on a walk. Sirius and James are unwilling to let me go alone, but I manage to convince them that I'll be fine, but since I don't trust them not to follow me, James' invisibility cloak is coming with me.

I walk through the streets until I find one of those cool-looking muggle phone boxes. I pull out my purse full of muggle money and a slip of paper that had Remus' house phone number on it.

I do my best to remember how to use the device, Remus had explained it before the summer.

I'm shocked slightly when the phone begins making a weird noise. The noise goes on for a moment and I fear that I messed up and used the phone wrong, but the noise stops and a woman's voice comes through the phone.

"Hello, Lupin residence, how may I help you?"

"Um, hi. I was just- I-" I don't know what to say. How are you supposed to talk to people?

"You must be Y/n," She says softly. "I'll go get Remus."

"Thank you." I say quietly.

A few moments pass and soon a familiar voice comes through the phone.

"Y/n," Remus says with a mixture of silence and relief.

"Hey." I say, unable to stop the smile appearing on my face.

"Holy shit, are you alright? James told me what happened and I-" He rambles quickly.

"Remus, I promise I'm fine," I say, cutting him off. I hear him sigh.


"Yes. You don't need to worry about me."

"Y/n, I don't think I can ever stop worrying about you."

"Well try, because I know the full moon is tonight and you need to relax."

"I don't- I'm fine. It's not been too bad this month."

"Are you lying to me so I stop worrying?" I ask.


"Remus, you're a terrible liar," I say.

"I'm okay, I swear," He says. "And I'll see you in a few days, so you can annoyingly ask me how I am a billion times then."

"I've really missed you," I say quietly.

"I've missed you too," He responds. "A lot. So, how much have the morons been annoying you?"

"Ugh, so much," I groan. "Y'know how Sirius is overprotective as hell over me? Well he has somehow gotten a billion times more overprotective, and James is the same, and now I never get a minute of peace because they care about me too much."

He chuckles. "How dare they care about you."

"I know right," I joke. "It's outrageous really."

"Well, you're going to be annoyed even more when I arrive because I also care about you and wont let you get a minute of peace."

"That's different, you're a lot more bearable than they are."


Suddenly the phone makes a beeping noise.

"That means we're almost out of time," Remus says and I frown.

"Okay, well try to relax for a bit, I hope tonight isn't too bad."

"I'll be fine," He insists. "So can you please not stay awake all night worrying about me."

"I don't do that." I grumble.

"Sure you don't," He chuckles. "But again, I'll be fine. I'll see you in a few days."

"Yeah, bye."


The phone goes silent and I put it back in its place, sighing slightly before heading back to the house.


The next few days none of us really do anything, we just lounge around in James' room, talking the days away.

But today I'm in more of a good mood. Today is the day Remus is coming over.

I'm so excited to see him again, I've really missed him.

The morning goes by slowly, which drives me crazy, but finally Remus arrives.

He walks into James' room, pulling his trunk behind him.

A smile appears on my face the moment he walks in.

We all say hello to him and he joins us sitting on James' bed. We all talk for a while, catching up with Remus and how his holiday has been.

~*Remus' POV*~

A few days after I arrive, James drags Sirius outside to play quidditch, so Y/n and I spend time alone. Since Mr and Mrs Potter are out shopping, we hang out together downstairs in the living room.

"I know I've already said this a billion times, but I've missed you." Y/n says.

"Well now it's a billion and one times," I chuckle. "I've missed you too."

We sit in silence for a second before Y/n talks again.

"Ooh, I just remembered," She exclaims excitedly. "I just finished a book and I think you'd like it."

I smile as she then proceeds to ramble on about the book.

She is so great, I love it when she talks to animatedly about the things she likes.

Maybe I should tell her how I feel. I have to eventually, I know I do, but it's just so terrifying.

Bloody hell, how did I get into Gryffindor? I'm a coward. I cant even tell my best friend I have feelings for her. It shouldn't be this difficult.

"Remus?" Y/n questions, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, I zoned out." I explain.

Y/n thankfully just laughs. "Well I'm so sorry to have bored you."

"No, no, it's not that," I say quickly. "Really, you weren't boring me at all, I just got lost in thought."

"Alright," She says. "Well, all this book talk has put me in the mood to read, wanna head upstairs?"

"Sure," I smile. "Maybe I could start the book you were talking about, from what I heard before I zoned out it sounds great."

"It is." Y/n says excitedly as we stand up.

I notice her body sway slightly and I quickly grab her arm as she stumbles.

"Are you alright?" I ask concernedly.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," She says. "Just stood up too fast and got lightheaded."

"You should sit back down," I say. "I could go get you something to drink."

"Really, I'm fine, I promise," She insists. "Lets just go upstairs."

She lightly pulls her arm away from me and begins walking to the stairs.

I don't like this, but I know how stubborn she is and that there's no way I'll be able to stop her or convince her to just sit down.

I stay close to her as we walk.

Y/n manages to walk up about five stairs before stopping.

"Y/n?" I question, lightly touching her arm. She just shakes her head.

Very suddenly, she begins to fall, her eyes close.

I manage to grab hold of her before she hits the ground and gently lower her down.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I mumble, not knowing what to do. "Sirius! James!"

I know they cant hear me. I don't know why I tried.

Tears form in my eyes. I don't know what to do. I don't know if there's anything I can do. I hate this. I hate this so much.

I hate seeing her lying here. Lifeless. I know she's still alive, I know that she's only fainted, but she's so still. This is terrifying. I wish there was something I could do other than just sitting here trying not to cry.

After what feels like an eternity, but was probably only a few moments, Y/n's eyes slowly blink open. I quietly let out a sigh of relief.

She groans slightly. "Well that wasn't fun."

"Yeah, it wasn't fun for me either," I respond. "Are you alright? Do you need anything?"

"I think I'll have that drink now." She smiles, trying to lighten the mood as she sits up.

"Alright, I'll be back in a minute," I say. "Just, stay sitting here. Please. I- I don't want anything else to happen."

She grabs my hand before I can go.

"Remus, I promise I'm okay."

"Right, because fainting is a sign that you're healthy, of course." I respond sarcastically.

"I'm just meaning that you don't need to worry so much," She says softly. "I'm going to be fine. I'm still alive."

I carefully pull her in for a hug.

"Don't faint ever again please." I whisper, smiling slightly as she rests her head on my shoulder.

"I'll try not to," She says. "Purely for the sake of your sanity."

I chuckle lightly, pulling away. "I'm not sure I've got much sanity left."

"Well, you do willingly hang out with James, Sirius and Peter, that definitely requires some high levels of insanity."

"You hang out with them too." I point out.

"Yes, and I'm completely out of my mind."

We both laugh lightly.

"Alright, what juice do you want?" I ask, standing up.

"(your/favourite/drink.)" She answers.

"Alright, I'll be back in a second."

I go to the kitchen and quickly get her the drink. I also grab her a bar of chocolate because chocolate solves everything.

As I'm just about to leave the kitchen, James and Sirius walk in through the backdoor.

"Hey." James greets me.

"Where's Y/n?" Sirius asks.

"She fainted on the stairs," I answer, both boys look at me with worry. "But she's awake, she says she's okay, I'm getting her some juice to see if that'll help."

Sirius quickly runs out of the room, off to find his sister. James and I follow behind him.

When we get to the stairs, Sirius has Y/n trapped in a tight hug.

"You just had to tell him?" Y/n asks, playfully glaring at me.

"Sorry," I say. "Sirius, can you please let go of her so she can drink?"

"Fine." Sirius grumbles, releasing Y/n.

I sit down beside her, handing her the juice and chocolate. She smiles at me.

The four of us then end up just hanging out on the stairs, which confuses James' parents when they get home. Oops.

~*Y/n's POV*~

Remus and I hang out in one of the spare bedrooms in the house.

"How are you feeling?" Remus asks.

"I swear to Merlin, if I'm asked that one more time I'm going to commit murder." I threaten and Remus chuckles.

"Sorry for caring about you." He says jokingly.

"You should be." I joke back.

"But really, how are you?"

"What did I just say about murder," I say and he just laughs. "But I'm fine, you don't need to worry."

"Fine, I'll try to stop worrying."

I move to sit next to him and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Something wrong?" He asks.

"Nah, I just need a hug." I mumble.

He leans his head on mine and wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"Oh, I have some news," He says suddenly and I lift my head from his shoulder to look at him. "I just realised I completely forgot to tell you. I'm a prefect now."

"Damn, does this mean we'll need to stop pranking people now since you're supposed to be the one stopping the pranking?"

He chuckles. "I guess I can just conveniently not notice you guys pulling pranks."

"That'd make you the worst prefect ever." I joke.

"That is so rude," He jokes. "It's like you think I don't have feelings."

"Oh shush, you know I'm kidding."

"Yeah, I know." He smiles at me. "I've really missed you."

"I've missed you too." I lean my head on his shoulder again and must've taken him by surprise as his breath hitches slightly.

"I have something else I need to tell you," He says quietly. "And I have no clue how you're going to react, I'm probably going to sound stupid and crazy, and I-"

"Remus, you're rambling, just tell me." I say, lifting my head off his shoulder.

"I-" He freezes up before taking a deep breath and quietly saying: "I like you."
He said it so quietly I wasn't sure I had heard him correctly.

"You what?" I mumble in shock. There's no way. I probably just misheard him.

"I like you, Y/n," He says, louder this time. "I have for a while but I've been too scared to say anything. And I understand if you don't feel the same way, I just needed to tell you."

"Of course I feel the same." I say, a smile appearing on my face.

"You do?" He smiles widely.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I?"

"I'm- well, I'm just me." He shrugs.

"And what the hell do you mean by that?"

"I'm the most boring person ever, and I'm not attractive, and I'm not really that funny. And not to mention that I literally turn into a murderous beast once a month."

"I don't think you're boring. And you definitely are attractive, whether you see it or not. And you are funny, you make me laugh so much, which to be fair isn't really a hard thing to do, I laugh at anything, I'm very easily amused, but still. And you have no control over you being a werewolf, it's not like it was your own choice. And you're also smart, and kind, and sweet, and caring, and-"

He cuts me off by gently pressing his lips to mine.

We quickly pull apart when we hear the sound of James and Sirius running up the stairs.

"Talk about this later?" I ask and Remus nods.

I shoot him a quick smile as James and Sirius enter the room.
Damn morons, ruining a perfect moment.

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