The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x...

By Mystic_Nightmare075

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"Y/n, I will always be here for you." "Promise?" "I promise." ~*𓃦*~ Going to Hogwarts was something Y/n B... More

Authors Note :D
1 - The Beginning
2 - Friends
3 - Birthday
4 - Christmas
5 - Going Home
6 - Escape to James'
7 - Return to Hogwarts
8 - Finding Out
9 - Bright Red
10 - Sleep is for the Dead
11 - Summer
12 - Try-outs and Plans
13 - Time with Remus
14 - A Shitty Christmas
15 - Emotions Are Dumb and Confusing
16 - Hogsmeade Date
17 - Summer at James'
18 - Nail Polish
19 - Mistletoe Kiss
20 - Homework, Sneaking and Illness
21 - A Date
22 - Picking Up The Pieces
24 - The Shit Summer Gets a Bit Better
25 - Confessions and Kisses
26 - A Date and Christmas
27 - Telling Them
28 - The Full Moon
29 - The Year Ends
30 - Forced
31 - Summer With Remus
32 - I Hate This Planet
33 - Winter Dance
34 - Hurt
35 - Rumours
36 - Normal?
37 - A Pleasant Summer
38 - Lily's Confession
39 - Love Is In the Air
40 - The Best Christmas
41 - Who's the Cuter Couple?
42 - Cuddles
43 - End of Year Party
44 - Finale

23 - A Really Shit Summer

1.9K 65 37
By Mystic_Nightmare075

Tw: abuse

The Summer holidays were quickly approaching, something I was not looking forward to.

"It wont be that bad Y/n." Remus says. We were sitting alone together in the common room, Merlin knows where James, Peter and Sirius are.

"You haven't met my mum, she's literally the spawn of Satan. Well no, she is Satan, so that would make me the spawn of Satan." I reply and Remus shakes his head amusedly.

"That explains why you're so evil." He jokes.

"Hey." I exclaim, pretending to be offended. Remus just laughs.

"Maybe it wont be too bad this Summer." He says.

"You don't know what she's capable of." I say, shaking my head. Remus gently puts his hand on mine, which sends sparks through my body.

"You'll be fine, you're the strongest person I know, you can do this." He says and I smile.

"How do you always know what to say to make me feel better?" I ask, leaning into him slightly.

"Because I spend way too much time with you." He says jokingly, making me laugh a little bit.


We board the Hogwarts express, getting ready to leave.

Me and the boys sit down in our usual compartment.

I zone out, staring out the window, not interested in whatever the boys were talking about. I zone back in when I feel Remus put his hand on my arm.

"Something wrong?" He asks quietly.

"No, just lost in thought." I answer.

"Are you sure?"

I nod. "I'm fine."


We arrive at the platform and I dread going home. James, Sirius and Peter were all saying their goodbyes and Remus stood next to me.

"You'll be fine," He assures me as he pulls me in for a hug. "Send me a letter if your mum pisses you off too much."

"You'll be receiving a bunch of letters then," I joke. "I'm gonna miss you."

"I'll miss you too." He says, releasing me from the hug.

I go say goodbye to James and Peter, then me and Sirius head over to where mum, dad and Regulus were standing waiting on us.

None of us say anything as mum grabs hold of Sirius and me and apparate home.


We've been home for a while, thankfully the holidays are almost over, we'll soon be heading back to Hogwarts.

"I'm bored." Sirius groans as we hang out in our room, both of us laying on our own bed.

"Then find something to do." I respond. I'm currently trying to read, but apparently that's not allowed, Sirius needs attention 24/7.
He then goes really quiet, which scares me, so I look over at him.
"What's up?"

"Could you maybe paint my nails?" He asks quietly.

"I don't know Sirius, if I do you'd have to take the nail polish off soon anyways because mum would go crazy if she saw."

He just shrugs. "I still want it done, even if its just for a little while."

"Okay, if you're sure." I say, rolling off my bed and reaching under it to find my box of nail polish.

I hand the box over to Sirius and let him pick what colour he wants. And he chooses red, no surprise there.

We talk a bit as I paint his nails.
I decide to also add some gold sparkles on the red, just to make it even better.

Sirius smiles as he admires the nails once I'm done.

"Thanks." He says.

"No problem," I respond. "Just make sure you wash it off before mum sees, I don't want her freaking out over this. There's nail polish remover in the box, use that."
He just rolls his eyes at me.
"Don't roll your eyes at me, you bitch." I say overdramatically.

"I'll do what I want."

"Rude," I joke, whacking his arm. "I'm going to go out on a walk, wanna come with me?"

"Nah, I'm not in the mood to move." He answers, flopping down onto his bed.

"Fair enough," I shrug. "Try not to get into any trouble while I'm gone."

"No promises."

No promises indeed.

I get home from the walk and instantly hear yelling.

I walk through to the kitchen where I see mum yelling at Sirius.

I don't hear much of her yelling but I pick up a few things. Bloodtraitor. Useless.

What I hear next makes me know that I need to step in. She calls Sirius the f-slur.

I stand between mum and Sirius.

"Leave him alone!" I yell.

"Y/n, move." Sirius says but I ignore him.

"You're defending him?!" Mum exclaims. "He's disgusting."

"Don't say that!" I exclaim, shoving her.

She stumbles back but quickly regains composure.

"You bitch, how dare you push me," She says angrily. "Crucio!"

I feel pain all over my body. It feels like I'm being stabbed by a million tiny, flaming swords.

I can hear myself scream as my body crumples to the floor. Sirius leans over me and I notice tears forming in his eyes. His mouth is moving, he's saying something, but I cant hear him.

The pain is too much to bear. I feel tears roll down my face.

Then it all suddenly stops.

My eyes feel heavy. I can hardly stay awake.
I struggle to breathe. Every breath I take is agony.

"What is wrong with you?!" Sirius yells at mum.
I can see him shaking and tears are now rolling down his cheeks.

Footsteps echo across the floor, I assume it's mum leaving the room.

Sirius lifts me into his arms, holding me close to him. I feel him breathing deeply, I focus on the rise and fall of his chest to try and distract myself from the pain I still feel.
I hear him muttering something, though I can hardly make out the words.

Soon Sirius calms down slightly, he's no longer crying and he seems to be breathing normally.

"Are you okay to walk?" He asks me softly. I just shrug slightly. "Well, we're leaving."

Sirius helps me stand up, tightly grasping both my arms. I go to try and take a step but my legs buckle and I would've fell onto the floor if Sirius hadn't caught me.

"I'll carry you." He says, lifting me up before I can protest.

"Crap, you're bleeding." He mumbles and I notice blood soaking through my shirt, feeling queasy at the sight. "Fuck, we really need to go."

Sirius quickly takes me through to the living room, where we find Regulus, who must've come downstairs after hearing the commotion.

"Come with us." Sirius says quickly.

"Sirius, I- I can't. I need to stay here." Regulus says.

"I can't just leave you here," Sirius says, tears threatening to fall from his eyes again. "Please, Reg, come with us."

"Sirius, you need to go," Regulus says. "And quickly, Y/n isn't looking too great."

Sirius glances down at me worriedly.

"Gee, thanks Reggie." I manage to mumble sarcastically.

"You shut up." Sirius says to me before looking back up at Regulus. "Come with us."

"No, I can't."

I lean into Sirius as a wave of pain washes over me, me eyes tightly shut as I try not to cry.
Sirius, seeing this, sighs.

"Fine, but if she hurts you, come to the Potter's, please. Promise me." He says.


"Just promise me."

Regulus sighs. "I promise."

"Bye Reg." Sirius says softly, walking into the fireplace. He shifts me in his arms so he can grab some floo powder.

We arrive in the Potters' living room, where they all were. James' parents quickly rush over to us, seeing that something was clearly wrong.
And then I faint, probably from blood loss.

~*Sirius' POV*~

I'm told to put Y/n down on the couch, which I do. I begin panicking when I notice she is unconscious.

"James, Sirius, upstairs now." Mrs Potter commands.

"But-" I go to argue, not wanting to leave Y/n.

"Sirius, dear, I promise she'll be okay, just go upstairs for now." Mrs Potter says calmly.

I still make no move to leave. I don't even know if I can get my legs to work right now.

"Mate, come on." James says softly, gently taking a hold of my arm.
I let James lead me upstairs and into his room. We sit down on his bed in silence as I try not to break down into tears.

This is all my fault. She got hurt because she was protecting me. If I just listened to her, she'd be fine. It's all my fault.

"Are you okay?" James asks cautiously.

"What do you think?" I mumble sarcastically.

"Sorry." James responds.

We return to silence for a moment, but James soon starts talking again, and I think he's only talking to try and take my mind off things, which I'm thankful for, I really just need a distraction right now.

"She'll be alright, mum is a really good healer. She used to work as a healer before I was born, then she quit her job so she could be home with me all the time."

"I can't imagine anyone wanting to be with you all the time." I joke and see James smile, though the smile quickly fades.

"She didn't hurt you too, right?" He asks.

"No, she didn't, I'm fine." I answer.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" He asks. I shake my head. "That's fine, I didn't expect you to. I am here for you if you ever want to talk though."

"I know. Thank you."

We have small conversations, mostly about random things, James tells me about how his holiday has been so far.
It manages to take my mind off things for a little while, and eventually Mr Potter comes in to the room.

"I'm here to tell you that Y/n is okay," He says to me. "She's asleep right now, so you can see her in the morning. Do you need anything to eat or drink?"

I shake my head. "No thank you."

"Okay, well you two try and sleep," He says. "I'll see you both in the morning. Goodnight."

"Night, dad." James says and his father exits the room. James turns to look at me. "Do you want to sleep in one of the spare bedrooms or just sleep in here with me?"

"Could I just stay here? I don't want to be alone right now."

"Of course," James says. "You can borrow some of my pyjamas."


James and I sleep at opposite ends of the bed.
I toss and turn for most of the night, James didn't seem to sleep much either though neither of us spoke.

I see the sun peeking through the curtains and decide to get up. I notice James is asleep so I quietly head out of the room.

I silently walk through the house, careful not to wake anyone.

Y/n is fast asleep on the couch. I sit down on the floor beside her head, leaning on the couch slightly.
I feel my eyes become heavy as I drift off to sleep.

~*Y/n's POV*~

I wake up, wincing in pain as I stretch my arms.
That's when I notice Sirius fast asleep lying on the floor. I'm worried about him, I know none of this could've been easy for him to deal with.

"Hey, you're alive." I hear James say jokingly as he walks into the room.

"Barely." I respond. James chuckles lightly as he sits down on the arm of the couch.

"How are you?" He asks. I just shrug. "You scared me, I thought you might've died."

"Well, I'm still alive," I say. "And here I thought you'd've been happy to see me dead."

"Nah, I only jokingly want you dead, I don't know what I'd actually do without you." He says, a sad smile on his face. "Besides, I'm the only one that's allowed to kill you."

"Ah yes, of course."

"I'm really glad you're okay." He says.

"How's Sirius?" I ask.

"I don't really know, you both seem to have this annoying habit where you hide your emotions."

"I have no idea what you are referring to." I joke.

"Of course not," James responds sarcastically. "Want some breakfast?"

"I'm not hungry." I answer.

"Y/n, you really should eat something." He says.

"I know," I mumble. "I just don't have much of an appetite right now."

"Well I'm going to go make you some toast, just eat what you can."

"Thank you," I say. "Could you also get me something to drink? My throat kinda hurts"

"Of course." James says, getting up off the couch and walking into the kitchen.

I look down at Sirius, noticing him stir in his sleep. He yawns and his eyes open.

"Morning." I say quietly.

He quickly sits up.

"You're awake," He says happily, a smile on his face. "How are you?"

"I'm fine," I answer. "How are you?"

"I'm not the one who almost died, you shouldn't be worrying about me."

"Well you're my brother, I apparently care about you, so I will worry about you, no matter what you say," I say. "And I can't imagine last night was easy for you, I would hate to see you get hurt like that."

"I'm fine," He says. "I was just really worried about you."

"How did mum find out?" I ask.

"I may have not listened to you, and I didn't take the nail polish off." He shows me his hands, which still had the nail polish. "I went downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat, Mum saw and said 'what's with the nail polish? Are you gay or something?' and I just said 'yeah' without thinking. She didn't seem to like that very much."

I sigh. "Sirius-"

"I know, I should've listened to you. I'm sorry. You got hurt and it was all my fault."

"It was not your fault," I say. "I made the decision to stand between you two, and mum was the one who did it, none of this is your fault. And I wasn't just going to stand there and watch her hurt you because of who you love, that's ridiculous, it's not like your sexuality is something you can control."

He smiles as he pulls me in for a tight hug.

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