By FebeAristilde

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Dave East x Miracle Watts story "One is easily fooled by that which one loves." -unknown March 4th 201... More

chpt 1
chp 2
chp 3.
chp.15 part 1
chp.16 part 2
chpt.25 continued


7.8K 223 37
By FebeAristilde

Neal's POV

I entered my driveway after a long day at work, it was now 10 pm at night and I couldn't wait to settle in bed and sleep, I got out my car and locked the door, the lights were still on so Anura's must still be awake, I walked to the door and heard muffled music playing, I unlocked the door and went in following the sound of the music that lead me to the kitchen, I leaned against the wall and watched Anura sway her hips to the music as she stirred something in the pot, it smelled delicious.

I found myself smiling brightly as I stared at her backside, it was honestly a beautiful sight, I've always wished for moments like this, coming home from a long day at work and my girls waiting for me with a home cooked meal being prepared, for the past few weeks living with her has been amazing, my house began to be filled with so much life, it was gloomy and lonely living alone, at one point I thought of buying myself a dog to keep me company.

At times Anura would go home before me and everyday I'd come home and she'd be there, and it brings joy to my heart knowing that I have a purpose now, I've been trying my best not to push the thought of a relationship into her head, but I'd really love it if she gave me a chance, living with her gave me the opportunity to get more closer to her than I was before, but I want to learn more about her, the real her.

Anura turned her body and when our eyes connected she yelped and dropped the glass bowl on the ground causing it to shatter at her feet."Shit!" She bent down and began picking up the glass shards, I quickly went over to her and tried to reach out and touch her but she flinched, I scrunched up my brows not liking the way she reacted towards me when I tried to touch her, that has never happened before, and I didn't like it one bit, then I realized that she did go over to her house to grab more of her belongings, did something happen while she was there?

"You scared me." She said softly."I'm sorry I'll clean this up."

"Why did you do that?" I asked, she looked up at me.

"Do what?"

"You flinched a little to hard." I told her, she looked back down at the ground and was quiet for a second but then finally spoke.

"I thought... I thought you were going to hit me, force of habit I guess." She said continuing to pick the glass up, I looked at her astonished, the fact that she'd really believe that I'd ever lay a hand on her surprises me, Anura is so used to getting beating by Dave that the slightest mistake she makes she thinks she'll get hit. I grabbed her hand and shook the glasses off of them and held her tiny hands in mine, I reached for her chin and lifted it up making her stare at me.

"I'd never put my hands on you, I'm not like him." I'll never be like him, ever, she nodded her head and gave me a crooked smile, I smiled back and helped her clean up the broken glass, I grabbed a broom and sweep the rest into a dust pan while Anura went back to cooking, once I was done I walked back to her and hugged her from behind.

"It smells really good." I said looking at the pan of oxtails, my mouth watered a bit as I watched them sizzle in the pan.

"Go wash up first." She said looking at me, I nodded and stole a kiss from her leaving out the room before she could retaliate, I went upstairs to shower with a big smile never seeming to leave my face as I undressed, being around her has made me so happy lately, I hope this feeling never ends.

After 15 minutes I was finished with my shower and got dressed, once done I went back downstairs to see the food was ready, I sat down next to her mainly at the island table, we prayed over our food and started eating."Oh my gosh this is so good." I said moaning at every bite, savoring the flavor of the meat, she can cook! I think I'm falling for her.

She giggled."Thank you."

"Who taught you how to cook?" I asked making conversation.

"My grandpa." She said smiling but then that quickly went away.

"Why the sad face?"

"I miss him." She said softly, I reached for her hand and took it in mine, I gave her a comforting smile which she then returned.

"What was he like?" I asked, like I said I wanted to know everything about her.

"He was my best friend and my mentor, ever since I was born he seemed to always be there for me, my fondest memories were of him, we'd always do fun stuff and go fun places when I'd come to visit him and my grandma, I always enjoyed my time with him, at such a young age he would teach me things like how to know my worth, he'd tell me everyday that I am a queen and that a queen deserves nothing but the world, he taught me to never settle for less, he taught me how to love myself-" she let out a scoff." If he were here today he'd be so disappointed in what I've become, I'm no Queen." She frowned.

I shook my head at her." In my eyes you're a Queen, if your grandpa was here today he wouldn't be disappointed in you, I'm sure he would've been proud to see what a strong beautiful black women you've become-" I looked at her for a minute and decided to ask her a question I've been meaning to ask for some time now."Anura do you love yourself?" All the abuse she's been through and allowed herself to deal with, I highly doubt that she has anymore self love.

I watched her shake her head and look down at her almost empty plate, I sighed and got off my stool with my hand still held in hers, I helped her off her seat."Where are we going?" She asked as I lead her to the living room, I had a mirror wall installed into my living room, I walked her over to it and made her stand in front of the glass, I let go of her hand and took a seat on the chair.


"I want you to look at yourself... what do you see?" As I spoke I raked my eyes over her body, loving what I'm seeing, she wore a simple outfit with her hair tied up in an Afro puff, I love those kind of hair styles.

"Umm I don't know." She said quietly, I watched her drop her head down and clasp her hands together.

"Anura look at yourself what do you see?" She stayed quiet and continued to look down at her feet.

"Anura-" She began shaking her head and then I noticed tears begin to stream down her cheeks, she lifted her hands and covered her eyes, I got up but before I can even do anything she walked away from the mirror and entered the nearest bathroom, I sighed and followed her, I didn't mean to hurt her feelings I just wanted her to see what I saw.

I reached the bathroom and tried to open it but it was locked."Anura open the door." I said calmly, I hated seeing her like this, I hated seeing her cry, my heart aches every time I see her so upset.

"Anura please open the door, look I'm sorry I didn't-"

"You wanna know what I see whenever I look in the mirror?" She said, I heard her sniffle and I could tell that she was having a difficult time getting her words out, I laid my forehead against the cool door and listened to her sob.

"I see a girl who allowed love to mentally and physically break her, I see a girl who's body is filled with so much scars that she's damn near unrecognizable, I see a girl who's lost sight of what it feels like to be genuinely loved by someone." She said, I felt her pain and I wanted nothing more than to take it all away from her, but I couldn't if she doesn't allow me to help her.

"I can show you what love is!" I blurted out, it's obvious that have strong feelings for her but living with her has only made them deeper, and my desire to have her as mine seemed to have deepened also, I've tried stopping these feelings mainly because I was falling for her at an alarming rate that scared the crap out of me, I wanted to love her, but I feel like if I try to I'll just end up getting hurt in the process.

She stayed quiet, and I mentally cursed myself out for saying such a thing, then she spoke again." I have never met a man who loved me as hard as my grandfather did, not even my own Dad could top his own father.... an-and when he died I felt like I'll never meet someone who'll love me as much as he did." 

"And when I met Dave I was so stupid and eager for love that I didn't see at the end that he didn't really love me like he said he did." Anura is pretty naive but I can't blame her that's just how love works, it makes you stupid, Dave was really good at manipulating her.

"Who I am right now, she isn't Anura... she isn't Ping."

"Ping?" I thought, who's Ping?

I bit my lip." Anura listen to me, what you see isn't what I see, I see something else, I see something special, I want... No I will show you what real love is, but right now I need you to love yourself again, please please love yourself again." I turned my body around and slid down against the door, it got quiet between us but then she broke the silence.

"What do you see?" She asked.

I smiled." I see a women I want to cherish and give my whole world to."


NO I'm not crying, you're crying :'(
Why can't my life be like Wattpad :((

I tried to make this chapter as sad as possible, I hope I made y'all dumb PRESSEDT.

Our good sis needs to get her shit together ASAP.


Almost forgot S/O to inhaleyou  y'all go check out her books Taming life series, I haven't finished reading yet due to being busy but lemme tell y'all a bitch is HOOKED thank god for this weekend because imma spend the time finishing her story.

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