The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x...

Av Mystic_Nightmare075

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"Y/n, I will always be here for you." "Promise?" "I promise." ~*𓃦*~ Going to Hogwarts was something Y/n B... Mer

Authors Note :D
1 - The Beginning
2 - Friends
3 - Birthday
4 - Christmas
5 - Going Home
6 - Escape to James'
7 - Return to Hogwarts
8 - Finding Out
9 - Bright Red
11 - Summer
12 - Try-outs and Plans
13 - Time with Remus
14 - A Shitty Christmas
15 - Emotions Are Dumb and Confusing
16 - Hogsmeade Date
17 - Summer at James'
18 - Nail Polish
19 - Mistletoe Kiss
20 - Homework, Sneaking and Illness
21 - A Date
22 - Picking Up The Pieces
23 - A Really Shit Summer
24 - The Shit Summer Gets a Bit Better
25 - Confessions and Kisses
26 - A Date and Christmas
27 - Telling Them
28 - The Full Moon
29 - The Year Ends
30 - Forced
31 - Summer With Remus
32 - I Hate This Planet
33 - Winter Dance
34 - Hurt
35 - Rumours
36 - Normal?
37 - A Pleasant Summer
38 - Lily's Confession
39 - Love Is In the Air
40 - The Best Christmas
41 - Who's the Cuter Couple?
42 - Cuddles
43 - End of Year Party
44 - Finale

10 - Sleep is for the Dead

2.4K 74 35
Av Mystic_Nightmare075

It was the end of term and exams were beginning. Teachers were handing out more homework and we had loads of revision and notes, Sirius and James are constantly complaining about how ridiculous it is.
Second year exams don't really mean anything but we get to choose classes to take next year. I have no clue what I'm picking.
I definitely want to take Care of Magical Creatures and muggle studies - just to piss off mum - but I don't know what other class I'm taking. I'm sitting in the common room, thinking about my options.

Remus comes down from the boys dorms, notices me sitting by the fireplace and joins me, sitting on the couch next to me.

"Remus, what subjects are you taking next year?" I ask, looking up slightly at the taller boy.

"Um, Ancient Runes seems quite interesting, though I'm not quite sure what else to take." He responds.

"How about you take Care of Magical Creatures and I'll take Ancient Runes and we'll probably have those classes together." I suggest and Remus' face lightens up a bit.

"Sure," He says enthusiastically. "It'll be good to have someone to talk to in class, we both know that James, Peter and Sirius definitely aren't taking Ancient Runes, it'll be nice having you there" I smile slightly.

"Welp, glad that the choices are out the way," I say. "Still need to study for the exams though," I slouch down into the couch. "I really don't want to," Remus laughs at me. "Don't laugh, it's a real problem."

"I could help you if you want." He offers.

"No, its fine." I say. "I prefer studying at night and I don't want to bother your sleep."

"Y/n, its not healthy to stay up all night studying."

"Never said it was." I say with a shrug. "I just work better at night. The stars help me relax."

Remus shakes his head and chuckles slightly.

"Do you even sleep?" He asks jokingly.

"Sleep is for the dead." I say looking him in the eye, trying to be as serious as possible but failing as I feel myself grin.


"Y/n, go to sleep." Lily groans tiredly.

"I just need to finish this book." I respond.

"Well maybe if you stopped procrastinating during the day, you would be done studying and I wouldn't be considering killing you right now."

"Shut up, you love me." I say and Lily groans again and stuff her head in her pillow. "I'll just go down to the common room to study, sorry for bothering you."

"No, this is your room too, if you just flip the pages a bit quieter then it's fine." Lily insists but I'm already grabbing all my stuff and walking to the door.

I take my usual seat in the common room, the armchair by the fireplace, and continue the book. It's so boring. I can feel my eyes begin to get heavy. I refuse to let them close. I need to finish this book.

"Y/n?" I hear a familiar voice call from behind me. I turn to see Remus standing at the bottom of the boy's staircase.

"What are you doing up?" I ask.

"What are you doing up?" He retaliates.

"I asked you first."

"Couldn't sleep." He shrugs. "I swear to Merlin, Y/n, if you're studying I'm going to kill you."

"I just need to finish this book."

"No, what you need is sleep." He says.

"Like I said, sleep is for the dead." I yawn.

"Y/n." Remus says concernedly.

"Look, I'll finish this then I'll go to sleep." I say as I turn back to the book.

"Then at least let me help you." He says as he sits on the arm of the chair.

"Don't sit up there, you're tall enough as it is." I complain, craning my neck to look up at him. He laughs and sits on the floor next to my legs.


"Yes, much better." I say.

We start studying and I realise that studying is so much more fun when Remus is there, and if there is anything I don't understand, Remus will patiently explain it. He's honestly better at explaining things than most of the teacher at this school. We joke around a bunch, and it makes studying enjoyable.

~*Remus' POV*~

I was explaining something to Y/n when I heard her lightly snoring. I chuckle to myself as I look over and see her passed out. I stand up to find a blanket for her. I find one thrown over one of the couches and gently place it on Y/n.

I gather up all her notes in a pile and put them in her bag, which she had brought down with her, along with the book she was taking notes from.

I look over at her sleeping figure and contemplate what I should do. I cant just leave her down here, but I really don't want to wake her up, she's hardly slept in days.

I sigh slightly before gently nudging her.

"Y/n, wake up," I say softly.

"No thanks," She mumbles and I chuckle lightly.

"You need to go to bed."

"Don't wanna," She grumbles, rolling over to face away from me.

"Y/n, come on." I nudge her again.

Eventually - and miraculously - I eventually manage to get her to wake up and go to bed.

~*Y/n's POV*~

"For fuck sake, that's a terrible idea and it would never work," I say as James, Sirius and Peter plan a prank.

"Well maybe you should help us then." Sirius says sarcastically.

I groan, getting off the couch and sitting on the floor beside them.

"What you want to do is..."

I tell them my prank idea, which they agree is much better, and we go set it up, sneaking around under James' invisibility cloak his father gave him.

The next morning at breakfast we see our prank come to life.

We had managed to put something in the food to change everyone's hair, so anyone who has taken even a small bite of food this morning now has bright red and gold hair. Even Remus, Sirius, James, Peter and I had eaten some food, just to make it seem like we were also victims of the prank.

Some people clearly just find it funny while others are outraged.

"I'll admit it Y/n," James says. "You are an evil genius."

"Thanks?" I say questioningly.


At breakfast, Remus and I talk about a book we're both reading.

"Oi, lovebirds, you listening to me?" James says gaining both mine and Remus' attention. I can feel the blush forming on my cheeks.

"No James, we were not listening to you." I roll my eyes. "What do you want?"

"I was considering trying out for quidditch next year, a few of the current team are leaving at the end of this year and was wondering if anyone wanted to try out with me."

"Yeah right, I bet I'd do great at that," Remus says with a scoff.

"I'll try out." I say and Sirius drops his toast in surprise. "It seems like fun."

"Never took you as a sporty person Y/n." Peter says and I shrug my shoulders.

"Like I said, it seems like fun." I say as I grab some food to eat, I'm starving.

"Okay, so I'm convinced that isn't Y/n," Sirius badly whispers to Peter and James. "My theory is that it's actually an alien sent to destroy us."

"Shut up," I say, throwing a pancake at him.


Exams are starting today. I am absolutely dreading it. Remus reassures me that I'll be fine. I've read over my notes about a hundred times and was rereading them once again at breakfast.

"Y/n, for Merlin's sake, put the notes down and eat some food." Sirius says.

"Yeah, one sec." I reply, not looking up from the paper in my hand.

"Y/n." Sirius says threateningly.

"Shut up." I say. "And stop trying to be threatening, you don't scare me."

He grabs the notes from my hands and stands up, holding them out of my reach.

"Eat." He demands. "Or I'll murder the notes."

"You wouldn't dare." I feel eyes watching us curiously.

"Oh would I." Sirius says, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Sirius no."

"Eat some food."

"Sirius, please just put the notes down." I plead.

"Please just eat some breakfast." He responds.

"Fine." I say and grab a piece of buttered toast from James' plate and bite into it, chucking onto my plate after.

"Hey, that's my toast." James complains, looking hurt.

"Happy now." I say to Sirius, ignoring James who is currently pouting.

"Y/n, you probably have these notes memorised by now. Stop worrying, you'll do fine on the exams. They don't count for anything anyway." He says as he sits down and hands me the notes.

"Thank you." I say sarcastically as I put the notes back in my bag.

"Now eat more." He demands and I notice James put a protective hand around his plate.

"I'm not hungry."

"Y/n you know that if you don't eat now, you'll regret it later." He points out and I hate to admit it, but he's right. I reluctantly pick up the piece of toast I had previously bitten and eat it.

"There, see, I've eaten." I say.

"You two argue over the weirdest things." Remus says, I can see the amusement in his eyes.

"This was probably one of the most normal arguments they've had though." James adds, still pouting over his lost toast and refusing to even look at me.

"Our arguments aren't that weird." I say.

"They really are." Remus says.


The exams are finally over. The stress is gone and I can feel at ease again. To celebrate exams being over me and the boys decide to chill out under a tree by the black lake. We talk and laugh, relieved the exams are finally over and begin discussing plans for the summer.

"I'm not doing anything." Remus says. "Just going to be a quiet, peaceful summer."

"We should definitely meet up again in the holidays." James says excitedly.

"Well Remus, there goes your plan of a quiet, peaceful summer." I joke causing everyone to laugh.

"Me and Y/n are probably just in for a summer of being compared to Regulus, the perfect child, not a disgrace to the family, in Slytherin."

"I'll save you both as soon as I possibly can." James assures us. "Mum apparently thinks it will be best if you visit your home first. Don't know what she's thinking, we could just take you straight from platform 9 and 3/4. Just send me an owl when you want us to come get you."

"Will do." Sirius says and then we sit quietly, enjoying the cool summer breeze.

I lay my head on Remus' shoulder and gaze out over the black lake, letting out a sigh.

I don't want the holidays to come.

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