Unlovable Me {BoyxBoy}

By xink0heartx

9.4K 438 17

It's been so many years and my dad continues to hurt me daily. How long can I continue to live like this befo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Character Appearance
Next Story

Chapter 20

173 11 1
By xink0heartx

After mating with Taylor we didn't leave the bedroom for over a week only if food is needed but that was all the effort we ever used. It turns out just as we left the room and not returning Winter and the twins had mated and also had emerged from their room. And oh how their room smelt like sex, they did it for the whole week. Winter had to large mate bites on either side of his neck which he kept boasting on about when we saw each other.

Alec and Noah were pleased to see us emerge, Noah leapt on me in his wolf form and ended up getting me to fall to the ground. Alec got jealous and ended up pulling him off. We talked for hours like we just met after being apart for over three years only if it's been a week.

Taylor couldn't stick around after all he missed a whole week of Alpha work, Alec said it's mountain of papers on his desk. Taylor apologised, giving me a quick chaste kiss on my forehead. He smiles then pulls away leaving to his office where he most likely won't appear for another ten hours.

Alec follows behind standing tall leaving Noah and I to ourselves. We both look at each and smile.

"Should we go outside?" I nod my head and we both get up leaving to go outside where little children run around as mother's chatter lively under trees all watching their children carefully. Noah and I walk over under a tree in the shade and watch as the children play hide and seek. The gentle breeze tickled my neck, the grass brushed against my legs. Everything felt perfect. I was mated with Taylor, I had powers running through my veins which haven't been used yet. Everyone was happy and not a single memory from my father seemed to bother me. Everything is perfect.

"So how did your mating week go?" Noah suddenly ask with a smirk on his lips. A deep blush coated my cheeks down to my neck. "Apparently it went well with that reaction" playfully I slap him on the shoulder. He lets out a fake pained whimper and holds his shoulder in fake pain.

"Yes it was good but how did it go with you and Alec?" I wriggle my eyebrows which causes Noah to laugh out loud which soon dies down to a small chuckle of amusement.

"It went really well thanks for asking," he looks at me then back at the children with a small smile. He was happy and I was glad.

"So what should we do now?" Noah asks curiously, he was right now it was kinda boring. I wanted to do something exciting, go out in town just by the two of us.

"Let's go bowling and dine at an expensive restaurant, we need a good old break after what we've been through."

"Can I join?" Noah and I both look up to find Winter standing in front of us, using one leg to stand on and the other only using a little to keep his balance. He obviously had it worse than us two combined seeing as he was gifted with two muscled, warrior mates.

"Why not" Noah looks at me then back up at Winter with a smile.

"I'll tell Taylor who can tell Alec and the twins of our disappearance." They both nod in agreement and leave already heading towards the shed and driving out Taylor's favourite red Ferrari.

'Taylor, I'm going out in town with Winter and Noah tell their mates that we're in town but not to come get us. Also we're taking the Ferrari.'

'Okay bu-' I cut off the mind link before he can tell us not to take the Ferrari.

"Move bitches" I yell as I jump over the door which I'm too lazy to open and land in the driver's seat. I have waited forever for this moment. I rev the car to life and speed off leaving dirt and tire tracks behind. I let out a maniacal laugh that's soon joined with the howls of Noah and Winter as we turn onto the highway and drive towards town.

We blast through the speakers 'Kid I Used to Know' by Arrested Youth and sing every lyric out loud. We shuffle through the playlist jamming to every song playing on the radio.

After an hour of driving and dancing in our seats while screaming out lyrics we finally arrive. I switch off the car and leap out again still feeling the laziness. Noah and Winter both leap out too landing with a light thump.

"So what first?" Noah asks smiling up at me while he loosely hangs one arm on Winter's shoulders.

"Oh let's go to the arcade!" Winter jumps and grabs me and Noah's wrist and drag us into the large mall. We turn multiple corners and walk for approximately ten minutes, it's a big mall. We finally arrive to place filled with kids ranging from the ages of ten to eighteen running around. It was dimly lit with flashing lights. Arcade gaming machines lined up along the walls while people played the games.

I could feel the excitement rolling off Winter, he seemed very happy to be here but that was the whole point of this trip. I was quick to grab Winter and Noah and drag them to the counter where we got tickets for the games and went from game to game.

Somehow I was able to beat Winter and Noah in a majority of the games but Winter got me sometimes. Noah wasn't to unhappy about losing rather he just seemed to be enjoying himself. After nearly two hours we got tired and decided to go to a little café across the arcade.

Surprisingly it was actually a pet café. Little puppies, kittens and other pets were all over the place. I think I even saw a kid with a ferret in his arms. God those things have bendy ass bodies.

Noah, Winter and I took a seat at the corner of the room. We scanned over the menus and ordered our food. Noah getting a strawberry Frappuccino and a few chocolate chipped cookies. Winter got a small mud cake with a cute strawberry on top as well as just some water. I decided with an easy chocolate milkshake.

They came out with our order in ten minutes or so. We ate as we chattered lively. We talked about everything even about the mating which was an embarrassing topic but interesting seeing as all of us had very different experiences. Still embarrassing either way.

After the food we walked around for quite some time just enjoying being mate free for now. I wonder how Taylor is handling everything though? Doesn't matter I'm out here to have some fun because the past few days have been stressful.

I'm so glad about everything that has happened to me. My life back then was terrible and I couldn't have been so happy if I hadn't left. I know life has its ups and down even now but with my mate standing by my side I know everything will be okay. I love Taylor and completely trust him with my life.

"Hey let's check out that new clothing shop down there" Winter pointed excitedly at Victoria's secret.

"Isn't that for females though?" I asked as my anxiety seemed to spike, oh how am I going to get out of this situation.

"Come on live a little, and if we get anything even if it's for females we can still wear them for the dirty." Okay I regret bringing Winter, next time it'll be just Noah and I. Noah looked uncomfortable but didn't say anything.

I looked at Noah trying to give him some sort of secret eye message which he noticed but back down anyway. Oh come on. Before I could say anything Winter grabbed out wrist and brought us into the shop. Women seemed to give us some dirty looks but Winter ignored them and continued to drag us into the shop. The shop keeper eyed us a little but didn't come up to us or say anything.

Winter let go of our wrist and ran off. I bet Noah and I have faces redder then a tomato at this point. Noah and I shared a quick glance and decided to just stick behind Winter who looked very excited about this whole ideal.

Eventually he had around five lingerie underwear's in his arms and even a bra, gosh what kinky shit do his mates have. His eyes caught a black silky looking dress that ended just above mid-thigh, completely see through. He then looked back at me and smirked. He grabbed it off the hanger and passed it to me. Oh no.

"Go try it on" he shoved me into the changing room with a large smile and disappeared leaving me with the weird dress thingy. I'm male so obviously I have no idea what the real name of this is. He's most likely not going to let me out until he knows I've tried this on.

I let out a small sigh and strip of my clothes except for my boxers naturally. I slowly and carefully slipped on the fragile fabric.

My eyes fell onto the reflection on the mirror and almost was shocked at my own appearance. In all honesty it didn't look as bad as I had expected it to turn out. Never in my life didn't I think I would end up in one of these but here I stand in the middle of a female's lingerie shop wearing some weird see through dress thingy.

"Wow, you actually look pretty" I jumped at Noah's voice as well as an exited squeal coming from Winter. I'm quick to cover myself which causes Winter to giggle.

"He's right, come on I'll buy it for you."

"No please don't, I'm not going to wear this," I try to tell him but he doesn't listen.

"No I'm buying it for you and that's final" he leaves before I can protest. Stubborn much. I take it off just as slowly and carefully as I had put it on. Quickly I chuck on my clothes and exit the changing rooms to find Winter and Noah waiting for me at the counter. Winter holding a bag only for me to assume is filled with lingerie. I hand over the dress thingy still have no idea what it's called to the cashier that still gives me a dirty eye.

Winter pays for it as promised and we leave the shop, I can't help let out a breath of air I didn't realize I was holding in the whole time.

"What a bitch" Noah whispered lowly under his voice. It shocked me to hear him say such a word since he's never swore in front of someone before and definitely not me. This gave me an idea.

"Hey let's leave, I know where we can go" they both look at me then nod with excitement. We leave, get in the car.

We drive for half an hour before we arrive to our destination. It's deep in the forest and it was my favourite place when I wanted to escape. The sound of water hitting the ground filled my ears and I couldn't help the smile on my lips. Instantly I strip of my clothes and shift into my wolf.

'Shift' I mind link the two who both shift as well. I don't miss the shocked expression of Winter though after all this is his first time seeing my wolf. They follow me as I run closer to the sound, it already soothes me to the core. Soon I catch eye of the edge and speed up. With only a few seconds I leap off shifting mid-air and landing at the bottom of the waterfall into the warm water.

I look up to find Winter and Noah looking down with smiles they look at each, stand up, grab each other's hands then jump off landing close to where I landed. They reappear out of the water laughing which I join too. We play around in the warm clear water for two hours by the most before deciding it was getting late.

"Want to try something before we leave?" I ask looking at both of them which seen equally confused. They nod and watch as I turn around and yell.

"F*CK!" I yell at the top of my lungs. "F*CK LIFE, THE CASHIER WAS A STUPID BITCH! I WANT TO LIVE LIKE THIS FOREVER! I WISH TAYLOR COULD GIVE ME ALL HIS ATTENTION AND THAT WE COULD GO ON VACATION FOR A WEEK!" I continue to scream only to shift into my wolf form to howl loudly. This is so fun.

"GIVE ME MORE ATTENTION ALEC! DUMB SHIT WHY THE HELL ARE YOU BETA! LIFE CAN GO F*CK ITSELF FOR ALL I CARE. AND THAT CASHIER WAS A STUPID BITCH!" Noah joins yelling to the top of his lungs letting out everything he can. He looks down at me with the largest grin on his face which soon turns bright red in embarrassment. I give him a wolfy grin as he shifts into his wolf.

"F*CK EVERYTHING HONESTLY. I WANNA F*CK THOSE TWINS TILL THEY DROP DEAD!" Winter laughs and yells loudly smiling widely. He transforms into his wolf. We all let out the loudest howls we can muster even in our states. Oh how I wish life was this easy all the time. 

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