𝙨𝙖π™₯π™₯π™π™žπ™˜ 𝙨𝙒π™ͺ𝙩

By sapphicswiftie13

107K 1.1K 399

A wlw smut book with one-shots about both real people and fictional characters. All of these scenarios and s... More

❀︎ Information ❀︎
❀︎ Taylor Swift ❀︎
Watch me
Kissing in her car again
Breaking up & making out
❀︎ Phoebe Bridgers ❀︎
The very first night
I will always love you more than him
❀︎ Hailee Steinfeld ❀︎
Getting married
She wasn't yours to lose
Movie night with friends
❀︎ Billie Eilish ❀︎
❀︎ Aubrey Plaza ❀︎
Celebrating a love that once was just tolerated
❀︎ Elizabeth Olsen ❀︎
A fight turns into something more
On a press tour
❀︎ Scarlett Johansson ❀︎
Telling pretty lies
Movie night
❀︎ Florence Pugh ❀︎
Mending your broken heart & driving to the coast
As it was
❀︎ Brie Larson ❀︎
After an award show
❀︎ The MCU ❀︎
Natasha Romanoff teasing you
Natasha Romanoff coming home from a mission
Natasha Romanoff & Wanda Maximoff just a shower, right?
Wanda Maximoff not a snack but a whole goddamn meal
Yelena Belova is a good distraction
Kate Bishop friends since High School
Maria Hill compliance will be rewarded

The voice of an angel

4.9K 57 31
By sapphicswiftie13

The day couldn't have ended any sooner. You pushed the doors of your favourite bar open and walked straight to your regular spot. From the black leather sofa that you sat in you could see the bartender handing out drinks to the other regular customers you usually would observe.

You'd see how some people would leave with a stranger, or how the unlucky ones would walk out nearly tripping on solid ground, because of the alcohol flowing in their veins.

It didn't take long before one of the waitresses walked up to your table to ask you what you were ordering, and you picked the usual, a Manhattan.

The little corner you sat in was quite cosy, the interior was warm and welcoming. The floor and walls both made from walnut wood, and two bookshelves as partition walls between the other two tables beside yours, giving you some privacy.

From where you sat you could also see the little stage. It wasn't much, just a barstool and a mic stand, some amplifiers and of course the microphone. Normally it would be left alone since no one here could sing well or play an instrument for that matter. 

There had been nights where the overly drunk people had sung karaoke, and then proceeded to fall off the stage making everyone else laugh, and the occasional amateur stand up wannabes, but it hadn't been concerts, or just someone pulling out their guitar to play a song for the small audience. So, you could say the microphone used to be alone.

To your surprise, the microphone wasn't going to be lonely tonight, with a sad light shining down on it, like a reminder of how it was mostly just used as decoration. The waitress came back to you balancing a tray with ease, balancing both the drink and a lighter on it. She put the tray down, moved the drink to the table, and lit the candle. she disappeared like she always would after flashing you a smile.

After a few sips, the bell rung when the door opened. That was something you enjoyed, watching the people that would come and go throughout the evening. You got to see people relax after a long day, or a long week, or even a hard month or year. It gives peace to see others that also try to find comfort in a cold beer and good conversations with strangers. One evening might be meaningless to you, but it could be everything for the other person.

Or you could meet someone that you would never see again after that one encounter, or you could meet someone that would stick by your side until the very end. You never know which one you'd end up with until the night is over, and that's the beauty of it.

The woman that walked in was tall, had blond hair that reached down to her chest.

She talked to the bar owner for a few seconds then she walked out, leaving you with a feeling of disappointment. It didn't take long before she walked in again, this time with a guitar case, with a guitar in it obviously, and a black purse. You put two and two together and you understood she had asked for permission to perform on the little lonely stage, and of course the bar owner said yes. She would either be good, or she'd suck, and everyone would get to laugh about it afterwards, either way it was free entertainment, so it would be straight up stupid to say no to her.

As she made her way to the stage you couldn't help but notice the way her hips would sway with each step she took. Her outfit displaying her beautiful legs that she wasn't afraid to show off. She grabbed the microphone confidently and pulled it higher and shook her head to get her hair out of her face, revealing her gorgeous ocean eyes that looked out at the audience.

She wasn't nervous, or afraid, she was bold. That woman knew how to pull an audience in without even opening her mouth. Everyone's conversations turned into silence, and everyone focused on the woman that took the stage. 

Then finally she let go of the microphone, sat down on the stool, and took one final look at all the people that were waiting in anticipation before she then started playing a tune on her guitar. Her fingers ran over the strings like clockwork as she smiled with the spotlight shining on her face like starlight. Then she finally opened her mouth.

"I walked through the door with you"

"The air was cold"

"But something about it felt like home somehow"

She was grinning like the devil even though she had the voice of an angel. She looked out at the audience, and at the bar where the bar owner gave her a thumbs up before she then redirected her gaze out to the ones sitting by the window.

Then her gaze once again shifted, her eyes finally landed on you. It was hard to stop yourself from smiling when you enjoyed the show so much.

Her stare lingered on you, and you couldn't take your eyes off her.

"And I know it's long gone and that magic's not here no more"

"And I might be okay but I'm not fine at all"

Her lyrics were good. It was like she was telling a story; it wasn't just a meaningless song, but something you could relate to.

The guitar string scars on her hand, and the rough fingertips of her slender fingers running up and down the strings as she sung her soul out was something you paid close attention to.

"You used to be a little kid with glasses in a twin-sized bed"

"And your mother's telling stories 'bout you on the tee-ball team"

"You told me 'bout your past thinking your future was me"

The spotlight caught her figure perfectly. Legs practically shining, blue eyes gazing out, red plumped lips and fingers that didn't slow down at all.

There was something about her that you couldn't quite pinpoint.

It could be how her blue eyes shined, or how much her voice gave you peace, or maybe it was the combination of those things that stole your focus.

"'Cause there we are again in the middle of the night"

"We're dancing 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light"

"Down the stairs, I was there"

"I remember it all too well, yeah"

She was hard to solve. She was bottling up her emotions, but at the same time she poured them out.

It was hard to explain. She was hard to explain. She looked perfect, ethereal almost.

The light hit her head from behind, making her golden hair light up like a halo.

"And maybe we got lost in translation"

"Maybe I asked for too much"

"But maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'till you tore it all up"

Her alluring face was all you thought about as you looked her up and down. How could someone be drop-dead gorgeous just playing a guitar, that was something you couldn't wrap your head around.

"And you call me up again just to break me like a promise"

"So casually cruel in the name of being honest"

"I'm a crumpled-up piece of paper lying here"

"'Cause I remember it all, all, all, too well"

She looked so full of emotion as she sung. Like someone broken waiting for someone else to fix them. Helpless and screaming out for someone to listen, and to see them.

It was sad, it was raw, but damn it was good. She wasn't acting, she was real, brutal and honest.

"Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it"

"I'd like to be my old self again"

"But I'm still trying to find it"

It was a weird change to see the crowd quiet for once. Everyone staring, nearly gawking at the stranger that just happened to walk in. In this moment you thought you were lucky, but that might not describe it good enough.

"But you keep my old scarf from that very first week"

"'Cause it reminds you of innocence"

"And it smells like me"

"You can't get rid of it"

"'Cause you remember it all too well, yeah"

Your gaze shifted from her face to her hands and legs, her attractiveness was hard to ignore.

You imagined her to be soft, yet rough.

Maybe rougher on the outside, than she was on the inside, like she was putting up a front, but then yet again breaking the wall down when she sung.

"'Cause there we are again when I loved you so"

"Back before you lost the one real thing you've ever known"

"It was rare, I was there, I remember it all too well"

She'd sometimes steal glances at you, maybe she thought it was strange that you sat alone in the corner, all by yourself with just a drink and a candle to keep you company. Even so, she still looked at you, and that was all that mattered.

"Wind in my hair, you were there, you remember it all"

"Down the stairs, you were there, you remember it all"

"It was rare, I was there, I remember it all too well"

Sadly, the song came to an end.

You could listen to her sing forever, and you wouldn't complain. As she thanked the crowd and put her guitar down in her guitar case you ordered her a drink. It didn't take long before the blonde woman looked around the room confused when the waitress gave her the whiskey and walked away.

"Excuse me, I didn't order this!" she said to the waitress that left her to walk behind the counter.

"I know... but she did," she informed the singer as she pointed to the sofa you sat in. Soon enough you heard high heels clicking on the wooden floor, coming closer with each step.

She didn't stop, or slow down, and after a few seconds she was standing right in front of your table.

"You ordered this for me?" she asked with eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes, I did," you answered slightly nervous since the beautiful stranger was being so close to you.

"Well... thank you," she said as she put her guitar down. Soon enough she sat down beside you, and slowly sipped her whiskey.

"Are you new in town?" you asked the blonde woman as her lips curved into a smile.

"Why do you ask?" she asked back, answering your question with a question of her own. Her fingertips started tapping her glass, and now you could really see how nice her hands looked.

Slim fingers, nails painted black, they looked so soft, but they were rough from scars from the guitar strings.

"I'm curious... I haven't seen you around before," you answered her truthfully and proceeded to take a sip from your own cocktail.

"Well, I'm staying at the hotel on the other side of the road, so yeah you're right, I'm new here... was it so obvious?" she asked you as she leaned back into the sofa.

"No one around here is as pretty as you, so yes, it was obvious, the moment I knew was when you walked in," you complimented her, and you watched her closely as she smiled. "You're not so bad either," she said and gave you a smirk.

"Did you write the song you just performed?" you asked her and noticed how her eyes lit up. "Yeah! I did, but not all on my own though... It's called All Too Well, but you probably figured that out already," the stranger answered honestly.

"Damn, that relationship must've ended badly..." you jokingly said and laughed. It didn't take long before she laughed with you.

"You could say that again!" she said as she was grinning at you, looking back at the relationship that only left her with heartbreak, but a great song in the end.

"Him and I, we are never ever getting back together," she informed you as she let out a chuckle.

Then she just sat there looking at you, observing you like you'd observe the crowd.

"Fuck it..." she muttered under her breath.

"Do you want to get out of here?" she asked and bit her lip, patiently waiting for you to make up your mind.

You were right, the woman was bold, and you were sure as hell going to take the risk of going with her. Not knowing where the night could lead you, she grabbed your hand and pulled you of the sofa, picked up her guitar and purse, then you followed her out of the bar.

As you looked back you saw all the others smiling at you, winking, and practically teasing you even though they all wanted to be in your shoes, walking behind the gorgeous stranger. You put your arm around her, and you crossed the street.

Soon enough you were in the lobby of the hotel, then you followed her like a lost puppy up to her room. When both of you had walked in, she put her guitar down on the floor. Then she spun you around and kissed you, you had foreseen this, but the taste of her lips was something else.

She turned away to hang her jacket up resulting in you pouting.

"Come back... Be here," you said as you stepped towards her, putting your arms around her neck, pulling her in for another kiss. She slowly started to undress you, as your lips were still intertwined.

You pushed her onto the bed and straddled her lap. Taking in her scent as your lips found her neck, you hungrily sucked until she'd let out a quiet, low moan.

"Wait, how old are you?" the stunning woman asked as she pulled away, staring you down. "I'm 22," you answered as you saw the worry in her face disappear.

"I knew you were trouble. But damn, thank God, got scared there for a second," she said as she smiled into a kiss she initiated. Her slowly undressing you, hands running up and down your body was like a state of grace.

It would be treacherous of her if she stopped, and she eventually did.

"Wait here... I'll be right back," she said as she carefully pushed you off her lap only to grab her purse in a hurry and disappear into the other room.

You sat half naked on the bed dumbfoundedly wondering if you did something wrong, if she had changed her mind and didn't have the courage to tell you, or if it was something else. She closed the door, and you couldn't figure out what was happening behind the wall, still sitting on the bed you started worrying if she was upset, and if you should just leave.

When you were tapping your foot on the floor nervously just waiting for her to come out and ask you to leave, was when the door opened to reveal a perfectly fine woman with a big smile, no sign of tears or anything.

"Do you want me to leave? Did you change your mind?" you asked as the worry you felt nearly choked your words.

"No, no. I just had to fix something..." she informed you as she took off her top in front of you.

"But you left, I thought that everything has changed, and that you changed your mind," you answered slightly relieved by the calmness in her voice and the fact that she just had taken off a piece of clothing.

"We can begin again if you want to, babe," she requested as she sat down beside you on the bed.

"Anything is fine by me... I just want you to be comfortable!" you said as you stared her down. Unsure of what was going on in that beautiful mind of hers.

"I'll be the most comfortable when you get your ass on my lap again, hun," she said and her arms found your waist, grabbing a hold of your sides, trying to get you close to her again. 

"Can I kiss you again?" she asked once you were settled on her lap like before. You nodded at her question, and instantly her lips met yours. Her tongue gently caressing your own, her hands wandering all over your body, rough fingertips tracing your soft skin making you shiver.

Soon enough you pulled back and got off her lap, only to drag her skirt down her stunning legs. That's when you saw it, the only thing she was wearing was her lace bra, and a strap-on belt. You pulled your own panties off, like she must have done in the other room in order for her to put the belt on.

Crawling onto the bed only to sit down on one of her thighs, placing your knee close to her core, starting to slowly grind until you felt spikes of pleasure rupture between your own thighs. Then you heard it, a humming sound.

At first you didn't quite understand where it was coming from, but from the look of the blonde's face it was clear, she was receiving pleasure too. Getting wetter from the friction you had gotten from her thigh you put your arms around her neck, pushing yourself higher up, and closer to her.

Then you gently touched the belt with your knee, the vibrations coming from inside it made you sure of what she had hidden in the little pocket on it.

You pushed your knee even more, making her put one hand on the mattress to hold herself up and the other arm snaked around your waist pulling you even closer, your hands traced down her back, fondling with her bra and you got it off with ease.

Her breasts fell, and immediately you started to suck on one of her nipples and then fondled with the other one, giving both of them the same attention, resulting in her moaning, not even trying to silence herself.

Grinding up and down chasing your release. Your knee hit the vibrator making her close her eyes every time too much pressure was put on her clit. Just by looking at her getting closer to reaching her own climax got you more turned on. She was truly hot as she was starting to shake under you, making the pleasure you felt grow stronger each time her thigh hit your bundle of nerves just right.

Your knee never leaving the vibrator, but instead putting even more pressure on the vibrator that was sending the most wonderful vibrations to her throbbing and sensitive clit you started to fondle with her irresistible breasts, so she finally came and dug her nails into your back. You slowly withdrew your knee letting her ride out her orgasm and catch her breath.

Before you could react, she was taking off your bra and fondling with your breasts and pulled you closer, forcing you to grind on her. Then she went from kissing and sucking on your breasts to kissing her way up your chest, to your neck, sucking on your sweet spot until you moaned directly in her ear.

Her trail of sloppy kisses went even further up, until her lips found yours, she was swallowing your moans as she rocked your hips up and down, gradually rocking you faster.

When you started to tremble and was unable to kiss her back, she held around you and let you drop your head into the nape of her neck.

"Fuck..." you whispered quietly as you came, your arms clinging to her, not wanting to let go of the desirable woman that just made you reach your climax. When you had gotten down from your high you gently pushed her down until she was laying on her back.

Since she hadn't turned the vibrator off you knew she was trying to chase another orgasm, and that it probably wasn't too far away either. But she was most likely not able to reach climax with just the vibrator now, so you swiftly spread her legs and got in-between them.

Kissing the inside of her thighs, making her legs close by instinct since she needed you closer.

She cradled your face with her strong thighs and started to grind forward into your face. Seconds later you spread her legs, denying her the friction she was longing for.

"You're getting desperate. Cute," you reached a hand to her hip, cradling it a second before hooking the strap off, throwing it to the side. Her eyes flew open, and she whimpered at the loss of friction.

You mocked her teasingly and used one finger to tease her folds.

"You're really wet too..." you said as you softly took her hand and made her touch herself. Once her ravishing hand was wet you directed it to your mouth, looking down at her blushing red cheeks you sucked her fingers clean, savouring the feeling of her fingertips on your tongue.

Her craving grew larger as her soaked cunt wasn't getting any attention, and she didn't need to speak for you to know she was close to giving you a pout for waiting and delaying stimulating her.

Giving in and hearing her moan as your tongue started to give her the pleasure she ached for was probably the best decision you ever made. You didn't stop to tease her any more than you already had done, and she grabbed your hair pulling you even closer.

Soon enough her legs were trying to cradle your face again, but you knew if she got the chance, she would probably suffocate you so you held them down until all she could do was shake and moan.

You made her reach her climax by swirling your tongue around her clit, hitting every nerve. She was all over your mouth and chin, and you moved away from in-between her thighs to lying beside her, only for her to grab the sides of your face to kiss you lovingly.

She could taste herself on your lips and tongue, resulting in her smiling then chuckling when she had pulled away. "I'm surprised you don't have a girl at home..." you blurted out without thinking.

"Well, if you give me some time, maybe you'll be just that."

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