Feathers and Claws (MxMxMxMxM)

By Cecidissewolf

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-Temporary Hiatus- After his tribe gets attacked, Theo is thrown abruptly into the dangerous world. With no h... More

Chapter 1: The forest
Chapter 2: The attack
Chapter 3: Terror
Chapter 4: New captor?
Chapter 5: A Head
Chapter 6: Odd
Chapter 7: New hell
Chapter 8: Panic
Chapter 9: Rescued
Chapter 10: The plan
Chapter 11: Mistake
Chapter 12: The deal
Chapter 13: Side tracked
Chapter 14: Talking
Chapter 15: Confusion
Chapter 16: Counsel
Chapter 17: Mates
Chapter 18: The hunt
Chapter 19: The hunt. (Part 2)
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21: The morning
Chapter 22: Fraying
Chapter 23: Clear
Chapter 24: Possessive
Chapter 25: Setting out
Chapter 26: Trap. . .
Chapter 27: Home sweet home?
Chapter 28: Anger
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30: Fury
Chapter 31: Mother
Chapter 32: Territorial
Chapter 33: Furious
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35: Torn
Chapter 36: Old partner. . .
Chapter 37: Trouble
Chapter 38: Choice
Chapter 39: Regret
Chapter 40: We're on our way
Chapter 41: Interesting. . .
Chapter 42: 'Chat'
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44: Dread
Chapter 45:
Chapter 46: The hunt is on
Chapter 47: Winner
Chapter 48: Mating
Chapter 49: Lovely couple
Chapter 50:
Chapter 51: Chaos
Chapter 52: Issues
Chapter 53: Plan
Chapter 54: Concern
Chapter 55: Lost.
Chapter 56: Imprisoned
Lil' Lore break: The hunts.
Chapter 57: Confusing mess
Chapter 58: Restless
Chapter 59: Growling
Chapter 60: Chatting
Chapter 61: Consequences
Chapter 62: Sleepy discussions
Chapter 63: Fair
Chapter 64:
Chapter 65: Blank
Chapter 66: Warmth
Chapter 67: Standards.
Chapter 69: Warmth
Lil' Lore break: Evolution of the Homigriffs
Chapter 70: Again.
Chapter 71: Fear
Chapter 72: Assurances
Chapter 73: Tears
Chapter 74: Cries
Chapter 75: uh oh
Chapter 76: Misery
Chapter 77: Screams
Chapter 78: Walk
Chapter 79: Aggression.
Chapter 80: Annoyance
Chapter 81: Danger
Chapter 82: Threat
Chapter 83: Curious
Chapter 84: Conversation
Chapter 85: Home (Pt 1)
Chapter 86: Home (Pt 2)
Chapter 87: Reaffirming
Chapter 88: Reacquainting
Chapter 89: Teeth
Chapter 90: The hunt

Chapter 68: Crimson calls

2.6K 145 9
By Cecidissewolf

Jude Pov :D


Sunbeams from the setting sun were casting in through the slightly opened curtains, Making a mosaic of colors on the pelts that covered the floor of Aldo's bed chamber.

Reds and oranges and yellows brighter than gold.

It was a lovely sight to watch, But I couldn't enjoy it, Not for lack of trying on my part, But purely because of the two men who lay beside me, Fast asleep.

I had woken up to the coppery smell of blood hanging in the air, Which sent me into a panic, Fearing that my mates had been killed while I slept on.

Looking over at them only strengthened my fears at first, Reddish brown blood clotted to their necks, Surely some swift footed assassin had come in and cut their lives short?.

But, Upon closer inspection and much to my relief, I realized they hadn't been attacked, But instead had marked each other.

To say my relief was palpable would be an understatement.

I wouldn't be surprised if the next kingdom over had felt my relief too.

That a lovely, Albeit slightly panicking sight to wake up to. . .

Despite my relief, The fear from when I woke up prevented me from calming enough to go back to sleep.

So, As quietly as I could, I slipped out of bed, Having to be careful while removing the wings that had been draped over me as we all slept soundly.

It was sweet to see, Even when not awake or aware, Both Theo and Aldo would try and cover me with themselves.

Cute even.

But all together very annoying when one's trying to slip out of a bedroom without waking either of them.

Regardless, I managed, And set about wandering the palace corridors, Patrolling the area in an attempt to calm myself.

It was an old habit of mine, From back even before I met Quinn face to face.

When Quinn's tribe attacked mine, Those of us who survived and escaped had to live on the run for a while.

At nights I and the other able bodied Homigriffs would take turns patrolling our small encampment, Ensuring that we weren't found was the top priority.

If we were to be found. . .It's be the end.

Whenever I would wake from a nightmare, I'd patrol around our little camp, Regardless of if it were my turn or not.

It was okay, Not nice and certainly not fun, But it was better than what some of our kin were going through.

Eventually though, One day while out hunting, Many of our little band of escapees were captured, Myself included.

And just like that, My patrolling consisted of walking about a cell, Constantly on guard and anxious of every little sound, Fearing that any second someone would enter our cell and leave with a puddle of crimson behind them.

An interesting habit that's stuck. . .I've no need to patrol anymore, But it still makes me feel better. . .

Stepping down a small corridor, I dipped my head in greeting to one of the guards, Surprising the poor woman who had been clearly dozing off.

The staff here is so lax on it's defense. . .I've easily broken into so many palaces better guarded than this one. . .

And wasn't I the expert on defense? Having gotten through so many on my own before.

I hadn't wanted to be an assassin, But it was the path that life bared before me and who was I to deny her such simple wish?

Those of us who had been captured had caught the attention of some elderly female who lived in Quinn's tribe.

One of his mothers to be exact.

While she no longer had power over the throne, Her mate having died and her not being the first mate either, She still had sway within the palace unfortunately.

She had looked upon our little band of survivors and didn't see the scared, Peaceful people we were, Instead, She saw potential weapons, Weapons she wanted to use.

Every day, We'd be forced to fight soldier after soldier, Escape deadly situations and kill 'targets' who were simply poor servants who displeased her.

I hated it. But I did it, Other wise I'd be killed, And I was too much of a coward to stare down the very blade I had pointed at so many others to save my own neck.

Eventually, The woman, Or more accurately, The hell spawn.

Decided that there were more uses for me than just killing servants for her entertainment.

And just like that, I was sent on my first mission.

To kill a council member of a neighboring tribe who had disgruntled her.

I was sent with a handler, And under the watchful eye of the moon, I let crimson spill.

She was pleased with my work, So much so, That word got back to her son, Quinn.

That day was the start of my work as an assassin, And the end of my will to live.

So much blood I have spilled, Both mine and others. . .To save my neck and to make those who are too cowardly to fight their own fights happy. . .

Shaking my head, I glanced out one of the many windows that filled Aldo's palace.

Moonlight was just barely flickering in, Casting long, Low shadows, And leaving the world coated in a peaceful blue hue.

The candles on the walls had been put out a long while ago, While they were helpful, They were more or less useless as we had somewhat good night vision.

Comes with the feline half I guess. . .

It was a peaceful night, The city below the palace was still, Barely even a stray moving about in the shadows.

That was how my attention was so easily drawn to a figure moving about in the shadows.

They barely moved, No more so than if they shifted from one foot to another, But even that was enough to catch my attention.

Whoever they were, They were far from the palace doors, But still, Despite that, I couldn't shake the feeling they were bad news.

I've learned to trust my feelings, They've served me well.

So I didn't ignore the urge to taste copper and see crimson stain the ground, Shifting into my first form, I slowly made my way out of the palace, My attention always returning to the figure.

To the promise of blood.


:) Lil' backstory mixed in with present drama. . .

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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