Next ➳ Kaylor

By crystal-skies

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Karlie Kloss, a 23 year old buisnesswoman, hired a new secretary, a shy and sweet girl called Taylor Swift no... More



7K 222 68
By crystal-skies

Taylor's POV

It was so cold. So cold that I felt my ears freeze under my beanie. I was heading to my new work, seeing other people walking by, their heads turned down, with red noses and cheeks. The wind was horrible, I shook as it touched my skin. It felt like the wind slapped me. I saw random things floating around me, such as leaves or plastic bags. When I finally reached the front door, I pushed it, and with a small moan, I walked into my new work. Everything looked beautiful there. As I was walking to the receptionist, I was thinking about why I even got this job. I mean - It is so beautiful and modern here, the people who work here seem to be older than I am, and they probably have much more money than I do. So why? Why me?

"Hello, I am Taylor Swift and I'm new here. I will be the new secretary of-" I started, but the receptionist spoke right after.

"...of Miss Kloss, right? I know, she told me to send you straight to her office as you come. It's fifth floor, I'm pretty sure you will find the door to her office."

I just nodded in a response and ran to the elevator. I was pretty nervous, let me tell you. I've heard a lot about my new boss. She gets angry easily and it is hard to work for her, because she wants a lot. And she is usually searching for qualified persons to work with. So again: Why me?

As I walked out of the elevator, I was stressed more and more. What if she won't be nice to me? What if she will yell at me? What if-

I pushed the big door in front of me, walking to the office. It was very big place, with mostly blue, gray and black color. There was a cough, a big glass table and half of the area was just windows. In the right corner was a big aquarium.

And there, right in front of me, she was. She was quite tall, much taller than me, and really skinny. She dyed her hair blonde and styled them very casually. She was wearing a short skirt and white shirt tucked in, a necklace and a bunch of bracelets and rings. I totally regreted that I picked just jeans and a random t-shirt with cowboy boots.

"Good morning, you must be Taylor Swift," she greeted me.

I freezed, just like my ears before I got here. She was so... beautiful. "I... I... um... I am, yeah... um... Hello! And you are Karlie Kloss, right?"

She smiled because of the way I acted and we shook hands. "You're cute. I can't wait to work with you."


"Yeah," she said with a smirk, "It'll be fun. Now follow me, I'll show you something and tell you a few things about your job and working with me," she said, grabbed my arm and pulled me to another part of her office.

"So, there's the coffee machine. Before we start, I like to drink one black coffee. Through the day, I'll drink another two, a water and some soda and you'll make them. Okay?" she asked, moving her body a little bit away from me. I nodded.

"Great. Next thing I have on my mind... contact. You'll have my phone number and I'll have yours, in case if anything will happen. I'll probably do it once or twice a day, usually when I'll have a meeting or when I'll be out of New York. If you want to tell me something, or you'll need help or whatever, just call me."

"Sure," I nodded once again. "What's next?"

"Next? Um, clothes. You know, I have strict rules in clothing. Your outfit... well... let's not talk about it now. But I need you to do some changes in dressing, because my secretary represents me and my secretary won't be dressed as a fourty year-old virgin."

I blushed. I knew I looked horrible. "And... what changes it will be?"

"Well," she purred, stepping behind me. She grabbed my hips. "Firstly, we'll get rid of these ugly jeans and we'll replace them with a skirt..." Her hands now reached my boobs, "Then, we will replace this old t-shirt with some sexy top..." She grabbed my neck then and bit my ear, "and lastly, we will add some pretty jewerlery."

I gasped. "What.... what does it mean?"

"That means that you'll now do everything I'll tell you, or I'll fire you," she smiled. "Now, you can go."

"But... Miss Kloss... I just came..." I started. What am I doing? I should just run away!

"I know, but I told you everything I needed to. See you tomorrow!"

"Um... yeah... see you!" I hardly smiled and left her office with so many questions.

A/N: Part 1 is here! It took me a long time to write it, but I'm glad I finally wrote it! :)

Vote & comment please, I want to know what you guys think! ♥

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