Our Little Family

By Ezra_Ann_

90.9K 4.2K 162

Eden James is 23-years-old young man who is gay, able to become pregnant, and is currently six months pregnan... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 14

3.2K 168 10
By Ezra_Ann_

Eden's P.O.V.

My due date is in two days, and these last few months have flown by quickly. Alexis threw the baby shower at work with our co-workers last month, and I got everything I need for Ean, and clothes for him when he is older, too. I am still working my long shifts until I give birth to Ean, so I can have my full two months of maternity leave off once he is born.

Gage and I have become closer as friends over the last few months, but I feel awkward around his friend Ben. I get the impression from Ben that he does not like me for some reason that I am unaware of. He has hung out with Gage and I several times, and every time is awkward for me. Gage has told me that he is no longer in the BDSM lifestyle to prove to me how serious he is about earning back my trust the he broke.

"Eden, how are you feeling?" Alexis worriedly asks as we have lunch in the staff lounge of the hospital.

"Tired, sick of being pregnant, but worried about giving birth to Eden," I sigh, rubbing my huge belly where Ean's foot is sticking out since he has no more room.

"I am sure you will do fine giving birth since you have taken all the classes that are offered here about," she assures as she rubs my lower back with slight pressure to ease some of the pain. "Besides, I am your birthing partner, and you will be in excellent hands."

She grins at me when I give her a tired smile in appreciation.

"Ean needs to come out soon though, he has no more room to move in my belly," I sigh, continuing to rub his protruding foot.

"He could be born any day now as his due date is only in two days," she tries to reassure, but the reality is that I could go past Ean's due date.

"Do you have any plans after work tonight?" I ask, not really hungry at the moment, but I know I have to eat.

"Yeah, Carter and I are going to a concert tonight to see 'Imagine Dragons.' What about you?" she answers with an excited grin.

"That sounds like you guys are gonna have a great time!" I answer with a bright smile. "Gage is going to come to mine tonight with dinner, and we are gonna watch something on the television."

She pouts sympathetically at me; "I am sorry you can't come with us to the concert."

"Hey, it is okay since I am too tired, and too pregnant to be doing anything too adventurous," I assure with another tired smile as Ean pushes both feet out again.

I am extremely thankful the rest of my shift goes by quickly, and without too much hassle. Driving home, I shower, and dress in a pair of black joggers with a white strip on the outside of the pant leg, a white long sleeve pull over shirt, and black and white stripped fuzzy socks. Waddling out to the living room, I sit on the couch to read until Gage is due to arrive in about an hour. I end up falling asleep at some point before he arrives.

"Eden?" I hear Gage softly call out as he rubs my large baby belly. "Hey, you need to wake up, so you can eat."

"Gage?" I mumble sleepily, slowly blinking my eyes open to blearily look at him as he sits on the coffee table in front of me as he grins.

I gave him a spare key a month ago in case of emergencies, and me not letting him inside would be an emergency considering we had plans.

"Hi," he warmly greets as he leans forward to rub my belly. "Did you have a good nap."

Yawning loudly behind my left hand with a nod; "Sorry I fell asleep. I did not mean, too, and whatever you brought for dinner smells great. Thanks for bringing food."

"Never a problem, Eden," he answers as he continues to rub my belly. "After we eat, I will head home, so you can go back to sleep, okay?"

"Nope, I want to spend time with you," I yawn again with a tired smile as I hold me hands out to him so he can help me off the couch. "Help me up, please?"

"I can bring you your dinner," he offers sweetly as he takes my hands in his.

Shaking my head at him as I answer; "I can get myself dinner, but I have to pee first."

Gage instantly takes my hands in his to gently pull me off the couch, and I thank him once I am steady on my feet. Waddling slowly to the bathroom, I have to sit down on the toilet since my aim sucks right now. When I am finished, I flush the toilet, wash and dry my hands before joining Gage in the kitchen where he has placed out two plates and forks.

We each place small amounts of the food on our plates of the three different options before heading to the table to eat. Before I can even take my first bite of food, my water breaks, instantly soaking my joggers.

Gasping loudly as a contraction starts, I whimper in pain with wide, fearful eyes at Gage; "My water just broke, and I am having a contraction."

His eyes widen in shock as he stammers; "W-what? A-are you s-serious?"

Giving him a 'duh' expression; "Yes, I am serious. I need you to take me to the hospital now. My bags and Ean's car seat are in the hall closet. Can you take those to you car while I change my pants, please?"

"Y-yeah, o-okay," he stammers as he helps me to stand from my seat, and we go off to do our tasks.

Waddling up to my room as the contraction ends, and enter my room to change into dry and clean underwear and black joggers. Tossing my dirty clothes into the hamper, I then waddle carefully back downstairs as Gage comes back into the hair.

"Come on, let's get you to the hospital," Gage nervously says as he wraps his left arm around my waist to help me walk down the stairs, and out to his car.

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