demigod dragon rider kingsbane

De koleking28

238 12 40

Galbatorix has taken the throne, the remaining riders, the dwarves, the elves, and the humans are at a loss o... Mai multe

a boy from another world
who are you?
Dragon Eggs
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Sparring and a new friend?
Hail To The King
Apologies, Lesson learned, Arya's birthday
Another memory
Meeting Goddesses
Formora's Gift
An Elf's Thoughts

Chapter 4

16 1 2
De koleking28

 Oromis staggered back, after seeing those brief memories, he was expelled from the boy's mind. His dragon, Glaedr, mentally reached out, seeking to ease his rider's mental burden.

"Well Oromis, is he an agent of Galbatorix?!" Vrael's voice thundered, full of anger and hatred when speaking about Galbatorix.

"Vrael, give Oromis a moment, at least allow him to put his thoughts together, regarding what he had seen." Umaroth gently chided his rider.

"I bet he's not a spy, or in league with Galbatorix at all!" Arya's voice popped up, wearing a fierce, pouty expression on her face, much to the amusement of several of the gathered people.

Formora just looked at the boy, laying on the ground, groaning, due to his previous injuries, as well as the stream of memories that Oromis glimpsed through. She didn't know why, or what it was, but something about the boy called out to her, drawing her near him. She wasn't sure, but it was almost as if she would be miserable, if he wasn't part of her life. Quite frankly, she didn't know if she liked such a notion.

Hrothgar, for his part, just looked indifferent about it all. He didn't think the boy was an enemy, but he wasn't going to stick his neck out for him either.

The elven monarchs, Evandar and Islanzadí, just watched on, worrying about the potential ramifications of allowing an unknown into Ellesmera, also worrying and wondering about the child.

Brom spoke up, "Well master Oromis, is he a threat? If not, might I suggest, that we do something about his injuries, as well as finding a way to earn his support and loyalty? With Galbatorix and his Forsworn, we need all of the able bodied soldiers that we can get."

Having said this, several of them turned to look at him, "What?" Brom questioned, upon seeing their dumbfounded glances.

"It's just, well, that was a very intelligent suggestion, coming from you." Formora said. Brom just scowled at her. Much to the amusement of the dragons, Islanzadí, and evandar.

"No, he's not a threat, at least not to us. We have just received a boon, a powerful, miracle. A warrior of untold proportions." Oromis said to his allies, and his leader.

Having heard that, Vrael just sighed and shook his head. 'Oromis wouldn't lie to me, would he? I know that he, like most elves, harbors a soft spot for children, but we are at war now! We can't afford to be soft! If this boy is even the slightest threat, he needs to be dealt with, here and now!' Vrael's mind racing darkly, his thoughts becoming more and more dangerous by the minute.

Umaroth, through his shared bond with Vrael, cast a worried, weary eye over his partner, not liking the direction his mind took. 'Vrael, perhaps you should dismiss the council, for the evening? Let everyone retire, giving them some much needed rest, enjoying some food? Come morning, we could all reconvene, and discuss what Oromis has gleamed? Your thoughts are irritable, and quite frankly are not going to help anyone right now.' came the calm, cool, collected thoughts of the great, big, white behemoth, that was Umaroth.

'Why am I the only one who sees the potential threat in this boy? Are they all blind? Perhaps I am just being paranoid, thanks to the betrayal of Galbatorix? Is that it? I don't trust this child, and I don't know why. What is wrong with me?!' Vrael thought to himself.

Speaking out loud, the (former?) leader of the riders dismissed everyone for the night, "It's getting late, let us retire for the evening, feast, and rest. In the morn, we shall discuss what Oromis saw, that makes him so certain and sure of this child not being a threat. That is, if Oromis is permittable?"

Oromis, just bowed his head forward, slightly, letting Vrael know that he was agreeable. Formora, Vrael, and Brom all headed off into Ellesmera, wanting to catch some sleep, after grabbing some food, that is.

Oromis stayed behind, gazing at the unconscious child sadly, 'Poor boy. Going through things no child should. Witnessing such pain, death, betrayal, all at a young age.' the kind elf was lost in his grief, truly the child was an unfortunate soul indeed.

Islanzadí seeing Oromis was staring at the child, wearing a tragic look in his eyes, she walked over to him. Upon seeing his queen in front of him, the dragon rider elder, bowed his head submissively, and asked, "My queen, how may I help you?"

"What about this boy, is so upsetting to you, Oromis?" She asked.

"There is to much for me to tell you tonight, therefore I will explain it all in the morning. However, since you are here, I would ask a boon of you?" The kind elder stated and inquired.

"If it is within my power, I shall grant it to you." Hearing her answer, he smiled at her, thankfully.

"I wish to house this child for the night, or at least to house him until we decide on what to do with him? Seeing as how none of the others seem to be concerned with where he will stay, I thought someone should think of something." Upon speaking, he saw her eyes go slightly wide, evidently she didn't think of the sleeping arrangements for the child either.

"That is a very reasonable boon, I apologize for not thinking of such a thing earlier. My humblest apologies." The queen said.

"Thank you, your majesty. By your leave then? It's getting later by the minute, and I wish to get the boy settled in, hopefully before he wakes up?" Granting him leave, she turned back towards her mate, and the dwarves, who she also happened to realize, thanks to her talk with Oromis, hadn't any sleeping arrangements either, making her want to slap herself for her mess up.

Internally sighing, she walked over to them, and spoke out loud, "I must apologize, in our haste to strategise, I forgot to make living arrangements for you and your people, King Hrothgar. Forgive me for my blunder." Islanzadí bowed her head, humbly.

The mighty dwarf King just shook his head, and chuckled good naturedly. "Don't apologize, Queen Islanzadí, for your forgetfulness in this situation is understandable, and anyone else would have forgotten as well, I am sure."

"If you would just follow me, I will take you to your lodgings." the majestic queen spoke to Hrothgar and his warriors.

Oromis knelt on the ground, and picking Perseus up, he walked over to Glaedr, who bent his neck forwards, and lowered his body, allowing his rider to leap into the saddle, and to secure Perseus in as well.

Taking off, Glaedr's large wings whipped up a few bursts of vicious winds. Arriving in Ellesmera, and heading up to the rider's trees, only taking a few moments, oromis jumped off glaedr's back, and carried the unconscious demigod into his home, in the tree.

Hearing a loud rustling noise, Oromis rolled his eyes, already knowing what it was, or rather, who it was. 'Does she think I am stupid? Or deaf? She hasn't exactly been subtle.' the elf thought to himself.

Turning around, and sure enough, there was arya, peaking around chair in the room, hoping to get a glimpse of the young warrior. Oromis was amused, 'hm, why is she so drawn to him? She has been adamant in her defense of him, and she has been staring at him since she laid eyes on him.'

"Does your mother know you are here, princess? You do know how late it is, correct?" he questioned her. She puffed her cheeks out, while glaring up at him, trying to intimidate him, not that it worked. Just as she was about to answer him, the mirror he used for scrying, was beginning to light up, giving him a feeling that his question was about to be answered. Islanzadi appeared on the mirror, a frantic look in her eyes.

"Oromis, I can't find arya! Is she with you?! Do you know where she is?!" hearing the terror in her voice, as well as how loud it was, oromis and glaedr winced, before oromis shot arya a look, who gave him a look back, begging him to not tell her mother where she was. Oromis shook his head, exasperated, and amused, at dealing with arya.

"Do not worry my queen, she is safe. Actually, she is here with me. If it is okay with you, she is more than welcome to stay the night, I can bring her with Perseus and I in the morning?" Oromis said back to the queen, who upon hearing where her daughter was, got very upset with said child.

"Arya Drottningnu, how dare you sneak out of this home! You are so in for it tomorrow! Very well, Oromis, if you could, please keep her safe, with an extra eye on her, she's very prone to running off, in case it somehow slipped your notice. I think I might have to magic a chain to put on her neck, or rope, that can't be cut or destroyed." Islanzadi screamed at her daughter angrily, before calming down and (hopefully) joking, while her daughter glared and pouted at her.

"Hmph, I wouldn't have to sneak out, if you would just let me go! It's not my fault I want to play, I don't like being indoors!" Arya said to her mother.

"Child, go into the guest room, while I talk to your mother. Once I am done speaking to her, I will fetch us some food, okay?" Seeing her nod, and head into the guest room, that she would share with Perseus, oromis smiled and turned back to the queen.

"She's headstrong, prideful, willfull, fierce, and stubborn. I am dreading what she is going to be like when she gets older. She takes after her father." Islanzadí sighed.

'I'm sure she gets it more from her mother, rather than her father.' Oromis wryly thought to himself, however he knew better than to say such a thing.

His face turned serious, upon noticing this, Islanzadí asked him, "What is it? What's wrong, oromis?"

Sighing, because he knew this would be a point of contention with Vrael, "Bring the three dragon eggs, please? I have a feeling about this boy, and the eggs."

Hearing what he said, her eyes went wide, "All three eggs? Shouldn't we only show him one at a time? What will Vrael say or do? Surely he wouldn't be okay with us showing this boy the three eggs?"

"Yes all three eggs. It's no different from when we used to ferry the eggs around Alagaesia, strangers would come up and see an egg all of the time. Leave Vrael to me. He won't do anything, once a rider and dragon have bonded, we are not allowed to seperate them, it's written in our code. He knows this as well as I. I think Umaroth would be willing to help me make Vrael see reason, if I must." oromis told her firmly.

Nodding her head, somewhat reluctantly, she told him, "Very well, I and Evandar, will bring them. But I warn you, if anything happens to those eggs, on your head, it will be."

"Thank you, my queen, now may I retire for the night? It is getting rather late, and I do wish to feed myself and arya, while checking up on Perseus." he kindly asked to be excused.

Dismissing him, the scrying mirror lost the connection. Turning around, the elf shook his head, before heading into his meeting area, the room he used for meetings with his allies or friends. Walking into his guest room, he couldn't help but smile. Seeing the little princess arya, playing healer over Perseus was just to innocent and amusing to him.

Arya was standing by the boy's bedside, peering over his face worriedly, well, as worriedly as a three year old could, that is. Her eyebrows were furrowed, her face was scrunched up, her eyes were slightly glimmering.

Oromis decided to go and get some stew ready, luckily, he already had everything he needed for it, and it wouldn't take him long to cook it. Bringing out a couple of bowls, he stirred the stew a few minutes, and after tasting it, he deemed it ready.

He called for arya, "Arya, stew is ready, if you're still hungry?" hearing her footsteps as she walked into the eating area. Sitting down and eating her food, she had several questions forming in her mind.

"If you have questions, young one, feel free to ask them. Curiosity is not a crime. Expanding the mind is never a bad thing." Oromis told her kindly.

Arya, after finishing her meal, exploded with questions, "Who is he master? Where did he come from? How did he get here? Why is he here? What power does he have? How strong is he? Will he get a dragon? He feels odd to me, like there's a connection there? Do you think he would be friends with me? You're not going to kill him........are you?" she rapidly fired question after question, ending with a whisper at the end. Thanks to his advanced hearing, from being a rider and an elf, he heard her though.

"His name is Perseus Jackson. He came from a different world, that is all I know about where he came from, though his world was inhabited by immensely powerful beings, called gods and titans, and primordials, from what I gleamed through his memories. I don't know why he is here, as for his power? Well, he is extremely powerful, more so than even myself or possibly Vrael, though I am not sure. I am not sure about him bonding with a dragon, though I have a feeling he will surprise us with that. This connection, would you be able to describe it to me? I do think, he will be your friend, both of you are going to need friends. Maybe you could introduce him to Glenwing and Faolin? The four of you could become fast and good friends. No, I will not kill him, and neither will I allow anyone else to, for that matter." Oromis was quick to answer her questions, as well as reassure her.

Having been answered, arya was calmed down, she hoped the boy was friendly, and that he would be around for a while. Remembering that she was supposed to describe the connection to Oromis, she tried to put into words, how she felt, and what the connection felt like.

"Um, it's well, it's kind of like I know what he feels like? Where he's at? It's also as if I am being pulled, mentally, emotionally, physically, towards him? I don't really know how to explain it, I'm sorry master." she wasn't able to explain it very well.

"Hm, I've never heard of such a thing, perhaps, in time, the mystery will be revealed? Maybe all we can hope for, is time? For now, let's get some rest, in the morning, you and I will be meeting up with the others from last night, while I discuss Perseus with them, you will be sent home, and I hope, for your sake, that you listen to and obey your mother, she is very upset with you already." Oromis told the young, and already rebellious princess.

"Fine. Make me go to sleep, and then in the morning, you can all have your boring grown up talk. They aren't very fun anyways!" She huffed out, before, much to his amusement, crawled into the bed with Perseus.

Oromis just chuckled, "ah, how bold, are the young." he then headed off to his own room. Laying down on the bed, closing his eyes, it didn't take long for sleep to claim him. Hours later, he rose up, getting out of the bed, and washing his face with some water, he got some tea going, before heading into the guest room, knowing how terrible children are, with waking early in the mornings.

'just as I thought, I am going to have to wake the two of them up.' he gently pushed the door open, and his eyes blinked a few times, trying to take into account, just what he was seeing. After a moment, he had to hold back his laughter. Arya, sometime in the night, or early morn, had managed to tangle herself up in the blanket, and kicked Perseus out of the bed, for he was sprawled out, on the floor, his eyes open, and just staring blankly up at the ceiling, when he wasn't glaring at the elf on the bed, who was facing him, though she was still asleep.

"Come on, you two it's time to get up. Rise and shine! Time's wasting, you two are burning daylight, let's go!" Oromis called out.

Perseus was the first one to get up, with a minor groan, he sat up, before pulling himself to his feet. Arya, hearing the call, just groaned out loud, and shook her head irritatedly, before glaring heatedly over at the elf in the doorway, and burrowing her head underneath the blankets, and pulling them over the rest of her body, with her head being covered, by a pillow, while the blankets over her head, were also covered under the pillow. Oromis just stared at the bed, his eye slightly twitching.

Oromis, reaching out with his magic, removed the blankets, as well as pulled some cold water out from the basin he had on the ground in the other room, doused Arya in water. The reaction was instantaneous. She shot up and out of the bed, as if Urgals or the Ra'zac were after her. Screeching bloody murder, with daggers shooting from her eyes, to the elf that soaked her, with a promise of retribution, in the future.

After eating a quick and light breakfast, as well as washing themselvs up a little, the trio, along with Glaedr, headed towards Tialdarí Hall, home of the elven monarchs, and arya, also where the meeting was to take place.

Arriving after a few moments, they headed inside, heading to the room, where the meeting will take place. Seeing as to how their hosts were already seated, and noting the glare Islanzadi shot to arya, Oromis was ready to begin the meeting.

"Arya, go to your room, your father and I will be up to talk to you and punish you later." Hearing her mother speak, the girl pouted, before stomping up to her room, causing the queen to develop an eye twitch.

'That girl is so getting it later. She knows better than to misbehave and not show manners!' the queen thought to herself. Turning her attention back to Oromis, she began to watch closer and listen more, as he began the boy's tale.

Muttering under his breath, he spoke a spell out loud, "glimt av sinn og sel."

Unfamilliar with the spell, Islanzadi was quickly cast into darkness, glancing around she noticed everyone else, with the exception of Vrael, were just as clueless, she was about to speak up, when she noticed doors beginning to materialize around her.

Oromis, seeing some confused faces around, spoke out with the words, "Each of these doors, is a memory, pertaining to Perseus' life. It would take to long to explain his life to you, so i have instead, with his permission, used a spell, to show you all his life. I warn you now, however, his life was not easy, glamorous, or fun. There were some good, fun, or happy times, but those were less than the dark, and sad times."

Hearing what he said, all of the others just nodded, although they were unprepared for what they would see. Images rushed by, fleeting emotions accompanied those memories and images, people and places lost, events that shaped Perseus from a boy, to a man. Battles against beings of magic or power, strength or speed, they watched. They were impressed, and worried.

They didn't know how long they spent in his mind, it felt like years had gone by, only to find, upon their exiting of his mind, that it had been mere moments. Utterly drained, they sat there, flabbergasted by the sheer magnitude of his world and prowess.

So i guess that's it for this chapter.

Now i am not sure how well this fic is going to continue to be received. But here it is, fourth chapter in. I plan to include mythologies, at least Norse and Egyptian, maybe some Shinto, possibly some Greek.

Perseus' and Arya's connection will be expanded upon, and explained the older they get. Any romance/sexual acts between those two will not happen for a while, because of how the elves view their race (example, Arya, at a century of age, was still considered a child by elven standards.)

How would you all feel about Perseus, acting like the gods, or being cursed, in the fact him having sex with almost anything that moves? For example, wolves or horses, causing him to father werewolves and centaurs in Alagaesia? Or cows, making him father minotaurs? Or maybe he could fuck a Ra'zac or Lethrblaka, fathering sirens, or something?

I have a plot twist (or more) featured, that will show up later, that i am not sure if people will like, but it won't be here for a while.

I am trying to make Vrael, kind of similar to Mace Windu, but not entirely the same.

Anyone (from another Fandom) or another Fandom, that you want to show up? Ideas would be nice, can't say i will do it, but i will at least listen to the suggestion.

I'm not sure if the language works/matches, but i think the spell is fitting.

We all know Arya was a little hellion growing up, lmfao.

Is it just me, or do the elves not really understand the concept of romantic love? Like they will take mates for how long or short they want, they don't really marry. So do they even know what romantic love is? I think perhaps Islanzadí, is the only one, that seems to know what romantic love is, given that she didn't take a mate, that we know of, after Evandar died. So maybe she loved him, and wanted to do right by him, instead of going and fucking some other random elf, she only seemed to have feelings for Evandar?

Any other thoughts, feelings, concerns about the fic? Hit me up, with a message (FFN/Wattpad), or review (AO3).

Also, is it just me, or did Eragon get shafted in the inheritance cycle series? That won't change the pairing(s) in this fic, just how i kind of feel in canon.

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