Go bad or Go Home

By marichat316

138K 2.5K 2.9K

You're a (f/c) fox who is dating the one and only Mr. Wolf. What happens when the Heist of the century is p... More

The touchy topic
It's heist time
A Mischievous idea
A Plan. A Bad, Bad Plan
A Second Chance
A/N If you're up to read
Going Good?
The Gala
Another A/N😅
Truth Hurts
A Past Reveal's Itself
Decisions are Questioned
Back At It Again
Things Work Out Even for Bad Guys
A/N So Sorry
Somethings are not meant to Be
Another A/N I Know😭😭
Feelings Lead to Something New
Sick Day

Actions are Forgiven

3.6K 98 29
By marichat316

Hello darlings I'm so sorry this took so long. I just never had the time to do it. This would have been posted yesterday but I had gotten back from a sleepover and I was really sleep deprived. Hope you enjoy the chapter. Not fully spell checked.

Diane zipped to the police station as quickly as she could. Before she got too close, she flipped the motorcycle into the air and transformed it back into a briefcase. It would be waiting for her there the next time she needed it or the next time you needed it.

"Chief!" She called out, striving toward the front entrance.

"Thank you for getting here so quickly."

Suddenly, Tiffany Fluffit popped up, her camera crew trailing after.

"Look!" She called out. She pointed down the street, just as our car careened around the corner towards the station.

"Well, butter...my...crumpets," The chief said in disbelief.

"Can it be?" Tiffany said into her microphone.

"The Bad Guys are returning the meteorites! Perhaps this is the feel-good story we all needed!"

Inside the car, we could already feel the excitement. "Woo-hoo!" We cried out.

"Do you think they'll throw us a party?" Webs asked.

"Yeah," Piranha cried. "With fireworks, piñatas, and cake!"

"Yeah that sounds nice." You thought of hanging out with Diane like old times. But those memories quickly faded when you relied that it won't be the same without Snake.

You glanced at the others and saw they seemed to feel the same way. It was hard to believe we had just been celebrating Snake's birthday, and now we were doing all this without him.

We all turned to look down to look at Snake's empty spot in the car. His birthday hat was still crumpled up on the seat. Wolf glanced at you and the others. This was it. The moment they had to decide. Return the meteorite because of the good thing to do, or...

Sacrifice everything to try to get our pal Snake back? You and Wolf glanced over at Diane, who was smiling at us expectantly. You and Wolf looked away. Suddenly, you looked over at Wolf and saw him turn to you and the others and said:

"We can't do this without him. What do you say we take a detour first?"

Shark grinned. " He might be Mr. Grumpypants..."

"But he's our Mr. Grumpypants," Webs finishes.

Wolf floored it, leaving the police station in his dust. It was time to get our friend back.

With Marmalade and Snake

Inside Marmalade's helicopter, the professor was screaming at Snake.

"They stole my stolen money!" He wailed. "Why did I bring you on as a partner if you can't even anticipate their next move?!"

"Oh," Snake hissed, "So all this is my fault?"

"You're probably just jealous because my heist was better than your heist!" Marmalade snapped at Snake.

"You mean, the heist where you lost the money and the meteorite?"Snake lifted an eyebrow.

"I'm starting to see why your friends dumped you," Marmalade snarled.

"I don't have any friends!" Snake shouted.

Just then, he heard a voice calling his name from somewhere nearby.

"Snake! Snake!" Snake swiveled his head around, trying to figure out where the voice was coming from. Then down below the helicopter, he spotted Wolf and you hanging out of the car on the freeway below him calling up.

Snake's eyes widened. "Wolf? Y/N?"

Marmalade look down from the chopper and noticed the meteorite, still strapped in the back of our car.

"My meteorite!" He whooped

Wolf shouted up, "Snake! Snake, come back!"

"We need you, baby!" Shark added.

Before Snake could reply, Marmalade laughed.

"Oh, do you go again. Making it personal! Now, give me back my meteorite!"

"Oh yeah?" Piranha growled. "What you gonna do, whiskers?"

Marmalade angrily snatch the mind control helmet off Snakes head,


Marmalade concentrated. Using the power of the meteorite, Marmalade made the ground rumble. Suddenly a wave of guinea pigs—all obviously under control the meteorite—borrowed out of the earth all around our car. They poured onto the highway, flooding the roadways.

"We've got adorable company!" Shark said.

Marmalade snapped his fingers, and the horde suddenly transformed into giant tentacles. The tentacles slam down onto the freeway as our car swerved to try to avoid being crushed. It was like we were in a giant, life-size version of whack-a-mole.

"Maybe I shouldn't have called him whiskers," Piranha said.

Webs muse, "I gotta say, when I woke up this morning, this is not where I saw my day going."

You then spoke, "Honestly same this is like a weird fever dream."

Wolf continue to steer the car clear of each tentacle slab. (This sounds so wrong in so many ways💀) Soon, a tower of guinea pigs approached, also trying to crash down onto us but we managed to steer the car to the side. Snake watched Marmalade continue to attack on us.

"Wow, Snake said. "Let's dial this down a notch! Besides, you never get them. Wolf's too good of a driver."

"Hmm," Marmalade grunted. "Now that I think of it, maybe it would be better to exploit his greatest weakness."

"Exactly!" Snake agreed. "Wait, what do you mean?"

Suddenly, Marmalade reached out and shoved Snake hard in the chest. He tumbled out of the helicopter.

"Nooo!" Snake cried, bouncing through the air.

Your eyes widened as Wolf yelled, "Snake!"

As he whipped and spun through the air, Snake managed to sink his fangs into the floor of the helicopter, saving himself from plummeting to certain death. Wolf leaped in action. Snake was in danger, and he knew what he had to do.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa hold it!" He cried out.

" Ok, you win. You can have the space rock."You speak.

"Good Y/P, Y/N," (your preference:]) You grimaced at Marmalade's words.

Glancing at him you saw him shift the helicopters grappling arm so I could reach down and grab the meteorite right out of the back of our car. But before Marmalade could lift it, Wolf climbed onto the giant space rock and stood his ground.

"Not so fast. Pull Snake up first. Or I'll use this."

He pulled out the tube of lipstick he had found in Diane and your stash of gadgets.

"Oh, come on now." Marmalade laughed.

You let out a small chuckle. If he knew.

With a flick of his wrist, Wolf converted the lipstick tube into a flamethrower and pointed the device at the cable dangling from the helicopter. He'd fried Marmalade's cable and the meteorite would be toast.

"Do it. Or you lose the rock!"

Wolf and Marmalade stared each other down. When it was clear neither of them were going to give up, Marmalade reluctant.

"Ok, fine, if you insist. CUDDLES!" The chopper suddenly peeled upward nto the sky, leaving Wolf far down below the freeway.

"You want him, he's yours."

With that, he kicked Snake in the face and knocked him off the edge of the helicopter.

"Snake!" Wolf hollered as Snake plummeted towards the ground. Wolf had no choice but to leap off the meteorite and get behind the wheel. As soon as the cord was taut, the line attached to the meteorite lifted the giant rock up and out of the back of our car. Marmalade had it again. But that no longer mattered since our friend was in serious danger. Catching Snake before he landed was all Wolf was thinking about now. He could deal with Marmalade and his meteorite later.

"Snake!" Piranha yelled while Wolf flicked the car into turbo mode.

"Oh no!" Shark cried as the car flew through wave after wave of guinea pigs. Snake was still twisting and spinning to the air, heading straight towards the Love Crater—the very spot the meteorite had hit not so long ago, which had set all this off in the first place.

We sped towards the crater, knowing we had no time to lose. But when we got close, the road was blocked off. There was a road closed sign marking the end of the broken highway where the meteorite had crashed right through.

We couldn't drive any further.

"Guys, I know it's crazy but we're going to jump it," Wolf flinched slightly, waiting for you to once again smack in the back of the head but you didn't.

"You're not going to hit me?"

You can give him a look. "Why?"

"Well you usually hit me when I do something stupid... and this is something stupid"

You then spoke, "Well it's not stupid when one of our dearest friends are involved."

"Oh ok,"

" But if you still wanna get hit I could do it."

Wolf then interrupted, "No no I'm good."

"You're so adorable!" You said as you booped him nose.

Wolf then glanced back at the little bit of road that was left attempting to hide this blush as his friends made fun of him.

Using the wave of guinea pigs as a sort of ramp,Wolf accelerated. We had to get as much air as possible or we'd never make the jump. Snake continued to fall, farther and farther down toward earth, as our car leaped off solid ground and flew up into the air towards him.

"We're gonna make it!" Piranha cheered.

" We're going to make it!"

For one long second it seemed like maybe Piranha was right but then the reality of the jump hit all of us, and it was obvious that we, too, were going down. The Love Crater was gonna be the downfall of the bad guys.

As we fell, you and Wolf swam through the air and caught Snake in your arms. If we were going down, we were going down together.

"You came back!" Snake said, shocked

Wolf looked at Snake and said, "Snake, I should've been honest with you. I was afraid that if you knew I wanted to be good, you'd."

"—-act like a jerk and never talk to you again," Snake said, cutting him off.

You nodded. "And I think you know why I stayed by Wolf's side." You gave a small smile to Wolf who returned it.

"Yeah. You guys are... I love you too," Snake said

Shark began to weep. " This is so beautiful. Do you know how beautiful this is? You guys?"

"Now you're gonna make me cry! Piranha said, full on weeping.

"I know," Webs said though tears. "So pathetic right?"

Wolf beamed at his best friend, then turned to you and the others slightly. He slipped the grappling hook out of his suit and waved in there.

"Come on. Who said this was the end?" (My playlist played I need a hero right at this moment and it fit so well)

Just as the car slammed into the bottom of the crater, exploding on impact, Wolf wrapped his friends his arms making sure you were the closest to him, and sent the grappling hook flying. This time it caught the edge of the crater and not his pants.

While Marmalade watched in horror from above, we flew out of the wreckage. The force from the blast knocked Marmalade off-balance in the helicopter and blew the mind control helmet off his head. It flew up and ricocheted off the tail rotor of the chopper.

"No no no no—Cuddles!" Marmalade screamed. Without the mine control helmet, the guinea pigs all finally deactivated and began turning back to normal. Meanwhile, the helicopter's injured tail rotor began to jerk and catch.

"Uh-oh..." Marmalade said, his eyes growing wide as the helicopter began to sputter.

Down below, Wolf was focus on getting you and everyone else back to safety. As the others held tight to the rope attached to the grappling hook, Wolf was making sure to carry you up with one hand to obviously show off. He climbed up onto the freeway ledge that had cut caught when he activated it.

As soon as he was back on solid ground he gently put you down and placed a kiss onto your forehead making you flush lightly. Which made him smirk.

"Go help the others you idiot." You pushed him away.

Wolf, who still had a smirk resting on his face, turned around and reached down and helped the others.

Suddenly, Piranha popped out from under Shark's butt, gasping for air. (Anyways💀)

"What happened?" Piranha said. "Did we die? Is this heaven?"

It was only heaven if heaven had the chief of police staring down at them.

You thought to yourself 'Naw we're in hell for sure if she's here'

"That's it," The chief said as we emerge from the edge of the crater. "There is absolutely no way you're getting away this time!"

"Wait!" Diane said, stepping forward. "Chief!"

"Governor Foxington?" The chief said, spinning around.

"Don't do this!" she told her "They didn't steal the meteor right; they were bringing it back"

The police chief snorted. "Ha! How could you know that? Unless... you were conspiring with a bunch of known criminals?"

She glanced suspiciously at us, then back at Diane.

Diane took a deep breath, then removed her glasses.

"Well..." she began. " As a matter of fact, it's time I came clean about something. The truth is, I am really... really—"

"— really a big fan of redemption arcs," You interrupted. If You and Diane had successfully hidden our criminal past for this long, you weren't going to let her out herself. Why ruin the good thing she had going. That you both had going.

"Yeah, Governor, we know."

Stunned, Diane turned and looked at you, who had moved closer to her. Hand and hand with Wolf.

"We're done running away. Chief, do what you need to do."

The police chief was caught off guard. "You're... turning yourself in?"

"We might not have stolen the meteor, but we did see a lot of other things," Wolf admitted. "It's Time we take responsibility and start a clean slate. Take us in, chief."

The police chief didn't move, Wolf sighed and took the handcuffs himself.

"Wow," the chief said, stunned. "Really?"

Wolf slipped his hands into the cuffs and tighten them while still holding onto your hand.

"You finally did it. This is your moment, chief. Drink it in." you said.

"Wow—I Should... I should give a speech!"

"What." You said as your eyes squinted in confusion.

"I should, shouldn't I!"

Wolf frowned. "Uh—"

But the chief is already pulling a crumpled, folded piece of paper from her pocket. She slid in on her reading glasses and began her speech.

"Oh my gosh." You turned your head into Wolf's shoulder. He then placed his hand on your head comforting you at least he attempted to.

"Ahem! When I was six years old, I decided I wanted to play the piccolo—only to find
that my fingers were just too powerful for that fragile little instrument. And that's when I discovered law enforcement—"

While she rambled on, you, Wolf and Diane exchanged smiles.

"I'm proud of you guys," Diane said.

"You know," he told her " A fox and a wolf are not that different. You've got a good thing going here, governor. And I should know.."

He then looked down at you. "I've been around with one for quite awhile." He gently squeezed your sides as his hands rested on your waist the best they could.

Diane smiled thoughtfully, watching as the police loaded us into their vehicles.

Tiffany Fluffit had finally arrived on the scene.
"The saga of the bad guys come to a simple in totally satisfying conclusion," she said then, into the camera.

" Now I wonder what happened to the meteorite? Tiffany's camera panned over, capturing footage of Marmalade sneaking the meteorite—still dangling from the belly of his helicopter—back to his compound.

"Can it be?" Tiffany said excitedly, knowing she was possibly breaking story of the century.

"It's Professor Marmalade! He's bringing the meteorite back!"

Marmalade, realizing he was on camera, suddenly smiled and waved. He spun the helicopter around and waved again.

"Yes!" He called out. "Yes, bringing it back! That's precisely what I'm doing!" The crowd gathered around the crater cheered and roared.

"Look no further," Marmalade hollered.

"Your hero has arrived!"

We all exchanged looks. Was that annoying rodent seriously going to get away with all this?

Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter I'm probably only going to publish one or two more chapters of this book I love all the support from all y'all❤️ Should I put this in the Watty's once it's finished? I'll have probably write longer chapters😅hWell until then comment and vote and I'll see you next time darlings~

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