Didn't go as planned..

By Jay202202

324 1 0

The art isn't mine. Also I'm not sure where this story is going, but there's going to be killing, Violence... More

🚗The weird trip🚗
👋Meeting For Real👋
🧑‍🦽Another night..🧑‍🦽
🌹 something new. 🌹

🧍Just a shock🧍

28 0 0
By Jay202202

Sakusa woke up before Atsumu. He remembered everything that happened, and he didn't know how to feel about it all. He suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head. No matter how little he does drink he always has a headache in the morning. Once he finally felt up to it he slowly got up and walked to his bag. Bending down to grab boxers and a pair of shorts. After he quickly slipped them on he decided to call the hotel to order breakfast. At first he wasn't sure what he should get but he quickly just thought to get the normal stuff.

"Hello I'd like to get breakfast to my room. Uh.. " Sakusa looked over to the key for the room to get the numbers "room 227. One serving of pancakes with a side of eggs and bacon. Yes syrup and runny eggs please. Thank you have a nice day ma'am." Sakusa put the phone down and picked up his phone to check the time. It was only 9:23AM. Sakusa sighed as he walked closer to the door so when the food was there he didn't have to walk so far. A few minutes later he heard someone knock on the door so he opened it.

"Are you the one who ordered one serving of pancakes with a side of eggs and bacon?" The girl looked at Sakusa trying not to look at his chest sense he was shirtless.

"Yes that was me. How much is it?" Sakusa pulled his wallet out of his pocket and opened it.

"Uh..$30" Sakusa quickly pulled out a twenty and two fives and gave it to her after taking the tray. "Have a nice day sir." She bowed and walked away. Sakusa quickly shut the door and walked to the bed before setting the tray on the side table. He hesitantly shook Atsumu to wake him up. After a few shakes Atsumu slowly opened his eyes. Rubbing them as he sat up and got comfy.

"Hmm? Whats up?" Atsumus voice was a little raspy from just waking up. He remembered he wasn't at home so his brother couldn't be the one waking him up. "Who-" he looked at Sakusa. He was shocked when he saw him shirtless. His face turned bright red when he released he was naked. "Why am I...naked? And why are you shirtless?"  Sakusa sighed shaking his head.

"You'll remember at some point but for now I got breakfast. The eggs are mine" Sakusa picked up the plate of eggs and took a fork to eat with. Atsumu was confused he didn't know why Sakusa got him breakfast because before he was rude. Though he didn't mind. He grabbed the pancakes and a knife. He moved his legs to sit crisscrossed than started to cut his pancakes ignoring the bed moving a bit. Sakusa just sat down on the other side of the bed. All they did for around the next 9 minutes was eat in silence. It broke when Sakusas phone started to ring. He answered of course.

"What do you want?" Sakusa sounded really annoyed. "Oh..Thanks I guess. How much longer until your here?" Sakusa still sounded annoyed but soft at the same time. "..No...bye." Sakusa hung up the phone.

"..sooo who was that?" Atsumu asked slightly leaning over in Sakusas duration.

"It was Komori." Sakusa looked at Atsumu. "He said he got Tylenol for me sense he knows I always get headaches." Atsumu leaned back and smiled.

"He's a really great cousin then!" Sakusa nodded his head even if he hated having to agree with it. Atsumu was about to say something but someone knocked on the door. Atsumu jumped up and grabbed the handle and opened the door. "Give me the damn Tylenol." Sakusa stared at Komori as he walked over.

"Is Atsumu that annoying?" Komori laughed while sitting at the edge of the bed.

"..I mean he less annoying than you. So not really." Komori made a fake offended face and looked at Atsumu. Komoris face changed when he saw Atsumus shocked face.

"What's wrong Atsumu..?" Komori started to look concerned then even more concerned when Saksua looked a little concerned to.

"Oh HELL NO!" Atsumu started quickly typing on his phone. It was so quick you could barely see his fingers. "This motherfucker is so fuckin-..Agh." He looked kinda mad and Komori and Sakusa both very much noticed.

"..what happened..?" Atsumu looked at Komori and then Sakusa.

"Oh I kinda forgot y'all were here." Atsumu chuckled slightly. "Nothing much but my brother got a boyfriend and didn't tell me. Apparently it's their 3 Month anniversary." Atsumus phone started to ring. He hesitated but still answered. "Your a bitch....What? You didn't tell me!...oh..HA I was drunk sorry." Atsumu started to argue with his brother on the phone.





After a while of Atsumu fighting with his brother. He hung up and they all agreed to pack up their stuff because they need to leave.
When they were all packed up they were out the door in a few seconds, and it didn't take long to get to the car.

"Alright. The rides a little long but not too long, and if you wanna listen to music you better have headphones because I'm not listening to it." Sakusa buckled his seatbelt and put his one of his hands on the wheel and the other on the gear shift. Komori laughed because he knew what was gonna happen. Sakusa started to drive. He was racing down the roads. Every turn he made was sharp. Atsumu was surprised he never got pulled over. Before he knew it the parked in a garage. "We're here and you have a few people to meet." He pointed to Atsumu while getting out of the car.

"Are they at least sort of nice?" Atsumu got out of the car and closed the door. "Because I might punch someone if not.." Komori started to laugh as they all walked inside.

"Good luck with that." Komori walked over to a counter and pulled himself up to sit on it.

"Ew..that's unsanitary for the counter." Sakusa pulled out two chairs and sat down in one. "Sit in Komoris seat for now. He never uses it anyways." Atsumu walked over and sat down. All he could do is wonder what was gonna happen next. Someone walked out of a door next to some stairs.

"Osumu? But you're in.." the male turned his head in the room and back to Atsumu. Than someone walked behind the other. Atsumu was shocked and scared on what to say when he saw his brother.

"Oh..haha...heyyy Osumu." Atsumu slowly got up moving towards a random door. Osumu ran at him to tackle him, but Atsumu quickly dogged running into the room Osumu was just in. He hid behind the other male who he remembered to be Osumus boyfriend. "Help."

"This would be entertaining and all but stop fighting. Usually boss stays in his room and he's here just sitting in the kitchen." Atsumu shot a glare at Osumu, and slowly walked back to the chair to sit down again. "Not just that Komoris here too." The male walked to a chair and sat down. Osumu slowly followed his actions.

"Suna call everyone for a meeting." Suna nodded and stood up again. He took a breath in and yelled.

"MEETING BITCHES!" Atsumu covered his ears 0.1 seconds before Suna screamed, and someone noticed but they weren't in the room. After a few minutes the room had a bunch of people. Atsumu knew at least one of them were gonna ask why there were two Osumus.

"Sooo- how did you cover your ears 0.1 seconds before Suna yelled?" Everyone looked at the male with black and blonded hair who was looking at Atsumu.

"..I knew he was gonna scream loudly by that time.?" Atsumu didn't sound sure. He sighed. "I really don't know it was reflex." Sakusa hummed a hit no one seemed to really notice.

"Well anyways. This might be our new recruit depending on how everything goes. His name is Miya Atsumu. You may introduce yourself."
Sakusas words were able to stick in your head like a magnet. Maybe it was because it was more straight to the point.

"I'm Hajime Iwaizumi. I do Muay Thai it's a martial art. But I also know normal combat." He looked to the male who questioned Atsumu before.

"...Kenma Kozume..I do hacking, and I asked you that one question because I saw you on the cameras." He looked down a bit.

"Sorry about him if he's not curious or mad he's shy. I'm Keiji Akaashi. I specialize in bomb making, but I also use guns in needed." He smiled nicely at Atsumu. Atsumu felt relieved there was someone he might actually get along with.

"Miya Osumu. I make guns." Iwaizumi started at laugh. Osumu sent him a death glare but he didn't care at all.

"That was so boring Osumu.." Iwaizumi rolled his eyes. "Sorry Sorry."

"Rintarō Suna. I don't do much except get the routs that we would go in a secret base or just a normal building with security. To kept it easy." He sighed.

"..I'm Kei Tsukishima. I get the information."
He sounded mad and looked mad. Atsumu knew he wouldn't talk to him.

" It's Motoya Komori!! I use snipers mostly but I can use other types of guns." Komori raised a head and had a huge grin on his face. "Oh! Sa- Boss!.. uses all types of guns and knows combat and stuff... Please don't kill me" Atsumu was confused and was about to say something but someone else talked first.

"Bosses name starts with 'sa'." Atsumu was confused when Iwaizumi said that. "Oh yeah we don't get to know bosses name so don't even try." Iwaizumi looked at Atsumu who just nodded his head.

"He already knows my name. My full name." Sakusa got up and walked to a box by Komori. He grabbed it and sat back down. "We got a box from another Mafia.. we don't know that's in it." Atsumu laughed and everyone's attention turned onto him.

"They're stupid to think that's gonna work." Atsumu got up and pulled a pocket knife out of his pocket. He cut the tape on the box and took out another box and threw it away in the trash can. "It was a poised cake. It smelled disgusting too." He walked back to his seat and sat back down.

"It did smell gross." Akaashi agreed with Atsumu. "We got a mission while you where gone. We have to kill this guy that's apparently hard to kill because of all the security guards he has." Akaashi slipped a picture of a man onto the table. Tsukishima got up and started to walk to the stairs.

"I'll see what I can get!" He said just load enough for everyone to hear as he walked up the stairs.

"Boss. Do you want me to see what Atsumu can do?" Iwaizumi looked at Saksua who got up.

"Yes. Send me a report later please." He stood in front of Komori who slid of the counter and followed Sakusa to the room Atsumu almost went into earlier.

"Alright. Atsumu please follow me." Iwaizumi got up. "Osumu you should come too since your his brother or whatever." Iwaizumi walked to another door by the stairs and just walked straight in and down some stairs. Atsumu was following him, and he didn't care about it being pitch black. "I'm surprised you haven't said anything about it being pitch black. It even scares me sometimes." Atsumu let out a hm.

"I get it. There could always be enemies in the dark" Atsumu laughed and noticed the reached the bottom.

"That's not it, but now I know to think about that." Iwaizumi flipped a light switch, and a bunch of lights turned on one by one to reveal a huge room. Half was a shooting range and the other half had a bunch of mats stacked in one corner of it. "Alright what do you do to fight?" Iwaizumi looked at Atsumu who was just amazed. Atsumu snapped out of his thoughts after realizing Iwaizumi asked a question.

"Oh..uh I use knifes." Iwaizumi nodded his head and walked over to a few shelf's and boxes Atsumu didn't notice at first. Iwaizumi walked back holding four knifes.

"These are the only ones we have that are sets." Iwaizumi waited for him to pick one of the sets up but Atsumu picked up both of them. Iwaizumi just turned around to go grab some guns.




Sakusa was confused why he hadn't got a report from Iwaizumi because it's been an hour already. Tsukishima already found information on the guy they needed to kill. Sakusa decided to to go check if they were done fighting. So he got up and left his office. Ignoring how a few people were staring at him as he walked trough the kitchen and to the basement/training room. He walked down the long staircase until he reached the bottom of course. When he looked over to the right side of the huge room he saw Atsumus legs rapped around Iwaizumis neak and both of their back against the wall. He watched as Iwaizumi yanked Atsumu off but got cut along his stomach.

"Damn it! What the hell did you need four knifes for!?" Iwaizumi kept dogging Atsumus attacks.

"For this.." Atsumu ran past Iwaizumi and up the wall. He jumped off and through three knifes the looked like four to Iwaizumi. When he landed his leg went straight to Iwaizumis face. He blocked thinking Atsumu can't do anything else because his knifes were gone. Until he got stabbed in the thigh. Iwaizumi tapped out. "Sorry for cutting you! Also don't pull the knife out yet. It'll bleed more."

"No one's ever made Iwaizumi tap out. Good job." Sakusa walked over to the two sitting on the ground. They both had bruises and small cuts. But Iwaizumi was the only one with big injuries. "I'll get Kenma to help." Sakusa walked to the bottom of the stairs. "Kenma we need a First Aid cit for Iwaizumi!!" Soon everyone was in the training room.

"YOUR THE ONLY ONE WITH BAD INJURIES!!?" Komori started laughing his ass off. He stopped when he got hit on the head. At first he thought it was Sakusa but it was actually Atsumu.

"Shut up. I didn't mean to cut his stomach. One of my knifes fell out of my pocket, and I had to grab it or else I wouldn't have be able to stab him." Atsumu put his arm around Komoris shoulders, and whispered in his ear. "By the way I'm gonna need you to stop flipping me off when you think I'm not looking."






"Alright. The man we need to kill is called 'planer' apparently he plans kills, fights, and deals. He also makes fake information to ruin friendships for fun. He's been seen mostly at 'Cash & Dash' which is a bar I go to. He lets good looking girls past his security to give him drinks and speak to him." Tsukishima crossed his arms and leaned on the wall.

"So we just need some one to disguise themselves as a hot girl right? Then they can act like they work there. They can poison his drink." Suna looked at Sakusa to make sure it was a good idea.

"More like secretly have a weapon to kill him. That bar added private rooms recently and I'm assuming he's gonna use those now. He might check his drinks so that would be better." Atsumu looked at Suna. "Right?" Atsumu didn't know if his idea was actually good or not.

"But what about getting caught like  if he yells or something?" Kenma asked being curious.

"If the person is dressed up as a hot girl they can make gloves apart of the outfit. Then use a gun the shoot the man scream over his scream and put the gun in his hand. Then make up a whole fake suicide story or something like that." Atsumu was just looking at the ceiling as everyone just listened to him talk.

"That sounds good. You seem to understand it the most so you're gonna have to be the one to do it." Sakusa was looking at Atsumu who nodded his head.

"I don't mind. I have a great fashion sense."
Atsumu giggled at what he just said.

"This is a layout of the building." Tsukishima laid a blueprint of the building on the table. "We only had so much time to use theirs so I printed another one and have it to them."

"You gave them the fake one?" Osumu laughed.

"Yes he did. Now shut up in thinking." Akaashi stood up to get a better look at the whole layout. He grabbed a marker and took off the cap. "Atsumu's going to walk in through the back already in his outfit. Kenma will use the cameras to make sure no one's back there so he and get in and get to 'work'. We need to make sure to get their before the man arrives to see what room he goes to. Atsumu will take his order and give his order. Me, Iwa, and Suna will walk through the main door and get a table to watch from a far distance." Akaashi took a breath in and out. "Osumu will also walk in the main door but at a different time to get a different table closer to the door if he can." Akaashi sat back down.

"We'll then it's settled on how it gonna go. Akaashi you and Atsumu go to the mall or shop online to get clothes and whatever you'll need. Also everyone will bring small weapons just in case anything goes wrong." Sakusa stood up and stopped in front of his office door and turned around "Atsumu will be staying with Osumu until we get him a room." With that Sakusa went straight back in his office. He sat down in his chair. He could only thing if the night him and Atsumu had before. He was confused on how he didn't puke or get disgusted. All Sakusa could do is question himself on everything.





"Boss is distracted. He didn't tell us what day we're going or anything." Suna popped open a soda and started to drink it.

"Maybe he's just a little stressed because of my aunt." Komori nervously laughed. "I mean he does get stressed time to time."

"Hey Tsumu. How do you know bosses name?"
Everyone looked at Atsumu with curiosity. Except for Komori and Tsukishima.

"I actually got this job from Komoris aunt and she introduced him so she said his name.
Osumu let out an annoyed grown.

"I thought it would be more interesting so I'd have an excuse to at least hit him." Suna laughed at Osumus words.

"Atsumu if you don't wanna leave we can use my computer to order clothes." Akaashi looked at Atsumu who seemed to be thinking.

"We can just order clothes because the mall's really far and it's kinda late.." Akaashi nodded his head, and stood up.

"My computers in my room." Akaashi meant he'll go grab it so Atsumu wasn't uncomfortable since he just got there but Atsumu followed him to his room. "Oh.. Okay give me a second." Akaashi used finger print on his computer and went to google. "What site are we gonna look at?"

"I don't really know but I do know that I'm gonna have to get silicone boobs and a wig."
Akaashi laughed at Atsumus words.

"I know the best site to get a wig but I don't know about silicone boobs." Akaashi typed in some site. "What type do you want? Like length, color, and like do you want it wavy, curly, straight?" Akaashi let Atsumu think for a few seconds.

"Dirty blonde, 7 inches, and wavy." Atsumu smiled at Akaashi as he clicked around.

"Hoe about this one?" Atsumu looked on the computer.

"It says 18 inches but I don't know." Akaashi looked at Atsumu.

"It's the perfect national blonde color. Your able to style it..Alright! It's perfect." Atsumu smiled "I'll pay."

"No. I'm paying." Akaashi clicked add to cart. He went straight to cart and bought the wig and had it be delivered tomorrow. "..I think I might know someone who knows where to get silicone boobs. Give me a moment please." Akaashi took his phone out of his pocket and called someone. "Hey..um for work. No. Do you know where to buy silicone boobs online? For a disguise. Yes wearable ones...okay? Yes.. Tomorrow. Alright thanks." Akaashi hung up the phone. "So I think she's getting us some.." he didn't sound sure but Atsumu nodded his head.

"So for clothes. We need something sexy right?" Atsumu clicked on the search bar.

"Yeah that'll be the best option. What are you doing?" Akaashi moved a bit to see what he was doing.

"I'm getting a few things to put together. I need to stand out so I'll catch the man's action." Atsumu was clicking a few things and adding to the cart. He bought them himself. "It should all be here tomorrow."

"Alright. I'll show you to Osumus room." Akaashi started walking out of his to to Osumus. Atsumu just followed behind him. They stopped in front of a door and Akaashi knocked. "You in there?" The door opened and it was Suna.

"Oh hey..i was just gonna go back to my room. See you tomorrow Sumu." He started to walk away but Atsumu grabbed his wrist.

"Ya can stay in here with my brother. Ya could sleep like have sex with him for all I care. What am I supposed to do?" Atsumu let go of Sunas wrist.

"Tell me to leave?? Also what's with the accent?" Suna looked confused while Atsumu laughed.

"Nah I would nothing and let ya guys be. I'll just put in head phones face away from y'all and watch videos an shit. And I just hid my accent before cuz usually people say its weird."

"Okay?.." Suna walked back into Osumus room and laid with Osumu. Atsumu giggled and closed the door.

"I wasn't gonna sleep anyways." Atsumu turned to Akaashi.

"Ah..Well we have a living room with a huge tv. Wanna watch a movie?" Akaashi turned his body to the stairs.

"Sure! As long as it not a horror movie. I wouldn't mind if I was at a place I'm at a lot but I'm not so." Atsumu laughed and followed Akaashi down stairs.






3853 words including this.
I looked up 7 inch wigs and the picture came up and it said 18 inch but all the others said 7 inch and was the same length lmao. Anyways I hope this is good so far. Sorry it took so long to put out I'm starting school again two days.

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