The Hunted • Teen Wolf

Autorstwa BlackPhyre

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BOOK 2 to 'True Survival - Teen Wolf' The riddles have been solved, the truths have been revealed and the sto... Więcej

Time for Introductions
3B - One
3B - Two
3B - Three
3B - Four
3B - Five
3B - Six
3B - Seven
3B - Eight
3B - Nine
3B - Ten
3B - Eleven
3B - Twelve
4 - Thirteen
4 - Fourteen
4 - Fifteen
4 - Sixteen
4 - Seventeen
4 - Eighteen
4 - Nineteen
4 - Twenty
4 - Twenty-one
4 - Twenty-two
4 - Twenty-three
4 - Twenty-four
5 - Twenty-five
5 - Twenty-six
5 - Twenty-seven
5 - Twenty-eight
5 - Twenty-nine
5 - Thirty
5 - Thirty-one
5 - Thirty-two
5 - Thirty-three
5 - Thirty-four
5 - Thirty-five
5 - Thirty-six
5 - Thirty-seven
5 - Thirty-eight
5 - Thirty-nine
5 - Forty
5 - Forty-one
5 - Forty-two
5 - Forty-three
5 - Forty-four
6 ~ Forty-five
6 ~ Forty-seven
6 ~ Forty-eight
6 ~ Forty-nine
6 ~ Fifty
6 ~ Fifty-one
6 ~ Fifty-two
6 ~ Fifty-three
6 ~ Fifty-four
Final (1) ~ Fifty-five
Final (2) ~ Fifty-six

6 ~ Forty-six

871 48 49
Autorstwa BlackPhyre

6 x 02 ~ Superposition

Leo's POV

I'm tired. Like more tired than I've ever felt before, and I'm an alpha werewolf-kitsune hybrid, who can run for miles, fight from sunrise to sunset, and have multiple rounds of sex... and yet, so fucking I'm tired.

Exhausted even.

"Leo," someone called out, then there was a tap my shoulder, I turned my gaze over and saw a very concerned Scott looking at me, "You okay?"

"No," I muttered shaking my head,

"You talked to you're family?" He asked and I nodded, "And? How'd it go?"

"Well..." I begun to say as my voice trailed off,


"I don't fucking care!" My dad roared, the walls around us rattled from the fury of his voice alone, I looked to Jack who was covering his ears, before I turned back to the scene unfolding before us,

Normally when parents fight it's a bit of arguing, maybe a few swear words, the occasional insults, hell, even threats about divorce could've been made against each other.

However this wasn't anything like that.

I watched as my dad went from the objectively handsome man that he was, to a full-on anger induced, raging werewolf. His jaws clenched and unclenched, as the moments passed, so after his eyes begun to glow blue, his fangs out and claws at the ready.

My mom was equally pissed out, but it was more of an internal struggle than my dad's outward shift. But that didn't stop her eyes were glowing amber, and even her fox aura begun slipping out as minutes passed by.

"Thomas, calm down," my mom said back at him, in her own annoyed tone,

"Calm down? Calm down!" My dad snapped, he turned on her, huffing and snarling, his eyes shining brighter than ever, making him look feral, "There's a horde of demon cowboys of there, currently abducting people, hunting people and searching for our son! And you want me to fucking calm down!?!"

Mom didn't react, which clearly wasn't the response dad wanted, so he snarled at her. His focus turned as he made his way towards the television. He stood before it and raised both fists above his head.

"No," Jack yelped, I saw him moving faster than ever, in a blink the TV was in his Jack's hands as my dad smash the wall were the tv once hung, "The tv's innocent,"

Dad glared at him and Jack slowly backed away. Then he turned to me, I looked up at him and his face was unrecognizable at this point.

"Go pack up your stuff! We're leaving, now!" He yelled at me, I blinked at him and looked over at my mom, "No, don't look at her, look at me, pack your things Leo, we're leaving this town,"

"And go where, Tommy?" My mom asked stepping up to him,

"Anywhere!" He snapped, "Somewhere the damn ghost riders won't be able to find him,"

"For how long? To what end? We tried to leave all those years ago and look at what happened!" My mom yelled, I felt a surge of her power as she got in his face, "Kali slashed your throat and put you in a coma! I almost lost my physical body and was force to put my soul in our toddler son's mind! Leo spent eleven years without his parents! Us! Lost eleven years of his life, because you wanted to run! And now you want to do it again? You want to just abandon everything we've built here?"

"It's a fucking house! It doesn't matter! We matter! Nothing else!" Dad yelled, clearly not getting her point,

"Maybe to you it doesn't matter, but this isn't about you, it's about him," my mom said pointing to me, "His life is the only thing that matters, Thomas,"

"Exactly! So why are you being so fucking ignorant about this Tsubaki? We need to leave this Godforsaken town as fast as possible, as soon as possible, so could grow a fucking pairs and act you're fucking age!?" My dad snapped at her angrily, mom blinked, I bit my lip and looked away,

Never. Ever, in all the time, I've had them back in my life as my dad ever spoken to her like that... and clearly, I wasn't the only person who knew this.

"Excuse me?" Several persons asked at once, I turned over to the kitchen and saw Sam standing up looking offended, my mom begun to clench her fist as she glared at my father, even Castiel who was outside once the shouting begun turned and was now standing in the doorway to the back patio,

"Dean, there's a limit, and you are way pass it," Sam said in a disgruntled tone, "Okay? We get that you're angry about this but you need to take it down, several notches,"

"Shut up, Sam! He's not your kid," Dad said throwing a glare at Sam,

"Actually, he is," Castiel joined in, Dad turned to face him, "You made us apart of your pack, with one clear goal, protecting your son, so he doesn't face the same fate as our loved ones. The Ghost riders took something from each of us, and now we're here to protect Leo, all of us, together,"

"You're the one who made them all get those stupid tattoos over their hearts, remember?" My mom asked with a scoff, "I just got my family back, we got Leo back, and now we have Jack, two sons, Tommy, we can't lose this, not now, not ever, I refuse to make them run away,"

Dad huffed and puffed. He turned around the room looking at all the other adults then to me.

"They have a point, dad," I said with a shrug,

That wasn't the answer he wanted to hear.

He stepped forward, grabbed the office table and threw it at the back door. Castiel was gone as it shattered through the glass.

"You're all fucking insane!" Dad yelled at them, then he turned to me, anger and rage clouded his judgement, I knew he was afraid of losing me but this wasn't the way to handle it, so I looked away from him, "Leo-"

"No," I said firmly,

"What?" He asked me,

I exhaled and felt a coil of tension pool in my chest. I steeled my nerves and forced my alpha side to the surface.

I looked up at him. His blues meeting my reds.

"No," I said louder and clearer, I stood up and faced him,

His face twitched and I felt something inside me forcing it's way up. It felt primal and instinctive.

A challenge. He was challenging my authority as alpha.

He's my dad, but I'm the alpha here. I can't back down, not now.


"Dad! I said no!" I snarled at him,

His face twitched, then he snapped. Roared loud and clear. He turned and marched towards the door, Jack scrambled across the room, tv still in his hands until he got behind me. He walked pass my mom and Sam, making his way straight to door. He opened the front door, walked out and slammed it, shaking the entire house in the process.

"Is our dad always this scary?" Jack asked, I felt my body deflate, and I shrugged in response,

"He's just scared," I answered, I looked over at the others and saw matching looks of concern and worry, "they are all,"


"So you're dad just walked out?" Scott asked,

"Mhm, middle of the night, woke up this morning and he still wasn't back, his car was still in the driveway though," I told him as we got to his locker,

"Okay? So what about Jordan? Have you told him?" He asked, I groaned and rested my forehead on the locker next to his,

"Nope, I can't tell him," I muttered, Scott closed his locker to get a better look at me, "I'm scared to hear his reaction, if it'll be worse than my dad's,"

"It won't be that bad, Leo," Scott said with a soft smile, I looked over at him, "Look, if Jordan loves you as much I think he does, he'll take it fine, maybe he'll freak out, be scared, panic even but his main focus will be on you, and only you,"

Scott smiled at me softly. I looked away from him and pressed my forehead against the lockers.

"Jordan doesn't love me," I said back to him,

"Yes he does," Scott simply said, I looked over at him, he had this look in his eyes that I couldn't explain,

"How do you know that?" I asked him, his smile got a little bigger and he shrugged, his heart rate started to climb and his scent became softer, like he was embarrassed?

"Let's just call it intuition," he answered slyly, I gave him a look, and he just chuckled softly at me,

"Let's just get to practice," I said pushing myself off the lockers, making my way to the Boy's locker room,

We changed and made our way to the field, where the younger players were getting ready. Coach was there, looking displeased as ever.

"Prince!" He yelled as I walked over, he had a scowl and I grimaced,

"Finstock," I muttered as I got closer to him,

"What the hell is happening at your house?" He asked loudly, some of the others looked over at us, "Marcie left home at 4 in the morning, because of some family emergency!?"

"Yeah, that would be my dad, her brother, your future, brother-in-law," I said with a shrug,

"So because of him, I didn't get my morning kiss?" He snapped at me, and the field went quiet,

Scott flinched and my face turned in disgust.

"Eww! TMI coach," one of the boys called out, which made the others laugh,

"Hey! I'm a grown man with needs!" He yelled at them all, I gagged at his words,

"And that's my Aunt, so spare me please," I said with a groan,

"Whatever! Just get your house in order! I'm the type of man that likes things a certain way, and when I don't get my morning kisses, I can be very, very upset," he said waving his hands angrily at me, which made Scott chuckled,

"Coach, you're always upset," Scott told him,

"Exactly!" He yelled before blowing his whistle, "Let me see some action, move those legs, faster, faster!"

Scott and I stepped back as the other plays all scrambled into place.

"Definitely, not gonna miss that," I sighed out as I looked at the others,

"Where is he?" Scott asked looking at the others, I looked at him then across the field, I listened closer and heard his thundering heartbeat growing closer and closer,

Coach got the players in line to start the limitation process. Weeding out the quieter players.

Scott turned once he caught the noise, and we watched as a panting Liam ran over to us. Practice started as one of the junior players, Nate, I think his name was tackled another player to ground, the boy groaned out in pain, so I offered him a hand up.

"Yes! Now that's what I'm talkin' about. That's how it's done. That is Captain material," Coach exclaimed happily, then Liam finally caught up,

"You're late," Scott and Coach said to him,

"Which makes you not Captain material," Coach added on,

"Liam is Captain material. He's-" Scott tried to explain, but coach cut him off blowing his whistle,

"Let's go, gather around. Listen up. Thanks to McCall's selfish desire to focus on his "grades" and his "graduation," and Leo's extortion-" Coach begun to rant, but I spun on him at the mention of my name,

"I'm currently planning your wedding, to my aunt, I called four flower shops, which were out of the county, BTWs, to find white roses, and pink chrysanthemums, so if you want me to be your future, nephew-in-law, you better choose you're next words carefully," I said cutting him off mid-sentence,

The players snorted out laughs and chuckles as coach's face paled, he looked down at his feet then up to the others.

"Correction, Leo's blackmail!" He exclaimed throwing me an annoyed glare before turning back to the team, "We are leaderless. You want to be a champion, you wanna be a hero? Now's your shot. All right, all you wannabe Captains, I wanna see you guys tear each other apart,"

And so practice begun and Liam, who Scott and I were personally rooting for, was failing, horrible.

"Definitely not Captain material there, Dumb-bar," Coach said as Liam laid flat on the floor,

"Dunbar," Liam corrected him,

"Yeah. That's what I said," Coach retorted and Liam got back up,

"You said Dumb-bar," Liam snapped back, annoyed with Coach's antagonistic antics,

"And your mouth just bought you equipment duty," Coach said back to him,


With practice over, and the others in class, I found myself staring at my phone in an empty classroom.

Jordan's name (Officer Hotstuff) was on my screen, and I was contemplating whether or not to call him.

"I don't think students are allowed to be on those during school hours," Someone said, I jumped and looked over to the open door, where Mr. Douglas standing there watching me,

He snuck up on me, I thought to myself, I can hear a pin drop a mile away, and this guy just snuck up on me....!

"Sorry, I was um, thinking about something," I said as I pushed my phone back in my bag,

"Mhm," he said, "So you figured it out yet? Where you know me from?"

I stared at him for a moment, taking in his, everything and cycled it through all the persons, I've met in the pass, but nothing came up.

"No," I said shaking my head, I got out of the seat and wandered over to him, "I still can't place you,"

"Well, when you do, please let me know," He said with the trademark smile, that had everyone whipped, "It's not that often a person can suffer the effects of Deja vu without having some form of memory of the aforementioned thought, replaying in their mind,"

"And the only way I can have Deja vu, is if we've seen each other somewhere," I said narrowing my eyes and getting closer to him, he smirked, but it wasn't genuine, it was cold, wicked even,

Like Peter's, or Gerard's, hell, Deucalion's even and he was on our side now, but it was still of putting.

"The only question, is where," He asked leaning in closer to me,

A scent drifted into my nose, it was harsh, heavy even, and weirdly metallic, like iron. Their was a glint in his eyes, like Theo's when he first arrived at Senior Scribe, even the tone of his voice reminded me of Kate Argent's.

In other words, this man was a walking red flag.

"Gentlemen," A softer voice spoke, "Don't you two have classes to be in?"

I looked pass him and saw Mrs. Martin standing in the hallway looking at us. Mr. Douglas' face softened as he turned to her, I stepped out into the hallway and saw his million watt smile return to his face, completely erasing whatever aura he had moments ago.

"Yes, I was just inquiring as to why Leo, wasn't in his," he said throwing me a glance,

"Ahh, well, Leo, much like daughter, is a rare case of student, his GPA is above the needed 4.0., and he has more than enough credits, technically he should have graduated two years ago but he decided to stay and complete his high school journey, and as a consequence, he has less classes than the average senior student," Mrs. Martin explained with a proud smile,

"Ahh, then in that case, I'll leave him in your capable hands," He said to her with a smile, and she giggled like a school girl, he turned to me, and for the briefest of moments, the glint returned to his eyes before fading away, "Mr. Prince,"

He spun on his feet and made his way down the now empty hall. I stood and watched him go until he ascended the stairs.

"There's something weird about that guy," I muttered,

"Mr. Douglas?" Mrs. Martin asked, "He has a master degree in physics, studied and taught in Europe, is accredited by several professors and was among the first teachers, appointed and praised by the school board, he's the perfect role model of a teacher,"

"Too perfect, if you ask me," I said turning, she looked at me and immediately shook her head,

"And you are supposed to be the role model of a student, excellent grades, extra-curricular activities, polite, mannerly, diligent, hard working student, who received several offers for sport scholarships at various colleges," she listed off,

"With razor sharp claws, bite force of T-rex, strength of fifty men, speed of a race car," I sassed back in my own way, she glared at me,

"The perfect student, human or otherwise," she said back in an annoyed tone, "And like I've told the others, the school is a safe space, and I intend to keep it that away,"

"Mhm," I muttered,

"Now, you can either go to class and join your other students, or you can go to the library and study quietly," she told me,

"Or, I just could leave," I said with a shrug,

"Or, you can just leave, whatever you do, just be safe about it," She said to me, she patted my shoulder before turning and made her way towards the office,

I sighed and turned back to where Mr. Douglas walked off, unable to shake the unease he gave me. In his wake he left that faint, iron smell, it was weak but still noticeable to my nose.

And what was that smell? I asked myself as I turned and made my way to the exit. I got outside and walked over to my car, reached for the door, looked up and paused.

Directly across from my car, in the far end of the parking lot, sat an ugly blue jeep. I looked around at all the newer model cars, even my car, which was technically old, was repair and refurbished, but that thing was just beat up and dusty.

"Petty on the loser who has to drive that thing," I muttered as I got in my car and left school,


I got to the sheriff's station and found it as busy as per usual. And per usual, I was able to make my way over to Jordan's desk who was deep in working.

"Working hard or hardly working?" I questioned as I stood in front his desk, Jordan looked up from the file in his hands and blinked at me, slowly realizing I was standing before him,

"Leo, you're here," he said before standing up, "You're here!? In the middle of the day? Is everything alright?"

"Yes, and no," I shrugged, I looked down at the file and saw the pictures of a bloodied man, then glanced up at him, "Is this a bad time?"

"For you, never," He said to with a faint smile,

"You don't get paid to flirt, Parrish," Deputy Clarke spoke up, Jordan turned to see her looking away from us with a sly smirk on her face,

I eased around and sat in the chair besides his seat, and got a glance at the file, again.

"Homicide?" I asked,

"Yeah, blunt force trauma to the back of the head," Jordan answered as he sat back down, "Guy didn't even see it coming,"

"Huh," I said and Jordan looked up at me, "Either his killer is a punk, to attack a guy from behind, or-"

"It was intentional," Jordan added, "That was my thoughts exactly, I have to run a list of known associates and last known locations,"

"Any family?" I asked, "Relatives to contact?"

"Parents live in Texas, and his sister, moved to Ohio," He told me, then nodded to the desk across the room, where Haynes (or whatever the blonde deputy was named, NOT the one who wanted to kill Jordan in season 4, thanks for that ) "Haynes is calling the family,"

"Careful Parrish, you're little boy toy might just take your job," One of the other deputies said walking pass his desk, Jordan glared at the other man's back as he walked off,

"He's right, Parrish, Leo might just end up running this place in a few years, he's better than most of us, almost as good as the Sheriff," Clarke added on, with a smirk, "And he's still in High school,"

"Don't you have B&E to work on," Jordan said spinning in his chair to face her, she stuck out here tongue at him before going back to her own work, before he spinning back to face me, and I laughed at his annoyed face, "How are you so good at this?"

I thought about it and shrugged.

"One day, I was your regular, average high schooler, the next, I was this," I answered as honestly as I could, "Not sure how it happened, but I'd blame Scott, mostly, he was the one got me wrapped in a lot of this craziness,"

"Really?" Jordan questioned, he looked around before lowering his voice, "I mean, things that go bump in the night is one thing, but knowing the ins and outs of the Station like the back of your hand, that's something more,"

His words hit me like a truck, I blinked a few times taking them, in as he stood up from his desk. He grabbed some files that were closed on his desk, probably older cases, he had to review.

"Okay, now where do these go?" He asked like he hasn't been working here for the pass year and some,

"Brown, single cabinet, far side of the room, anything in the last five years in the top draw, older in the ones below," I answered, then paused,

I looked up at Jordan who was smirking down at me.

"See, back of your hand," He said before he leaned down and pecked me on the cheek, I watched as he walked off, my brain was still rattled as to know I knew that, exactly,

Jordan went about with his files and came back a moment later with an annoyed look on his face.

"Why were Mason and Corey here asking me, if my Hellhound senses something wrong with the supernatural?" he asked sitting back down at his desk, before looking over at me,

"Does it?" I asked him and he sighed,

"No, I sense nothing, besides why would they even ask?" he asked me,

'So what about Jordan? Have you told him?' Scott words echoed in my head as Jordan's confusion look met mine, I bit the inside of my cheek and shook my head,

"It's nothing," I said with a smile, but my heart ticked and he frowned, probably heard it,

"Are you sure?" he asked voice laced with concern,

"If it were something we couldn't handle, you'd be the first person I'd tell, after the sheriff, and Melissa, and Chris, but definitely before anyone less," I told him and he snorted,

"Good to know I rant so highly on another list," he said with a teasing tone, I smiled as my cheeks turned red, so I held out my hand to him, he looked at my hand then up to my eyes,

"Gimme your keys, and I'll tell you how you high, rank on my second list after your shift, maybe even move you up a few notches," I said holding back a smirk, but my eyes got the message across, Jordan cleared his throat and eyes turned dark before reaching in his desk and handing me the key to his apartment,

I stood and got ready to leave before turning back to him, I looked around the room and made sure no one else was in earshot or close enough to hear my voice, so I leaned in closer.

"And I'll be waiting in nothing but a shirt when you get there," I said softly before pulling away, Jordan's eyes darkened as he looked up at me,

"I've got an old army shirt-" He begun to say,

"Bottom drawer," I finished for him and begun to step away, he looked excited and stunned, "See, like the back of my hand,"

I winked at him and made my way out of the station, twirling his keys in my grasp.


Jordan's a cuddler, which was adorable and very warm (pun intended). My body was spent, and ass was sore, which was I'm currently laying on my stomach, on top of Jordan's larger frame.

I can also safely admit, that Jordan Parrish just earned his place in the top three on my sex list, ranking just above Brett and under... a certain, tall, tan and brooding someone, who I haven't spoken to in almost a year. Though it won't take a genius to know who I meant.

Jordan's only downside, was he was a strict top, which meant I always bottomed, but he makes up for that in very, delicious and creative ways.

It was close to eleven, but I couldn't get any sleep. His words from earlier today still racked around in my head, it was one thing to be in and out of the station because of all the supernatural stuff that took part in this town, and it was another to know the station like the back of my hand.

Like personally knowing the filing and computer systems. Being able to understand the Sheriff's draft board in his office, hell, even being allowed in the authorized personnel areas of the station, and having no one question my presence...!

'Missing something Leo?' One of the female deputies asked as I stood in the back filling room, offering to help me, instead of kicking me out, and then I remembered something from earlier this year, it was the sheriff and he was talking to Scott and myself,

'Thank you, sons, I should've had,' He said with a proud smile, he was going out, so Scott and I agreed to help him, but I can't remember why we agreed,

Then my phone buzzed. I reached over and grabbed it, Scott texted. I looked down at a sleepy faced, Jordan and kissed his cheek before moving.

"Round 6?" he asked sleepy as he rolled to face me and I laughed softly,

"As good as that sounds, Scott needs me, I'll be back," I said as I gathered my clothing, he stretched and got out of bed,

"Well, if you're going I could head back in the station, maybe find out more about this guy," he said letting out a yawn, "Maybe get a head start on the interviews,"

"Okay, brush your teeth, drink some coffee, and fix your hair before you go, please, the entire station doesn't need to know what you were doing before coming in," I said softly and he laughed out, he reached over and pulled me back on top of him, and stolen another kiss from me,

"Hate to see you leave, but I love to watch you go," he said to me and I snorted a laugh as I pulled away from him,

"You're so cheesy," I said as I grabbed my shoes,

"And you like it," he said softly with a smile, I shook my head and went out through the door,


I met Scott and the girls out in the woods.

"Hey, I went to bed at home and I woke up out in the woods. About a mile out. I think there's a reason why this has happened. I've been out here before," He said handing the others flash lights and leading us out into the woods, "It was the beginning of sophomore year the night before tryouts for First Line. I remember because it was all that I could think about,"

"What were you doing?" Malia asked,

"I was looking for a dead body," he answered,

"That's morbid," Lydia added,

"That's very on brand for us," I said rolling my eyes, "The first of many more,"

"So then, what was I doing out here all alone?" he asked us,

"I wish I could help you, but I didn't know you then," Lydia told him,

"Same, I was in Lydia's friend group, not yours," I added on,

"I was still a coyote so I might've tried to eat it," Malia told us, which wasn't surprising,

"Deaton said that my subconscious is trying to tell me something. But I need you guys to help me figure out what it's saying," He told us, we walked further and further into the woods,

"Maybe you were just a curious teenager. You heard there was a body," Lydia tried to reason with him,

"But how? I never watched the news. And I didn't have a police scanner," He reasoned back,

"Your mom works at the hospital. Maybe she got called in and you overheard her?" Malia tried to answered,

"My mom wasn't home that night. I live five miles away from here. How did I get here?" He asked us, as we stopped to face him,

"You drove," Malia answered,

"I didn't have a car," He said back,

"You ran," Malia corrected her,

"No, I remember you had really bad asthma in middle, a panic attack alone would have trigger it, you couldn't have," I added on,

"I was hiding, but they knew that I was here," Scott explained to us,

"Maybe you made a ton of noise with your asthmatic breathing," Malia reasoned,

"If you were a mouth-breather then yeah," I added on to Malia's answer,

"How would they know that it was me?" Scott asked us, and we drew a blank, "Why would the Sheriff even think that I would be out here?"

"Because like most deaths in this town, it was related to the supernatural," Lydia muttered, Malia looked at her in a state of confusion so I spoke up,

"It was Laura Hale, Derek's older sister," I answered softly,

"I wasn't supernatural. I mean, this was the night that I was bitten," Scott told us, I blinked and looked at Lydia,

"The night that changed, all of our lives," I muttered,

"Exactly, I wasn't a werewolf yet. And I wasn't out here alone," Scott told us, he paused and looked around the woods, "I know this sounds crazy. But I think I had a best friend. And I think he was out here with me that night,"

I looked down at the ground and felt the conflict inside. Then Malia spoke up.

"It doesn't sound crazy. I know that someone chained me up and I think they wanted me to stay human," Malia added on, "I think he was my anchor,"

"I came to school this morning and I was sure I was supposed to meet someone. But I couldn't remember who it was supposed to be," Lydia said with a sigh, "I have been looking for them all day. Whoever it is, I think he was my best friend too,"

"Today at the station, I knew things," I begun to say and the others looked at me, "Like filing systems, police codes, I knew the passcode to get the keys to armor truck, I shouldn't know these things, and yet I do, it was like someone told me, like I was there, with him,"

"What if we're all missing the same person?" Scott asked, he reached into his pocket, he pulled out a picture and showed it to us, "I think that he was in this picture,"

It was the picture we took earlier this week, but something was wrong about it. Scott, Malia, Lydia and I were all there smiling and happily, yet, there was a space between Scott and Lydia. Like someone was taken out.

"He was sitting right there," Lydia said pointing to the picture,

This lead us to Deaton's.

"Now she just magically writes down all the answers?" Malia questioned, Deaton set up his desk with a little light and the glass Scott had taken from the impound lot of the station, and placed a pen and paper for Lydia,

"It's not quite that simple," He told her,

"It never is," Lydia muttered,

"In automatic writing, the hand moves outside of any conscious awareness. Now hopefully the silence, the darkness, and the light will allow you to find a more comfortable, relaxed, trance-like state," Deaton explained to us then turned to Lydia, "Lydia, I want you to stare into the light. And let go of all thought,"

We moved out of the room and let her do her thing.

"I have to warn you. We may not be able to access these memories," he explained to us, I glanced at Lydia as she begun to write,

"Why not?" Scott asked,

"The legend has always been that the Wild Hunt takes people. But if what you're telling me is right, the truth is much worse," He explained, Scott looked at me, and I shook my head, They erase people from reality,"

"How did we remember someone who has been completely erased from our minds?" Scott asked, I looked between the two men and turned to Lydia who was now writing a mile a minute,

"We don't," I muttered nodding to Lydia who was now in a deep writing trance,

"Maybe he hasn't been," Malia added on,

"Oh, is she... Should we stop her?" Scott asked, but Deaton moved first,

"Lydia? Lydia? Slow down," Deaton called out as he moved and turned off the light, and she snapped out of it,

"Lyds?" I called out but she just stared straight ahead,

"Is she okay?" Scott asked,

"Lydia?" Deaton called out to her but she didn't move,

"What does "mischief" mean?" Malia asked, we turned and saw her looking down at the paper that Lydia was writing on, Scott took paper,

"That's not what she wrote," He said as he placed the paper on the desk, I leaned back to get a good view of it,

The words mischief written over and over again, in letters.

"S. T. I. L. E. S?" I spelt out looking down at the paper then up to the others, then Lydia gasped and looked up at us,

"What the hell is a Stiles?" She asked us,

Czytaj Dalej

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