The Rookie

By novisvia

561 24 19

Ace Wilder is a what you would call a shy introvert, although the one thing that can bring a smile to his fac... More

1 - The Last Inning
2 - I Was Scouted?
3 - I Wasn't Told About That
4 - Don't Look At Me..
5 - One, Two, and Three
6 - Mission: Introduction
7 - Yawning Tiger
9 - Everything's Alright, Right?
10 - A Glimpse Into The Glaring Man's Past

8 - A Strange Morning

37 2 0
By novisvia

Rory Paine's POV

My eyes flicker open before immediately closing again from the light coming in from the window that was coincidentally across from my bed. I extend my arms upward, stretching as I groan out from the relaxation. Sitting up I glance around the room, noticing everyone besides Ace was awake. Nic wasn't in the main room, hearing the bathroom sink pouring water I could only assume that he was the one preoccupying the bathroom. Jasper was either really tired or purposefully trying to walk as quiet as he could, he walked around as if he was a robber trying to steal things as he fumbled around through his belongings.

I tiredly watched Jasper until before I knew it, he was looking back as me as well. We looked at each other for a few more seconds before he mouthed some words at me, perhaps too tired to comprehend or something but I got the gist of it and started getting myself ready. Morning call was in half a hour and then more of the same old boring school scheduling.

Lazily rubbing my neck, stretching once again before standing up. I wobbled a bit as I got up, my legs feeling weak with exhaustion from seemingly nothing. Although since there's no need taking training seriously because of my ban from my usual position, I haven't been weight training at all these days. Pulling the tight black uniform undershirt on, I hear a quiet knock at the door. Glancing over at where Jasper once was, he had already joined his beloved in the bathroom so I had no choice really but to answer the door instead.

I twisted the knob, opening the door before making eye contact with one of the door managers. Quickly, they gave me a bag. It was a familiar bag from when I was just a new student and although already knowing it belonged to the new door mate, the manager rushingly said Ace Wilder's uniform before going onto the next room. I had already completely forgotten his name until now. Closing the door, I intentionally slammed it hoping that the sound would wake him up so I didn't have to.

But as I look back over to the leftmost bed, he was still silently sleeping. I walk up to him, looking down at his small and skinny figuring. The still lingering thought onto how good he was and what his position even was. This school isn't for new players so he would have to at least have some talent unless he had payed his way into this place, which was all too common. I clench my jaw, the irritating thought that this guy being like those snobs of other pitchers.

Opening my mouth as I'm about to attempt to wake Ace up, I noticed how much smaller he was than me. Not as in our height since I haven't stood next to him yet but by out body type or by our weight. He seemed like a feather, ready to blow away by the smallest gust of wind. How can such a small guy be able to stand on the mound without blowing away? I let out a smirk before chuckling lowly at the thought of him flying away in the distance.

My eyes widened at the sudden appearance of his full face, this time his messy hair not covering his soft yet generally attractive features. He was totally my type. Me thinking that he was cute was a thought that came and went within seconds. He's wide eyes looked just like a deer caught in a car's headlight, staring up at me like I was going to attack him. I didn't realize how long I've been standing over him but It must've been strange to wake up and someone you rarely know just staring down at you. I huffed out a deep breath before yawning, "Mornin' your uniform arrived so you should get changed now. Morning call is in about 15."

He quickly sat up, shooting his eyes around the room. As he was glancing around the room, Nic and Jasper finally left the bathroom. A silence filled the room, besides for the small rustling of the bag that had Ace's uniform as he was getting them out and looking at them with now a dazed look on his face. From the day before, he seemed awkward and uncomfortable to be around with the way he had originally portrayed himself. This morning, at least with his hair out of his face, he seemed like a normal guy. Not hunched over or breathing all heavily, just a normal person.

I spoke way too soon though, between seconds he had looked up and realized that we were all looking at him or maybe that we were here. I look away as I realize that I still have to get dressed so I quickly enter the bathroom so I can change into the rest of my uniform and finish up the rest before ending up late to practice.

• • •
Short chapter as I haven't posted in awhile, I'm sorry if it's a mess as I kinda forgot and had to reread the past chapters before typing so it was a lot of back and forth lol

Anyways hope you enjoyed! Will be posting more often, haven't decided whether it should be one chapter every day, every other day, or a few times a week unless I'm really inspired.

-Author Novi

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