-The Home for the Murders- (S...

By -Shy-Moon-

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Toxin. She was friend with almost all of them. The crazy and the lost ones. The broken and the silent ones. S... More

Chapter 0
Chapter 1: Introductions
Chapter 2: Seeing them again and Coffee with the Nurses
Chapter 3: Broken door
Chapter 4: Files for Home
Chapter 5: Break them out
Chapter 6: Home
Chapter 7: Temporary Stay
Chapter 8: Calm Killings
Chapter 9: Reunited
Chapter 10: Carrie's Cherry Pie
Chapter 11: Visiting the Clown
Chapter 12: The Dolls
Chapter 13: Demogorgons and Demodogs
Chapter 14: Hazardous Night
Chapter 15: Anxious News
Chapter 16: The rotten Camp
Chapter 17: Dreams of the past
Chapter 18: The Tapes of forgotten memories
Chapter 19: See for yourself

Chapter 20: Undeniable Proof

96 6 0
By -Shy-Moon-


3rd PoV

„This is going to be so awkward."

„This was your idea."

„That doesn't mean I've got to like it."

„That's fair."

Freddy channeled his dream-fuckery again and with the help of Toxin's nightmare realm slime, popped a door in a rather particular dream.

Micheals sleeping self did a double take. A silent double take.

Jason just tilted his head at the dripping door that stood at the end of the dock. That certainly was not there before.

He approached the door nonetheless, his rough hand went over the wooden texture of the door. It was rather smooth for the way it looked.

It seemed like something was beckoning him inside, he felt a sudden burst of familiarity and let his hand slide from wood to metal.

Micheal was already through the door. Ever so curious. He stared straight at his prey, even as the door diagonally from him opened to reveal a hockey mask.

Freddy crossed his arms, mind the blades of course.

As soon as Jason closed his door - his momma didn't raise no punk - it dissolved in a misty violet illusion.

Toxin grimaced on the inside, a detail the dream demon easily picked up on.

„Welcome to my mind, don't mind the mess." she joked to break the ice.

Her mind still did race, memories, nightmares, dreams, thoughts and daydreams all flashed through the background behind a thick wall of fog.

Every door and window, every crack leaked of her purple ooze.

„So- uh, concerning your ‚amnesia', I found out how to prove that we knew each other." Toxin began explaining.

She specifically chose to say ‚knew each other' instead of ‚being family'. She already jumped in a cave of bears, no need to make it worse yet.

„I just want to show you three something." she silently was asking them if it was okay, if they trusted her enough for this.

None of the mute did anything to prove her otherwise. Toxin felt relieved, again the dream demon felt this immediately.

Toxin looked at him, he shrugged. He didn't care, might be interesting though. He might find something to use against them.

„Okay, okay, I can show you how we guys met. If you want to." she proposed.

Again no reaction.

Freddy and the others watched as the redhead lifted her arm to perfect ninety degrees and curled her fingers in.

The darkness seemed to shiver. The flashing moments in the background stilled for a second, before beginning to lag like a computer almost.

They jumped back a few seconds, sped up, skipped completely or just went black.

The mist cleared a bit, a grey-ish storm cloud with slightly purple tinged end formed.

Jason was more confused than that one time this weird girl used her freakish psychic powers to summon her dead father from the lake.

Micheal was equally as confused. Though he was rather befuddled than confused. As if one could tell anyway, as he gave no reaction...

Even as his mask appeared in the cloud.

Someone was looking back at him, their vision wobbly, he wasn't far off.

The person huffed, exhausted and looked back towards the house. A brown house, that itched the shapes brain, like he saw it before. Which he must've.

The person whose perspective they were watching this from jumped up, and held onto the balcony, one hand slipped down, coated with blood and dirt.

It slammed back up not a second later. The metal of the familiar katana holding tight onto the wood.

The person pulled themselves up, red hair splashed into their vision as they rolled to the side.

Memory-Toxin jumped up and kicked the balcony doors in, trekking into the house. She pulled the hair out of her face and shot a quick look back, just in case.

She borderline jumped into the kitchen as the front door almost exploded open from the force it was opened with.

The kitchens window was open. Memory-Toxin swift and very ungratefully chucked her katana out of the window and dove after, landing face first in a bush just underneath the window with an „oof".

Footsteps could be heard, then no more. Then sirens, fast approaching sirens. A lot of very fast approaching police sirens.

Memory-Toxin sighed, then hissed. Her gaze snapped down to her stomach and to the obvious stab wound in her side.

With the rustling of leaves she slowly moved more from the side of the house to the back of the house.

Memory-Micheal came back into view, he walked from the houses back door, which Toxin was separated from by a comically large bush of red roses.

She had to slightly tilt her body backwards to see him walk away.

Her vision shook as she hissed again. Then a shot rang out.

Memory-Micheal stopped.

He looked at his shoulder, then to something or someone outside of Memory-Toxins sight. Screaming could be heard, but it was garbled.

„I don't remember what he said." Toxin confessed. „That's why it sounds so weird."

The Memory-shape seemed to dislike what mystery person shouted and turned his body to his newest victim.

Memory-Toxin moved to the other side of the house as he walked out of her sight.

With no comments and the occasional hiss or hum she watched him kill around eight policemen and one bystander before a couple too many shots in his body got accompanied by an electric shock via taser.

Micheal narrowed his eyes behind his mask as he watched his memory self fall to the ground like a plank.

You could hear both Toxins wince.

Freddy made a face and Jason shuddered lightly.

The cop who managed to get him down, sunk to his knees in surprise and fumbled his hands for his Walkie-Talkie.

Toxins attention shifted from a suspiciously clean red car, parked not too far off the house. Then her gaze slid back to the unmoving shape on the ground.

She whined at her decision after a couple more back and forth looks and gripped her katana tighter.

„Fuck." Memory-Toxin huffed quietly.

Mood. The redhead supplied in her head. Freddy sent her a look.

The cop meanwhile twisted backwards and shuffled closer to another downed comrade, talking loudly to him. Yet again, the speech was garbled as Memory-Toxin sprung from her hideout.

Eyes set straight on her victim, she reared her arms to the side and let the katana cut smoothly through his neck.

His head rolled to the side and his body slumped onto his friend.

Memory-Toxin quickly looked behind her and they could see her just putting the katana into the weird goopy tail that extended from her lower back.

Toxin grimaced.

Her gaze didn't linger long enough to show her tail dissolve.

She was by the shape in an instant and grabbed him by his armpits immediately. A very unsatisfied groan sounded as she hievend him along. „C'mon!" she growled more at herself than him.

Both Micheals showed no reaction. But the other two sure did.

Freddy looked baffled and Jason had his body leaning towards the memory as if he didn't believe it.

She risked a couple glances towards the red car she was approaching. The back door popped open as soon as she was close enough.

Memory-Toxin crawled backwards into the cars backseat, her field of vision kept showing his back and the cars roof as she pulled him further inside.

She looked behind herself as the second door opened and she continued to pull the unconscious bogeyman into the car.

Eventually he was all inside and the doors closed. Memory-Toxin leaned on the side of the car for a second before the radio accusingly popped on. She groaned. „I'm sorry, I know this wasn't planned!" the radios noise was garbled as well. „I couldn't just leave him there."

The car almost seemed to growl with her engine. Further sirens began to rang out.

Memory-Toxin snapped her head to the street. „Fuck, go, go go! Drive home Christine! I'll come after!" she patted the car quickly and-

The image glitched, blacked out in some spots and got inverted colors like a bugged out system.

„I have just the slightest memory problem, I don't recall how it went on." Toxin confessed and opened her palm, leaving the cloud grey and lifeless.

„That just showed how you met tall dark and silent over there. That doesn't prove anything!" Freddy complained.

„It proved that the asylum wasn't the first time we've met each other." Toxin defended, looking at him.

„You could've made this up!" he countered, mentioning to the cloud. Micheal tilted his head. This did seem almost brutally familiar to him, but he could for the life of him not recall those moments.

A prey like her seemed unforgettable. Toxin huffed, pushing her hands to her hips, dissolving the cloud. „Well why don't you pull some memories outta this chaotic mind then-"

She cut herself off as Freddy listened to her stupid comment and went forward. He set his hands on both sides of her head, as he stood behind her.

Toxin's eyes went from green to galaxy and an abyss opened beneath them. In the middle of the circle they had somewhat formed appeared a hole, it rippled in the darkness then showed something.

The picture was wobbly and slightly distorted, it disappeared completely before showing a new one. Clearer.

Memory-Toxin stood in front of a woman with blonde hair, behind her a brute. The woman smiled and waved, apparently unbothered by the creature standing behind her. Toxin waved back, then looked at her truck, a pie sitting next to her.

The image faded an older one. Way older.

It was blurry and Toxin tightened her fist as she realized.

The words spoken where blocked, sounded far away, only becoming clearer when a car jumped into the picture and two female screams sounded and crashes... loud and echoing.

Toxin forced her head to the side, but Freddy forced her head to adjust again, which snapped the memory to another one.

Another blurry memory, but teary blurry. A report lying on her hands. Only a few words were readable. Patient - Voorhees - medicine - [redacted] - memory loss - unknown - Mary Glinns.

Toxin shivered and this time Jason tilted his head. Emotions evident in the memory overcame the redhead suddenly.

Pictures and words flashes, going by in a succession with no order.

Memory-Toxin looked at a smiling Memory-Danny. Memory-Jason smashed something electrical.

„That's a lie."

„Th- that's not it!"

„Wasn't my problem."

Sirens rang out. Blood and guts covered the scene. A fire, looking back at a car. Haunting screams as something blurry and small was kicked. An image of Memory-Toxin looking at her back in a mirror, something carved into her lower back.

„No one can choose." truth.

„Sweetheart." Danny.

„I'm taking a drive." Freddy, Christine.

„Do you love him?" accusing.

„What about—-" who?

„KILL HER!" orders.


„I wasn't on kitchen duty today." defensive.

„You... spoke." unbelieving.

„I'm sorry." regret.

Four different memories played, each with a slash, each with a scar, each with a bandage.

„You created this..." fault.

„W- who are you?" afraid.

„GET OUT!" Brutal power.

„You're the reason he left us." or was I?

„Tox." Thomas.

„You're a disgrace!"


„I should've abor-"

Crying, screaming, silence, whimpering, blood, guts, family... her.

„You're a failure."

An image of memory-Toxin hugging the chainsaw brothers.

Memory-Jason and Memory-Freddy sitting on the same couch.

Memory-Christine rumbling happily in a beautiful sunny light.

The blonde and the brute from before in fog.

The burning car.

„You're a disgrace."

A picture of Memory-Toxin looking full of fear in a broken mirror. Purple streaks and dirt and blood and ash everywhere, clawing at her eyes.

A calm starry sky in the night.

„You're a failure."


Climbing balcony's and trees, killing people, cooking, laughing, smiling.

„I love you guys."

„You're annoying!"


„Don't encourage them!"

„Don't tell them I filmed this."

„Why is the kitchen on fire?"

„You're a disgrace."

„You're a failure."


Toxin reared her head back, the violet abyss seemed to work against them.

The hole distorted more, leaving a garbled mess that constricted with Toxins movement.

She opened her mouth, but before she could scream...

Thank you for reading this Chapter. Please check out ‚Shys book of books' for Updates, Information and possible sequels.
See ya!

{Word Count: 2105}

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