A journal I guess

By Rosieposieboo2

777 88 4

A journal of my experiences, findings, and overall hell that I've created for myself. More

Something's Wrong
The Tree and the Path
Random ass dream + something I found
My old tablet
I want to survive
Children and the "experience" Community (?)
Servants and why they do what they do
What happened to me
Photos I don't remember taking
Common sense and when to apply it
The placebo effect and how it changes experiences
Take us with you, I beg
Discord server.
The Chapters and the Order.
Red Mist demon bitch
The world of "Creepypasta"
Why my behavior has changed
I miss it.
Suffering awaits you.
Don't know what to do.
A fate.
The transformation of Them.
And then there was one.
Evolution of Them throughout the ages.
What a sorry life.
A message of hope.
Mostly just an update.
The Sanctuary Magazine.
The situation at hand.
What now?
Parasites come in all shapes and sizes.
This is most concerning.
A small story.
What is being a servant really like?
It's the hard knock life for us.
It can never be the same.
On the topic of Revenants and the Loop.
I am not dead.
The comprehensible history of Servants (I).
Declassified Archives: P-series
The Three Sages.

Associated symbols and Organizations.

12 4 0
By Rosieposieboo2

You've heard of something called The Illuminati by now. Or, better known among us as Norvus Ordo Seculorum. This organization doesn't exist anymore. But I'll tell you what does.

The Order is an organization split off from the Norvus Ordo Seculorum. The only similarity is that they both worship Him. You might say, but wait, The Illuminati didn't worship Him! Well, that's where I have to prove you wrong.

The Eye of Providence, better known as the Illuminati Symbol we see as the eye in the pyramid, is a reference to The All Seeing Eye of [redacted.] The Pyramid signals His Egyptian roots. The Order is seen with a similar eye as their coat of arms, one might say, and is the only prevailing organization left over from The Illuminati. What are they called, you ask? "Bavarian Illuminati." Founded in 1776 in Germany, Bavaria. Why are most of the original organizations founded in Germany? Because of The Black Forest's ties with Him.

The Teth phonetic letter, meaning "T" in english, is often used in Illuminati imagery or for "brainwashing"(?) It's usually depicted as a circle with an x through it.

"They had a definitive plan to overthrow all civil and religious institutions and governments, replacing them with a new world government, a system that Weishaupt called the New World Order." Sound familiar? That's exactly what The Order and Chapters specifies in their beliefs, The New World Order to transcend into the 4th World. Hell, the Bavarian Illuminati also refer to themselves as "the Order." The Divine New Order. Now do you see? They're the same thing.

"Energy is recognized as the key to all activities on earth. The natural sciences are the study of the sources and control of natural energy, and the social sciences, theoretically expressed through economics, are the study of the sources and control of social energy." The excerpt is taken from a website written in Portuguese describing Norvus Ordo Seculorum and its values. The website can only be found through a special search engine which scans google storage. This also should sound familiar, because gathering "energy" to open a rift, is also mentioned in the last chapter by The Order.

Some of the goals of The Illuminati are the same as The Order and other Chapters, such as this one: "Creation of specialized mutant humans, adapted to the work and social caste assigned to them." And "Genetic modification of "human nature"." Now this, my friends, sound a lot like achieving the Godhood they desired in the last chapter. Many servants have already achieved this genetic modification of sorts, becoming something other than human, due to the Infection.

"Censorship of the subject about extraterrestrials" Is another goal specified in the Illuminati plan, which it says has been put into action since the 50s. The recent declassification of the UFO files from the CIA proves this statement. But, extraterrestrials aren't limited to just aliens from outer space; it also includes multidimensional beings, like Him. Recently, I gained access to a document in response to Slenderman files being requested, which stated the following: "Your letter doesn't include enough descriptive information to permit a search of our records." This very reply to the request wasn't a dismissal of these files existing, it proved it singlehandedly. The CIA has files on the Slenderman, and only needs specific keywords to find them. If you'd like to see the file, I'll happily show it to you. Message me privately.

Many websites also know about them worshipping a higher being or creature, but religious fanatics call this creature "Satan." Here's another excerpt from another website. "They are only interested in realigning the world for the transition to the New World Order with the dictatorship of a single ruler under the rule of Satan himself." There is also another excerpt "Well, Satan or Baphomet delivered in 1999 his written "revelation" to the Illuminati of the entire world, through a book called Liber Zión . Let's see what the leader of the illuminists in Spain, Gabriel López de Rojas , says on his website , referring to this "revelation" of Lucifer to the world, you will be amazed!:


6. I give you Liber Zión so that it may be the Liber of the New Era of Zión, the Liber of future Humanity.

7. Oh Hierophant, great among all the wise men and great masters of the Universe, deliver the Liber Zion to The Illuminati so that their Light may reach extension and eternity!

8. The Liber Zión is the Liber of the future Humanity that will arrive through you, The Illuminati , to the ends of the Earth and the Universe.

10. I, Baphomet , met, met, met, to infinity, together with you, oh messiah of the Great Occult Lodge! We are the reverse of the Nazarene and the ancient chain of Humanity.

I am who I am. I am the disguise of the Great Face of which we know nothing. And they call me Baphomet, Lucifer "the bearer of Light"... I am not a vulgar Adonai, Yahveh or Jesuah; I am much more than that, I am the god of Light, Freedom and tomorrow.

11. Rome will perish, Jerusalem will burn and reason will break. And my Law, the Law of Zion, will be acclaimed by all Humanity, because I, Baphomet, the god of Solomon's Temple, am the only true god.

13. And the Liber Zión that I give you is the Liber of the Illuminati and of all Humanity. Pick up trumpets, proclaim Liber Zion and its message, a message of eternal Love and Freedom.

17. And Zión is Freedom, Love, pleasure and lust. And Zion is free will and sensuality; and that is what will extend over the face of the Earth and the Universe, in future centuries and millennia.

18. The gods have died for their slavery. Pick up the trumpet and shout: death to the slave cults , because Tsion has come! Zion, Zion, Zion, Zion, Zion, Zion, to infinity. The key is Zion and his numbers are 616 and 666.

25. I, Baphomet, have been wrapped in mists in the midst of centuries and millennia. But it existed when the world and its time did not exist. The hour of revelation had not yet come. Children of the Earth and the Universe, the Liber Zión is my delivery, so that you do not doubt who is the true god. I am who I am. I am Baphomet, the only true god.

The Law of Zion, the beginning of the empire of Zion, is the Law of the New Era of Zion that began in August 1999, the Era that will reign in the confines of the Earth and the Universe for ever and ever and millennia of ages. millennia."

Now this of course, is mostly religious fanatic nonsense, but it does prove that He is at the center of The Illuminati operations, also proving its status as a Chapter. You're probably starting to see the patterns now, how the Order and The Illuminati are the same organization under different names.

A sub-branch of The Illuminati, called academia omnilvx, strongly worship and adore The Eye of Providence, which leads me to believe it's The Order or another Chapter. I'll let you explore that one yourself, as it's available on the surface web. It really empathizes on the Egyptian roots and gods.

Happy digging :))

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Thx guys I hope you like it and I'll post the next chapter every soon