A journal I guess

Por Rosieposieboo2

777 88 4

A journal of my experiences, findings, and overall hell that I've created for myself. Más

Something's Wrong
The Tree and the Path
Random ass dream + something I found
My old tablet
I want to survive
Children and the "experience" Community (?)
Servants and why they do what they do
What happened to me
Photos I don't remember taking
Common sense and when to apply it
The placebo effect and how it changes experiences
Take us with you, I beg
Discord server.
The Chapters and the Order.
Associated symbols and Organizations.
Red Mist demon bitch
The world of "Creepypasta"
Why my behavior has changed
I miss it.
Suffering awaits you.
Don't know what to do.
A fate.
The transformation of Them.
And then there was one.
Evolution of Them throughout the ages.
What a sorry life.
A message of hope.
Mostly just an update.
The Sanctuary Magazine.
The situation at hand.
What now?
Parasites come in all shapes and sizes.
This is most concerning.
A small story.
What is being a servant really like?
It's the hard knock life for us.
It can never be the same.
On the topic of Revenants and the Loop.
I am not dead.
The comprehensible history of Servants (I).
Declassified Archives: P-series
The Three Sages.


22 4 0
Por Rosieposieboo2

Yes, now that I can actually clear my head! Timelines, my friends, timelines! It wasn't just one time leap, it was hundreds upon thousands of people left behind in the past and in the different timelines. THE RIFT! Yes yes that's what it was, it was a RIFT. There was a rift and then everything fell apart. There was the original timeline. That's when everything started and where everything ended. So many crossed over into worlds they shouldn't have been in. Always wandering always wandering always wandering. We are trapped in a place we shouldn't be. We're in the in-between, where nothing is real or fake. And it's all because of that 'time leap' or 'rift' or whatever the fuck you want to call it. Timelines mixed together, lives were torn apart, entire families and people suddenly didn't exist. Why? The RIFT.

You won't understand unless you were a part of it all. One of the people that were caught in the crossfire. The Path never ENDED. We never LEFT. We've been so occupied with our lives in these timelines that we allowed ourselves to forget. Or maybe it wasn't a choice. Why are we so obsessed with these creatures, every time without fail? Because some twisted part of us still remembers what happened. And it wants to survive. It wants to put an end to this nightmare. Even in a seemingly normal timeline, we can't be at peace. I realized why all of this is familiar.

This isn't the first timeline I've been in. This isn't the first timeline ANYONE has been in. We're trapped in the endless loop of realization and oblivion. Once you remember, it's enough to drive you mad. But you have to remember the original. Where it all began.

They're here. You just don't see them. Our brains and our minds are stuck. We're stuck in this timeline and we can't see beyond it. That's what he wanted me to see when he said "Find the truth." This is it. THIS is the truth. He knew who I was. He knew I would realize it soon. There is no more "original." The original timeline is dead. Gone. Turned to dust. And so are the people in it. Yes. Family, friends, lovers. God, where did it all go wrong?

This is all I can really remember. Everything is unravelling. My mind, my world.

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