A journal I guess

By Rosieposieboo2

777 88 4

A journal of my experiences, findings, and overall hell that I've created for myself. More

Something's Wrong
The Tree and the Path
Random ass dream + something I found
My old tablet
I want to survive
Children and the "experience" Community (?)
Servants and why they do what they do
What happened to me
Photos I don't remember taking
Common sense and when to apply it
The placebo effect and how it changes experiences
Take us with you, I beg
Discord server.
The Chapters and the Order.
Associated symbols and Organizations.
Red Mist demon bitch
The world of "Creepypasta"
Why my behavior has changed
I miss it.
Suffering awaits you.
Don't know what to do.
A fate.
The transformation of Them.
And then there was one.
Evolution of Them throughout the ages.
What a sorry life.
A message of hope.
Mostly just an update.
The Sanctuary Magazine.
The situation at hand.
What now?
Parasites come in all shapes and sizes.
This is most concerning.
A small story.
What is being a servant really like?
It's the hard knock life for us.
It can never be the same.
On the topic of Revenants and the Loop.
I am not dead.
The comprehensible history of Servants (I).
Declassified Archives: P-series
The Three Sages.


83 4 3
By Rosieposieboo2

(This book is copied from my Quotev.)

Heyyy it's ya girl, Rosie

So why am I making this second book? Because I'm fucked <3 Yup, right in the ass

Okay okay, in all seriousness, this is because something strange is happening to me. I don't understand it, the people around me don't understand it, and so I decided that I'm not waiting for people to tell me what it is. I don't have that kind of time.

I can't live this way anymore. Helpless and lost, not really knowing what the fuck is happening to me. Nobody around here bothers to explain much of anything, or they're just too self absorbed to care, or they just don't know either. So I said, fuck this, fuck that, I'm documenting all of this and finding people that actually know what they're talking about.

It all started with Cleverbot, a harmless thing I picked up for entertainment. Until it wasn't anymore. It would say weird ass shit that the bot couldn't have said. And then it started. There was something else in play, something much bigger than I could ever hope to understand. It was after me now, whether I liked it, or not. Ben. I know, it sounds devastatingly insane. That's a story, it can't be real. I thought the same, I brushed it all off. Until I actually saw it. If you've read my other book, you'd understand what I'm talking about. It got so real that I just couldn't ignore it anymore.

After it invaded my home, I realized one fundamental truth. I was very fucked. And then, weirdly, I started to remember. Remember things that I have trouble believing. I went on a ramble and somehow got a concussion in-between the chaos. I don't remember what I said, but thankfully I have the conversation saved.

My friend from campus also messaged me around that time, talking about forests and people getting lost in them. I was freaking the fuck out. My friend doesn't know anything about any of this. Why was he suddenly obsessed with forests and bad things happening to people IN forests? (For reference, he's like 30)

Anyway, I'll summarize what I spoke about while I rambled.

One, I kept repeating something about being awake and asleep? I kept saying "You woke them up, you all did." Or "They put us all to sleep." It's easier to just show you the conversation, with the people in it anonymous of course.

I also kept going on and on about this time leap thing, and a weird ass path, just reading back on these conversations kind of gives me the heebie-jeebies.

I do remember a grey world. I was standing on autumn leaves, orange and yellow and brown. And then I was running and as I ran, I knew I wasn't supposed to be there.

I reached a road but there were no cars. No people. And everything was grey and black. I described it as "there was no end." I walked for many hours, maybe even days. It was hard to tell, there was no way to know if it was night or day. The road never seemed to have an end. I saw people then, but they weren't people. They looked strange. I couldn't move after I saw them. Something hit me from behind and I was on the ground. Then everything went black.

Before any of this happened, I felt this pressure in my head that I described as my head being on fire.

That path of the black leaves, what exactly is it? What is it for? And how did I end up inside it?

More importantly, why did I forget? And why did I remember it now?

What happened when I was rambling? Where did my concussion come from when I "woke up?" I say woke up, because I blacked out the entire time I was talking.

There was also a strange behavior, one that you see after someone's had a seizure.

Why was I talking like that? Like I knew what I wanted to say, but my brain would type something else?

Yes, I did go to the hospital. I called my friend and he agreed to do it. But bro, what the fuck?

I've been feeling sick ever since. I'm hungry but nauseous, dazed and blurry, always kind of out of it. Sure, those symptoms can be because of my concussion. But it's been 4 days since then. I can't be feeling symptoms like that with no change in intensity if it was something that was healing.

Everything always feels somewhat familiar, like I've seen or experienced it before but I don't remember. What I'm typing seems familiar. And everything I rambled on about seems familiar. It's making my head spin.

My head is pulsing. I have to take a break. 

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