Blinded by hate

By _Slut4rafecameron

291K 6.1K 1.2K

"If I asked you to be my wife would you have said yes?" He asks me annoyed. I shake my head. It's the truth... More

A deal i didnt sign up for
Meeting the husband
Family drama
Just married
10 hours on a plane..what could go wrong ?
Moving in
Shopping trip
Revenge sex ?
Lovers spat
Never trust the best friend
This is not like the movies
Master manipulator
This is the end
Crazy bitch
Ivan has feelings?
Make love
I hate you
Bride and Groom
Isnt wedding sex supposed to be the best?
Is violence a love language ?
A fresh start?
Other family drama
Let her have cake!
Divorce papers...?
Psycho killer
Enemies to lovers, to enemies again?
All those lights.
Furry friends.
Sectet agent
My favourite flowers are tulips
So embarrassingly in love
Make love to me
No room to grovel on.
Happy birthday!
One more time
Till death do we part


7.9K 189 26
By _Slut4rafecameron

I sit in the bathroom sink washing my face.

Skin care is absolutely key.

I like to watch in detail as I scrub my face so I'm sitting in the sink rubbing in my moisturiser the final step in my 3 step skincare routine.

Cleanser, serum, moisturiser.

I climb out the sink and brush my hair.

I like to do a whole routine before I go to bed to help calm me down.

I get anxious before I go to sleep.

After I finish I piss and then walk over to my window.

I'm really glad I have a reading nook with a window over looking the gardens.

I sit there quietly for a moment just observing everything.

It's so quiet, so peaceful at night.

It's late as well, almost 12.

I walk to bed and flop under the covers.

Feels like I'm asleep on a cloud.

I roll over and close my eyes breathing in and out until I drift off to sleep.

I jump awake all of a sudden.

My heart is racing so hard I can barely breathe.

I look at the clock and see its 3 am.

I breathe in deeply.

What the hell?

I didn't even have a nightmare.

I wasn't falling off the bed.

I just sprang awake like I'd been electrocuted.

I have the strangest reason to walk to the door.

I sit up in bed steadying my breathing until I decide to go do it.

I walk towards my bedroom door.

I pause and listen at the door.

I cant hear anything.

I open it slightly, Ivan's room is directly opposite mine.

I stand there looking up and down but nothing.

I make a note to see what's in the other room at the very end.

I know one of the rooms is his bathroom and the other one is his office.

I stand in the hallway and walk towards the door at the end.

I don't make a sound.

I reach for the door knob when I hear a howl.

I jump so aggressively I hit the door and fall over.

I pause again and hear it again it's like screaming but more raspy.

I bolt towards my room when I hear the noise louder coming from Ivan's room.

I hesitate in the hallway for a second until I hear it again and I fling open his door and run inside his room.

He's on the bed his body violently twitching and I wonder for one horrific second if he's having a seizure.

I step closer and see he's covered in sweat.

He looks so vulnerable.

"Ivan" I say leaving towards him.

His eyes fly open and in a second I'm flipped over on the floor with him above me a gun pointed at me.

I scream thinking he must be sleepwalking and about to kill me.

I punch his throat and he reels back.

A gun shot goes off and I scream again running out the room.

I run past my room and keep running down the hallway throwing myself downstairs so I'm on the third floor.

I see him coming down the stairs again and I scream louder running downstairs again.

I keep going almost passing out until I'm on the ground floor.

I run into the kitchen and grab a kitchen knife.

It's huge.

I turn around with it as he runs inside.

"GET AWAY FROM ME" I scream.


I pant not dropping the knife.

"You tried to kill me." I spit at him.

"I didn't mean too, I was having a nightmare and you woke me up and I just panicked and grabbed the nearest thing to me"

"The nearest thing to you. Was a gun." I breathe out.

"When are you going to understand I'm not a nice guy. I'm a murderer. I own the mafia. Yes I sleep with a gun. And if it wasn't you on the floor I'd have shot you and had a peaceful nights sleep"

I frown at that.

"If you sleep so well at night. What was your nightmare about?"

He glared at me.

"Your not allowed to tell a single soul about they do you understand me?"

"Or what" I taunt him, still clutching the knife.

He walks towards me and grabs another knife on the counter and points it at me.

"Or I will cut out your voice box"

Fear shoots down my spine.

Not enough to quench the adrenaline.

"Oh but you wouldn't would you. You like my voice. You like it when I push you..don't you?" I ask him my voice laced with honey.

"Why would I like that?" He spits.

His eyes glaze over in something I can only assume is rage.

"Maybe you have a degrading kink" I offer.

His lip curls as he takes another step towards me so the tip of the knife gently pokes my chest.

I am terrified.

"Let's not discuss such matters, malysh. Not here"

"When then? Over dinner that you don't go too? When we go for walks that don't happen?"

"Are you upset I'm not spending time with you?"

"I am curious about what it is your doing. And I am bored.

"I'm sorry your life isn't entertaining anymore."

"Fix it then" I say taking a step back and putting the knife down and walking out the room.

"Has your opinion changed of me?" He asks following me up the stairs.


"You said I wasn't scary."

"Yes it has. Not for the reason you think" I reply curtly.

"Oh?" He says smirking at me.

"In this house we have a cook, 3 maids a butler and 2 cleaners. And 10 body guards. With us always give or take. Tonight I ran past all of their doors screaming bloody murder. Screaming my head off. And no one came to help. No one was even shocked as if women screaming is something normal around here. That's was scares me."

That wipes the smirk off his face.

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