On My Own

By abbyf50

4.3K 118 8

When Maya Rocque decides that she wants to pursue acting, her biggest fear is that she only become successful... More

Meeting LA
I Wish I Could go to the Palm Woods School
I'd Call that Home
No One Leaves
A New Guy
Nice to See You Again
Did You Forget?
Star Quality
Getting Back on Her Feet
Little Moments
A Fresh Start

A for Effort?

211 6 0
By abbyf50

Maya walked into the Palm Woods and raced to the pool to find where Camille and the boys were at. Kendall had told her all about what an eventful day the boys had the other day for their photo shoot, and she couldn't wait to hear the full story. 

She found the boys, looking very rough, and Camille quickly.

"Cool, you got your picture in Pop Tiger Magazine," Camille began, showing me the poster, "But what happened?"

"It's a really great picture, though, guys," Maya interrupted before they began their story.

"You guys look terrible now, though."

"That picture happened," James said.

"Girls," Kendall began, "Get ready for a twisted tale of adventure, danger, and nail-biting suspense." Kendall then spit out his tooth, "Hey, my tooth came out."

"No, wait," Carlos grabbed the tooth, "That's mine." He then put the tooth in his mouth.

"There's only so many ways that could have gotten in there, K," Maya teased causing Kendall to throw the lounge chair pillow at her.


After a very long story about a crazy photographer and crazy Dak Zevon loving girls, Maya got the boys more ice. When she came back, Andrew was talking to Camille. 

"Andrew!" Maya exclaimed, "I thought you weren't going to be back for a month because of that singing camp Hawk wanted you to mentor at?"

"I took a few days off to hang out with my favorite girl," Andrew answered as he hugged her. 

"That's so sweet of you, but I was going to spend today nursing these boys back to health." 

"Yeah, what happened to you guys?"

All of the boys just groaned, and Maya answered, "It's a long story." Maya turned and grabbed Andrew's hands, "I love surprises, but I wish you would've called so that we could have planned better."

"It's alright. I'll help with you."

"We'll be fine, Maya," Kendall interjected, "Spend time with Andrew while he's here."

"No," Maya replied, "I promised that I would help you guys, and I'm done being a bad friend to you." 

Kendall smiled, glad that she wasn't ditching him for Andrew again.


Kendall was currently wishing that Maya would have ditched them for Andrew. After a few more minutes at the pool, Maya and Andrew had helped the boys up to their apartment. They got all the boys on the couch and then proceeded to make lunch. All in all, they were being very helpful.

However, Kendall was tired of watching the two flirt and be affectionate with each other. As much as he appreciated Maya's effort to be around more, it was killing him to watch her with Andrew. 

So while Maya and Andrew were making dinner, Kendall got the guys' attention.

"I know how much we are all hurting, but I can't stand to watch them anymore," Kendall whispered.

"But who's going to tell her that?" Carlos asked, "Not me. She's trying to show that she's going to be here for us. I appreciate that."

"And trust me, I do too. Which is why we all need to stop needing her help."

"How would you suggest we get anything done?" Logan asked, "I can't use either of my arms, you have a broken arm and a concussion, James also has a concussion, and Carlos needs to use a cane."

"My mom can help us after tonight since Maya told her to take the night off."

"But how do you suggest we convince Maya that we don't need the help? We can't exactly take off our braces and casts."

"We just start doing our own things. Watch this."

With that, Kendall stood up from the couch and began to walk over to the kitchen area where Andrew had his arms around Maya's waist while she cooked some soup. Maya giggled as Andrew started to tickle her, causing Kendall's jealousy to flare up since he wanted to be the one to make her laugh like that. 

After a moment, Maya looked up and saw Kendall approaching. She quickly moved out of Andrew's hold and rushed over to Kendall.

"Kendall!" She scolded him. "You're supposed to be resting! What are you doing standing?"

"We're fine, My. We can handle ourselves," Kendall said.

"Oh really? Hey, Carlos, do you want to come grab this soup for you and James?"

"I can take it to them."

"No, no, no. I can take it to them."

"You want some help? I feel like four bowls of soup will be too much to carry with a broken arm. Andrew and I can easily do it."

"I got it," Kendall insisted as he tried to balance all four bowls of soup on his good arm. He, surprisingly, made it most of the way; however, when he got closer to the guys, a bowl started to slip, and when Kendall went to grab it, the other bowls jostled and fell onto James's lap. James shot up off the couch, screaming since it was hot. As he jumped around he landed on Carlos's broken foot, causing Carlos to cry out in pain and thrash forward. This led to Carlos's cane that was leaning against the couch to fall and hit Logan's arm, to which Logan began to cry. 

Maya quickly rushed over to calm the situation while Andrew led James away to change.

"Yeah, K," Maya started once the other boys were calm, "I think that went really well. I'm sticking around."


The next day, Maya arrived to 2J with Andrew right behind her. She knocked on the door to be met with Kendall's mom.

"Hi Mrs. Knight," Maya greeted, "How are you?"

"I'm doing well, Maya. Thank you for asking," she answered, "Sweetheart, I just wanted to thank you for looking after the boys yesterday, but I took off work for the rest of the week so that an adult would be present. You don't have to stay here and help anymore."

"Are you sure, Mrs. Knight? I really don't mind. I love spending time with the boys."

"I know, dear. Come and visit, but they were telling me all about how Andrew surprised you. Spend some time with him."

"If you insist, Mrs. Knight. If you need me to run to the store or do laundry or anything at all, please let me know."

"I will, hon. Have fun!" With that, Mrs. Knight shut the door and saw Kendall expectantly waiting on the couch. "They're gone. She's so sweet, though, Kendall. Why do you want me hanging around and not them?"

Kendall made a pouting face, "I just want my mom around when I'm hurt."

"Good try. What's the real reason?"

"I just don't like Andrew, okay?"

"Did something happen between you two?"

"No, we just don't get along that well, but I can't tell Maya that."

"And why not?"

"He's her first boyfriend, and she's one of my best friends. I already lost her to him last week, and I don't want that to happen again."

"Kendall, you have to be honest with her. It sounds like you need to talk to her. I'm sure that if you told her having him around bothers you, she would tell him to stop coming with her. It's clear how much she cares about you."

"Yeah, but she cares about him too. Plus, he came back just to surprise her for this week. How am I suppose to ask her to give up hanging out with him just for me?"

Kendall's mom sat down on the couch next to him, "If he's here this whole week, I can promise that there are times they aren't together. Plus, friendship is about give and take, so if you just talk to her, I know she's a very reasonable girl."

With that, Kendall's mom got up and began to make breakfast before the other boys were awake. 


Hey K, hope you and the boys are feeling better today! Let me know if you need anything :)


K! I'm baking my famous chocolate chip cookies :) I know they're your favorite. Want me to stop over and drop some off for you and the boys tonight?


Kennnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyy, you missed out on some great cookies, but don't worry. I saved you some of course. Why aren't you answering my texts? I'm feeling ignored!!! 


Kendall, Andrew is leaving today, and I'm coming over after he leaves. I was joking about you not answering yesterday, but it's been a week of no responses from you. If I did something to upset you, I am so sorry. You know I never want to hurt you. See you soon.


Kendall scrolled through the texts that he ignored from Maya. He felt bad that he ignored her this whole week, but he really didn't want Andrew around. However, now it was time to face the music. She was going to be at the apartment soon to get answers. How would he explain that he ignored her all week just because he was jealous of her boyfriend? He couldn't. 

A knock at the door tore Kendall from his thoughts as he went to answer it. When he swung the door open, he was met by a distraught Maya. He saw the tear stains on her cheeks and the worry that was held in her eyes. Kendall felt his heart break at the sight of her. Was he the reason she was so upset? No, she just said goodbye to Andrew. That has to be the real reason. 

"Can I come in?" Maya asked. 

Kendall swung the door open wider, "Of course."

Maya shuffled past him and placed a container on the kitchen counter, "I brought you and the guys some of those cookies I mentioned in my texts."

"About that, My, I'm so sorry."

"What did I do? I thought that I was being a much better friend. Am I wrong?" Maya's eyes began to fill with tears.

"No, no," Kendall stepped forward, "Please don't cry. You're a great friend. You're my best friend outside of the guys. I don't know why I ignored you," Kendall told her.

"You do know, Kendall," Maya said, "I just feel like I deserve an answer. I owned up to my actions when I ignored you. Why can't you do the same?"

"Maya, it's different."


"Your reason didn't involve other people."

"Yes it did. I was spending too much time with Andrew."

"But ultimately, you could fix that."

"Is it something about me that I need to fix?"

"No! Maya you're perfect."

"Then what is it, Kendall? How can we make this better if it's not something you can fix or that I can fix?"

"I mean you can fix it, but I don't want to ask you too."

"Stop being cryptic, Kendall, and just tell me what's bothering you!"

"Andrew bothers me, okay? I ignored you because I know he was only here for a week. You were excited to see him. I didn't want to ruin that, but I don't like him."

"Why don't you like him?"

"I just feel like you deserve better."

"He treats me extremely well, Kendall. I appreciate that you worry about me, but I can figure this stuff out for myself. However, if him being around really bothers you, he doesn't have to be around when we hang out. I don't want this to ruin my friendship with you, K."

"You don't have to do that for me, My."

"I want too. You're my best friend, K."

Kendall stepped forward to hug Maya. She gladly wrapped her arms around him. The two stood like that for a moment before Maya stepped away and opened the cookie container. She grabbed two cookies and handed one to Kendall.

"To ending our weird period of time where we both ignored each other in the span of two weeks," Maya laughed.

"To a stronger than ever friendship," Kendall agreed before the tapped their cookies together and took a bite, "My, this might be your best batch yet."

"If only you would've taken my offer up when they were fresh too."

"I was so stupid," Kendall laughed.

"I'm getting used to it," Maya teased.


Sorry about the short chapter. I just moved back to school and wanted to make sure that I got one out! Let me know what you're thinking about the book, and thank you for reading!

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