Blurred Lines

By biaswreckingfics

43.7K 1K 492

Having one of your universities fuckboys become your roomate is the last thing you expect ...that is until yo... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 8 (Sunwoo's POV)
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 14 (M)
Hiding in the Woods - A Blurred Lines Drabbled
The Campfire Scene - A Blurred Lines Short Story

Part 13

2.5K 59 25
By biaswreckingfics

Slowly, you open your eyes and take in the sunlit room. Warmth surrounds your body, and you sigh in contentment. You couldn't be more comfortable if you were laying in a bed of clouds. Turning your head slightly, you find Sunwoo's face on the pillow next to you. His arms are still wrapped securely around your body like he didn't let go of you the entire night, and your legs are tangled up in each other. This is a complete 180 from the way you woke up yesterday.

You admire his face as he sleeps. The way his eyelashes splay across his cheek and his plump lips are slightly parted makes your heart flutter. He's so pretty that it almost hurts. A part of you wants to reach up and lightly run a hand over his smooth skin, but you're scared to shatter the illusion in front of you. If you move, you might wake him up, and then your leisurely staring will have to be finished.

A bang sounds in the cabin, followed by Haknyeon's mumbled swearing. With a wince, you glance at the bedroom door, knowing all too well what he's feeling right now. You do pity him, honestly, but you don't feel bad for taking his spot. Then, you wouldn't have woken up to this beautiful sight in front of you.

You look back at Sunwoo to find him silently watching you. You jump, slightly startled by him being awake, and he closes his eyes with a light smile on his face. His arms tighten around you, intent on holding you for a little while longer, and you curl yourself into him once more.

"Good morning," he finally says, in a deep, gravelly morning voice that has absolutely no business being that sexy.

You're suddenly glad your face is below his because the sound shocks you to your core, sending tingles throughout your body. It's definitely showing on your face as you stare in disbelief at his neck too. Which… How have you never noticed how pretty his neck is? Why is everything about this man so damn attractive?

"Morning," you squeak out before it can become awkward.

"How'd you sleep?"

"I never want to get up from this spot. I'm so comfortable right now."

His arms tighten around you. "Then, let's stay here all day."

You know if you look up at his face, you're going to see his mischievousness twinkling in his eyes. The two of you in bed all day? That would undoubtedly lead to only one thing because you're sure you'll have zero self-control when it comes to the man in front of you. Now that the two of you have crossed a certain line, there's absolutely no going back.

More swearing comes from the living room. You pull back and look at Sunwoo with a grimace. "I don't think Haknyeon had such a good night."

Sunwoo shrugs his shoulders. "Better him than you."

You lightly swat his chest. Even if you agree with him, you shouldn't say it. He grins and lets out a sexy, "What? You don't agree?"

"Behave," you try to give him a stern look, but it immediately dissipates.

"I don't know how to behave." His hand presses into your back, and he tugs you impossibly closer to him. When he leans toward you to give you a kiss, you quickly put your hand up to cover your mouth and lean away.

His lips kiss your hand, and he pulls back with a pout. "Let me kiss you."

"No kissing until our teeth are brushed," you tell him, leaving no room for argument.

He rolls his eyes and leans toward you again. "I don't care about your morning breath. I want a kiss."

"I care," you push him back. "We've kissed once. We're not at the morning breath stage yet."

He gives you a sad look, but you notice the smile slowly creeping in. His arms casually move up your body, making you suspicious. When his hands grab each side of your head, you bring both hands up to your mouth to block him, but he doesn't go for your lips. Instead, he sprinkles your face with kisses. It's actually much more of an attack as he peppers them all over your eyes, nose, forehead, and cheeks.

You giggle, trying to twist your face away, but he doesn't let you. He kisses you all over until he's satisfied enough to stop. When he pulls away, you slowly open your eyes to watch for his next move. He hovers above you, smiling down at your now flushed face before he slowly leans down and gives your forehead one last kiss. You completely melt into a giant puddle below him.

He falls back onto his side next to you, and you finally let your hands fall from your face. You turn to face him, and he watches you for a moment with a gentle smile.

"This is how I want to wake up, every day, for the rest of my life," he quietly says, catching you off guard. "Though, I'd like to kiss those beautiful lips of yours also."

His words leave you in stunned silence for a moment, but you're finally able to pull yourself together. "I'd like that too."

Eric and Sophia's voices join Haknyeon's out in the living room, and you know your private moment is about to be interrupted soon. You move your body completely against his and tuck yourself into him for a little while longer. His arms wrap around you, and the two of you lay there until you hear Eric goading you on from the living room. With a sigh, you both move to finally get up.

Before you're even fully standing, the bedroom door flies open, revealing a nosey Eric and scaring the shit out of you and Sunwoo. Once Sunwoo regains his balance, he closes his eyes and lets out a long, suffering sigh.

"You know, I'm not above reporting you to the police and accusing you of stalking," Sunwoo tells him before pushing past him into the living room.

Eric eyes Sunwoo as he passes and then turns his searching gaze onto you. The two of you stare at each other for a moment before Eric turns around and follows Sunwoo.

"I can't tell if I'm upset about finding you both boringly clothed or not," Eric sighs.

"Excuse me?" Sophia asks while Haknyeon mutters, "Good grief."

You move out into the living room to find the other two draped across the couch. Sleep is still in their eyes as they try to wake up. Sunwoo leans against the wall next to the bedroom door, pointedly ignoring Eric.

You glance over at Haknyeon and give him a sympathetic smile. "How'd you sleep?"

"Not as good as you did," he grumpily replies.

"I slept great because I didn't hear a single peep in the cabin last night," Eric smiles smugly. “Not even the tiniest scuffle of a bed frame.”

Sunwoo rolls his eyes and wordlessly heads into the bedroom. He comes out seconds later with a pile of clothes and goes straight to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

Haknyeon looks over at Eric with furrowed brows. "You know you're being really annoying, right?"

Eric scoffs. "You think I didn't get shit from him when I started dating Sophia? This is sweet, sweet revenge."

It finally clicks in your head why Eric is so persistent when it comes to Sunwoo and you. First, he is enjoying messing with Sunwoo, but also, it's pure payback for whatever Sunwoo did to him. Unfortunately, you’re collateral damage.

The sound of the shower turns on, and Sophia suddenly sits up with a curse. You look over at her curiously, noticing her glancing at the bathroom door. "What's up, Soph?"

"I left my phone in there… Do you think you can get it for me?"

You nod and move to the bathroom door before suspicion overtakes you. You look back at her with narrowed eyes. She quickly throws her hands up and shakes her head. With her wide eyes, she looks like the perfect picture of innocence, and you're satisfied this isn't the duo messing with you.

When you knock on the door, you hear Sunwoo's muffled "come in". You slowly open the door and peek in, eyes going wide at the sight in front of you.

Sunwoo grins, standing clad in his boxer briefs while he brushes his teeth. His eyebrows raise when he sees it's you, and he asks around the toothbrush, "You coming to join me?"

"In your dreams, Sunwoo," you reply as you do your absolute best not to ogle his nearly naked body.

"Have I dreamt about you showering with me?" He pretends to think. "Oh, absolutely. Now, it's just up to you to make it happen."

He sends you a wink, and you roll your eyes. "Just focus on brushing your teeth."

You glance around the small room, but Sunwoo has you so flustered that you've nearly forgotten what you came in here for. Soph. Sophia's… Sophia's phone! Yes, that.

"Is that what you’re looking for?" Sunwoo asks, pointing at the wanted object at the end of the counter.

"Yes, thank you," you respond as you move past him to grab it. You keep your eyes solely fixed on her phone and take deep breaths to keep focused. You almost yell at yourself for being so ridiculous. You literally just saw his body yesterday. Granted, he didn't have on tight underwear that hugged his package… quite nicely, if you're being honest… and you are so not thinking about Sunwoo's dick right now.

You grab the phone and nearly trip over yourself to get out of the bathroom. Sunwoo's laugh follows you as you slam the door shut. When you look up, you see Sophia's startled face right in front of you. She glances at the closed door behind you before looking back at you, attempting to keep the smile from reaching her lips. You shove the phone into her hand and immediately close yourself in the bedroom until the bathroom is free and you can get ready.

When you join the rest of the group for breakfast, you've already mentally prepared yourself for the teasing. Luckily, Sunwoo came out before you, so you're selfishly hoping that he got the majority of it and that the rest of them got it out of their systems. Of course, the moment you drop into a seat, it's like they become rejuvenated.

"There she is," Hyunjae smirks at you. "I hear that your cabin was quite boring last night."

Sunwoo sighs loudly. "Are we really doing this again? Really?"

Hyunjae throws a glare his way. "Don't ruin my fun."

"How was everybody's sleep?" You ask, hoping to get them to focus on something else.

Chanhee immediately groans in response. "Those couches are no joke. I see why you all were having such a big fit yesterday."

Hyunjae furrows his brows before shaking his head. "I'll ignore that since you now understand our pain."

"Well, I slept blissfully because it was so -"

"Shut it," Sophia interrupts Eric, stopping him from bringing the conversation back to you and Sunwoo.

Eric frowns as Sunwoo stands up from his seat, telling Sophia "thank you" when he passes her. Your eyes follow him to the table you all have set up for meals, and you silently watch for a moment as he makes himself a plate. You can't help but think about how cute he looks with his hair all poofy and nearly drowning in his baggy hoodie.

A throat clearing catches your attention, and you turn to see Kevin smirking at you.

"He's so cute, isn't he?" Kevin dreamily asks, fluttering his lashes like some 80's movie lead.

You playfully smack his arm, partly because he’s messing with you, but mostly to get him to stop doing that thing with his eyes. It's creeping you out.

"Yes. He is very cute." You give him a smug look in return to show him that his teasing won't get to you. When a smile grows on Kevin's face, you think he's amused by you, but you quickly learn that's not the case.

"I hope you're talking about me," Sunwoo's low voice vibrates in your ear, causing you to slightly jump.

He lets out a low chuckle, not moving any further away from you. His warm breath tickles your neck, and you do your best to fight off a shiver.

"Sorry. I was actually talking about someone else," you quietly respond, turning to face him.

He pulls away with a frown and looks down at the plate in his hands. "I guess I'll just give this lovingly made breakfast to someone who actually thinks I'm cute then."

Your eyes fall down to the plate he's holding in surprise. Cut up fruit, scrambled eggs, and jam-covered toast greet your eyes and your mouth parts. "You made that for me?"

"Well, not anymore," he pouts. "I guess I'll just have to eat it myself."

He turns to walk away, and you quickly grab his hoodie to stop him. "Of course, I was talking about you. You're the cutest boy here."

As a smile grows on his face, Kevin scoffs. "Now, I wouldn't go that far."

"Nobody asked you," you respond as Sunwoo places the plate on your lap.

You hear a couple of "awes" come from around you as you happily eat the food Sunwoo prepared for you. You look up from your plate to see some of the group members looking fondly at Sunwoo like they're proud of him for what he did. You'd laugh if you didn't feel so warm and gooey on the inside.

Sophia throws a glare at Eric. "Why do you never do anything like that for me?"

You nearly choke on your eggs as Eric sputters in response before he turns on Sunwoo. "Quit making me look bad!"

When you look over at Sunwoo, you see him ignoring the couple. He's watching you eat the food he gave you with a content smile on his face instead.

Once you’re finished eating, you notice most of the group has migrated over to the playset behind you. Getting up from your seat, you throw your plate into the trash and make a dash for the swing Sangyeon had just vacated.

Changmin blinks at you in surprise when you plop down next to him. "Where the hell did you come from?"

You grin and immediately push off from the sand. You've always loved swings, and just because you're an adult now doesn't mean that childlike playfulness has left you. You'd still have a competition to see who can swing the highest if someone was interested.

A smile grows on your face as you lightly swing back and forth. The slight breeze pushes your hair around, and you bring your hand up to push it away. In the process, your eyes fall on Sunwoo, standing across from you with his hands in his pockets. He smiles at you, which is enough to cause your heart to thump, but then he takes it a step further and sends you a wink as well.

You forget to pump your legs as you stare at the bold boy, which, of course, he notices. He notices everything about you. The momentum of the swing slows down, and you allow it to come to a near stop in favor of tuning into the conversation around you. Various members of your group are draped over the scattered playground equipment. Some sit on the wooden deck at the top of the slide. Some slowly spin in a circle on the merry-go-round. Others sit in the sand, but they're all talking about one thing: their futures.

Looking down at your flip-flops, you try to picture what you're next year will look like. It's likely your last year of university unless you decide to pursue higher education. Plus, your roommate will be back soon from her time abroad. Will you stay at your apartment? Will you move? What will the rest of the group do? Will they stick around? Will Sunwoo? What are his plans?

A hand brushes against your back, and you tilt your head up to see Sunwoo hovering over you. His eyes search yours for a moment before he asks, "What are you thinking about?"

"The same thing everyone else is."

He hums in acknowledgment, looking less worried about it than you're starting to feel. "Want me to push you?"

"Push me towards what?" You ask in confusion, causing his eyes to sparkle in amusement.

"On the swing, you dork."

Embarrassment floods your system, but the look on Sunwoo's face tells you that you have nothing to be embarrassed about. "Okay."

You face forward, only jumping slightly when Sunwoo's hands wrap around your waist. He pulls you back to give you momentum. The thought that he should be holding the swing and not you crosses your mind, but you ignore it. You like when his hands are on you, and you'd like it even more if he kept them there.

He pushes you forward, and you grip the chains tightly as you fly through the air. The sudden commotion causes the group to look your way. Soon, the topic of the future is pushed aside, and you're all back in the present where you should be. Eric gets up, yelling about how he wants to be pushed too. He marches toward a flabbergasted Changmin and pouts until he gets his way.

Sunwoo must've enjoyed the reaction you had when he put his hands on you on the swings, or maybe it was that combined with the shivers you got when he spoke in your ear, but for the rest of the day, he decides to mess with you some more.

A twinkle stays in his eyes as he finds more reasons to make you flustered. He brushes against your back whenever he walks by or leans over you to grab something every single chance he gets. He teases you the moment he can see it affects you, and it quickly becomes a game to him. He clearly likes to see what he can do or say that gets a reaction out of you, and he likes to see if he can do it quicker each time. Throughout the day, you become more frazzled until you're positive you feel like a giant, raw nerve ending. One touch from Sunwoo, and you're nearly coming out of your skin.

There are even moments when you feel heat travel through your body, quickly settling in your lower abdomen, and you need to grab a drink of something cold to calm you down. You're unsure if his goal is to turn you on or if he's just messing with you, but you can feel the tension cord inside of you getting close enough to snapping. A dangerous intensity is building between the two of you, and you knew the climax was coming soon. Hopefully, literally.

When dinner comes around, everyone pitches in, doing what they can to make it flow seamlessly. So, when someone asks you if you can run to the furthest cabin to grab some spices from the kitchen, you jump up without hesitation, especially since that cabin is yours.

You make the trek to the small, wooden building and go straight to the kitchenette when you get inside. You go to the one cupboard on the left side and throw it open, surveying what's in there. Some of you brought your own spices, and even better, the owner of the cabins had some here for you already. The only issue is that they're on the top shelf, and pushed all the way to the back of the cupboard. Now, you're not too short to reach the top shelf of the cupboard, but the back of it? Come on.

The sound of the back door closing catches your attention, and you glance back to see Sunwoo approaching you. A part of you groans, wondering how he'll mess with you this time, but the other part of you is happy to have someone else's help. Sunwoo glances up at the spices and looks back at you.

"Need some help?"

"Yes, please," you turn to face him, happy to give up.

His voice drops an octave as he asks, "And what do I get out of it?"

You scoff. "To eat dinner."

He laughs at your sass and comes to a stop in front of you. Before you can get out of his way, he places both of his hands on the counter, trapping you between them. Your eyes widen at his sudden proximity, but you manage to keep it together… until he smirks at you.

"I don't know if I can really reach them from here," he says with a fake frown on his face. "I think I have to get closer."

He closes the distance between the two of you until your bodies are flush together. There's no room for you to step back, as you're already pushed against the counter, so you swallow and meet his stare. He admires your face for a moment, and a hint of pride burns through you when you see his throat bob.

You smirk at him in satisfaction until his face starts to get closer to yours. Your tough girl act diminishes instantly as your eyes fall to his lips. The urge to even pretend you're playing a game disappears because you care about nothing else except for his lips on yours. His eyes fall to your lips, and just when you think you're going to get what you want, Sunwoo whispers, "Got them".

Confused, you pull back from him. You search the amusement on his face to figure out what the hell he's talking about until he brings his hand up to your view. The two spice bottles you were reaching for sit in his relaxed grip, and a myriad of emotions hits you: irritation, disappointment, and annoyance.

You roll your eyes and push at his chest. "You're so fucking annoying."

He laughs. "What? Did you think I was going to kiss you senseless?"

When you don't respond, his smile slowly slips, and he licks his lips while his eyes fall to yours. "Did you want me to?"

"You know damn well I wanted you to, you asshat," you tell him, letting all of the frustration he's built up in you today come out.

"That's all you had to say, babe." A seriousness washes over him that startles you. When he puts the spices on the counter and invades your space again, you know the game is over. This is checkmate, and the winner is taking all.

When you focus back on his face, you notice his eyes are concentrated solely on your lips. Your tongue darts out to wet them, and his gaze fleets back to yours a moment later. The two of you stare into each other's eyes. Each of you lost in your own thoughts and feelings.

Sunwoo brings his hand up to your face, lightly spraying it on your cheek, and your eyes fall closed. His thumb travels to your lips, and he gently swipes it across the bottom one, causing them to part. Your eyes flutter open slow enough that you might as well have been waking up from a deep sleep. Sunwoo starts to lean toward you when a voice has you both pausing.

"I told you they'd be in here sucking each other's faces off."

The two of you pull away from each other, but only slightly. Glancing over Sunwoo's shoulder, you see Chanhee and Changmin watching you. One with his arms crossed in disgust and the other with amusement.

"At least they're still clothed, or this would be really awkward."

"Get out," Sunwoo throws over his shoulder through gritted teeth. He doesn't even bother to turn around and face them.

The amusement now rests on both of their faces. It's obvious they think it's funny that the younger one is kicking them out of the cabin. At the moment, though, you're in the same mindset as Sunwoo.

"Well, we can't go anywhere without the spices," Chanhee responds, causing Changmin to add, "Yeah, some of us would actually like to eat dinner tonight."

He pauses for a moment, thinking about his words before elaborating for absolutely no reason. "Like actual dinner. Food. Not whatever the two of you -"

Sunwoo quickly pulls away from you, grabbing the spices off the counter and marching toward the two older boys. They fight to keep the smiles off their faces as he shoves the spices in Changmin's hand.

His voice is so low that it nearly sounds like a growl when he says, "Don't come back."

Chanhee laughs loudly before turning around and walking back onto the deck. Changmin nods his head. "I'll let the others know you won't be joining us tonight."

"Do that," Sunwoo responds, watching the two walk away before turning his focus back on you. You've never seen him act this way, and holy hell is it a turn-on.

The two of you stare so intently at each other that it feels like there's no space between you at all. The air is heady with sexual tension, and you're not even sure a knife would be strong enough to cut through it. He stalks toward you - really, that's the only way to describe it - and resumes his earlier position. His hands easily caging you back against the counter.

He leans forward until his mouth is just below your ear, causing his warm breath to tingle against your neck. You shiver, allowing him to see how affected you are. When he drags his nose lightly against your neck, you tilt your head to give him more access while your eyes nearly go cross-eyed.

"I want you," he says, in a voice so low and hot that you nearly whimper. "So. Badly… I don't think I can wait another second."

"Then, don't," you whisper back.

He stiffens for a beat as his brain processes your consent. Then, he immediately moves into action. His lips lightly kiss your neck before he attaches them, and he starts nibbling on your skin. His hands move to hold your waist while yours go to his chest, finding their way up to his neck. He pulls away the tiniest bit. Just enough for his lips to lightly brush up your neck, along your jaw, and then finally to your lips.

This isn't the same sweet, soft kiss you shared in the lake. It takes all of two seconds for it to become desperate. Your hands dive into the hair at the nape of his neck, and you tug him harder against your lips as you tilt your head.

Sunwoo deepens the kiss, letting his tongue explore your mouth in a way you didn't have time for last time. He pushes his body hard against yours, using the counter to his advantage. When his hand goes to your thigh and he lifts your leg up to get closer to you, you're thankful for the hard surface behind you. You whimper in the back of your throat, and when Sunwoo grinds against your clothed core, that whimper turns to a moan.

Sunwoo groans deeply, and you feel his member hardening against you. The desperate kiss becomes so much more. It's hot and heavy, punishing. You feel your mind slipping away from you. All you care about is Sunwoo's body against yours in an almost feverish way. Neither of you is holding back. You're showing each other all of your cards. It's like the floodgates of your feelings finally break open and wash over you.

Just as you reach a crescendo, Sunwoo slowly lets go of your leg and slows down the kiss. When he leans back, you try to catch your breath and slow your heart rate down. Sunwoo's not in a much better position. He's just as out of breath and flushed as you.

The two of you blink a couple of times, searching each other's swollen lips and dazed eyes. You both silently make the decision that this is it. It's time for this to go all the way like you both desperately want, and there will be absolutely no holding back.

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