A Thin Line In Between [BXB]

Galing kay Nettyna96

29.4K 1K 46

This is a fanfiction that is inspired by VegasPete characters from KinnPorsche novel. Alternate Universe, no... Higit pa

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8 πŸ”ž
Part 9 πŸ”ž
Part 10 πŸ”ž
Part 11 πŸ”ž
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14 πŸ”ž
Part 15 πŸ”ž
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18 πŸ”ž
Part 19
Part 20 πŸ”ž

Part 5

1.3K 50 1
Galing kay Nettyna96

Next part is here.

I hope that you will like it.



It took us a bit longer to reach the destination as it was afternoon and people were getting home from work.

When we arrived, I parked my car next to this huge building. Vegas got out of the car and I followed him to this huge door where there was a small box with numbers, he put in 8 digits long code and the doors opened. We walked in and I saw something like a reception, there was a lady sitting and when she saw us and just bowed her head down welcoming Mr. Vegas home.

I was surprised.

"Do you own this place Vegas?"

"Yeah, I inherited it from my father after he died."

"Is Macau living here as well?" I continued my questions.

"No, he still lives with step mother, as he is still a minor. But next month he will turn 18, so I will give him his own flat here so he won't need to stay there with that leech anymore."

"Aaah I see" we stepped into the elevator and Vegas pressed floor 28 - it was the top floor.

Shiaaa what else was I expecting?

When we exited the elevator we entered a hallway with massive wooden doors, Vegas took the keys out of his pocket and handed me one, I silently accepted. Doors opened and I entered a living room with a fireplace, wall mounted TV, rounded couch in the middle and balcony with a jacuzzi. Everything was in greyish colours, only the carpet and curtains were black.

"This is a living room, if you look to the left you will see the kitchen, you can use everything that is here, I really don't mind. If you can cook you can cook for me as well, just bear in mind I don't eat spicy food and I'm allergic to nuts." Vegas stated.

"Oh, I love cooking the same way I love eating." I replied.

Vegas took my hand and guided me to the first door on my right side. Once he opened those doors I was left speechless, a spacious bathroom, again in greyish tones with an awesome white floor. Black shower, black restroom a black bathtub with LED lights underneath.

"This is the main bathroom, mostly for guests, you will have your own bathroom, however it is not as spacious as this one, I hope you don't mind." Vegas said.

"Now let me take you to your room", he grabbed my hand again and took me to the next room.

"The basic stuff is here as I can see" I stated happily, because in the middle of that room was a massive wooden bed with soft silk incrustation in let's say reddish colours. Walls were a bit darker for my style, but with this massive bed and this somehow ivory floor it matched greatly together.

"You have everything here, also Kinn and Porsche came yesterday and they brought your suitcase." added Vegas "If you want you can re-decorate it as you would like, also here is a small bathroom of yours."

"Ohoiii, they are the best." I shouted with excitement in my voice and sneak-peeked into the bathroom.

"Shiaaaaaa this is an even better bathtub than I have at home.. aaaaaa it got jets as well? Did you decorate this whole place?" I was shouting, as I could not believe it.

Vegas just laughed and nodded, then there was a quick shadow in his face of something I could not understand, so I just looked at him. "Where is your room?" I asked.

"It's right next to yours," he said, leaving my room. I followed him back to the living room. He pointed at dark cherry doors, and with a strict face of his stated: "Pete, please do not enter this room. I know saying this would only boost your curiosity, but can you please leave your curiosity in your room?"

I just looked speechless and nodded, "so the other door" and I pointed a finger on the next door on my left "is .. is this your room?" I asked with a stuttering voice.

"Yeah, that's my room, you want to see it?" Vegas asked.

"Noo, there is no need, but just to confirm it, if I will need you and I will not be able to reach you even via phone, can I just enter your room to check if you are there and alive?" I asked with blushing in my face.

"Well, you can, I don't see a problem in that, just please make sure that you will not enter that room. Just bear in mind that it is the only room here that is locked and only I have a key." Confirmed Vegas and of course he did not forget to mention that damn room again.

Shiaaaaaa why is he doing this to me? My curiosity is on another level thanks to him. Buried in my thoughts I heard a weird noise in the living room, so I had to stop talking to myself and just followed the noise.

"Awwwwwww no way! You have a hedgehog here? Oiiiiii he is soooo cute, can I pet him?" I almost ran to that little cage of his with a huge smile on my face, whilst Vegas lazilly follows me and without a word just confirms that I can pet him if I want.

I did not hesitate even for a second, I opened the cage and slowly approached him. Shiaaaaaa this is the cutest thing I saw today.

I was smiling broadly with this hedgehog in my hands. "Hey Vegas, what's his name?"

"I don't know, I have never named a pet when I had one." replied with no hint of emotions in his voice.

SHIT that is something, shivers are running down my spine.. and now they are not the good ones like I had earlier. Such a coldness, I did not expect it at all. Nevermind, I just said to myself, and started to focus back on the hedgehog.

"Hey little one", I kept talking to that hedgehog "I'll name you Jimmy". "I hope you would not mind it Vegas." I asked him hurriedly.

Vegas did not bother to answer my question, so I just quickly patted his small head and put him back in his cage.

Suddenly my phone rang and disturbed this weird silenced atmosphere that was running around us.

"Hey grandma, something happened? I answered the phone.

"Nothing Pete, just want to know if you will be coming back anytime soon, as we have agreed on the exact time if you do not remember. And I really don't want to wait anymore. My dinner is getting cold!" grandma shouted to the phone and I almost went deaf.

"Sorry nana, I'll be home shortly, just took Porsche and Chay home, you don't have to wait for me with dinner, I'll cook something myself once I will get home." I had to answer with guilt in my voice, otherwise she would not let me go that easy.

"Whatever suits you. Just hurry up!" and she hung up.

Vegas looked at me with understanding in his eyes.

"Sorry Vegas, gotta go." Without waiting for his answer I quickly left the place that will be my new home soon.


Pete parked his car right next to the building, we got out of his car and he followed me inside. He was watching everything I have done, even this simple thing like unlocking the door with an 8-digit code.

When the receptionist saw us, she bowed her head and welcomed me. However I noticed her bitchy look. She was looking at Pete. All the time, someone followed me here and she kept looking like she was jealous. She must know that I am gay for fuck sake. She has been working here for 3 years already.

Pete was actually surprised and asked if I own it here, I just simply replied: "I inherited it from my father after he died." like any other business, because my step mother just had no idea how to deal with it.

He continued to ask: "Is Macau living here as well?" Again, simple answer: "No, he still lives with step mother, as he is still a minor. But next month he will turn 18, so I will give him his own flat here so he won't need to stay there with that leech anymore."

Pete just nodded and said something like: "Aaah, I see." Then we got to the elevator and I pressed floor 28. It is the top floor and there is only one apartment.

When we walked out of the elevator to a small hallway, he looked impressed. I took two keys from my pocket and handed him one. He just silently accepted. Once I opened the doors he entered the living room. Pete was just looking around stunned.

I love my place, I designed it myself, I really like darker colours, grey and black is my favourite, and if it is well designed a little bit of white is good too.

I had to show him around, so I started the tour: "This is a living room, if you look to the left you will see the kitchen, you can use everything that is here. I really don't mind. If you can cook you can cook for me as well, just bear in mind I don't eat spicy food and I'm allergic to nuts."

"Oh, I love cooking the same way I love eating." Pete said.

Him saying this brightened my day, because that might be the end of me ordering food instead of cooking, because I am just lazy.

I grabbed his hand and guided him to the first door on his right side, it was the main bathroom.

Pete was left speechless, his jaw was almost on the floor.

"This is the main bathroom, mostly for guests, you will have your own bathroom, however it is not as spacious as this one, I hope you don't mind." I said, "now let me take you to your room", I grabbed his hand once again and took him to the next room.

Pete was happy, because this room was fully equipped. I also told him that Kinn and Porsche came by the other day to drop his suitcase here.

He was squeaking that they are the best. Then he sneak-peeked into the bathroom and was honestly impressed by the bathtub - it had jets.

Pete asked if I had decorated this whole place, and I just nodded and laughed, because every time I have visitors they have the same facial expression like Pete, but then I remembered my ex-boyfriend. Fuck that guy was a psycho. Geez.

Pete was looking at me for a while and then asked: "Where is your room?"

I simply said that it's right next to his, and left this room. Pete followed me.

I stopped in the living room and pointed at dark cherry doors. "Pete, please do not enter this room." fuck he will enter it .. I know it already, because always when I say it they will just ignore it. I thought to myself then I continued, "I know saying this would only boost your curiosity, but can you please leave your curiosity in your room?"

He did not know what to say, so he nodded and pointed at the door right in the middle and asked with a shaking voice if those doors were from my room. I confirmed it and asked if he wanted to see it. He shaked his head and just said: "Noo, there is no need, but just to confirm it, if I will need you and I will not be able to reach you even via phone, can I just enter your room to check if you are there and alive?"

Fuck it, he is so adorable and now even more, his blushing cheeks are just made for a kiss.

I simply let him know that there is no problem in that, and again repeated that he should not be entering the other door.

Then he stopped with everything and just listened to a light noise that was coming from the corner of my living room. I forgot to feed my pet. Shiaaaa, I'm such a bad owner. Well I'll need to feed him now. But Pete was faster, he was almost running, and once he saw him, he asked if he could pet him. I actually don't mind. Daaamn, Pete was so damn gentle and once he was holding him in his hands his smile was so bright that it was once again hard to believe it.

After a moment he asked for his name, I just shrugged and said that I never named a pet when I had one. Pete did not hesitate at all, he just decided that the hedgehog's name would be Jimmy.

Well then Jimmy it is.

Suddenly his phone rang and his smile was gone. I was able to see that his grandma was calling, and after he picked it up it was not enjoyable at all. He was so sad that I almost hugged him.

Once the phone call ended, he excused himself and left in a hurry.

I wonder what happened and if he is in some kind of trouble.

Anyway, I was now all alone, so I grabbed something to eat - rest of the bread with vegetables, then I relaxed in a bath with lavender soaks.

I was not able to fall asleep. I had to think about Pete all the time. What is wrong with him, how come that he attracts me this much. I feel like I need him with me all the time. I kept thinking like this and suddenly I fell asleep.


On my way home I was deeply in my thoughts. I was afraid to face my grandma. God knows what she will do to punish me.

I arrived and entered the house, main lights were off, only LED lights were on and that was kinda creeping me out. Last time this was happening was shortly after my grandad's death. I still have nightmares.


I was locked into a small room or cabinet, you can call it whatever you want.

There were a lot of mirrors with a lighted candle in the middle and I was the one who should decide what to do. Blow that candle down? Or just keep staring at myself with this moving candle light.

I was 7 years old and I was truly afraid to watch myself, no matter where my eyes lingered, I still saw myself.

I have blown the candle down. I could not bear my face, even though I closed my eyes I was still able to see myself.

After a few minutes of complete darkness my mind started to imagine things. I was getting paranoid. Screaming so loudly that neighbours must have heard. But no one came to me. No one cared. No one noticed that I was not around.

Why did I deserve this? What have I done? Who did this to me? Where is my mommy, where is my daddy? Then I passed out.

******END OF FLASHBACK******

With this memory still vivid. I gulped saliva from my mouth and walked the hallway to the living room. Grandma was sitting in her chair reading a book, she did not even spare a look at me and said: "Sit down Pete, we will need to talk."

I suddenly started to be nervous, because there is a high possibility of her knowing about my plan.

P: "What is happening grandma?"

G: "I just want to hear your explanation why you were late. And don't try to lie to me."

P: "I was with Porsche and Chay at the beach, then on the way home there was traffic. Once I dropped them home we had a small chat. That is why I am late. Just lost track of time.

G: "Why did you drop them at their home, when Porsche's car is still here? You could have dropped them here, so they can drive back home on their own. Isn't it?"

P: "Well, Porsche had a few drinks, and he said that he didn't want to drive. He was not confident enough. So we agreed that I drop them home, and pick them up tomorrow morning so they can drive their car back."

G: "Well if it's this way, then let it be. What time are you going to pick them up?"

P: "I'm not sure yet, I will get in touch with Porsche after dinner. He said that he still has some projects to work on."

G: "Aaah, I see, so just let me know once you will have time. We will need to go to the Glass company for an audit tomorrow. There will be someone whom I need you to meet."

P: "Okay grandma, I'll be going upstairs now to get some rest, and once I know the exact time I'll let you know."

With that I just went back to my room and layed on my bed.

I was expecting some kind of punishment, but to my surprise nothing happened. I was able to breathe properly again.

Two days left and I'm getting even more nervous than I thought I would be. I still need to prepare that other suitcase for me to take to the airport. Fuck.. what if.. shit I need to call Porsche.


Fuck why right now? Idiot.. pick it up.. I think there will be a problem at the airport!

Shit, he must be with Kinn again.. Well I'll drop him a message.


"Hey, Porsche! Problem occurred! What if there will be guards coming with me to the airport instead of grandma? What should I do? How to avoid them? I believe that they will wait until I pass that stupid security check. Reply or call me back ASAP!"


Oh well another problem occured in my head.

I need to figure out what to do with my bike. I won't be able to use it. If someone sees this limited edition bike, they will know that it's me. I should buy a new vehicle so I won't need to use public transport.

Damn it.. I need to discuss with Vegas if there will be a chance to park my new car somewhere. Or should I buy a bike?

Finally a reply from Porsche: "Hey, I'm busy with Kinn, but don't worry we will manage it somehow. We can still use Chay as a distraction 🤡."

Well, that did not help at all.

"Porsche, what time can I pick you up tomorrow? Your car is still parked here and I was questioned by grandma about it."

Immediate reply: "Pick me up at 8 am, we still need to discuss something.

I didn't message him back, he knows that I'll be there on time.


My stomach growled, reminding me that I haven't had my dinner yet. I changed to shorts and the most cosy jumper I have found and went downstairs to prepare something to eat.

I was craving for some noodles, so I just boiled water, eggs, chopped spring onion and prepared noodles. Love this fast dinner, even though it is not the healthiest to eat right now, but with my figure I don't care.

After I finished eating I went to sneak-peak into the livingroom and found grandma silently reading a book, so I slightly knock on the door and said: "I'll be picking up Porsche at 8 am, but I'm not sure what time I will be back, he needs to discuss with me something. But I believe that at around 10 am I should be back."

Grandma did not look at me, she clicked her tongue and said: "11:30 AM will be business lunch with our new investors, make sure that you will be there on time!" Then she just continued to read.

I went back to my room to prepare for tomorrow, because the day after tomorrow it will all begin.

I took a steamy shower, just to relax myself a bit, then went straight to bed.

I had issues falling asleep. Those stupid dark cherry doors bothered me so bad! I want to know what is behind those doors. Also something seemed a bit off about that apartment.

There were no other apartments on this floor. Only this one, but the location of that apartment and the whole building did not match at all. There must be something hidden, a hidden room or maybe rooms.

What if he is torturing someone.. Wait, what am I thinking about? I believe that Kinn told me that he is not a serial killer, but on the other hand.. he might be some kind of mafia guy or whatever. But he is a businessman, so there might be his office.

Why are you doing this to me Vegas? Do you know how hard it will be for me not to snoop in there? Fuck! I forgot to ask Vegas if they have underground parking in that building, or if I will be able to park it somewhere near. I'll just drop him a message. Geeez, I hope that he is not sleeping.


My phone suddenly beeped. Fuck who is bothering me in the middle of the night? I was sleeping already.

I had to open one eye to look at that devil's thing - message from Pete.

"Vegas, sorry if I have woken you up, but is there an underground parking or some other parking place near for my vehicle? I really don't want to use public transport."

I could not believe what I was seeing. Is this guy for real? He has woken me up for this thing? Like it could not wait for the morning. I quickly replied: "You have woken me up, just you wait, I'll punish you!" and I started typing again: "No worries, there is underground parking, there are 5 spots reserved for me. So I'll share one with you."

After that I placed my phone on silent mode and went back to sleep.


I hope you enjoyed this part.

Please let me know if you want parts of this story to be longer or shorter. 😊

Thank you for reading.

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